A/N: Sorry for the long wait guys. I had such a hard time writing this chapter, but hopefully it's all paid off! Oh, please don't kill me for the ending.
Disclaimer: I do not own My Little Pony or You'll Be In My Heart. I had to change the word hands to hoof and the word arms to wings, but it's the same otherwise.
Oh, I'll be updating this story on FIMFiction as well as on here!

Discord had stayed up all night.

Usually, he fell asleep just after Luna rose the moon. On special occasions, Luna would sing him a lullaby before going to raise the moon, and Discord would fall asleep soon after.

The previous night, however, had been difficult. Every time he closed his eyes, he could hear the taunts from the ponies.



He doesn't belong.

He'll hurt the Princesses.

Discord shook his head as the taunts replayed. All he wanted was to walk down the streets of Canterlot, and be greeted by ponies who where happy to see him. No one would call him a monster, no one would hurt him. It would be perfect.

Discord sighed, before deciding to head downstairs to see Luna and Celestia. He smiled slightly as he thought off his mother and aunt.

"At least I have them."

When Discord flew past Luna's chambers, he heard her crying. His ears perked up and he immediately flew into the room. His eyes widened as he saw his mother.

Luna was curled up in a ball, gently sobbing. The curtains were closed, her covers were thrown across the room and her pillows were at a heap at the bottom of her bed.

Discord frowned, "Mom, what's wrong?" He quickly flew over to his mother and put his paw on her shoulder comfortingly.

Luna looked up at him, "Disocrd, did I wake you up?"

Discord shook his head, "No, I woke up earlier." He flew closer to her, nuzzling his head into her neck. "Are you okay Mom?"

"I'm fine." Luna said, although Discord could tell she was lying. He went to ask the question again, but Luna nuzzled him. "I'm fine, Discord, I promise."

Discord could still tell that she was lying, but he decided to drop the subject, for now, at least. He didn't want to upset her even more.

"I love you, Mom." Discord said, yawning as he got comfortable. He looked up when he didn't hear Luna reply right away.

After a moment of hesitation, she nodded. "…I love you too, my son."

Discord frowned, realising that something was wrong. He wanted to ask her if something was wrong, and if there was anything he could do to help, but Luna just pulled her closer with her wing.

"I know you're worried, sweetie, but we'll talk about it later. I promise."

Satisfied with the answer, he yawned once more before lying down next to his mother, and soon he fell into a peaceful sleep.

Luna opened her eyes as she awoke from her slumber. She turned her head, and was surprised to see Discord still asleep next to her. She smiled at him and nuzzled him gently.

"Discord, wake up, sweetie."

Discord opened an eye, looking up at his mother. Luna smiled down at him, but Discord couldn't help but notice that his mother's smile wasn't as warm as usual.

"I want you to go and play for a bit," Luna said, looking down at her son. "I'm not feeling too well."

Discord sighed, "Yes, mother." With that, he flew out of her chambers and into the garden.

He grinned as he saw his aunt and flew over to her, but slowed down when he realised she was talking to a few other ponies. He gently landed on his feet and went to join his aunt's side.

"Aunt Celestia?"

"Discord!" Celestia greeted, beaming at the child. She wrapped a hoof around him protectively, nuzzling his cheek gently. Discord relished in the attention until he heard a pony clear their throat. Celestia frowned and pulled away from her nephew, sending a glance at the ponies. She looked back down at Discord and sighed, "Listen, sweetie, I'm busy right now."

Discord frowned. Of course.

"Why don't you go entertain yourself for a while?"

Discord sighed, "Yes, Aunt Celestia."

With a heavy sigh, he flew away.

He knew they were staring at him. Discord growled as he glanced back at the young ponies he had just walked by. They were whispering, sending glances to him every now and then.

Discord looked away from the group, hanging his head in shame. He would never understand why they didn't accept him.

He continued to walk around Canterlot, looking at the ground. He felt ponies gaze at him and heard them talking, but he decided to try and ignore them. He suddenly bumbed into something.

"Why don't you watch where you're going?" Boxer grumbled, not looking down at the pony he'd bumped into.

Discord looked up and his eyes widened. "Boxer..."

The familiar colt finally decided to see who it was he bumped into. A small smirk fell onto his face, "Oh, hello Discord. I didn't realise it was you I bumped into, old friend."

Discord narrowed his eyes, "What do you want, Boxer?"

Boxer ignored him, "How are you, Dissy dear?" He mocked, chuckling at the nickname. The colts and fillies behind Boxer chuckled, causing Boxer to smirk. He turned his attack back to Discord.

"I see Celestia and Luna kicked you out of the Palace. Again." He chuckled lowly, "Even they don't want a freak like you around them!"

"That's not true!"

"Oh really?" Boxer chuckled, "Then why are you here, and not with them?"

"They love me!"

"Don't you understand?" Boxer cackled, "No one will ever accept you..."

"That's a lie!"

"...or love you..."

"Shut up!"

"...because you're a monster!"

"SHUT UP!" Discord bellowed, trying not to cry. Boxer chuckled, turning around to walk away.

Luna had always told Discord that he was better than Boxer. He knew he shouldn't scoop to his level, but Discord wanted revenge. He narrowed his eyes at Boxer's retretating form, and clicked his fingers.

The streets of Canterlot turned into soap. Boxer slipped on the ground, along with the other fillies and colts. They skidded down the path, trying to stop themselves, but with no sucess.

Boxer used his forelegs to try and stop himself, but he couldn't. His back legs flew over his head, and with a crash he landed against the wall.

Discord gasped and quickly clicked his fingers, making the steets turn to normal. Boxer's friends ran over to him, along with the other ponies of Canterlot.

"He's broken his leg!"

"Discord is the one to blame! He made Boxer slip!"

"He needs to get to the hospital!"

A unicorn levitated the young colt and gently carried him away, muttering as she passed the draconequus. The other ponies of Canterlot turned on him.

"I didn't want to hurt him!" Discord defended himself, "I just...It was an accident!"

"How could you?!"

"You big bully!"

"What did Boxer ever do to you?!"


"I understand that you were angry, Discord, but what you did was completely irresponsible!"

Discord flattened his ears against his head as his Aunt lectured him. The incident concerning Boxer had been reported to the Princesses, and Celestia was not happy with him.

"Oh sister," Luna interrupted, "Can you really blame Discord for his actions? This is the second time Boxer has bullied him!"

"I will talk to Boxer," Celestia reassured her, "but Discord is just as much as to blame. He must be punished!"

"He's my son Celestia, not yours!"

"But it is our duty to make sure this matter is properly addressed!"

Discord couldn't believe that his Mother and Aunt were arguing with each other. They never argued. It scared him.

"It's our duty, as his family, to make sure he's safe, Celestia! Discord only reacted like that because Boxer pushed him to his limit!"

"We are the Princesses, Luna! We must protect our subjects, even if it hurts us by doing so!"

"The little brat got what he deserved!"

"Luna, how could you say that?!"

"Well, he did!"


The alicorns turn to face Discord, mouths wide. He had never yelled at them before.

With the arguing stopped, Discord finally spoke. "I understand what I did, and I must be punished. I didn't mean to hurt him though! I will never do anything like that again, I promise!"

Celestia and Luna watched him carefully.

"You're grounded," Celestia said after a moment of silence, "You're grounded for a month."

"Yes, Aunt Celestia. Now, I want to be left alone."

The alicorn sisters could only watch as Discord flew upstairs.


Discord looked up as he heard his mother's voice coming from the doorway. She walked into his chambers, sitting down next to him on his bed. She wrapped a wing around him comfortingly, and he smiled.

"Celestia," there was a strange bitterness in her voice, "and I have to go run an errand in the old castle. Would you like to come?"

Even though what happened earlier still upset him, he felt slightly happier at the thought of doing an errand with his family.

"Do you really want me to come? Even after what happened today?"

"It's a royal errand," Luna said, a sly smile falling on her face, "and you are a part of the royal family."

It didn't take long for the trio to arrive at the castle. Discord noticed that Luna flew slightly behind Celestia. He frowned, but thought that it was because of their argument and decided to ignore it.

Once they arrived, Luna told Discord that it was late and he should go back to bed. Discord wanted to stay behind and help, but Celestia reassured him that he could help the next day. Knowing that his aunt and mother would not change their mind, Discord agreed and flew to the spare bedchambers.

He couldn't sleep. Every time he closed his eyes, he thought of what he did to Boxer, and his eyes would snap open in fright.

"Discord, sweetie?"

Discord looked up to see his mother peering into his room. She smiled, "I came to see if you were asleep."

Discord shook his head, "No. I keep thinking about what I did..."

Luna nuzzled him, wrapping a hoof around him, "Discord, you only acted like that because of how he treated you. I promise, he will be punished."

Discord nodded. "Hey, Mom? Could you sing me a lullaby?"

Luna nodded, "Of course." She took a deep breath, beginning the familiar lullaby. "Come stop your crying
It will be alright
Just take my hoof
Hold it tight
I will protect you
From all around you
I will be here
Don't you cry."

Discord leaned into his mother as her voice echoed through the room. He still felt like her usual warmth was missing, but he was happy to have her near him.

Luna continued the lullaby, a small smile on her face. "For one so small,
You seem so strong
My wings will hold you,
Keep you safe and warm
This bond between us can't be broken
I will be here
Don't you cry

'Cause you'll be in my heart
Yes, you'll be in my heart
From this day on
Now and forever more

You'll be in my heart
No matter what they say
You'll be here in my heart, always."

"Good night, Mom."

"Good night sweetie."

She kissed his head softly and used her magic to pull the covers over him. Discord soon fell asleep, and Luna looked back at him before she left.

"I'm so sorry, Discord."

"There can only be one princess in Equestria...and that princess shall be me!"

Discord opened an eye as he heard heated arguing. Carefully, he climbed out of bed and flew downstairs, wanting to see what was going on. He decided to hide so not be seen by the ponies arguing.

He was surprised to see his Aunt Celestia falling to the ground. He wanted to help her, but the shock froze him. No one had ever hurt his Aunt before.

His shocked turned to relief when he saw his Aunt stand up.

"Oh dear sister..."

Discord blinked in confusion. Her sister, his mother, was not doing anything wrong! He looked up into the sky in search of his mother and his eyes widened. He could only stare as his eyes landed on an alicorn with sharp teeth, a mist-like tail and mane and dark armour on her body. Discord shrunk himself down to hide, trying to work out what was going on. Who was this alicorn? Where was his mother?

He watched his aunt as he saw her levitate six items from a stand. The items looked vaguely familiar, and Discord tried to remember the name of the items. He watched as his aunt flew higher in the sky, her magic getting stronger. The items circled his aunt, and Discord watched in terror as the purple magic from the alicorn in the sky met with the magic his Aunt was using.

He suddenly remembered. These were the Elements of Harmony! His mother had told him about the time Celestia and she had used them to banish the tyrant, King Sombra. 'But,' Discord thought, 'Mother represents three elements and Aunt Celestia represents three, so why is Aunt Celestia weilding all six? Shouldn't Mom be here?"


He was torn out of his thoughts as he heard that familiar voice. It sounded just like...his mother's voice.

His eyes widened in shock. That alicorn resembled his mother, his mother was nowhere to be found and his Aunt had just weilded all six elements...

"A-Aunt Celestia?"

She turned around quickly, tears falling, "Discord! How long have you been there?"

Discord ignored her question, "Where's Mom?"

Celestia began to sob, pulling him into her hooves in a hug. "Discord, I'm sorry you had to see that!" She cried, "Your mother...she's gone."

"What did you do?" He hissed dangerously, pushing Celestia away. His eyes narrowed at the alicorn, who couldn't meet his gaze.

"Discord, I..."

"Tell me what you did!"

Celestia stepped forward again, reaching a hoof out for her nephew.

Discord growled in anger and jumped back away from her. He felt his chest tighten with pain. What had he ever done to deserve this? First the bullying, now his mother was gone. He growled in frustration once more. Celestia saw her nephew getting frustrated and tried to make her way over to him, but she was stopped by a powerful roar from the draconnequues.


Thunder echoed through the sky as Discord roared. The clouds in the sky turned pink and the rain that came out of them was chocolate milk. Celestia gasped and flew over to Discord, her eyes widened in shcok.

"Discord! You have to calm down!"

He clicked his fingers, turning the floor of the castle to soap, just like he did earlier. Celestia felt herself slipping and quickly flew into the air to stop herself from being hurt.

"Discord! Please!"

Discord ignored her and gazed up at the moon instead. The image of the pony on the moon taunted him and he felt his anger slowly fading away, instead replaced with sadness and loneliness. He fell to the floor in tears.

Slowly, everything turned back to normal. The floor turned back to normal, allowing Celestia to slowly land. She herself fell to the floor, sobbing quietly. The clouds and rain turned back to normal, and the sound of the rain echoed through the castle.

Discord gazed up at the moon once more, and cried out loudly.

