Author's Note: And here we are. Are you ready for this? The very last, final chapter. Can I just say, that you readers who stuck out the whole thing are AMAZING. O.O I know it was wretchedly long and drawn out. But hopefully the end is all you hoped and leaves you feeling satisfied! A little switch in Point of View, in this chapter, from a character we've not done that with yet in this story, but I think it's fairly self-explanatory. First sentence should clue you in.

Disclaimer: NO. THEY DON'T BELONG TO ME. Sheesh, why do you keep asking?! ;)

A Noble Heir

Thorin fought. He allowed all other senses to dim save those needed to kill. Swift, efficient movement. No quarter. No mercy. No hesitation. Already three of the human traders lay slain by the dwarves' hand, one other by the goblins over the dispute about the goods. The others had fled. But there were still the goblins themselves to deal with.

Several had been dispatched in the skirmish with the traders before the company had arrived, but a dozen or so still lived. The dwarves had burst through the door and escaped down the mountain in the frenzy, hacking on the way. It was easy enough. They were gone on down the mountain, now. Gandalf had gone back inside after the missing members of the party, and Thorin, after seeing that the rest of his band got safely on their way, returned to the passage mouth to keep it open for the others' escape.

Cut. Hack. Stab. Slice. Kick. Stab again. Block with the Oaken Branch. Hack some more. Turn. Two or three goblins were banding together in an attempt to block the door; two fell in an instant and the third engaged Thorin with a freakish scream.

Thorin had told Balin he was staying behind to keep the door clear for whoever made it out of the mountain alive. In his heart, though, he knew that was not all truth. He stayed to avenge his youngest sister-son. Every stroke he let fall, with brutal finality, was for Kili. The anger, the sorrow, the deep pain of loss fueled his battle fury. A penance, for the words he spoke to his nephew in the dungeon. Though he knew from experience, nothing could make it right. Another Frerin to add to the list. Another member of his own kin, his own flesh and blood, lost to him.

What was it Balin had told the youngest heirs of Durin? To love is to loose, for Thorin, he'd said. And Thorin, thrusting his sword through another goblin and watching it's blood darken his blade, bitterly acknowledged that truth.

He turned to another foe, mechanically, but the goblin stood still, a shocked expression frozen on it's features. Thorin lowered his sword, staring at the blue-fledged arrow protruding from the creature's neck. Blue fledged. Blue.


Thorin whirled, nearly bursting with hope. Fili was there, running toward him. And Bofur. And that troublesome little hobbit. And the insufferable, wonderful old meddler of a wizard. All safe. But none of them shot blue-fledged arrows.

There was Kili, the eager spark back in his face as he drew his sword and plowed into the remaining two or three goblins with his brother. It was a pitiful resistance. In a moment it was over, and the dwarves stood panting above the little field of victory. Thorin's breath hitched.

"Kili. Are you…well?" he asked, taking a cautious step toward his nephew. Kili nodded.

"A bit sore, but I can manage."

Brave lad. Thorin felt a pang of remorse as he realized that Kili was trying to make up for the weakness Thorin had accused him with earlier.

"We must move on," Gandalf said, peering back up the tunnel. "More may soon come."

Kili leaned down stiffly to pluck his arrow from the goblin's neck.

"Let me look at you," Thorin said, stepping closer and seizing Kili's shoulders. Kili didn't pull completely away, but he turned his head quickly to the side so his face was hidden from his uncle by the hood.

"Kili," Thorin said, softly, "I'm sorry. I was wrong. You're a noble heir of Durin and you've made me proud."

Kili stiffened.

"You wouldn't be proud if you knew what they did to me," he said, pulling back his hood and staring his shocked uncle in the face for a moment before dropping his eyes to the ground. "I'm sorry. You're ashamed of me, I know. But it's how it should b-"

Kili was cut off when Thorin snatched him to himself in a violent hug.

"No, Kili. You have more honor than I. I count it a privilege to be of your kin."

Kili didn't answer, but he hugged Thorin tighter, and the exiled king…the Uncle squeezed back. Fili stepped forward to join the embrace, eyes shining with moisture. Gandalf looked on with a smile, and Bofur leaned over to whisper to Bilbo,

"Wait until Balin hears about this. It looks like Kili's finally proven his worth."

"It looks like he has, Bofur. I believe he has," Bilbo replied. And Thorin couldn't agree more.


Author's Note: This is not goodbye, I hope! I am planning on posting a long-ish BBC Sherlock fanfiction after this; updating as usual on Mondays and Fridays. And after that's done, more Hobbit! I have several other The Hobbit fanfictions in the works. :D So I hope to see you back again to my other works! Thanks so much for sticking with me for the ride.