Reviews for Land of Opportunity
Guest chapter 6 . 10/19/2014
You should make another story similar to this one, except this time arendelle is at war. You know how the british were still the worlds greatest superpower? Well when if they decided to invade the entire country of norway? AND SWEDEN
Life'sChoice chapter 1 . 5/13/2014
It was a great story! Love the historical incorparation
BigFriendlyGun9000 chapter 6 . 5/9/2014
Short but sweet. Hans came a bit unexpectedly, but it turned out decent enough. The ending is...just so awesome. I liked it.
Guest chapter 6 . 4/20/2014
Loved the story! I realized it has ended I believe since the latest chapter is an epilogue. I hope there is a sequel and more historic-related that can incorporate with Frozen. Keep up the good work! :)
MayBeTheDoctor chapter 6 . 4/20/2014
Very well written. I remember seeing somewhere that Frozen took place in the 19th century, even though they didn't have the technology from that time. This is the first story I've seen involving countries other than canon ones and Norway, and I wish there were more. Arendelle isn't in the kind of place to be completely self sustained.
Guest chapter 4 . 4/14/2014
Man, I'm loving this! Oh, outside of the main story, which I think is rather brilliant, maybe you could bring in a few other historical figures? It would help build the world, make it more real, if that's what you're going for. Either way, keep it up! Can't wait to see what happens next!
BigFriendlyGun9000 chapter 4 . 4/16/2014
It's very good so far. I'm glad you took my advice about making your chapters longer. Sucks about Cpl. Meggette, though-he seemed like a good character. Well, he could have been, but...

My only criticisms? First, the schedule for the Royal Family's visit is treated like a big secret, and yet at Annapolis, everyone is anticipating their visit (you even say "they were all here to see the Snow Queen") implying the public had known they would be there, which would also imply they knew the schedule somewhat. But then again, maybe it was just announced that she would be there instead of revealing the whole schedule, or people just figured she would show up, so...I don't know, just seems a bit plot-holey to me.

The second is minor, but I feel I have to say it. You see, I'm a bit of a gun nerd, and in this chapter, you mention Alexander uses a wheel lock pistol. Thats...outdated for even this time period. I know you're aiming for an antiquated feel, but wheellocks became obsolete a good two hundred years before this story takes place. I mean, by 1845, the percussion cap was already 25 years old, and the first effective revolver, the Colt Paterson, was invented in 1839, so the idea of a trained merc using something as woefully antiquated as a wheellock seems off.

Otherwise, however, you've been spot-on with your firearms of the period. Yeah, I need a life...and a girlfriend.

Anyways, very, very good. I can't wait for the next chapter.
Itena chapter 1 . 4/10/2014
Ahh I love these kind of historical ones. And interaction with America! Sweet stuff!
Guest chapter 3 . 4/7/2014
Wow it's a pretty good start. Hope you continue! :) I love how you incorporated frozen characters to the history background (I guess) of U.S. Sorry I just love history and Frozen that combining them was actually good. :) sorry for my rambling XD
Mata Nui chapter 3 . 4/9/2014
Well now that was interesting. American democracy at work!
BigFriendlyGun9000 chapter 5 . 4/9/2014
I like this. I really, really, do. I like the idea of them actually interacting with political figures of the 19th century, and there's enough little historical refrences (such as "fifty-four or fight") to show you actually put at least some effort into this.

If I had a gripe, I'd say the chapters are too short. As in, WAY too short. The first three chapters could have been just one

I've actually had a similar idea, only it's set much later, taking place in 1878 (and places the events of Frozen about two years earlier) and is based around the idea that the Confederate States managed to get a man with extremely powerful pyrokenisis on their side in mid-1863 and used him to win the Civil War (called the Southern War of Independence in-fic), and that Elsa is in the midst of negotiating a military and economic alliance between Arenndale and the CSA when disaster strikes. What do you think about that idea?

Anyway, I'm enjoying this, and look forward to more.