OK, here's another chapter of Dream. This one took a while and there are still parts I'm not exactly sure are right. Smut gives me SO much trouble sometimes. Thanks to everyone who reviewed and followed and favorited and kudoed. I really do appreciate it. And I appreciate everyone sticking with me through these slow updates. Hopefully, the next update won't take that long. :)

I still don't own Revolution.

Bass was in heaven.

At least he thought he was. Considering the way Charlie's tongue was sliding through his mouth, he had no other possible explanation. But when her hands came up and slipped into his hair, he began to think that maybe he really was still alive. And in serious danger of losing himself in her.

"Charlie, wait...wait." Pushing away a little, he took a deep breath. He had to clear his head for a minute; he had to think. He'd wanted this, wanted her, from the moment he'd woken up in Philly and realized she was in town. But now that it was happening, he had to try and be a little rational. "I..."

She tilted her head, confusion on her face. "I thought you wanted this."

And that right there was the problem. He pressed a hand to her cheek. "Charlie, I'm not sure you could understand how much I want this. How long I've waited for this. But I don't ever want you doing anything because you think I want you to."

She seemed to understand. "You think I'm doing this just to get you to go to the games?"

"I don't...I don't know," he admitted, stepping away from her.

"You think I don't want this? Don't want you?" He shrugged, unable to meet her eyes. "Bass, don't you get it? I don't want anyone but you."

He swallowed, his mouth dry. "Charlie, I...Jesus, I've been lying to your uncle."

"About what?"

"You, about you." He'd been holding this in, and now it was time to come clean. "Your uncle thinks you're reading a book in your room every night. And he thinks I lock myself in the library to work. I'm pretty sure your mom thinks the same thing...and your friends. I haven't told anyone that we've been watching movies and spending time together."

She stared at him for a minute, but then a huge smile broke out on her face. "You're worried about that?"


Charlie giggled. "Bass, I'm not mad at you for lying about something like that. I haven't exactly told them the truth myself. I...wasn't sure how you and I hanging out together would go over. I know you've changed, but my mom isn't exactly your biggest fan. Though she is enjoying the medical research she and Aaron are doing."

"Yeah, good." Rachel was the furthest thing from his mind at the moment. He was far more concerned with Charlie. "You're not mad?"

She shook her head. "No, I'm not mad. At first, I didn't think we were hiding anything, and you were really careful in public to not let anyone think there was anything more than friendship going on. So careful that at first that's all I thought it was. But the more time I spent with you...the more I really started to like being with you. And I started to think maybe it was mutual."

"Charlie," he whispered, glancing away from her and out the window. "I have wanted you for so long. But there's so many reasons this is wrong. I didn't want to believe that, but it's true."

"The age difference? You're my uncle's best friend? My mother hates your guts?" She sauntered over to him, slowly trailing her fingers across his desk as she got closer and closer. "The fact that your troops are responsible for so many bad things in the world? Or all the other crap between us?"

"Yeah, those are the things I'm talking about." His voice was shaky; she'd just nailed all his biggest fears.

"They're excuses, Bass," she said simply, her voice sincere. Reaching him, she slid her hands up his chest. "You did a lot of things wrong, but you're making them right. I've watched you struggle and plot and plan to make sure new laws work better than the old ones. I've seen you suffer over learning how much damage you'd allowed to happen in your republic. You're doing everything you know of to make lives better for your people. How could I see all that and not realize that your heart had changed?"

He slipped his hands over hers. "I'm afraid you'll get hurt."

"By you?" He nodded. "You won't hurt me, Bass."

His expression fell as he turned her right hand away from his chest, exposing her wrist and the mark on it to both of them. "I already hurt you, Charlie. Without even being there."

"I hated that at first. I really did." Her eyes scanned over the raised skin on her arm before returning to his. "But what you're doing now will make the Monroe Republic something to be proud of. I'm not ashamed of it anymore, Bass. Besides, it's for my name too, isn't it?"

"Yeah," he said, his voice gruff. He remembered that day under the big oak tree in his backyard, when he and Miles had first come up with the encircled M. It had always stood for Monroe and Matheson. "Miles told you?"

"He did. My name, your name, our names. I don't mind this symbol anymore, and I certainly don't mind having your name as a part of me." His heart flipped in his chest. "I'm yours, Bass."

"Charlie..." Maybe he should have resisted; maybe he should have fought harder to give her a world away from him. But he just couldn't. He loved her far too much. In the world he'd come from, in this world, his heart and soul belonged to Charlotte Matheson. His hand slid around the back of her neck and pulled her to him, his lips crashing down on hers.

His tongue traced the seam of her mouth, plunging in as she opened for him. God, she tasted the same, just like the Charlie he remembered. But there was an innocence about her that she'd already lost in the future he'd come from. He would do everything in his power to keep her from losing it here.

Breaking the kiss, he leaned back a little, his eyes falling on the clock on his desk. "Hey, it's a little after one, maybe we should-"

"If you dare say wait, I'm going to deck you, Bass. I want you now." Nibbling lightly at his bottom lip, she soothed the same spot with her tongue, sending a shiver up his spine. Yeah, waiting was so not a good idea.

"Okay. Come with me." Grabbing her hand, he led her over to a side door, one she'd never been through before.

"Where does this go?"

"It's the back entrance to my bedroom." At her raised eyebrow, he chuckled. "Every president has an escape route. This is a small hallway that leads right to my room."

"So no one will bother us?"

He shook his head. "Your mom and Aaron should be working over at the medical hall for the rest of the afternoon. Nora is meeting with another group of rebels to try and work out a peace treaty. And Miles is meeting with new arrivals from the last of the conscription boats. He probably won't be back until dinner."

Charlie grinned. "Well, isn't that just convenient. Looks like we have an afternoon completely to ourselves."

"We do." Reaching his door, he swept her up into his arms, carrying her into the room and depositing her on his huge bed. Other than his 'arrival' that first night when he'd found Maria asleep beside him, not one other woman had been in the room. It had been lonely, but his heart pined only for Charlie.

She glanced around the room quickly, her eyes studying the big bed. "Nice...soft."

"Better with you in it," he said, covering her quickly with his body. He'd taken to only wearing his uniform while in his office; he almost couldn't remember why he'd so often worn the overcoat even while in private, other than he'd been an arrogant, delusional idiot.

"Where are you?" Charlie asked, her eyes locked on his.

"Right here. I was just thinking we've got way too many clothes on." Sitting back, he dragged her with him, reaching down to pull her tank top up and over her head. She helped him, as anxious as he was to get the garment off. "Better."

"For you, maybe. What about me?" She smirked, undoing the top button of his uniform. His hands joined hers as they hurriedly unbuttoned the shirt, the job taking too long for the both of them. Giggling, they finally managed to get Bass free; he flipped the bunched up material to the ground. "Now that's better."

"It really is." He noticed her looking at his arm and realized she was staring at the black ink on his skin.

Grabbing his elbow, she pressed her arm against his, lining their M's up beside each other. His tattoo, her brand. Meeting her eyes, he was surprised to see nothing but tenderness there. "See...we match."

"I guess we do," he said.

Smiling, she kissed him again. "Matheson and Monroe."

"Yeah. But this Matheson definitely isn't naked enough. Shoes." Sitting on the edge of the bed, he opened the buckles on her boots, slipping each one off, then hurrying onto his own laces. Charlie's kisses along his shoulder blade really didn't help him concentrate, and the second he had them off, he pounced on her, both falling back to the bed, their eyes locking.

Up until then, the mood had been playful. Suddenly, it turned far more serious. Staring at each other, their passionate kisses turned light, gentle, tender little kisses back and forth. It was exactly like those kisses they'd shared in her sleeping bag right before getting to Willoughby. It was that morning when he'd realized he felt far more for Charlie than he ever should have.

Caressing her cheek with his finger, he gazed at her, all the love he had for her bright in his eyes. "Charlie, you are the most precious thing I've ever had in my life. Maybe it's wrong, but...I love you."

Smiling shyly, she lifted her hand to his jaw, her fingers playing with his beard. "Bass...I..."

"It's alright, Charlie. You don't have to say it back."

Her eyes pleaded with him to understand. "I want to, but I'm afraid. Everyone I love always leaves me."

Well, they certainly had that in common. "I never want to leave you, Charlie. Not ever. I can't promise you what will happen in the future, but I will do everything in my power to always stay by your side. I will fight anything or anyone who tries to pull us apart."


"I promise." And he meant it with all of his heart. He still wasn't sure if he had died back in Texas, or if something had actually sent him through time, but the longer he spent in the world of the new republic, the more he wanted to stay. And he would fight the gods themselves to remain here with her.

"I feel it, Bass. I really do." Arching up off the bed, she kissed him again.

Smiling down at her, he planted a kiss on her cheek, then nuzzled along her jaw, down her throat, his nose and lips caressing the soft skin between her breasts. Slipping the straps down her shoulders, he pulled her bra down, the cool air in the room turning her nipples to hard pebbles before his eyes. "God, you are so beautiful."

Her response was lost in a moan as his mouth covered her nipple, sucking and teasing her, his tongue stroking the nub. Switching sides, his hand palmed the breast he'd just abandoned, his thumb playing with the wet tip. Her fingers threaded through his hair, holding him against her, silently pleading for him not to stop.

Her skin tasted exactly like he remembered from the old world; although they'd never been this intimate there. Still, there was no difference. This wasn't a Charlie from a parallel world, from another dimension. This was his Charlie, pure and simple, only one year younger.

Sliding further down her body, he undid her jeans, yanking them and her underwear down, her legs kicking at them to get them completely off her body. She was totally naked before him, and she was the sexiest thing he'd ever seen. As he gazed at her, a thought occurred to him. Yes, this was his Charlie, but she was also a year younger. So what if she had less experience than the one in his time? Jesus, he needed to know how to proceed.

He laid back over her, covering her with his body, their faces close, eyes glued to one another. "Charlie, I need to ask you something."

"Kay," she murmured, obviously contented and warm.

"Have there...have there been other men?"

It took a moment for his words to register, but when they did she smiled, lifting off the bed enough to kiss him. "I wish I could tell you that you were the first, Bass. But you're not. I'm okay. I'm ready."

A mixture of disappointment and relief rushed through him. Disappointment that he couldn't be the first, the one to teach her and show her. Relief that he wouldn't have to be overly careful not to hurt her. She seemed to read his thoughts, her hand caressing his face. "You're not the first, but how about if you're the last?"

Tears threatened to overcome him at her words. Refusing to allow them, even in front of her, he dropped his head to her shoulder and simply mumbled, "I love you."

Stroking the back of his head, she nuzzled his ear. "I'm working on it."

Chuckling, he pulled back, lost in her baby blues once more. "I can live with that."

Sitting up, he worked on undoing his belt buckle; she joined in, their eyes staying on one another, intense emotions passing back and forth between them. Lost in her the way he was, he felt the whole world shift. No matter what place or time they were in, he and Charlotte Matheson were made for each other.

They managed to get him out of his pants, and Bass quickly resumed his journey down her body in search of hidden treasures he had yet to sample. But Charlie stopped him, her hand guiding his face back to hers. Kissing him softly, she shook her head. "No, Bass, I want you inside of me. Everything else can wait."

He wanted all of her, to taste her, to drive her to the brink of pleasure with just his hands and mouth, but how could he resist burying himself in the woman he loved so much. Slipping a hand between their bodies, he slid a finger into her warmth, finding her already wet and ready. Groaning at that, he took his cock in his hand and lined up with her entrance. One last look in her eyes granted him permission and he slid inside, both gasping at the sensation.

"Bass..." He wasn't sure he could even speak. He was finally right where he'd wanted to be since before they'd ever arrived in Willoughby, a year from now, or a few months ago. It was all so confusing, and the only thing he really knew was that he was with her, with his Charlie. "Bass, I need you to move."

Obeying her wish, he set a slow pace for them at first, their tempo increasing, their bodies becoming more fluid as she adjusted to his size. Rocking against each other, their kisses went from gentle to hard and punishing, fervently increasing as they both rushed towards pleasure.

Charlie came first, her fingers threaded through his curls, squeezing them tightly as if they were a lifeline. Her hips pumped against his as he all but slammed into her. "Oh God...Bass..."

Trying to hold on, trying to draw her climax out, he kept moving, kept pumping into her, his pace speeding up as his balls tightened. He meant to pull out, but she felt so damn good, it all felt so damn good, that his orgasm hit before he could stop it. Spurting his hot seed inside her, he jerked as his body slowly came down from its high. Collapsing on top of her, he worked on getting his breath back enough to check on her well-being.

When he finally came back to earth, he realized she was still wrapped around him, one of her arms around his neck, resting on his back and pressing him to her; her other hand was rubbing the back of his head, her nose nuzzling against his ear. It was so comforting, having her so close, clinging to him so tightly. He allowed himself to relax a bit more, loving the feel of being enveloped in the arms of someone who truly cared for him.

"Charlie," he mumbled.


"I'm sorry. I should have been more careful."

She chuckled. "It'll be okay, Bass."

Propping up on his elbow, he looked down at her. "If anything were to happen, Charlie, you know I'm here for you. I love you. I would take care of you."

Her fingertips trailed across his brow. "I know."

He fell to his side, pulling her into his embrace. While the idea of Charlie pregnant with his child was enticing, he wasn't sure she was ready. Or if he was, to be totally honest. They would have to be more careful until the time was right for both of them.

"Bass, don't worry about it."

She knew him so well. "Alright, I'll stop. I just want you to be happy, Charlie."

"I am, Bass. Happy and sleepy. Do we have enough time to catch a nap?"

"We do. Rest, baby." He kissed her the top of her head as she snuggled against his chest. Closing his eyes for a moment, he reveled in her scent and her warmth before following her into sleep.

Snuggling under the covers with Charlie's head on his chest, her body plastered against his, Bass was sure he'd never been so happy. He'd loved Shelly certainly, but this thing with Charlie was mindblowing. Softly running his hand down her hair as she dozed, he pondered all the things he wanted to do with her, both in and out of bed. Hell, if she just wanted to lay there for the rest of time, he would be alright with that.

That idea was quickly set aside as she stirred beside him. Lifting her head, she rested her chin on his chest and looked up at him. "Hi."

"Hi." They stared at one another for a few minutes, lost in the bliss that new lovers share.

"So I was thinking...maybe we shouldn't tell anyone about this just yet."

He chuckled. "Charlie, I've been worried about telling your uncle that we were watching movies. I don't think I'm exactly ready to share that we slept together with him yet. You don't have to worry about it."

"I'm not worried about it...completely." She reached up enough to press her lips to his. "OK, I'm a little worried, but it's not just that. I'd like to kind of keep this for myself for a while. Just you and me."

"Just you and me." Tugging her towards him, he dropped a kiss onto her mouth, his tongue pushing inside to taste her. He was just getting into it, planning to roll her back under him when a knock sounded on the bedroom door.

"General Monroe?"

Charlie and Bass stilled immediately, their eyes wide as they stared at each other. Placing a finger to his lips, he motioned for her to remain quiet. "What is it?"

"Sir, I'm sorry. We tried reaching you in your office-"

"I needed a moment." He rolled his eyes, missing the part of the old world where no one ever cared where he was anymore.

"Yes, Sir. Of course. But, Sir, someone has arrived here that wishes to see you."

Bass could care less. Nothing was pulling him away from Charlie when they still had at least an hour until their family and friends returned to Independence Hall. "I'm very busy. Tell whoever it is to make an appointment and come back then."

"You're so in demand," Charlie whispered, giggling when Bass tickled her. He shushed her as they both prayed the officer outside the door had not heard her laugh.

"Sir, um, I think you might want to see this gentleman."

"And why is that?" There was no man on the earth he needed to see that badly.

"Because he drove here, Sir. In a Cutless Sierra."

Except that man. Charlie must have seen the change in his expression. "Bass?"

"Hold him in the waiting room outside my office. Keep two guards on him at all times. I'll be there as soon as I can." After receiving a confirmation and hearing the officer's boots retreating, Bass sighed heavily, closing his eyes.

After a moment, he felt Charlie's fingertips dancing over his eyelids. "Who is it, Bass? Who has you so worried?"

He opened his eyes and looked directly into hers. "It's the one man who could ruin everything."

"Ruin it how?"

"He has access..." He wasn't even sure how to approach the subject. He hadn't really discussed this with anyone yet. They needed to have a talk about it, but he needed everyone he trusted to be there. Sitting up, he pushed the covers off, heading to his closet for a clean uniform. "Charlie, he's a really bad man with some very bad intentions. I was waiting for him to approach me, but with all that's been going on, I sort of forgot about him for awhile. I shouldn't have."

"Bass, you're freaking me out." Glancing at her, his heart softened. She was in the middle of his bed, covers pulled up around her body in such intriguing ways that his mouth got dry. Long ash blonde hair tousled over her shoulders, royal blue eyes totally focused on him. She was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen, like a cross between a gypsy and a goddamned queen.

He sat beside her on the bed, his hand on her jaw as he pulled her into a kiss. "Charlie, don't worry. Later on, we'll have a little meeting with all the people we trust the most and we'll talk about this as a group. And we'll make sure this man is taken care of for now and in the future. I won't let him take this away from me. Not you, not any of this."

Her forehead rested against his. "You better not."

"I won't." He kissed the top of her head as he stood up again. "I sort of need you to get dressed and sneak down the back hall to my office. I'll go the front way and let you in. If you're okay with that. I don't want you to feel like-"

"Bass." She held up a hand, chuckling at his rambling. "I'm alright with that. This is just ours right now."

"Good," he said, buttoning up his shirt. "Because I love you. And I don't want you to feel...used."

Stripping the covers off her very naked body, she sauntered over to him, her hands slipping the last button on his shirt through its hole, then wrapping her arms around his neck. "You mean, you don't want me to feel like the president's mistress?"

"Charlie, you're not." He never wanted her to feel that way. "You're the love of the president's life."

Rising up on her tiptoes, she covered his mouth with hers, kissing him fiercely. "I can live with that."

"But if you don't get dressed, I might be in trouble here." He pressed forward, allowing her to feel his growing erection. "And I really need to meet with this guy, Charlie. And I need you dressed. I want you in that office before I let him in."

"Who is this guy, Bass?"

"The devil, Charlie." Randall Flynn had finally come to Philadelphia.

When Bass's guards finally opened the door for Flynn, Charlie was standing off to the side of his desk, her demeanor closed off and hard. Exactly what Bass wanted her to project. He himself was channeling the general he'd set aside what seemed like so long ago; he'd even worn the overcoat because it presented such a severe figure. But he wanted Randall Flynn to cower in front of him. After what the man had done to his people, his republic, his town, Bass was taking no chances the second time around.

Bass knew he had changed a lot of things. Flynn was supposed to show up in Philadelphia earlier; in the old timeline, he'd arrived not long after Miles had broken Danny and Rachel out and taken off once again. But Miles hadn't left this time. And with the two of them and Charlie working together, Flynn was not going to pull off his plan. The Patriots were not going to take control of his country ever again.

But it took everything Bass had to not fly across the room and choke the shit out of the man. "How can I help you, Mr...?"

"Flynn, Randall Flynn. And this gentleman is John Sanborn." Bass studied the smaller man. The last time they'd been in his office, Sanborn had been beaten up, which Bass had later learned was courtesy of Miles. This time, other than appearing afraid of Flynn, the man was perfectly fine. "And the question, General, is how can we help you?"

"Really? That sounds interesting." Bass said, sitting behind his desk and motioning to the two chairs in front of it. Both men sat, but their eyes were on Charlie. "Oh, I'm sorry. This is...Charlotte. She's an advisor to me."

A slight grin formed at the corners of Flynn's mouth and Bass found he didn't like it at all. He was probably assuming that Charlie was nothing more than a bed warmer for the president of the republic. "Of course, General. But this is something very sensitive we have to discuss."

Bass stared Flynn down, piercing the other man with all the animosity he felt. "Charlotte has helped me enact several laws that have allowed for reform in my republic. Many of her ideas have created programs that are bettering the city and hopefully soon, the country. I assure you that I have no secrets from her. Whatever you have to say, you may say in front of her."

Seeming to understand, Flynn tipped his head at Charlie. She didn't move a muscle as her eyes bored into the man. God, he was so damn proud of her. He couldn't wait to get her alone again. "General, we're here to offer you something extraordinary. Something beyond your wildest dreams."


"Yes, Sir," Flynn confirmed.

"And what might that be?" Bass asked.

"A chance for you to take over the Georgia Federation, Texas, even California. I have the ability to hand you a continent."

Bass narrowed his eyes, crossing his arms as he leaned back in his chair. "And how would this happen?"

"I have access to power, General. I can get your electricity up and running. And I have something I believe you've been searching for."

"Pendants," Bass said. He was dying to hit the smug bastard with all of his might.

"Yes. Have you managed to find any so far?" Flynn asked.

"No." Bass said, without so much as a flinch. He was thrilled that Charlie didn't move a muscle either, considering there was one hidden in her bedroom at the moment.

"Well, I can get them for you. I can get you scientists who can build amplifiers to expand the range of the pendants. Allow your copters to fly and tanks to roll." He leaned back, a shit-eating grin on his face if Bass had ever seen one. "Sir, I can get you everything."

"Hmmm..." Bass nodded, staring at the man as if thinking it over. "Well, I might have a man I'd like you to work with. Tom Neville. He's a respected officer and friend."

Flynn only faltered for a minute, but Bass saw it, the crack in his well-placed armor. A glance at Charlie told him she'd caught it too. Randall Flynn had come into his republic expecting to lead him around by the nose, much as he'd done the first time. How far up his own ass had he been to let the son of bitch play him the way he did? Viewing events for the second time made Bass take an all-too-clear look at himself. And he really didn't like what he saw.

"Is that going to be a problem?"

"No, Sir. Of course not."

Bass remembered this. How things had gone with Flynn the first time. The son of a bitch's arrival had signalled the beginning of his republic's downfall; all the while, he himself had been sinking deeper and deeper into his own black pit. And Randall Flynn had been right there shoving him further down into it. But he was wasn't that man anymore. He was so going to enjoy this.

"I really just have one more question," Bass said. "When do you think we can get to the Tower?"

Yet again, Flynn was at a loss for words. "The...Tower, Sir?"

"You know, that little operation you have out there in Colorado. The one with the still functioning surveillance cameras, the bunkers, oh yeah...the bombs." He stared right at Flynn, his words just hanging in the air.

"General...I assure you-"

"Ah, but I know you have access to that facility, Mr. Flynn." Bass shot him that megawatt grin, the one that didn't go all the way to his eyes. "And I really hate it when people lie to me."

"I was merely saving it, Sir."

"Well, I'm just thinking it will be an even better weapon to have in our arsenal. Am I right, Mr. Flynn?"

"Yes, Sir." The son of a bitch actually thought Bass was pandering to him. Dickhead.

"Excellent." Bass glanced over to Charlie, catching her eye, knowing instinctively she'd play along with whatever he needed her to. "What do you think, Miss Matheson? Does this sound like a good idea to you?"

At the drop of Charlie's last name, Flynn's eyes widened and shot in her direction. The fact that Bass had a Matheson in his midst had to be throwing another wrench into Flynn's plans. It also allowed Charlie to reveal as much information as she wanted. "Access to tanks, bombs, all sorts of weapons. All sorts of different ways to kill as many people as you want. I don't know, Bass, that doesn't exactly seem in line with what we're doing here."

Her eyes connected with his for a minute, and he silently sent her his love, which she seemed to understand. He would take it from here. "No, it really doesn't, Charlie. I suppose we could ask Miles's opinion as well. When he gets back from overseeing the end of the last conscription boat in the Monroe Republic. You see, Mr. Flynn, this republic is no longer looking to wage war with anyone. In the last several weeks, we've extended offers of friendship to Georgia, Texas, and the Plains Nation. California is last on our list, but they are on it. I don't think what you've proposed is at all what we are looking for."

"Sir, I-"

"No. I have a feeling I know what you're after, Mr. Flynn. Power. Or maybe it's something more. Maybe you're working for someone who would like all the republics to fail. For all of us to destroy each other so your 'employers' could waltz right in and pick up the pieces." Bass nailed him to the wall with his electric blue eyes. "That's not going to happen."

Flynn stood up and backed away, leaving poor Sanborn sitting in stunned silence. "I'm working for no one. I only want to serve-"

Bass stood up, advancing on the man. "I don't believe that. You and whatever 'Patriots' you're working for will not take over this nation, or any other on the continent of North America. We're making this republic into a good safe place for its citizens. And I will provide friendship and aide to any other country who does the same. But what I'm afraid, Mr. Flynn, is someone as dangerous as you really can't be allowed back out there."


Bass signalled to Charlie, who ducked behind Flynn and opened the doors for the guards, instructing them to come in arrest the bastard. Bass found himself more than a little excited when they slapped the cuffs on the surprised man. Finally, this one last obstacle would be out of his way. He would finally be able to have the republic he'd always dreamed of with the woman he loved at his side. Not to mention his brother and other family and friends.

Stepping up close to the struggling Flynn, he leaned down a bit to make eye contact. "You thought you could play me. Get me to lead your ass right into that Tower and down to level 12. I'm nobody's patsy, Mr. Flynn. If the Patriots try advancing onto my land, I will end them."

The other man was entirely speechless as he stared up at Bass.

Bass got in very close to whisper the next words. "Incidentally, Miss Matheson is my right hand. She has as much control in this republic as I do. I saw the way you looked at her, and I know what you were thinking. But you should know, you basically insulted the vice president of this nation. I don't take that very lightly."

"General Monroe-" Flynn pleaded.

"Get him the hell out of here. Put him in the cell next to Tom Neville." After the guards dragged Flynn away, Bass glanced over at Sanborn. He could always use another brilliant mind. "So, what do you say? Are you willing to use those brains for the greater good?"

Sanborn nodded timidly. The way the little man trembled reminded Bass of a field mouse. "Yes."

"Good. Then you're welcome here, Mr. Sanborn." He offered a hand to the man, who nervously shook it. "I have a team working on making some advancements in medicine. Can I assume that you know Rachel Matheson?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Good, she's in charge. You'll be working under her command. Whatever she needs you to do."

"I understand," Sanborn said as Bass motioned to a guard and told them to find the man a place to stay.

Once the room cleared out and it was only Charlie and Bass again, he wandered over to her. "You did good."

She cocked her head to the side, studying him. "Bass, how did you know all that stuff? Everything you said to him...you freaked him out. How did you know about the Tower?"

He hated lying to her, he really did, but there was no easy way to explain how he knew some of the things he did. Not without making her think he was crazy. "Just good old fashion intel."

"Spies?" she asked, a smile on her face.

"You could say that." He stepped up close to her and she reached out a hand, yanking him against her by the lapels of his overcoat. Her lips covered his, her tongue slipping into his mouth to search of his. He kissed her for a few minutes, allowing them both to linger in the glow of love. When he finally pulled away, he rested his forehead against hers. "I'm sorry we were interrupted. But I needed to make sure that guy was put away."

"I get it. He seemed to be offering a lot of really terrible things to you, Bass."

"And I might have wanted them once, Charlie." As much as he wished he could ignore the man he'd been, he couldn't. None of them could forget it so that he never reverted back to that tyrant. Even if it meant reminding Charlie of his horrifying past. "But I'm not that man anymore."

She pressed the palm of her hand against his cheek. "I know you're not."

He kissed her briefly, stopping before it got too heated. Releasing her with a small groan, he stepped back behind the desk. "Charlie, we have to curb it for awhile. Miles will be getting back anytime now."

She sighed, her own frustration obvious. "Yeah, I guess he will. How in the world are we going to handle this?"

He tilted his head, a little smirk on his face. "With a lot of difficulty."

She let out a bark of laughter; he followed right along. They were in stitches by the time Miles walked in a few minutes later.

He glanced between the two. "What did I miss? What's the joke?"

Miles's earnest expression sent them back off into more fits of laughter.

Later that night, he knocked on Charlie's door. Cracking it open, she allowed him in without a word. As soon as the door was closed behind him, she was in his arms, her lips on his. He kissed her for a few minutes before pulling away to gaze at her.

Earlier, they'd had a small dinner sent up to his office, their entire group eating as they discussed Randall and the future of the republic. In addition to Charlie, Miles and Jeremy, he'd also included Rachel, Nora and Aaron; everyone he trusted had been there. But as important as the meeting was he found his thoughts wandering back to Charlie over and over.

"Do you know how hard it was not to stare at you over dinner? Or to keep my hands to myself after?" he asked.

"As hard as it was for me?"

He nodded, overjoyed that she wanted him as much as he wanted her. "Probably."

"Bass, I want you to stay here with me."


"I almost don't care if anyone knows. I want to be with you."

Smirking, he pulled away from her, walking over to one of the bookcases that lined half of her wall. Pulling out the last book on the left, he heard a small click and knew he'd found what he was looking for. He pulled on the shelf and the entire thing opened into another room. Charlie's eyes were wide as she crept closer to the new doorway, entering it slowly and looking around.

"This is your room," she said, turning to him in disbelief. He nodded. "You put me next to your room from the beginning? Where you had complete access to me at all times?"

He faltered, unsure about the serious look on her face. "I-I haven't used it, Charlie. I never came in here without your permission. I swear-"

Her giggle cut him off. "Bass..."

"And you're laughing." He sighed in relief. "You're kidding."

She chuckled, stepping up to him and wrapping her arms around his neck. "Of course I'm kidding. Nice way to plan ahead actually. So did Benjamin Franklin have this put in?"

"Uh, no...actually the hall has been demolished and renovated numerous times. The one we're in was probably done in the mid-20th century." Glancing around his bedroom, he met her eyes again, and immediately recognized the mirth in them. "And you don't really want to know about the history of Independence Hall, do you?"

She shook her head with a smile. "No, not right now. As much as I enjoy you being a history buff, and as much as I like hearing your stories about it, right now, I'm really not interested."

"So what are you interested in?" he asked, pressing their bodies together.

Grabbing his hand, she led him across the candlelit room to his bed. He was about to push her back onto the bed when he realized he'd come into her room and hadn't left through the main entrance. Pulling away from her, he rushed through her room and out the door. Entering his bedroom again, he found her standing there, laughing at him.

"So you think this is funny, huh?"

"I think it's hysterical."

He dove at her, catapulting them both onto the bed. Swallowing her laughter with his kisses, he marvelled at where his life had suddenly brought him. He had his brother, friends, a republic and militia he could be proud of...and he had Charlie. Everything was perfect.

Laying there in the middle of the night, Bass found himself wide awake, staring up at the ceiling as moonlight poured in through the window. Charlie's head was on his shoulder as she slept; her body relaxed and so peaceful in his arms. But he was finding it hard to shut his mind off.

There was a little voice, niggling at the back of his head, that he refused to listen to, refused to even acknowledge. Because he couldn't allow himself to think about it. Couldn't allow himself to think that he just might have to go back someday. Or that this was all the perfect set up to yank everything back out from under him again. He would not reflect on the fact that every single time good things happened in his life, they were tempered by some very bad things.

He'd been given this gift, this life with Charlie. The longer he spent time in this world, the more certain he was that he really had died and miraculously gone to heaven.

But the voice still nagged, still tickled at his thoughts, leading to the one thought he wanted to bury most of all.

A man like him was never supposed to get into heaven.