Copyright © 2002 by Syvia & Demon Hunter Anamae. All Rights Reserved.

Disclaimer: We do not own LoK, anything that relates with/and/or the game in itself, Eidos and Crystal Dynamics. So you can't sue us because first off we have no money and secondly because after reading what has been written above, it just shows two girls having mindless and wholesome fun!

Syvia- Wholesome? The bit with you and Faustus later on is 'wholesome'?

Anamae- *clapping a hand over Syvia's mouth* Shhhhh!

Authors' Notes: The plot is simple and pretty straight-forward; Syvia and I somehow wound up in the Nosgoth world and decided to have as much fun as possible? Sounds good? Well then, get to reading!

Anamae- *looking up at the first line* Hey... since when was there a copyright thingy?

Syvia- Since I got put on editing duty.

Anamae- And why was I second?!

Syvia- What?

Anamae- You put my name second!

Syvia- Well I'm releasing this under my account.

Anamae- But it was my idea!

Syvia- *groans* Fine! Fine!

Copyright © 2002 by Demon Hunter Anamae & Syvia. All Rights Reserved.

Syvia- Happy now?

Anamae- ^_^

Chapter 1

Departing Gate 7

It was a simple day in Nosgoth unto itself. Well, not as simple as some would like. Granted, the crops were bad all over the countryside and there were the usual fires, floods and famine, but overall people were content as honest, soil of the earth folk are.

The vampires were being persecuted by the Sarafan, who had just finished constructing their new HQ smack dab in the middle of Nosgoth, and the Pillar Guardians, chief among them Moebius, were hunting down Vorador and Janos Audron, certain that the key to the vampires' doom lay with those two.

And it was on this simple day that Nosgoth was about to receive a rude awakening in the form of two young women, one who was called Syvia and the other Anamae. Now how these two exactly got caught up and put together - literally dumped... if one will, through the vortex in the sky - it is not known.

*A swirling vortex opens in the air and a cordial voice speaks*

Cordial Voice- Gate 7 now arriving in Nosgoth, please do not fall from the portal until the gate has come to a complete stop. Thank you! Goodbye, thank you, goodbye!

*two forms fall from the vortex and land heavily on the ground*

Suffice it to say they arrived in Nosgoth.

In the Sarafan Fortress.

Outside the doors to the Time Streaming device.

Syvia- Okay, that was quite the bumpy ride but we've arrived all the same. *sticks out her hand* Name's Syvia, somewhat of an insane girl but then I am sure you already knew that. Glad that we could finally be introduced.

Anamae- Same here. *shakes Syvia's hand* And I think I'm about just as insane as you are.

Both of them look around the fortress; the banners hanging from the walls and the artwork, the weapons and then the door to the chamber that only Moebius can enter.
Syvia- Should we enter?

Anamae- Why not? *both of them stand in front of the door* Well, open it.

Syvia- Why me?

Anamae- Because you want to enter. I'm just following.

So Syvia went ahead and tried the door. Unfortunately for the two girls Moebius had finally gotten smart and locked the door, keeping the key on him at all times. With nothing else to do, the two young women wander the fortress. Of course the Sarafan hardly notice them, save for the weird clothing they wear but then they, or so the Sarafan thought, might be newly released inmates from the Eternal Prison.

Syvia- Judging from my calculations, which are nothing more than hunches, I would say that we're in the era just before Kain is born, but when Raziel is traveling through time. Which means that Vorry and *gasp* Janos are alive. All right, we can go and see them!!!

Anamae- To be precise Syvia, it's the 14th day of Frost month, which I would guess means the middle of winter here.

Syvia- And how did you come to that?

Anamae- The calendar on the wall. *points to the Pinup calendar, which shows a beautiful picture of the Nosgoth mountain ranges*

Syvia- Oh. Well we can still go and see Janos.

Anamae- Why exactly?

Syvia- To warn him about the Sarafan that will soon come and horribly, horribly kill him. Then he'll be saved and he won't have his heart ripped out.

Anamae- Syvia, don't you think that'll change time? Hell, I'm all for it but then doesn't that mean there will be no Turel, Dumah, Zephon, Rahab and Melchiah later on? Do you understand what you could be doing? Changing the cosmos around to suit your own whim and fancy, never heeding what could be and what might be?!

Syvia- *ponders for a few brief moments, then gets a sly grin on her face and rubs her hands together* I'm sure if we go and see Vorador, then he'll be able to tell you where Faustus is. But first, off to warn Janos.

Anamae- *'light bulb turns on' look* Let's go then!

So the two girls headed out of the fortress, knocking the stupid guards out and taking their weapons as well, for as everyone knows two young women walking the paths of Nosgoth to Janos Audron's keep cannot fend for themselves without weapons....but then again they're insane so there's no telling what they can do. Before long, they got outside and down to the icy pond around the Sarafan Stronghold.

Syvia- Okay, I just had a thought.

Anamae- Well that can't be good.

Syvia- *deadpan* Funny. *regular voice* It's the middle of winter, right?

Anamae- Right.

Syvia- So what the hell are we doing out here with no coats on? *she shivers, the little pile of snow atop her head falling off*

Anamae- You're the one who pulls things out of thin air! You do something about it.

Syvia- Okay I will! *pulls open a plot hole and takes out a cloak, which she puts on*

Anamae- Heyyyy, not bad.

Syvia grinned and walked away. Anamae waited... and waited some more.

Anamae- So what about me?!?

By this time, the snow had piled up an inch high on her shoulders.

Syvia- *calls out* Just get one out of the plot hole. Think 'warmth' and reach inside!

Anamae looked at the plot hole, which was still open. She followed the other girl's advice, thinking 'warmth'. She put her hand in and found something solid. She pulled out her hand, and the object, and found herself staring into the ugly face of a Fire Demon! She screamed. The Demon roared in surprise for a full minute before Anamae pulled out her sword and began beating it over the head. After a few minutes little stars were spinning around the Demon's head and she shoved it back into the plot hole.

Syvia, meanwhile was standing a little ways off, doubled over laughing. Anamae reached into the plot hole and, with an evil grin pulled out a stone. She lobbed it at Syvia, hitting her on the shoulder. It didn't hurt the girl, but as she stepped to the side, trying unsuccessfully to avoid it, she slipped and fell on her butt.

Anamae began to laugh, who wouldn't have? She reached into the plot hole and finally pulled out her own cloak. After pulling it on, she closed the plot hole- just in time to see a snowball come flying at her face. Anamae gasped and ducked, evading the first, but not the second, which hit her squarely in the side.

Anamae- Oh you are asking for it! *she pulls some snow and flings it at Syvia, hitting the girl right in the eye.*

Syvia- No snow in the face! *she throws a snowball at Anamae's nose, which misses*

Anamae- Do we really *throws a snowball, catching Syvia in the back* have time for this?

Syvia- We control this adventure, Anamae! *hits Anamae in the stomach with a snowball* Of course we do!

Little did they know, someone was watching their mock-battle.

It was none other than that manipulating bastard Moebius, who had been watching the two girls leave the fortress and viewing their antics with something akin to worry and concern... for himself, not them of course.

Moebius: *jumps in front of the two* AHA! Now that you two are here, I will find out exactly what you're up to and deal with you in a way appropriate to my evil and lecherous personality.

Both girls looked at each other, then at Moebius, and smiled evil little smiles. They had an evil plan, an awful, monstrous, dastardly plan that they couldn't wait to put to use.

Syvia- *casually* Hey Moebius, you look through time, right?

Moebius- *draws himself up* Yes.

Anamae- Then did you happen to see this coming?

Moebius- What?

Both girls reached into plot holes, took out massive bazookas loaded with small rabid dogs, which they proceeded to fire at the old and evil man.

Syvia- This is for all the crap you put the Anti-Heros through! *she shoots a couple of Chihuahuas at him*

Anamae- And this is for looking at us! PERVERT! *she shoots more Chihuahuas*

Syvia- We're innocent girls!!!! How dare you?!

While Moebius was trying (and failing miserably) to dodge the rabid dogs flying at him, the girls also picked up snow laden with ice, packed it down hard and fired at him. After being hit in the face, butt, chest and many times over in the 'cookie', Moebius did the thing that came best to him.

He ran like the cowardly bastard dog that he was.

Syvia- *blows smoke away from the muzzle of her bazooka* He never stood a chance.

Anamae- *firing an arrow after him* Yeah, I would run after him to finish it off but we have to get going.

Syvia- What about the dogs? *looks at the Chihuahuas, who are happily gnawing on each other*

Anamae- No problem.

She turned to the still open plot hole and threw the dogs back in. Syvia raised an eyebrow at the sounds of demons and Chihuahuas ripping away at each other.

Syvia- Anamae, do you ever look before you throw?

Anamae- *shrugs her shoulders* Not really. *she walks off* C'mon, you want to see Janos, don't you?

Syvia- Of course.

And so the two continued on their not-so-heroic quest to change time and make the rest of Nosgoth messed up in the not so distant future, which will not become the future they know of if they continue moving along this path, this misguided course of action which-

Anamae & Syvia- HEY NARRATOR! SHUT UP!

Sorry, I am just doing my job. And of course then they headed towards Janos' hometown, the city of Ullchi.......Ulschir....Ulsctrichen......

Syvia- Is it Ulisthiem?

Anamae- Not Ulturisstien?

Both shrug their shoulders; they can't pronounce the name let alone spell it without the damn booklet in front of them. Either way they headed into the village, not knowing that Moebius was following a safe distance of course.

With about 25 Glyph Knights.

And 40 hunting dogs.

Not to mention a state-of-the-art catapult being dragged at the back of the group by a dozen peasants.


Syvia- I'm trying to think of an endnote... but nothing's coming to me.

Anamae- How does 'Review or die' sound?

Syvia- *grins* Sounds good.

Both- *casually holding up their bazookas* Review... or die.