Outtake: We'll Just Cry

Jake's POV

I'm in labor.

This text. This one text had just changed my entire life forever. I could either get on a plane and fly to Seattle to meet my child, or I could stay here and let him grow up without me.

I was only eighteen. I had no idea what I wanted yet, but I knew kids was something I was never really that excited out. I realized how having me tore my parents marriage apart, and I didn't want that for my kid. So kids had never been an option for me.

Until now.

Was she having a boy or a girl?

Would he look like me or would he look like Bella?

Would Bella be asking for child support?

These were the questions racing through my head as I ran around my room, looking for my keys. I had no idea what I was doing. I hadn't had any contact with Bella since September when she told me she was pregnant, and she hadn't tried calling me at all since. But, something was just drowning me towards that hospital and that baby.

My baby.

"Where the hell are you going?" Dad asked as I walked through the house. I hadn't bothered telling them about the baby because when Bella and I hung up in September, I made the choice to not be in his life.

Or her life.

"I gotta go take care of something." I explained as I grabbed my keys from the hook in the garage.

"You have school in the morning, Jacob." He reminded me, using my full name like he always did when I was in trouble. "You aren't having some sort of sleepover."

"Bella's in labor." I snapped.

"Bella..wh..." He trailed off. "Jacob William Black. What the hell did you do?"

"Bella's pregnant." I sighed, turning back to face him. "I got her pregnant while she was here for this summer."

"How could you be so irresponsible?" He accused.

"Shit happens, Dad."

"Not when you're careful!" Why didn't you tell us sooner? This is going to kill your mother."

"I didn't tell you because I wasn't going to be apart of its...his life." I told him. "And then she texted me saying she's in labor and I don't know, Dad, but I just have to be there. I have to meet him. Or her. I have no idea what I'm having."

"We will talk about this later." He told me, his voice deep and scary. He knew there was no point in trying to get me to stay because I'd made up my mind. If there was anything I'd gotten from my father, it was his stubbornness. I ran out to my car and put my keys in the ignition, and started hyperventilating.

If I went and saw her in the hospital, this was it. There was no going back, because as much as I didn't want a baby, that one was mine and he was special.

I made my way to the airport and bought a ticket for a flight to Seattle. But, with the rain, it got canceled and I was put on standby for the next one. Thankfully, it was just Florida rain and the sky cleared up quickly and I was able to get on a flight quicker than I thought I would.

When we touched down in Seattle, I instantly regretted my decision. I didn't even know what hospital she was in, and I was pretty sure she'd call security on me when I showed up at her door. But, despite all of that I found myself walking through the airport outside to the terminal. I called myself a cab and looked up the different hospitals in Seattle.

I told the cab drive to go to Northwest Hospital and Medical Center since it looked like one of the best hospitals in Seattle. Knowing Charlie, he wasn't going to take his daughter to anywhere less than the best. When we pulled up to the main entrance, I paid the cab driver his feed and walked inside, praying this was the hospital she was at.

"Bella...Isabella Swan." I told the nurse working at the desk as she got off the phone.

"Are you family?" She asked after she'd looked in her computer. Yes, she was at this hospital.

"I'm the...father." I gulped. It was the first time I'd ever said those words.

"She's in room 314." she answered, and I nodded in thanks. I made my way upstairs to the maternity ward and started to sweat as I heard babies cry and people smile as they walked down the hallway. I suddenly found myself standing in front of the door and was completely paralyzed.

I could walk away. I didn't have to do this. I didn't have to turn my life around.

I raised my hand and gently knocked on the door.

"Come in," I heard Bella's gentle voice call. She sounded exhausted and I wondered how long she'd been here before texting me. "Jake?" She asked as I walked through the door. I suddenly felt very threatened by Charlie's stance and wished I hadn't come.

"Hi, Bella." I managed to get out as I walked closer to her bed. "I heard you were in labor." I shrugged. "I tried getting here earlier, but the flight I originally got was canceled so I had to wait until later."

"How'd you find out?" She asked, clutching her belly in protection.

"I...may have texted him from your phone." A short girl with black hair said. I assumed she was one of Bella's friends. "I didn't think he was going to show up, but I thought he might like to know." She said. "I'm sorry,"

"It's fine." Bella waved her off. "You're not coming in the delivery room with me. And, my family and friends get to see her before you do, but...you can stay to see her." She was going to let me see her.

Her. It was a girl.

"Okay," I agreed. Of course I didn't want to be in the room and I'm just glad I didn't have to be. "Can I talk to you though?" I asked, looking around the room and suddenly feeling very out of place. "Alone?"

"No." Charlie shook his yea immediately. "I think you should wait outside. We'll get you when we're ready."

"Fine,"I sighed, knowing there wasn't any point in arguing with him. "It's a girl?" I asked, still unable to wrap my head around it.

"Yeah," She nodded and I couldn't help but smiling.

I...Bella was having a daughter.

Our daughter.

Our daughter?

And then I started wondering again how I'd gotten myself here. We were safe. I knew we were safe because I always made sure of it. There had been plenty of girls before Bella and there were a few after her, so how did I manage to knock her up? I found a small waiting room close to her hospital room and sat down. I didn't miss the other people's quizzical looks as they passed by me.

Of course they were staring. I was still a teenager. I shouldn't have been here.

"You know, it's a really crappy thing you did to Bella." He friend barked as she sat down next to me. "She cried for weeks when she got home and once she'd finally stopped crying she found out she was pregnant. With your kid."

"This wasn't supposed to happen." I shook my head. "This was never my intention..."

"It doesn't matter." She argued. "She's alone because of you."

"She has the baby."

"She's raising this baby alone because of you." She scoffed. "You're lucky Chief didn't kill you in there."

"Then why'd you text me?" I asked.

"I...don't know." She breathed. "I don't. I hate you just as much as Bella hates you." She told me and moved spots to sit on the other side of the room from me.

Four hours later, Charlie emerged in the doorway and I stood up, but he only asked for three of Bella's friends to come back. My daughter was here. I had a daughter. I was a father.

After another hour, the small, black haired friend came back to the waiting room and told me Bella was asking for me. I stood up, and my legs felt like jello I was so nervous. When we walked into the room, and I laid eyes on my daughter nothing else seemed to matter. The world had melted away and I was completely taken. Charlie and Renee had run off to get coffee, leaving just Bella's friends in the room with us.

"You good?" the girl with black hair asked.

"Yeah, go." She smiled. "Why are you here? I mean, I haven't heard a word from you since I told you I was pregnant and now...you're here. Why?"

"I don't know." I shrugged as I walked towards the baby who Bella had put in the plastic crib. I looked down at her and just stared. "When I got that message, I just kind of found myself driving to the airport. I didn't even pack a bag." He laughed. "Can I?" I asked, motioning towards the baby girl in the crib. She was so small and so precious wrapped in her pink blanket.

"Sure," She agreed. I smiled at her and reached into the bassinet. "Careful of her head." She reminded me as I pulled the baby out of the crib and gently sliding his hand under her small head.

"Wow," I sighed, looking down at her.

"You're not going to be apart of her life." She said. I looked up from the baby and met her stone eyes. "You didn't want anything to do with me after the summer and you've shown no interest at all in her until now."

"She's my daughter," I argued.

"Yes, biologically." She nodded. "But, you haven't been here for her or for me and I don't want you in her life." She said. "When and if she's ready, she can contact you. I won't stop her if she wants to know you, but until then...you're a ghost to her."

"I'll fight this," I threatened.

"And I'll just tell the court how you used me, knocked me up, and then gave me no help after you found out."

"Bella," I whispered, wanting to talk some sense into her.

"It's time for you to go, Jake." Charlie said from behind me. I leaned down and gave the baby a gentle kiss on the forehead before handing her back to Bella. I walked out of the room, and leaned up against the hospital wall. I knew I'd never win if I brought her to court. I'd abandoned her the second I got bored and hadn't looked back since.

But I already loved my daughter and I couldn't stand the thought of never seeing her again. Not after meeting her.

"Ava." The friend said as she walked over to me. "Her name is Ava Jane."

"Thank you," I nodded, remembering I didn't even ask Bella what her name was.

Ava Jane.

The next day, I got a cab to the airport again. Of course I wanted to stay and hold my baby and play with her but Bella made it pretty clear. I wasn't going to get to do that unless we went to court, and since she was the mother, she'd probably win anyway. When I got to the airport, I found my car in the huge parking lot and made my way home.

I just prayed Dad hadn't said anything to Mom.

But, when I got home, they were both sitting at the kitchen table and I knew he'd told her. They told me to have a seat, and I dropped my keys on the wooden surface, sitting down across from them.

"Well?" Dad asked.

"It's a girl." I smiled. "Her name is Ava."

"What a pretty name." Mom mused. "Jacob, how could you be this irresponsible?"

"I'm careful, I really don't know how this happened." I shrugged honestly.

"Condoms don't always work and you know that, Jake." She sighed. "We told you to wait until..."

"You know that I didn't just lose my virginity this summer to Bella, right?" I asked. I didn't need another speech form my mother that I needed to wait for the right person and to be married. "I haven't been a virgin for a few years." I could feel my cheeks starting to warm with embarrassment.

"We talked to you about this..." Dad started.

"Yeah, I know. And because you couldn't wait, Mom got pregnant at sixteen and I'm the reason you're so unhappy." I spat.

"Jacob." Mom barked. "Enough. Tell me, why are you already home when you have a little daughter in the hospital now."

"Bella told me I wasn't going to have anything to do with the baby." I explained.

"I'll call my lawyers." Dad sighed, standing up.

"Dad, no." I shook my head. "I can take care of it. Plus, she'd win. She's the mom and she's not abusing the baby...I wouldn't stand a chance." I told them as I stood up and went to my room.

What had I gotten myself into?

Three days had passed since my daughter was born and I hadn't heard a thing from Bella. I got one message the day I got home and the baby's beautiful face, but that was it. I tried asking her for more pictures, but she was ignoring me again. I was trying to focus on the schoolwork I still had to get done since it was still only May and I still had to do well, but I just couldn't focus.

I jumped when my phone started buzzing, and froze when I saw Bella's name pop up. I knew this wasn't going to happen, but the last time she called me she was telling me she was pregnant. And, last I knew, she wanted nothing to do with me.

"Hi," I whispered after answering the phone

"You can be apart of her life." She told me softly, almost like she was afraid. "But, I swear Jake if you hurt her I will hunt you down and kill you."

"I won't hurt her!" I tried assuring her. "I get it, I was a fucking ass to you but this is my daughter." I whispered. "It's different."

"It better be." She threatened. I knew she was breaking down a lot of walls by allowing me to be apart of her life, and I hoped I wouldn't screw this up.

"So, how do we do this?" I asked after we'd just sat on the phone together, waiting for the other to speak.

"I don't want to get lawyers involved." She told me. "I just want to do this and keep it between us. Custody battles are always ugly, and I don't want to drag anyone through that."

"Me either." I agreed.

"We can come up with something." She sniffed.

"I wanna help you with the finances and stuff."

'Jake, as nice as that is, you're only eighteen. Just like me." She sighed. "You don't have anything to give to me."

"I'll do what I can." I told her.

"Thanks." She whispered and I heard a babies cry piercing the air. "I gotta go, Ava's awake."

"That's..." I trailed off. "Ava's a really beautiful name." I told her and she hung up the phone.

And in that moment, I vowed to do everything I could for my daughter.

For Ava.

Well, I hoped you liked this short little outtake. I just thought it would be cool to see the day Ava was born from Jake's POV and to see how he was feeling on that day. I just wanted to show that although he's an asshole and awful towards Bella, he's loved his daughter from the start, even if he doesn't really know how to show it.
