Chuck POV


Earlier in the day.

After I left that note for Serena I decided to find somewhere to chill out and relax. I couldn't look at Kelly, because of that dream I had last night. I'm not sure what to think of it, but Serena told me I was an oracle and my father pretty much confirmed it. He begged me to keep taking the herbs; he has been slipping into my food and drinks for years. I obvious left after him and went back to the manor. I was a bit scared about how it would happen, but last night I found it has to do with my dreams.

I headed over to the school's indoor pool. I thought no one would be going there since it was like the middle of winter. I peeped my head through the door just in case though, and I didn't see a soul. I took a seat on one of the benches, and watched the glow of the water. The light bounced off the water and shined a blue light in the room; it was the perfect lighting to think about the dream.

I remembered being in a dark room. I saw myself sitting in the middle on a wooden chair, with a light hanging above me. I saw that I was pale and hollow cheeked. I looked like I was close to death. It was like watching a movie, but you felt everything, and I felt like there was someone or something watching me in the darkness.

I saw Elliot step out from the shadows behind me. He was dressed in white in a breezy men's blouse and yoga pants, but he had a long red ribbon tied around his left wrist, the remainder of it hung off his wrist. He looked at the version of me sitting on the seat behind me sweetly and sadly, and then Kelly stepped out of the darkness in front of me. He was wearing a completely black suit with a tie and everything, but he held a shining sword in his right hand.

I knew what was going to happen, and a part of me wanted it to happen, but another part of me didn't, and as soon as that thought crossed my mind, water began to flow from the shadows. I saw and felt it touch my bare feet, and it felt freeing. I saw as the water began to climb up my body, and I was myself, starting to look worse, then I already was, but I felt good and that was all I cared about.

Elliot stepped forward from behind me and wrapped the ribbon around my throat and proceeded to choke me. Kelly walked forward and lifted the tip of the sword against the skin that hid my heart. He put the palm of his hand on the butt of the sword, and then pushed the sword into my heart.

I woke up as soon as that happened and I haven't been able to look at Kelly or be near him, since I did.

"So you're the infamous Oracle."

My head snapped up to see a tall boy with short blond hair. He was shirtless and wearing speedos, the whole outfit – or there lack of – didn't leave much to the imagination. It distracted me for a second, before realizing he just called me an Oracle.

"How do you know I'm an Oracle and who the hell are you?"

"Everyone who knows about the supernatural in this town knows about you, and to answer your second question. I'm John Holton, swimming extraordinaire."

"Great so everybody knew about me, before I did … what are you?"

"Can't say, but I will say I am a rare breed, which just makes me even more exotic then I already am."

"Oh I doubt they are more exotic, then those speedos. Why else would you were them instead of swimming trunks." I asked, sceptically with sarcasm.

"I wear them, because it makes me quicker in the water. I came here to practice for the swimming team tryouts. What are you doing in here?"

"I came in here to have a freak-out, but I can leave." I stood up from the bench.


I froze and looked at him. He smiled at me and I thought he had a really nice smile, very charming. "Stay. I don't mind you in here, we can chat about what was making you have a "freak-out", and I can show off my incredible swimming skills in the water for you."

I chuckled at his arrogance. His smile widened and I found mine matching his. I don't even know who this guy is, other than an arrogant siren that liked to swim and was obviously flirting with me. He saw my resistance and made a puppy dog face at me, and I tried my best not to smile, but I was doing a terrible job.

"Okay." I sat back down in my seat. "I'll watch you fail swimming in the pool."

He laughed, before walking over to the diving platform. He put goggles and stretched; he was doing it slowly, and obviously showing off his swimmer muscles. I rolled my eyes at him, as he finally got ready to dive.

"Tell me when?" he called out.

"Um … now."

He then dived into the water, and it was so smooth he barely made a splash. He rose out of the water a couple of meters from where he dived. He then broke out into freestyle, and he was quick. The only sounds I heard, were the water splashing and his gasps for breathe. When he reached the end of the pool, he did this flip in the water and pushed off the wall and swam back towards the end of the pool he dived in.

He reached the end and looked back at me before climbing out of the pool. His goggles hung around his neck as he drying his face with the towel. He walked towards me and wrapped the towel around his waist. His hair was damp and his body had glistened with specks of water rolling down it. He looked hot and he knew it.

He straddled the bench as he sat down to face me; he had a smug smile on his face. I didn't even need to see it to know it was there.

"So did I bomb at swimming or was I the bomb?"

"You were good, but you weren't Aqua man good."

"All I heard was good and Aqua man."

We shared a laugh and after a while a comfortable silence passed between us. I still hadn't looked at him and hadn't looked away from me. My eyes were focused on the water, as it reminded me of my dream. What did it all mean? Were the two of them going to kill me or what, and what about the water?

"What are you thinking about?" he whispered.

"A dream I had last night. It was sort of my first one."

"Your first dream, really?"

"Yeah and it scared the devil out of me, because I have no idea whether it was a normal dream or an oracle dream."

"What happened?"

I looked at him and wondered whether I should tell him. I barely knew him and he wouldn't even tell me what he was. He was the perfect stranger; maybe he was the right person to talk to about this. I decided not tell him everything about the dream only give him the finer details.

"I was being strangled by a one person and impaled in the heart with a sword by another, and my feet were floating in water, and it climbed up my body."

"Although that is a scary dream, I don't think that's something to freak-out over." He paused and looked at me like he was reading a book. "Why do I feel like there is more to the story?"

I looked away from him, but he grabbed my chin and turned my head towards him. "Please."

I looked at him and I saw his eyes were as blue as the sea in the middle of a storm. I exhaled in defeat, and he dropped his hand from my chin. "I have had my mind blown three times. The first was that the supernatural were real. The second that my father had been lying to me my whole life, particularly about the fact that my mother did not die in a car crash, and the third that I am now in a cheesy paranormal love triangle with a man I barely know, who thinks I am or possibly am his true mate and my best friend, who I have been friends with since I was in diapers, who recently revealed his love for me."

"Okay totally worth a freak-out."

The bells rang, signalling the end of recess. I looked at John, expecting him to get up and leave, but he didn't.

"I have a free period."

"Same here."

I looked at him and saw he wanted to say something, but was holding back.

"Spit it out."

"I just have some questions."


"Okay, but you can only answer with one word. The first is, are you alright?"

I laughed and nodded my head. "The second is do you think you'll ever forgive your father?"


"Do you have feelings for this man you barely know?"

I thought about Elliot and my stomach fluttered with butterflies, like I was a friggin' Disney princess. He made me feel like I was the only, the only person he could see, and how sometimes he was the only person I could see.

"Yes, but-"

"No but's only one word." He took the rolling of my eyes as a symbol to continue. "Do you have feeling for your best friend?"

I thought about Kelly and how he made me laugh without reason, and how he is the only person to make me feel like myself, but I only ever thought of him as a little brother, except the time when we were both at a New Year's Party and we were drunk, and when it was time for the midnight kiss, he kissed me and my body felt like it was on fire.


"Can you decide between them?"


"Then don't."

"Well how do you suggest I –"

He grabbed my face and he kissed me. I was shocked and tense, but I slowly fell into it, before pulling away.

"You are so freaking strange. A girl tells you she is stuck between two people she has feelings for and you kiss her."

He leaned back and looked slightly embarrassed. "You're right, I have no idea why I did that – oh wait I do. I like you, strange to say I know, but I do."

I looked at him shocked he's only met me. Sure I had only known Elliot for not even an hour and I liked him, but that's because Elliot's something … different. I mean sure, John is hot, and I have a witty banter with him, but that's it.

"Okay I'm going to go." I stood up, but he grabbed my wrist.

"You don't want to go. You want to sit."

He was right I didn't want to go. I wanted to sit and that's what I did.

"Do you find me attractive?"

"Yes, you have a lovely voice."

"Thank you. Can you only tell the future?"

"I don't know. I only had my dream."

He sighed in frustration. "You really like me; in fact you want to go out with me. You want me to be your boyfriend. You think that being with me will take you out of the equation with your little love triangle."

"I really do like you and I want you to be my boyfriend. I want out of my love triangle with Elliot and Kelly and I know you can do that."

"Good. I'm glad you said that. Now give me a kiss."

I straddled him and gave him a kiss. His body was cold, but I liked it. I liked him.