Chapter 4

The Way Things Are

George walked in just as Johnny pulled off of Roy's softened member.

"I'm back... What the?! I'm sorry, Bro! I didn't knock!" George gushed as he covered his eyes.

Johnny's eyes snapped wide open, head jerking towards the entrance of the room. "What?" He breathed out as he continued to pant heavily. He settled on resting his head on Roy's chest, deciding he didn't have the energy to be angry. "Whatever..."

"Perfect timing! Minus us being indecent." Roy grinned sheepishly as he pulled out the gem and cleaned up. "Now let's get my boyfriend home."

"It can't possibly have been two hours already, can it?"

"Yeah... This room pushes time ahead twice as fast... It's a drawback."

"You could have mentioned that..." Johnny mumbled before he cleared his throat as did his best to appear more casual. "Very well then. Thank you Roy for inviting me to this, erm... meeting. I hope to do it again soon."

"Is he always such a bad liar?" George asked his brother while wearing a suss face.

"Eh... He's just really defensive…"

Johnny rolled his eyes. "Of course I know that you know what this is, George. It does not mean I have to refer to it as such."

"Okay King Worthington. Whatever you say." George sighed as he tossed him an amulet. "I heard you crumpled up my note so here's something you can't destroy with your man hands."

"I'll teach you how to use it later..."

Johnny caught the amulet and sighed in annoyance, clearly still unhappy about the intrusion and resulting banter. "Yes, yes, perhaps SOMEONE... could have explained better in said note that there would be magic involved." He growled as he glared at Roy.

"We've been over this. I'm not the brightest torch in the castle..."

"He's not..." George chimed in.

"Truer words could not have been spoken." Johnny smirked.

"Oh shuddup, Georgie!" Roy pouted. "Anyways... Time for you to go! Return to ROR Castle!"

"Wait a minute, I..." Johnny began before a flash erupted from the amulet engulfing his vision. He found himself back in his own throne room when his eyes adjusted. He sighed. "Never mind, then..."

The amulet flashed. "What was that? I couldn't hear you over my awesomeness."

Johnny glanced down at his amulet. "Wait, you can communicate through this trinket? Now I know not to wear it too often..."

"I heard that! Now tell Papa Red what you were saying…" Roy replied smugly.

Johnny snickered. "Papa Red? Right... I was actually GOING to ask when exactly it was you planned to teach me how to use this thing, but if it is as simple as barking out where you plan to go then I don't think it should prove too difficult."

"You think someone like me could ask my warlock to make something complicated? Unthinkable!"

"Excellent point. Well, it shall be good to know I no longer have to traverse three kingdoms simply for a casual encounter now." Johnny grinned as he walked towards his bedchambers.

"And the chat function is also voice activated so you can shut me out whenever. So yeah... Bye." Roy explained as the amulet lost its glow.

He regarded the amulet a moment longer before casually tossing it onto a nearby cabinet as he muttered to himself, "Well then, that should make things easier. At least now I will no longer have to endure such mocking from my cousin..."

"I wouldn't be so sure..." Randy stated as he appeared on the bed.

"Of course..." Johnny sighed as he looked to the bed. "What is it you want now? And would you mind kindly NOT getting your stench on my bed? I would rather like to be able to sleep tonight."

Randy clutched his chest in mock hurt. "I just bathed, thank you very much, and you're the one that reeks of a good time..."

"Yes, yes, we have already established you are on to my escapades... So what is it you wish to speak with me about?"

"I can't back up my cousin when he almost got found out by his royal advisor? I played you while you were gone. You're welcome..."

Johnny narrowed his eyes. "What do you mean?"

"You skipped a royal engagement... I covered for you. Simple stuff."

The king cursed himself. "If I've told Roy a thousand times... Well, thank you. How exactly did you manage it?"

"My camouflage mixed with a potion I had lying around. Like I said. Simple stuff..." Randy replied, brushing some soap dust off his scales.

Johnny raised his eyebrows, clearly impressed. "Well, I thank you again. I should hope this won't happen again... Otherwise I may have King Roy himself on the chopping block..."

"Don't be like that. He just really loves you."

"Be that as it may we cannot let word get out... It would spell ill fortune for both our kingdoms."

"Would it really? I don't believe that... Randy shrugged.

Johnny sighed. "I believe it would. Our love would not be looked upon highly by even the subjects of our own kingdoms, let alone the others..."

"Think about it. Why would anyone turn their back on the strongest king in the world? You've defeated tons of rogue dragons barehanded. Roy did help here and there, mind you." Randy reminded his cousin as he slithered onto Johnny's shoulder: one of his favorite seats in the kingdom.

Johnny smiled slightly at the memories before frowning again. "Yes, but even still... Our love isn't the kind that is exactly widely accepted. Even between monarchs it would be frowned down upon. More so, in fact."

"Again, think for a second. You are the smart king. If your subjects don't like it, are they really your subjects? This is your kingdom. They serve you as you serve them. If they can't accept your decisions, then they can get the fuck out." Randy spat at the thought of anyone turning on his family for who he chose to love.

Johnny growled slightly in frustration. "Randy, you make it sound so much simpler than it is! It doesn't matter how smart I am, how brave I am, how much of a service I have been to my kingdom. The simple fact that I am gay could tear all that away. Do you honestly think I could rely on even half of my subjects remaining loyal should they learn the truth? And what of King Roy? What should his own subjects think of him?"

"I think it's simple because it is. Just let the chips fall when you're ready. Confidence sells. I'm behind you no matter what your choice." Randy drawled as he walked to the door.

"Fine. Suppose the people of our kingdom accept me for what I am. What do you suppose should happen if the blame King Roy? What if our people should independently declare war on the JOX kingdom?" Johnny was pulling at straws now.

"I can't have all the answers... But I say drop then as people…"

Johnny rubbed the bridge of his nose. "No, no, it is not that simple... I cannot just 'drop' my people. I just..." He sighed again. "It is not a good idea. We should keep it quiet. Who is to say whatever this... thing is between King Roy and I will be permanent? It is my hope that it is just a passing fancy... For all our sakes..."

"So you're putting your kingdom before your own happiness? Noble. You're more of a man than I could ever be."

"It is how it has to be. As did my father before me, I have a duty to this kingdom and its people. Nothing should be higher in my priorities than that."

"Whatever you say. So are we done here? I finished jerking off in your bed."

Johnny smiled slightly. "Hilarious. But I do believe you were the one pestering me."

Randy smirked. "Oh, that's no joke. I really just relieved myself on your sheets. Bye!" He grinned as he ran off.

"What?! Get back here!" Johnny snarled as he took a step, only then realizes how sore he was, incapable of giving chase.

He sat down on his bed and muttered to himself. "I swear I will have him executed..."

"Nah... You love me too much." Randy smiled as he reappeared on the ceiling.

The king looked up and snarled again. "That excuse only holds true for so much."

"I'm so sorry, but you did make me use my only transformation potion… I was gonna use it at the masquerade party."

"I do not care what you were going to use... Wait, masquerade party? Why in the realms would you need it for that?!"

"Don't question my fun... I'll see you later." The lizard grinned as finally left the room.

"Wait, I wasn't done..! Shit..." Johnny sighed as he rested his head on his hand, no energy left to even attempt going to bed even were it not soiled by his cousin.