Notes: This story was meant to be an examination of the actual political situation in Arendelle. It assumes that the events of the film, the Vinterkrise (Winter Crisis), happened around June of 1845. It also places Arendelle, the Southern Isles, and Weselton on the actual map, as Norway, Denmark and Sweden respectively.


OCTOBER 6, 1845

James K. Polk groaned to himself as he pored over another report on the Oregon Territory. He was only six months into his presidency, and already his own party had betrayed him on this. "Fifty Four Forty or Fight" was chanted in town halls from Bangor to Savannah. If he couldn't break the negotiations in his favor, war with Britain seemed practically inevitable. All the more reason to make sure this is a success.

His ace in the hole might be on the way. The ship was due in at noon, and it was already 11:00. If the visit went well, his presidency could gain the foreign support it needed to soar to unfathomable heights. If it went poorly...he shuddered to think of the costs of another war with the United Kingdom. They would be steep.

James glanced back at the cover of the Evening Post. The newspapers had been crazy about the visit. Aside from the obvious reasons, it was the first foreign visit that President Polk had hosted, and most people could understand the implications.

He discarded the report and glanced over the next one. Mexico was upset about the Texas annexation. They'd just have to wait. James knew that the British, and the hawks that had put him in the Oval Office posed a much greater threat to his country.

His aide entered the room before he could pick up his pen. "Mr. President, the ship has entered the Potomac. She'll be in harbor by 11:30"

"Ready the carriage. I'll meet them at the docks"

He had to.

The fate of two nations hung in the balance.