A/N: WHOOT WHOOT! Here's the sequel! I couldn't fit a good synopsis in the description, so here's the full thing:

Many things are changing in Addie's life. Now that she has to become an immortal, she's pulling away from her mortal friends and more towards her immortal ones. New worries are cropping up into her existence. For one, the Greeks aren't the only gods still around. Once every millennium, the major deities meet to discuss separation of power, and the Olympians are hosting this time. Thanatos finally comes for his favor, but it's not for what she expected. A soul has escaped from the underworld, but its not a Greek one. With her weakness, she can't be allowed to go alone, and there is only one demigod they trust enough to accompany her on her journey- her half-brother, Percy Jackson.

Ancient rivalries will reemerge, old promises of revenge will be sought out, and unlikely alliances will form. For two children of Poseidon, this could very well be their last fight...

I would like to explain a few things: this will be more centered on the Gods and Addie, but our favorite demigods will have a part in the story. I hope you enjoy it. I'm not 100% sure yet, but I think it will stick to Addie, Apollo, and Percy's POV.

For the new readers, for you to understand this, you may want to read my story Fighting Fate along with the one-shots that go with it. They can be found on my page. I think its a pretty cool story, or at least that's what I've been told.

For Updating: I am finishing school, so for now, don't expect more than one or two updates a week, at least until I graduate. For those of you who read my stuff before, you know I've been really sick. I am getting better, but it still take me a long time to get things done. Bear with me! I've gotten the first three chapters written, so I should be good to go for a few weeks :D.

That being said, I won't keep you waiting any longer! :) Please excuse any grammar mistakes I made!


Teaching demigods was a lot more frustrating than it sounds. And it sounds frustrating enough.

I was in my last class on sword fighting of the day, a mixture of the Apollo, Iris, and Hephaestus cabins. They were the older, more advanced class, which made them a lot more fun to teach. Since I started teaching a few summers ago, after the Apollo cabin found out I was dating their father, they seemed to be a lot more interested in learning close combat, which I thought was funny.

"Abriella, nice block!"

I was walking around the pairs, giving advice and showing them different moves to try.

"Steven! Thrust lower," I noted as I walked past him.

"Like this?" he said as he demonstrated a stab at his opponent. I nodded my head before my attention was snatched away.

"Go find your bow, pretty boy!"

"Suck it, rainbow bright!"

I walked over to the commotion, and everyone else followed. In the middle of the arena, Will Solace and Louis Benton were fighting furiously.

Will was actually good sword fighter, a lot better than he gave himself credit for. If he actually practiced it, put in the same dedication he did with the bow, he could be great at it. He asked for extra lessons, and I didn't mind giving them to him in the slightest. I could tell that he was excited there was something else besides archery that he was good at. Louis, on the other hand, was this eighteen year old son of Iris who looked he was way older than me. He had come to Camp two summers ago, picking up on sword fighting quickly. He was one of the best the camp had behind Percy.

Louis was using his size to his advantage, and I saw Will's slip up before it happened. He hit the ground, his sword flying out of his hand. Louis stood above him with his sword pointing at Will's chest, a smug expression on his face.

"Stick to archery, Solace," Louis rumbled. The Iris cabin was going wild, cheering on Louis. Once he saw my face, he removed his sword from Will's chest and went to celebrate his victory with them.

"That's enough! Back to your pairs!" I shouted. I looked down at Will, who was staring daggers at Louis.

"You know what you did wrong, right?"

Will was fuming. I could tell there was something between them that I didn't know about. I offered him my hand, but he brushed it out of the way as he picked himself up from the dirt. He gestured to Louis, flinging his hands up in the air. "He's like, three times as big as me! I'm an archer, Addie. I kill monsters like him from a distance! I have no hope of beating a guy that size. I'm out-matched."

Will sounded so defeated. He pulled his gaze away from Louis, looking down at his feet. I saw Louis look to the stands, where a few campers were sitting in. To me, he looked like he was staring at this girl seated on the second row with some kids from the Aphrodite and Hecate cabins. She was really pretty, with strawberry blonde hair and warm brown eyes. She was looking towards us in concern, and I offered her a small smile. I didn't recognize her. She looked familiar. I thought I knew everyone at Camp, but apparently not.

"Pick up your sword, Will. I'm about to show you how to win when opponents are bigger than you. Size has nothing to do with it. You can use Louis's size against him."

I made my bangles disappear and picked up one of the training swords. I didn't want to be tempted to use my daggers. The sword was way too heavy for my taste, but it would do. Louis was sparring with a member from the Hephaestus cabin, but he had planted himself so he was right in front of the girl. I started to show Will the movements, which he was trying to copy, but his attention was elsewhere. He kept glancing from Louis to the girl with a scowl on his face.

"So, who's the girl?" I asked as I easily parried a blow from him.

"Who… what?"

"The girl in the stands. The one you both keep staring at."

"I'm not staring at her," he retorted. I hit him in the stomach hard enough to make him lose his sword. I waved my hand, the earth responding to my will. It rose up around him, keeping him in place. I used the earth to bring his sword to my free hand. I gave him a look. He should know better than to think he could pull one over on me.

"What was that for?!"

"I can't teach you until you get focused. I may not be Aphrodite, but I know attraction when I see it," I pointed out. He stared at me for a minute before he finally gave in.

"Her name is Chanson," he sighed. "She's a daughter of Aoide."

"The muse of song," I remembered. "And I'm assuming that it is the source of animosity between you and Louis?"

He nodded his head, and I freed him from the earth. "Tell me about it," I suggested as I handed him back his sword.

"You really want to listen to my girl troubles?"

"You know, I am 1,997 years old. Approximately, anyways. Maybe I can shed some light," I said as I showed him the move once more. "No pun intended."

Will looked a little unsure as he copied the move. I told him to go slower, fixing his stance as he did it. He took a deep breath and glanced once more up in the stands. "I was going to ask her to the fireworks show. You know, the one we do at the end of Camp? I've had a crush on her all summer, ever since I heard her sing at the campfire. She's got the most beautiful voice, and the way her eyes sparkle when she talks about music," he beamed. I couldn't help but smile. He cleared his throat, a blush erupting on his cheeks. "Anyways, Piper noticed, told me I should ask her out. Chanson and I have grown close over the summer. She helps with the sing-alongs. We always sat beside each other, but I could never get the words out. I tried so many times to ask her, but all I could do was ramble about something other than the fireworks. Well, yesterday, Louis asked her."

"And what did she say?" I asked. I didn't know anything really about Louis, didn't have anything against him, but I was rooting for Will. I may have been a little biased towards the Apollo cabin, but that was just me. I had to look out for them.

"She didn't give him an answer. She looked over at me, and told him she'd have to think about it. Ever since then, Louis has been…well, Louis."

We went slowly through the motions, and I was glad to see that Will was getting the move. "Sounds to me like she likes you. She wants you to ask her, and that's what she's waiting on."

"Yeah, and what if I do ask her, she says no, and I'm the laughing stock of the Camp? Why would she choose me?"

"First off, you'd never be the laughing stock of the Camp. Secondly, Will, you are awesome. You are a handsome guy! Why wouldn't she say yes?"

"You are biased. I'm not a stud, muscular, or suave. I'm an archery nerd. I'm not my father, Addie! I can't charm girls like he can!" he stabbed his blade into the ground, looking at me in frustration.

"You may not be as muscular as Louis. And it is true; your father is the biggest flirt I have ever met. He's good looking, and he knows how to use that and his charm to his advantage. But you don't have to be him, Will. You don't need to be anyone but yourself. Nerds are awesome. I'm a huge one. You are a handsome nerd, and you have a good heart. Girls appreciate that more than you know."

"Don't you remember that good guys finish last?" he replied with a sarcastic smirk.

"Not true. Let me explain something: some things are fated. You should fall in love with someone who loves you for you, no matter what. So be yourself, and if it doesn't work out, then it's her loss. But you will never know until you try."

I clapped him on his shoulder, giving it a quick squeeze. "Believe in yourself. I do," I murmured so only he could hear. "DEMIGODS!"

They all crowded around me, looking excitedly from one another. "Now, Will here is about to demonstrate a move that you can use against opponents who are far stronger or bigger than you," I addressed. I heard a laugh from the back, to see Louis chortling quietly. "Something funny, Louis?"

"Nothing," he stuttered quickly. I stared at him, and the crowd melted from in between us. He was taller than me, much more muscled than me, and if going by appearance, he could have beaten me to a pulp. However, he knew better. I'd kick his ass without lifting a finger.

"Louis, come spar with Will. Everyone else, take a step back."

Louis looked questioningly at me, but Will twirled his sword, looking more excited than I had seen him all day. Louis got into position, facing Will with a determined expression. I didn't think Louis was a bad person. Boys were just being boys. But he needed to learn a lesson. In fact, they all did.

They were staring each other down, and then, they moved towards each other at the same time. Louis used his power and size, but Will was quicker and more agile. The fight was really good. The sound of celestial bronze clanging against each other filled the arena, along with the cheers from the spectators. I shouted suggestions, and for a second, I wasn't in modern day Long Island. I was with my brother and my friends back in Rome, training our hearts out with the Legion. This is why I didn't want to be an immortal yet. Once I was, there would be no more training sessions…

I saw the opening, and Will took it. He lowered his shoulder, sending Louis flying over him. Will snatched up his sword, leveling both of them at Louis's neck. The whole arena erupted in cheers, and I saw out of the corner of my eyes that Chanson was cheering particularly loud. I held up my hand, looking around the arena. It fell to silence, every eye on me. Will offered Louis a hand, which he grudgingly took. Once they were up, I looked around at all the demigods.

"Hubris…one of the fatal flaws of humanity. I'm not only here to teach you to fight, but to teach you to fight wisely. Biggest lesson of the day: Humility. You are demigods. You excel at many things: fighting, reflexes, stamina, but you live in a world of magic and myth. There are beings out there that are stronger, bigger, and better than you are. Knowing your opponent's weakness is just as important as knowing your own. Use your strengths to your advantage, believe in them, but know how to defend your weaknesses. Everyone has one, and yours might just be your undoing. Am I clear?"

They all nodded their heads, and I met each of them with a stern gaze. "You will all learn that move, and we will apply it to other weaponry as well. Now, before we start, does anyone have any questions?"

"What about the gods?"

I couldn't see who was speaking, but I knew that voice. I fought the urge to smile. "They are to be respected the most of all, but they have weaknesses just like everything else."

"But they're immortal and all-powerful. Wouldn't they take offense to you saying that?"

The crowd parted around us, clearing my line of sight so I could see who was speaking. He stepped into the clearing, and time seemed to stop. I could feel every beat of my heart, every breath passing on my lips. Everything about him was light and golden. His blond hair was perfectly styled on his head, the color of wheat in the noonday sun. His eyes were the color of Champaign, the perfect balance between amber and light brown. He looked like he was in his early twenties, but I knew he was far older than that. He was almost as old as time itself. He flashed me a dazzling white smile, and I just crossed my arms in front of me. I could hear the students murmuring his name around me, but it was easy to ignore them. All I could focus on was the way his eyes bored into me, drinking me in like I was water in the middle of a desert. It had only been a week, but it was far too long for my taste. My lips turned up in an answering smile, my eye brows rising at his playful tone.

"Eh, maybe," I offered nonchalantly. "I'm not that worried about it, to be honest. Some of them tried to kill me once, and I'm still here."

"You seem pretty tough," he acknowledged. He nodded and walked to me, stopping in front of me. "I just have one more question, then."

"And what might that be, Lord Apollo?"

"It's not for you," he admonished. I snorted as he turned around, sending a charming smile to them. All the girls got this dreamy look on their face, and even some of the guys looked a little flustered. I rolled my eyes and glanced at Will, giving him an I-told-you-so look.

"I hate to interrupt the marvelous training you all are receiving, but you all wouldn't mind if I borrowed Euadne for a while, would you?"

They all quickly shook their heads. Of course, they knew better than to challenge a god. He could incinerate them with a snap of his fingers, but I knew he wouldn't. He turned back towards me, a triumphant grin that told me he considered the matter settled.

"Apollo. I can't leave right now. I have a class to finish."

"Of course you can leave. I said you could. Chiron isn't going to do anything."

"Chiron wouldn't do anything even if I did. I'm sure they want to finish class."

"Kids never want to finish class. Besides, I'm sure they want to do something better with their time, like archery or getting ready for the sing along tonight. That's real work right there."

"Really?" I scoffed. I knew he was just teasing. Well, he had better be.

"Really. I'm back a day early, and you have a date tonight," he added with a wink. "Class is over for today, demigods!" he yelled, but his eyes never left me.

"Apollo!" I ground out in frustration. They were already gathering up their gear. I really didn't have time to teach them the move anymore with his interruption, but I would never admit it. "Do you always have to have your way?"

He placed his hands on my shoulders, moving them up and down. He leaned forward, his lips just brushing my ear. "If I remember right, you had your way with me the-

I cut him off with a push to his chest. "There are children around!" I hissed. A blush erupted on my cheeks, embarrassment flooding through me.

"They're what? Seventeen? Eighteen? What were you doing when you were that age?"

"I was married, which is a hell of a lot different! And I was running from some asshole gods!"

He snorted at my tone, and his attention went somewhere else. I followed his line of sight, looking over my shoulder. Will was putting all the swords up. Normally, that's something I did, but I noticed Chanson was taking her sweet time leaving the arena. Besides the two of us, they were the only ones left.

"Will?" Apollo called quietly. Will looked up, surprised etched on his face. I could feel Apollo's hands tense up on my arms. I knew he didn't like not being around his kids. Artemis and he were the patrons of children for a reason. He loved them, and it killed him that he couldn't be around when they grew up. My hands went to his waist, giving it a gentle yet comforting squeeze. "Son, I'd do it now if I were you," he said as he nodded towards the girl. "She likes you. And excellent job, by the way. I'm proud."

"Really?" he stammered. I knew Will well enough to see he was fighting hard to seem cool in front of his Dad, and he did a really good job of it. He looked at me like he needed confirmation this was really happening. I remembered what it felt like to never talk to your parents. I offered Will an encouraging smile and winked at him. Apollo glanced down at me, then back at Will with a smile on his face.


"Thanks, Dad." He took a deep breath and headed off to catch up with Chanson. I watched Apollo for a second. His eyes were still on Will, a dreamy look in them.

"You're so good with them," he murmured. He never said it, but I think he liked that I was so involved with them. Through me, it was his special way to be close. Gods weren't around their demigod children for many reasons. Ancient laws forbid them from interfering too much in a mortal's life. The consequences could be a lot worse than letting them solve it on their own. Parents can't help interfering in their children's lives; the temptation was too much if they were around. The helped out when they could, but they were always forced to watch them from a distance. Chaos tending to follow the gods, and the last thing they wanted to do was to bring their children into it any deeper than they already were.

Another reason I wasn't ready to be an immortal yet.

He finally shook his head and looked down at me. Something in the way he looked at me made me feel extraordinary. This was so different that what I had with Bear. Every day, I fell deeper and deeper for him. For three years now, he had treated me like a queen. A small part of me wondered how long it would last, me and him like this, but I didn't care. This happiness was worth it.

His fingers tucked my hair behind my ear, while his other arm wound around my waist, pulling me flush against him. My hands rested against his chest, relishing the pleasant heat Apollo always seemed to radiate. Every inch of him was toned and strong. He tiled my chin up, placing his lips against my own. It was a sweet, reverent kiss, but I could feel the roughness that threatened to come through behind it. He was restraining himself.

"Gods, I've missed you," he whispered against my lips as he pulled away. "Next time, I'm bringing you with me."

Apollo had been gone on a hunt the past week. He had gone with Hermes, for a "bros" trip. Hermes's mortal girlfriend had broken up with him when he knocked her up. I think he really did like her, but it was hard to tell. I actually hadn't expected him back so soon, but I was glad he had. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Who says I'd go anywhere with you?" I prompted.

"Why wouldn't you? I'm asking nicely first, trying my unfailing charm. And then if that doesn't work, I'm just going to blackmail you into going." He took my hand in his, and we started walking out of the arena.

"I'd love to see you try. You have nothing on me, sunshine."

"I'd just tell everyone about that sound you make when I-"

I put my finger to his lips, a disbelieving grin on my face. "Fine. You win. Where are we going?"

"Surprise," he murmured. "Did you want to change?"

"Well, I am a sweaty, hot mess, so yes. I really need a shower," I pointed out.

"I figured you would. Go grab a quick one, and I'll be waiting at the big house. I need to talk to Dionysus anyways," he added in an irritated tone.

"Something up?"

Apollo just shook his head, but I had a feeling that something was up. I made a note to ask him later. I gave him a quick peck on the cheek, and I walked towards the cabins while he vanished.

Whew! What do you think so far? Leave a review and let me know! :)