Fandom: Free! Iwatobi Swim Club

Pairing: Seijuurou/Makoto

Summary: 30-day NSFW challenge found on tumblr, with SeiMako!

Disclaimer: I don't own this series or these characters! Also this is 100% M-RATED, ALL OF IT.

Day 1 - cuddles (naked)

"G'morning." Seijuurou mumbled, draping his arm over Makoto's side.

"Morning." The youngest eased back against Seijuurou and held back a yawn.

The couple was in Makoto's bedroom, the sunlight peeking in through the curtains. Seijuurou had gotten the permission to be off-campus so he and Makoto could go on a date and afterwards go back to Makoto's where the night could continue. Once they had put the twins to bed after countless rounds of video games and the swimmers were left alone, Seijuurou had casually put his arm around Makoto, leaning over and blowing on Makoto's neck which made the brunette shiver. Of course, one thing lead to another, teenage boys and hormones and all, it ended with very satisfied orgasms from both boys with Makoto riding on top. Which lead to another round in the shower before bed and afterwards with not bothering to put on boxers, shorts or pajamas, Makoto and Seijuurou fell asleep almost instantaneously with the oldest's arms wrapped around Makoto.

Seijuurou trailed his hand up and down Makoto's side, placing light kisses on the brunette's shoulder. The Samezuka captain was still groggy from sleep, but waking up naked next to his equally naked boyfriend was one of his favorite things. He pressed himself closer, hand creeping down to cup Makoto's ass, earning a low moan from Makoto's throat.

"Well good morning to something else, too." Makoto laughed, feeling Seijuurou's hardenning length press up against him. "For once I thought that we were actually going to cuddle."

"I can't help it, you're just irresistible. Especially in the mornings when you're sleepy and your hair is all messed up and you look so cute..." Seijuurou's hand moved from Makoto's behind to his front, palming Makoto's own growing erection. "And it seems like I'm not the only one. Besides, there's always time to cuddle afterwards, babe."

Makoto blushed, nuzzling the side of Seijuurou's face with his own and let out a shaky breath. "Of course not, when you're right here and your big, warm, and wonderful hands..."

"Mmm, I would do this every morning if I could." He mumbled into Makoto's shoulder, tilting his head to peck Makoto's cheek as he gave his length a slight squeeze, making the brunette gasp. "Wouldn't it be nice to just be able to do this every morning, maybe sometime in the afternoon and then before bed?"

"That's because I have a hormonal mess for a boyfriend." Makoto laughed.

"Says the boy who lasted twice as long as I did last night and then was the first one to get hard again later. Besides, you like it." A red eyebrow was raised in question as Seijuurou rocked his hips, pressing his length in-between Makoto's cheeks. "And what was that you said when you were on the brink of getting off? 'I want to ride your huge dick all night and all day tomorrow'?" Seijuurou gripped Makoto's waist, rolling over so that he was now on his back and Makoto's chest was touching his, and mischevious gold was staring into embarassed green. "Hmmm? I'm pretty sure that's what you said."

"M-maybe, but..." Makoto's breath hitched when he felt Seijuurou shift, straining to reach over to get their almost empty bottle of lube to open it (making the mental note to go out and get more the next time he went out), and coat his length with a generous amount. Tossing the bottle in the general direction of where it came from, Makoto bit his lip, feeling the tip of the redhead's wet erection pressing against his entrance and prodding very slightly. "O-oh~..."

"It's okay, if you're still tired, let me do all the work..." With more adjustments Makoto was comfortably resting on top of Seijuurou, legs spread and tightened around his boyfriend's sides and arms hooked under Seijuurou's as the redhead's own hands were rubbing comforting circles against Makoto's hips. "You want to?"

Makoto nodded against Seijuurou's chest, biting his lip harder when Seijuurou pushed his hips forward slowly and pushed Makoto's hips down at the same time, holding back a moan when he felt himself being filled. Without actual preperation aside from being overly stretched hours before, Makoto winced, burying his face in Seijuurou's chest as a dull pain filled his nerves. He pushed back, trying anything to make it better for him, and was so lost in trying to block it out that Seijuurou's sudden voice took him off guard.

" really okay?" The redhead ran a hand through his hair and stopped the rocking motion with his hips, feeling Makoto's uneven puffs of breath on his skin. "Mako?"

"I-I'm fine. Just...not used to the feeling, yet." Makoto tilted his head to the side, staring at Seijuurou through his bangs. "You just have to-" Makoto shifted himself, pressing back against Seijuurou so that his boyfriend was now fully deep inside of him and both boys groaned. "Move."

Seijuurou didn't need to be told twice in regards to sex, sex with Makoto, and brought his hands back down to Makoto's hips to take control of the movement. Makoto was right, once Seijuurou had started to move, slowly, it got better and he could feel Makoto gradually loosen. Soft moans started spilling past his lips as Seijuurou gently made his way in and out with not wanting to hurt the brunette even further, and once Makoto had made a sharp gasp and felt his toes curl against his ankles and press against that bundle of nerves, he knew that Makoto was going to become undone within moments.

Gripping onto broad shoulders, Makoto let his eyes flutter shut as Seijuurou had picked up the speed just a bit; a steady rhythm that was just right, enough to still make Makoto see spots of white when Seijuurou pressed against his prostate just right. He knew he was close, his dick being between him and Seijuurou's stomach and rubbed as Seijuurou's thrusts pushed him forward slightly, the friction slowly driving him to the brink of release. The sounds were getting to the brunette's head as well as Seijuurou's. While imagery was nice, sounds are what tie the scene together: breathing and pleasured moans, skin against skin, the squelch of Seijuurou pressing back into a trembling Makoto was all too much for the redhead to drive him to the brink of the edge. Picking up on the irregular gasp that Makoto noted as Seijuurou was going to come, his hands went to cup Seijuurou's flushed cheeks, bringing their mouths together in a sloppy kiss, both moaning against each other as their tongues slid and explored the familiar partner.

"Mako-" Seijuurou groaned against Makoto, fingers digging into Makoto's hips that he was sure going to leave fresh bruises, he buried himself as deep as he could into Makoto, holding the squirming bruntette in place as he came. "Mako..."

Makoto's thighs trembled, rocking his hips to gain his own release as he felt Seijuurou's pulsing cock fill him. He pressed his face into the crook of Seijuurou's neck, biting down on tan skin (surprising the redhead and making him jolt in surprise at the action) and with one final rock of his hips, Makoto came, his seed making a sticky pool against his own stomach and Seijuurou's, some leaking down the Samezuka captain's side. They were still for a moment, coming down from their orgasm high as their breathing was almost in sync, until Seijuurou was the first one to speak.

"You okay?"

"Mhmm..." Makoto lazily kissed the spot where he had bitten Seijuurou, relaxing when the oldest's fingers traced patterns along his spine. "Wonderful."

"D'you think you can manage to roll out of bed so we can get cleaned up?"

"Maybe..." Green eyes fluttered shut and Makoto gave a content sigh. "I'd rather just stay here and cuddle..."

"I'd be all for that, but there's cum on both of us and you're leaking, so..." Seijuurou had pulled his now-flaccid length out, a trail of cum following and running down Makoto's thigh. "Compromise? I carry you to the shower, and then we can cuddle after once we're all nice and clean, alright? We'll have time before we have to get up and actually do things for the day and I'll make you breakfast."

Another groan in response from Makoto and Seijuurou laughed, kissing the top of Makoto's head.

"Fine, just five more minutes, okay?"

Author's note: I'm baaaaaaaaaack! And a week early, to add! I was going to update during my Seattle trip, but decided that now would be fine too! ;)