"We have her. Let's move out!"

"I'll clear a path, stand aside-"

"Watch out!"

Korra woke immediately sitting upright drenched in sweat, breathing heavily. It was just another nightmare. She thought to herself.

She slowly moved out of bed, raised the sheets and put her feet on the ground, the floor cold from the open window. She looked out and saw the sun was slowly rising, giving a faint orange glow to the arctic mountain tops. The cool breeze hitting her face caused the sweat to disappear. Why is it that I keep having that dream?

She scanned the small cubicle of a room, slowly trying to wake up. She saw her bookshelf on the left corner, filled with books from top to bottom that she's read dozens of times. To the right, a simple desk and chair with a candle that was almost out of wax on the left corner. Might as well start the day She thought.

She rose from bed. The floor creaked under her weight. Not wanting to wake anyone up, she moved out of the room. Slowly, she took long silent strides towards the door next to the bookshelf. She opened it, hoping that it didn't creak too loudly. Upon opening the door she could smell food, someone was making breakfast.

She didn't bother being silent anymore. She moved calmly down the hall moving past two doors on the right and two doors on the left. She opened up to a living station with a worn out couch, a small table in front of it and two chairs beside the table.

"Ah, so she decided to finally wake up."

Korra turned her head to the left and saw her friend eating alone at the larger table. She bowed.

"Good morning P'li"

A bandana covered up her vertical-eye tattoo on her forehead and Korra noticed that her hair was down. She saw her red eyes staring directly at her as she looked displeased with the way Korra acted.

"Kid, you don't have to bow to us every day and night. But it's the least you can do since you decided to not cook breakfast for us this morning."

Korra's eyes widened.

"I'm sorry, it won't happen again!" She said as apologetic as possible

P'li got up with a plate in her left hand.

"Its fine, you always forget when it's your turn anyway; here"

She gave the plate to Korra.

"I made scrambled turtle-duck eggs, come eat before Ghazan smells it and shoves it all down his throat."

Korra served herself a plate and sat to P'li's left, both eating in silence. She noticed the flower in the center was beginning to wilt.

"So how's the lavabending coming along?" P'li asked

"It's going well; I managed to get a small amount of lava to come out of the ground. Ghazan is a really good teacher," She stopped mid-sentence to eat a spoonful of eggs. "and Ming-Hua helped me learn that awesome water-whip arm move. So what's new with you? Have you and Zaheer figured out a way to sneak me into Republic City to let me see the airbenders?"

P'li sighed "The only way to do that is to sneak aboard a ship. Zaheer said he'd stay behind and see if any ship would come to the dock later on. Otherwise we're either swimming, or find a small boat. Neither of those sound appealing."

"Oh…" Korra trailed off looking onto her half eaten plate of eggs when she heard a door in the hall open and heard footsteps coming into the main hall. She saw Ghazan come in wearing a green tanktop and pajama pants. He immediately grabbed a plate and served himself.

"Good morning to you too." P'li said in her most condescending voice

"Gud mrng" He said with a mouth full of eggs

"Korra tells me she managed to lavabend?"

"She sure did, only took you a few weeks too, when I was your age I was still trying to figure it out from an old scroll that told the story of an ancient earthbending avatar."

"Really? What was his name?" Korra asked with wonder

"He was a she, I can't remember what her name is, but she was one of the most powerful of all avatars. She helped the Fire and Water nation find peace over territory and re-locate dragons for fire nation expansion."

"Wow, she sounds incredible."

"She was, she also-Yeow!"

"Quit eating all of the food!" Ming-Hua said as she retracted her arm tentacle. "There are others who live in this house too you know!" Ming-Hua had bed head. One part of her head had hair tangled while the other side was relatively normal. She has tubes around her waist to carry water and her outfit resembled an insane inmate.

"I was going to leave you some."

"That's what you said about the lion-vulture two weeks ago, and the platypus-bear the week before that!"

"Okay, okay. Here." Ghazan filled Ming-Hua's plate with the rest of the eggs and handed it to her. Ming-Hua extended her arm, grabbed it and sat down across from Ghazan

"Thank You" She said

"You're welcome" He said as he tended to his wrist

"I love our dysfunctional family, don't you Korra?" asked P'li

"Yeah, it's nice. So when do you think Zaheer will get back?"

"If we're lucky he'll be back by the afternoon with some more food."

Korra became fixated on the way Ming-Hua ate. She couldn't understand why, but she found it fascinating. The way she moved her arm so fluidly and still maintaining to not drop a single piece of egg from her spoon.

Suddenly the front door opened. Everyone stopped what they were doing and went to the entrance. It was Zaheer, his long hair pushed back and still wearing the same gray outfit from last night. He closed the door behind him.

"Good news. There'll be a ship leaving tonight to deliver some fish to Republic City. We can pack up our things and leave." He walked towards Korra. "And you'll finally be able to learn airbending."

"Yes! Finally!" Korra jumped up in the air full of pride and happiness. "I can't believe I'm about to learn all four elements! This'll be so exciting!"

Zaheer looked at her with a smirk

"Yes, it will…"