Just as she was to answer the gravedigger, she sighed. The sorceress can feel his presences anywhere near her and she was tired of him. He was attracted to her like moths to light. His laugh resounded in her kitchen and a few cupboards opened only to have some clay mugs fall and shatter.

"Shaco." She addressed.

"Shoca, Shoca, Shoca, why must we be so serious? Can't you find some fun in jokes?" He laughed.

"My name isn't Shoca and this is your fault!" She bit.

"Can't take a joke?" He appeared, standing on the counter, balancing on one foot and juggling five knives from her drawers. He caught one and proceed to throw it at her.

Of course, being the joker he was, he threw it slightly above her head. He cackled and threw another, this time grazing her cheek. It healed back instantly. Shaco always found amusement in watching her heal up. The bloody trails on the flawless skin gave no evidence of wound was interesting, but what was more amusing what that he could hurt her forever without worrying that his toy can't handle the pain.

The next blade he threw embedded it into her stomach. Looking down at her bloody hands that unconsciously went to stop the blood, she stepped back from the force. She looked up again to once where Shaco stood, he wasn't there anymore.

"Look... Behind you!" He dropped a dagger into her back. She fell forward.

"The last breath is the sweetest." Yorick concluded thinking that she would die and stood up from his seat.

They waited for five minutes, counting the seconds to her death. However instead of the blood pooling out, it stopped increasing and her breath steadied. She supported her body with her two red hands and stood up, perfectly fine. Yorick watched with his mouth agape. What an appalling being he had just witnessed, every being has it's rights to death. Yet the one who stood in front of him defied it. Just what has he been giving her the chance for?

"Defier of death, what have you been doing to those of the dead?!" He held onto his shovel, gripping it almost until it could bend.

"Doing what you can not do. I am giving them peace." She answered with new found anger. She just wanted the damn bodies. "Now," She took a breath, "When will the corpses arrive?"

"Never. I will not let you do such disgusting things to the dead, they belong to the afterworld and the earth." He readied his shovel. "And you belong with them." Everything has an expiration date.

"I can not return to the earth, I shall not-" She was cut off by a charging ghoul. She half-stepped back. "Are your ghouls not defiers?" The sorceress just wanted the goddamned dragons, why must the demon clown make it so hard for her.

"They belonged to no will. Their souls have long passed." He explained.

"Does not matter. I will not rest until I am finished my duty! I am like you, I can not rest to I find my redemption. I cannot let go- not until I'm finished everything I start."

"Now that's great and all, but this is getting a little bit boring, don't you think? Why don't we give a little blood for the show? It'll be chaotic and fun!" Shaco interrupted and grinned. He didn't like long boring talks, who cares? Because it's certain that this functional homicidal jester doesn't.

The Sorceress glared at the jester, it was all his fault. If he hadn't showed up, she wouldn't have this trouble. It was the same when she revived Shaunya, he was there- hidden but somewhere near her. He was practically a parasite. Perhaps Shaco would soon get bored of her.

"Begone!" She turned her head and locked onto the jester. Her eyes flashed cyan and Shaco disappeared with a falling spark. "Oh, how easy was that?" Her voice curled into a higher crazed tone. "I should have done that in the first place!" She cackled. The Sorceress cleared her throat. "Now, Mr. Moresss death is good and all, but can't you tell that I can't... can't..." She paused.

Yorick have never witness something so maddening. He couldn't pinpoint her nature at all. If she was as mad as Shaco or all calm as he was, he wouldn't know. Yorick observed the woman in front of him.

"Poor dead thing- or whatever you are. If you were like him, I would be sooo much calmer. But whatever. I still want the dragons. But you're as soothing as the decease. So calming. I think I could sleep in it. But I got things to do- like you!" She twirled. "So when will they arrive? Hmmm?- Oh, you do do delivery right? Just like always! I rather not step out of my liar- for safety reasons."

"... The dragons... will not be delivered."

"What do you mean not delivered?! Didn't I just say it has to be?!" She dropped out. "That's mean of you. Shouldn't you be nice to a laaaadyyy?" Her eyes narrowed at him.

"No-" His mouth was still open and nothing was coming out. There was a grip on him and he couldn't defy it. His jaw closed up and opened again. His mind separated from his body. "Yes. That is manners. Well, Sorceress, I shall have your corpses very soon. That is a promise."

"Oh yesss, that would be wonderful. After all, a promise is a promise. Youbetterkeepit." She quickly finished.

He found his body moving on it's own and out the door into his boat as she waved goodbye.

Quinn was trying to not shiver. She was upset- anyone could point that out, but she was trying to hide it. She didn't feel any tears threatening and she was safe from throwing a verbal tantrum, but she couldn't stop the bad, hallow feeling in her guts. It was sinking miles by the second and she doubt that anything could catch it. She couldn't get rid of the feeling. However the scout doesn't think that feelings means weakness- in fact it means you got good gut intuition and that it would probably save you, eventually. She knows that everyone was watching her carefully. Sitting on the blue couch of Caitlyn's apartment, Quinn assessed the chances of anyone dying soon. It has to be soon- or in the near future. She knows this because just before Caleb and herself left, to get Sarah a goodbye present, she had the same feeling as she is having now. Quinn wanted to believe in Sarah's strength, but her worrying was much stronger. Valor, perched on her lap, snuggled in an attempt to ease her worries, because nothing bad is going to happen.

On the way to Caitlyn's apartment and still now, Quinn ran through every thought of why and how Sarah would leave everyone here. Perhaps it wasn't everyone and just her. Though, Harmony would have stopped her, right? Quinn was sure the summoner would have tried or done so. But that would mean that Sarah had backed out and left on her own. Which means that everyone was scattered in Piltover with no way to communicate and reach Yordle Land. However, Sarah wasn't one to quit without trying until succeeding, then that would mean they had all left the two. Yet Caitlyn is still here, so does that mean the rest of Piltover's forces are still at home, resting while Sarah is out at sea? Quinn cursed aloud, frustrated and scaring everyone in the room, before returning to fry her brain with why. Again.

Caitlyn was a bit unhappy at first with the rude awakening, but then things got a bit too serious. She tapped the assassin to directed him just into the hallway, leaving the door slightly open. She leaned against the opposite wall and crossed her arms. The sheriff was looking for answers, waiting for the assassin to speak. She pursed her lips into a frown and attempted to look really pissed so Talon would finally speak. But he looked pretty stoic as ever. She let out a harsh sigh.

"Be a dear and explain what is going on." She commanded. Though Talon wasn't one to follow orders unless he absolutely respected the issuer or he had a hidden agenda, he complied stoically.

"Miss Fortune wanted us to restock the supplies- in the middle of the night." Which Quinn didn't find weird or suspicious at all, "When we returned, the ship was missing." There was a bit of malice to both Quinn and Caitlyn, but he honestly tried to hide it too.

"She wouldn't move the ship to another spot would she?" Caitlyn hoped.

"No, she would have left a notice." He reasoned.

"I suppose so... She left huh. Well do you know who else she left?"

"Presumably everyone else too."

Well what was next? Most likely Vi punching her door down demanding why they weren't at the port with the ship and everyone else too. Caitlyn was definitely going to need a drink or something, but really, anything to help her think.

"Well, there isn't much to do, but to sleep now. I have one guest room and it's down the hall. You better give the bed to her and you can sleep on the couch." Caitlyn accused and left for her own room.

Talon had silently lead Quinn into the guest room. The scout sat on the bed. It was large enough for two- if they squashed together. Valor was resting on the wooden desk acting like he was minding his own business, but he was really waiting for the right moment to jump onto the bed's foot board to sleep. Talon knew he had to do something, something to help take a load off her chest, but he wont lie to her. Saying things like 'It'll be okay' or anything of the likes didn't have a place in his vocabulary. Needless to say, everyone knows that he is a bad man of comfort. So he settled with just sitting beside her, dropping his cape onto the floor and taking her helmet off. They accepted for the less heavy silence and eventually fell asleep.


Sunrise is usually when most champions wake- given some may wake up earlier or later. However, today was a day the pair wouldn't wake up at their usual time. Instead the sun was up higher and the sky was painted light blue. Caitlyn had just risen a bit earlier and walked towards the living room, dressed and cleaned. She was not surprised but irritated that she didn't find Talon on the couch like she instructed. She approached the guest room quietly. The sheriff towered the sleeping figures and rose her hand. Just as it came closer to his face, she wasn't fast enough to react to the hand that reached her wrist and flipped her onto the ground. Quinn woke up with a jump, scaring Valor into flight. Talon's grip was hard and it was sure to leave a bruise. After he registered that it was Caitlyn's wrist he was hurting, his grip slacked.

"Talk about some guard, but weren't you suppose to be on the couch, in the living room?" Caitlyn nursed her bruising welt.

"Things came up." Was his curt reply.

"Right. Anyways, get ready- bathroom is in front of your room. I'm going to head out and buy us some breakfast. Please keep things PG rated while I'm gone." Caitlyn was halfway out the room when he gave a grunt as a reply.

They watched her and listened to her footsteps leaving the apartment before they moved. He picked up his cape and went into the bathroom to do his things. Quinn felt no energy to move, but she can hear everyone nagging her to do something in her head. After a few moments, she stood up in front of the mirror and tried taming her bedhead before giving up and putting on her helmet. She studied her face in the mirror. She could tell that she was beyond exhausted but she doesn't have the time to rest. Quinn sighed, she better move before Talon would think she had died- which was often. The two met in the living room, he was patiently waiting on the couch he was suppose to sleep on. She sat right beside him, their sides grazing one another.

"Tired?" He started, staring at the picture ridden wall.

"Yeah." She replied.

He inwardly sighed and eyeballed the ignorant bird off to the side. It's Valor's job to cheer her up, not his. But then again, it's been a while since he have been irritating. He felt a smirk grow.

"Sarah shouldn't have left, chances are is that she can't possibly survive out there alone. She might as well be good as gone- or dead." He faked, of course he knew there was no chance of her dying, "She's so cocky, or rather, what's the word? Arrogant?"

"No! Sarah isn't weak! Don't talk about her like that!" Quinn jumped, this time Valor barely batted an eye at them. "You don't know anything! You don't know her strengths and skills! She's really good at first aid and parkour. She's smart and knows what moves to make in seconds! She's a bounty hunter for a reason!"

"How would you know, you haven't visited her in years." He crossed his arms with a huff. "You're just a brat who thinks the world revolves around you."

"At least I care! You probably don't even want to be here." She retorted.

"You're right. I don't. But I'm here because of someone." He hinted.

"What? You? For your entertainment?"

"Ha? No. Quinn, use your head!" He narrowed his brows. "Don't be foolish."

"You're calling me foolish?! Well you're just insolent and arrogant!"

"Ha, that's rich coming from a kid like you. There must be a reason why Caleb got killed. I can't believe he died for such a moronic brat. And here I thought he was smarter than that. Oh is your precious big sister going to do the same? Wow, they must be pretty stu-" He was silenced with a stinging slap.

"Don't call them that! You can't insult them when you don't know anything!"

"Are you kidding me? I was orphaned at the age of five, for damn's sake. I saw my parents get killed in front of my eyes. I wasn't given the luxury of dreams, I had to steal to survive. But princess here just shed tears and dreams for fantasy."


"Don't give me the crap about finding a fucking orphanage. There's nothing giving about Noxus, people are either greedy or poor as dirt. I can't see why you wouldn't complain when your received your soup a bit too hot. Princess here must have everything perfect to whatever conditions she likes- even if it means caging people."

From the current situation, one wouldn't be able to tell that they had- have a thing for each other. But he hoped that from all the anger that was building, something from her will spill out and make things better, so she can continue to shine brightly.

"Not trying to sound rude here, but you're just a sheltered princess. Even Miss Fortune knows better than to think so optimistic all the time."

"I am not optimistic!"

"Oh so you never thought Valor to be a gift from your brother?"


"Fool, you should stop lying to yourself. It'll get people killed, perhaps it will be what finally kills Miss Fortune." This time Quinn grabbed his collar and readied to punch him. "Punching me wont change the future." He watched her clenched her teeth and muttered curses.

"Then what do you suppose I do Noxian?" She sat on him, now grabbing his collar with two hands and growling at him with anger.

"Do what all ignorant Demacians do." That seemed to froze her and she blankly let go of his cape. Thank god she did, it was beginning to choke him. She threw her arms around his neck. He was smart, and he practically told her to follow Sarah and to save her. Because that's what all Demacians do, charge with vigour and save the damsels.

"...Thank you and, I'm sorry." She muttered quietly. She knew it would never be enough to apologize and to take back what she said to him, but it was something. No one moved, even Valor held his breath in. After a few moments of silence, Talon finally returned the hug.


"Yeah." She mumbled. Valor let out his breath.

They stayed in comfortable silence, even Valor was somewhat content with the results- the process, however, not so much. But he has time to work on that later. They listened to the clock ticking and unfortunately Caitlyn's intuition was right.

"Cait, why is there no one there?!" Vi had busted through the doors to find the two hugging.

"Wh- Vi!" Quinn jumped off, much to a certain person's dismay. The enforcer looked around for her partner and when she couldn't find Caitlyn, she reached for the Demacian's neck.

Talon had reacted faster and pushed the girl away. Now he was in Vi's hands and god, was he actually choking now.

"You better tell me what you did to her before my fists finds your face!" She threatened.

"V-Vi!" Quinn started.

"Shut up! Who asked you to talk?! I'm the one asking him! Where's Cait?!" Vi kept on growling.

Meanwhile, Caitlyn was finally finished with getting breakfast and coincidentally found Jayce and Ezreal waiting at the lobby of her apartment, the younger was looking quite impatient..

"Boys! How was your night?" She greeted.

"Been better. So wher-" The blond commented.

"Well," She completely ignored him, "I have breakfast, let's go eat." She nudged her boxes filled with fresh bake bread.

"Let's eat, I'm famished." Jayce agreed, pushing the youngest along. Just as they were moving to the elevator, the janitor stopped the trio.

"Ah, Sheriff Caitlyn, Officer Vi was marching up for your place quite hastily. Have a good day." He warned before leaving to clean a corner.

Caitlyn had about two thoughts running through her head. The first, her poor door and the second was the duo she left in there. She knew it was a bad idea to leave them alone.

"Come on, let's hurry." They now rushed for her apartment. She couldn't have picked a lower floor than the sixteenth.

"What the heck." The blond commented at the torn down door.

"That's Vi alright." Jayce concluded. Caitlyn couldn't help but sigh. She gave her the keys for a reason, doors were expensive to fix. They went in and found Vi still choking a bit blue assassin.

"Vi, what are you doing?" Caitlyn calmly asked as she clenched the boxes. Breath, in, and out.

"Cupcake! You're alive! I thought they killed you or something." Vi simultaneously dropped the assassin and patted the sheriff hard on the back. Caitlyn coughed.

"And why would they?"

"Well, you weren't here and all-"

"Speaking of which. Why are you here?" Caitlyn placed the boxes on the coffee table and brushed off the dirt on the couch. She took a seat.

"Because no one showed up at the port?! And there was no ship!? Wanna explain what's going on!?"

"Please." Ezreal added.

"Why were you on time to meet at the port?"

"Hun, I was early to catch the best seat on the ship." Vi rested her gauntlets on her hips.

"Why aren't you on time for work then? Why aren't you late like every single day for work?!" Caitlyn needs a cup of tea, like right now.

"Cupcake, I choose to be late." She laughed and deadpanned like it was the most obvious answer on Earth. "Besides, I'm not always late to work."

"Only for a day a week."

"Naw, I'm at the gym an hour early." Vi gave a thumbs up. "So when are you going to explain why we aren't on a moving ship to the lands of furries?"

"Well, Miss Fortune has... made a choice to leave us here and proceeded on her own." Caitlyn opened a box. "We will have to find the rest after breakfast."

Author's Note: Yea. Trying. And a bit sad because one of my other stories got deleted on my phone! Wah. Thank you everyone for the support and yeah, just fixed up a minor mistake...