I wanted to finish writing the first five chapters before I post anything up. But just because I feel a little evil, I'll post a little tease from one of the chapters. I think this is chapter 3 of part 2.

"Eric, I shouldn't have said what I said that night. I didn't mean for it to be said that way."

"Is that what you really think of me Alex?"

"No, it's not, Eric. Eric you know I care about you. You know how much I like you. I know I may have said it and I said it out of anger, but Eric you don't have to be perfect. I don't want you that way. I want you just being you, faults and all. I like who you are. Don't you dare think that I for one second you're nothing, even if I say it." We stared into each others eyes as he held onto me tighter. "Because Eric you are so much more than that. You're everything. You're everything and more."

"You're everything to me, Alex," he whispered back and kissed my forehead. I leaned up and kissed his cheek.

"Eric," I whispered and pulled back. I rested my head on his chest. "Eric, I..." I looked back up at him. So much emotions ran through me the past few days and yet of thing I was still certain of right at this moment, that I am in love with Eric.

"I think that I... Eric, I," I paused and his hand ran down my cheek. My eyes stayed glued to him, still searching for the words to come out. He kissed me softly, pulled back, and his signature smirk played on his face.

"I know, Alex," he whispered back. "I feel the same," he said as I started to smile back at him. It felt like the past week hadn't happened. Eric looked down at me as if he had just won the State game, or graduated with summa cum laude from some University, or as he would if he was staring at someone he was completely in love with.