Reviews for Chaos
VKLOREO23 chapter 14 . 5/6/2016
You suddenly stopped...why!
emma lost chapter 14 . 11/29/2014
I like the plot where u had Korra kidnap as a child. I am not sure I like the storyline where you have Marko as a thug. It will be interesting to see where you r taking this story. I like it so far.
Kiara.Queen.of.Kaos chapter 14 . 10/19/2014
Awe so cute.
Furrubell chapter 13 . 10/15/2014
Really cool story so far. I'm wondering how Mako is going to contribute to the story without his bending though, is it going to be restored by Korra later? Not that it really matters I guess, not that much of a Mako fan.
Historyman 14 chapter 13 . 10/14/2014
Korrasami here. (:
Kiara.Queen.of.Kaos chapter 13 . 10/13/2014
Cool chapter.
OMAC001 chapter 11 . 10/2/2014
Yeesh, Mako losing his bending! That's serious! Hopefully this Korra won't let Amon have his way!
Aztrel chapter 12 . 10/2/2014
I'm trying and failing to come to terms with what is a clear character flaw in your version of Korra. The insight she has concerning the Equalist debate was nice, truly, but it is hard for me to reconcile her being wise over one issue yet so very BLIND to another. What am I referring to? The Red Lotus cause - Anarchy and Anti-government.

There can be no such thing as "natural order" as Zaheer believes in canon. Even if all the nations and tribes had their leaders removed from power - there will always be someone to take their place. Lets take the Earth Kingdom for example, in LoK:
The queen is dead and the kingdom is shattered. Even if it is every man and woman for themselves, that will never last very long. Eventually family and friends band together. Then whole villages. Then multiple villages define borders and strengthen themselves accordingly. Eventually you have one or several very strong governments with leaders at the head. The cycle will ALWAYS return to that.

But to go further still and have your Korra recognize that Benders and Non-benders can be both good and bad... yet not share that same understanding of government officials... Its... Damn I HATE saying something like this in a review... But its stupid.

There. I said it.
Now I feel horrible for having said it.
Historyman 14 chapter 12 . 9/27/2014
So, Bolin joins the Police. This affects a lot of things. And where Mako?
Kiara.Queen.of.Kaos chapter 12 . 9/27/2014
Hehe awesome.
Kiara.Queen.of.Kaos chapter 11 . 9/27/2014
Wow awesome chapter.
starheart.fallenstar chapter 11 . 9/26/2014
Boy. Mako get tossed aside really fast(not that I mind).

I wonder if 'Kanna' will revile herself to Asami that she is a bender, or just pretend to be a non-bender until the time come.(She's yet to bend any element since she arrive at the city, right?)
starheart.fallenstar chapter 9 . 9/26/2014
Not only that she is an Equalist, but (one of a)lieutenant too? Asami got a serious upgrade in this fic.
starheart.fallenstar chapter 6 . 9/26/2014
Am I detecting some Korrasami here, or is it just my desperate imagination?
starheart.fallenstar chapter 5 . 9/26/2014
Wow. Korra with an actual functional brain that could use a civilize word to by people heart instead of threaten to hit them with a rock...

I must be dreaming!...
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