Reviews for LoK Fluff
Soultail Omega-Light chapter 7 . 6/5/2006
I knew it! Pay up, everyone.
Soultail Omega-Light chapter 6 . 6/5/2006
Five bucks says that is Raziel as the Sarafan general.
Soultail Omega-Light chapter 5 . 6/5/2006
Soultail Omega-Light chapter 4 . 6/5/2006
I hope that it would never go down that path of evil thinking, my friends and remember that I claimed Sebastian as my mate.-Soultail Omega-Light
Soultail Omega-Light chapter 3 . 6/5/2006
I think so, Syvia.- Soultail Omega-Light, yet stay away from Sebastian for he's my guy.
Soultail Omega-Light chapter 2 . 6/3/2006
You had to put in the line of Barf's from Spaceballs: The Movie when he and Lonestar are about return Princess Vespa to Druidia, towards her father, King Roland, before they land on the desert planet, which I cannot remember. Still, Syvia, you should do more funny movie lines into your stories from now on, ya' hear?
Soultail Omega-Light chapter 1 . 6/3/2006
Cold-hearted humor.
Moephius chapter 12 . 10/23/2005
SI! SI! SI! Why, I ask why? Do you two think that all we readers want to do is to read all those SI stories? OK, I admit you've got much reviewers, but everybody would, if they had published their stories so long ago. Please try something more creative. Remember, that Crystal Dynamics made a great plot without inserting their own selves into the game. I believe that you can do it too. Just try. Please.
Tiarne chapter 12 . 1/4/2003
LOK Fluff 2?

There's another one?

Chalcedony Blue chapter 12 . 1/3/2003
Meridian! Sebby and Marcus! YAY! How fun! Sequels are GOOD! *sighs* Poor Janos. Poor carpet. Poor floor. *gasps* Poor Soul Reaver Raz! Aye me, oh well. It all worked out okay... right?
Masqueadrift chapter 12 . 1/1/2003
Wow, I think you both did a wonderful job on this ficcy. *pouts* to bad it's over I really enjoyed it.

I would love to read a sequel. You seem to work so well together. *gives candies and other substances to induce a sugar high to each of you*

Mew~ write more, please and thank you. o
VladimirsAngel chapter 12 . 12/31/2002
*pokes her head round the door*

I'm it safe?

Raziel: *nods*

And look! You guys updated!

*reads quickly, sniggering quite a lot*

But finished...

*reads further, then joins in the chant for a sequel*

Raziel: *plucking at her elbow* VA, come on. We've been here for an hour...

I'm not leaving...

Raziel: *pointing off stage left* Pictures of Legolas in leather pants this way...

What? Where?

*runs off in a hurry*

I'm trying to post my latest story but the computer is not behaving and is going to get beaten in with its own modem fairly soon *sulks* gave me more time to read yours!
Crystarr chapter 12 . 12/31/2002
*fights off various bounty hunters* Let go, will you! I can go back to the LoK EB AFTER I finish reviewing!

Hey, Morning, Syvia? You know that just because the Narrator said only Moebius would die and Janos died doesn't make her a liar! I mean, in the actual LoK series Janos died but was still pretty healthy several hundred years later! The moral here is that which is divine cannot be truly destroyed - but then again, it doesn't put up much of a fight against the Sarafan Lord either!

*slips into slave mode* Er...sorry...I mean...we must all accept and ober the words of LoK Fluff, for Anamae is a Goddess. And Syvia, she is a Goddess too. And, that's kind of a grey area...

Now, I've got to find that therapist. Haven't seen her since she jumped out the window...
Discordia the Goddess of Irony chapter 12 . 12/30/2002
Great work! I can't wait to see what you do next. Take good care of Bucky.
The Cat of Fluff chapter 12 . 12/30/2002
*tail drops down as she sees Janos dies* Mew...meow reow! Re-ow! Re-ow! Re-oW!

Translation: Oh...too bad! Sequel, sequel, sequel!
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