Reviews for Tempting Fate
Guest chapter 7 . 12/21/2016
I loved how you mixed the red pyramid in this chapter!
LaughingLadybug chapter 29 . 6/11/2016
You say Loki, I see and hear Tom Hiddleston
Guest chapter 38 . 1/27/2016
This is a story that I started to read because I was bored. I quickly found out that life can take a pause so I can read this brilliant work of art. It stayed true to the series while giving it your own touch. This is my favorite series on fan fiction. Thank you for writing it.
Veradux chapter 38 . 1/25/2016
Such a sad, dramatic story, but also it has happiness. :') but it is also sad to think that there is no more apollo and euadne... can't you continue on it? If someone ask me to vote on your apollo euadne stories, I give them 10/10
Guest chapter 38 . 1/1/2016
I liked the story, but it seemed a bit rushed
Claria Bianca chapter 38 . 12/23/2015
Oh my goshh. I love this. Maybe you could a one shot smut after Addie come back. Or Addie lex Apollo immortal lives thanks
Glorazubuh chapter 38 . 12/23/2015
Oh my goodness. I loved this so much! Thank you for putting a lot of effort and love into this story, it was a joy to read. Even though I hate that Addie had to be punished, I loved how the story ended. I would love to be able to see/read the 5 days of them as a new family and when Addie had to leave. I would probably cry but love it all the same. Again, Thank you so much. You can really write girl!
Laterria2009 chapter 38 . 12/23/2015
Amazing. I love it. Omg great job
Kinder furever chapter 38 . 12/23/2015
Ahhhhhhhhhhh! I JUST DIED! APOLLO AND ADDIE FUREVER! AHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHH! OK I THINK IM GOOD! NOOOOOOO ELEXIS IS SOOOO FREKING CUTE! Ok deep breaths deep breaths ok I'm good! That was amazing! I love this story and I might end up retreading it soooo... But anyways thank you for all the time you put into this for that is AMAZING! Love you and this story!
Love ya- Kinder Furever
missafairy chapter 38 . 12/23/2015
I can't believe it's over. It was a heartbreaking chapter. Poor Lex, she misses her mommy so much!
LemonsAndSugarMakeLemonade chapter 38 . 12/22/2015
I am so sad to see this over but yet I am very satisfied. I was wondering... (You really don't have to say yes) if I could possibly write a fic about lex growing up around olympus. I would give you full credit but if you have other plans for the characters or don't want people to add on i fully understand (if i write it obviously won't be as good as you...).
Venetiangrl92 chapter 38 . 12/22/2015
Oh I'm so sad it's over, but I loved it! Great story and ending! Xoxo
Someone the World Forgot chapter 38 . 12/22/2015
Oh my gosh Holly that is simply beautiful.
I love it so much. The ending was simple yet complex at the same time — simple because of how it just ended in serenity, with Lex and her parents finally reunited, and complex because it sort of reflects on how much Apollo and Addie had to go through, just to reach said moment.
Can't wait to read your next story!
mide1718 chapter 38 . 12/22/2015
i loved the ending
and it was nice giving zeus a weakness
undermourningstar chapter 38 . 12/22/2015
I can't believe this journey is over. Euadne . . . . oh, how the Fates will speak of this tapestry forever.
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