DISCLAIMER: I do not own Ranger's Apprentice; all rights to John Flanagan!

Sorry to say, but this will be the last chapter. So I hope you all enjoy it!

Halt sat at his desk, sipping his coffee. He glared down at the reports cluttering the oak desk, wishing they would just go away. Nothing worse than paperwork. He thought. Now he knew how Crowley felt. Just as he picked up his quill again, a scratching sound erupted behind him. Turning in his chair, pen still held aloft, he looked for the source of the sound.

Bootsie was sitting directly behind him, scratching behind her ear intently. Apparently she had no idea how much that sound was annoying Halt.

"Hey, Bootsie." He said, irritated. The puppy glanced up, pausing in her scratching. "Cut that out."

Bootsie merely lolled her tongue out and tilted her head to the side. She continued to scratch.
Halt shook his head. "Whatever. Have it your way."

It only took two seconds for Halt to send his chair screeching backwards and come to his feet. I need another cup of coffee. He thought. He grabbed his coffee cup and walked to the kitchen, having to dodge Bootsie on the way. She continually felt the need to weave in and out of his feet, as if in a desperate attempt to trip him. He set another pot of coffee over the stove and turned around.

Only to be met with Bootsie's smiling face.

"Go away, would you?" Halt said, shoving past her to relax on the couch. She leaped up beside him. They stayed there for several minutes, Halt not looking at Bootsie, Bootsie staring excitedly at Halt. The gray-bearded ranger's dark eyes flicked over to the dog, then quickly back again. She was kind of cute.

Great. I'm getting soft in my old age. He thought, shifting uncomfortably. Bootsie cuddled closer to him, resting her tiny little head in his lap. He shoved her off.

Bootsie moved to the other side of the couch, obviously hurt. Halt sighed. "All right, come here." Whimpering with joy, she bounded over to him, snuggling into his arms.

Well, Halt thought, completely forgetting about the coffee he had set to brew. Maybe she wasn't such a bad gift after all.

Suddenly, the door squealed open and Will stepped inside, pausing as he saw his mentor on the couch with Bootsie. The puppy only wagged her tail and stuck her tongue out in a pant.

He tried to slowly reverse and escape the cabin without Halt seeing, but it was too late. The older ranger had heard his apprentice come in and called for him to come back when he heard him leaving.
"I'm just gonna…make some coffee." Will said, finding it awkward that the grim old ranger was snuggling on the couch with a puppy.

"Oh, shut up, Will. It's just a dog. Besides, I've already made some." He gestured vaguely towards the kitchen, and Will walked over, pouring himself a cup.

"So…" He said slowly, hesitating. "You like your present?" Will turned back to his master, coffee in hand.

Halt smiled.

Which kind of scared Will.

But it didn't scare him nearly as much as it scared Halt himself. "Well," he said, shifting to a more comfortable position. "You have to admit, it was a pretty good idea."

Will grinned.

Well, there it is. The end of Crowley's Pet, which has now evolved into Halt's Pet. :D I hope everyone enjoyed reading it, because I certainly enjoyed writing it. Again, happy birthday EvenstarWarrior! I hope you enjoyed gift, even if it wasn't a lab puppy! :D

Arrow :D