


After all, writing is supposed to be fun for me as well. Writing new stories does give me more inspiration for my older ones, because as I have said loads of times, they will be finished- it just might take some time xD. I really like where I think this story could go, and that fact alone makes me want to write more of this. But that's up to you. Please leave a review if you think I should continue this story, because after-all, I write these for you guys.

Disclaimer: NAH MATE. NAAAAAAH. NAH. NAAAAA- /gets shot.

Also. If this story gets a lot of attention in the early days, I promise to update a 6,000 word first chapter. YOU GOTTA LOVE BRIBERY 'AY.

I hope you enjoy this like, 100 and something word prologue xD!

When people start to tell you the difference between reality and imagination, how are you supposed to react?

Because apparently, as far as the boy knew, as soon as someone would tell you something wasn't real you were meant to instantly believe it.

But Luffy couldn't grasp that.

He wasn't going to just stop believing his brother's weren't real; because they were. More real than most people he had met, they were all so fake- be it their faces or personalities.

Sure, it was true that no-one else could see them. But no-one else needed to. They were his older brothers, not anyone else's.

So when people told him to 'act like they weren't there' and 'it's not healthy to have imaginary friends' it didn't bother him. Because when he really thought down to it, it didn't really matter.

They were always there for him, would always cheer him up when he was down. They would even make fun of Dadan and the other adults which always caused him to collapse in a fit of giggles along with his brothers.

They grew up with him, aged with him. Would play stupid pranks and tease him constantly.

But they loved him, because in Luffy's eyes- he was their baby brother.

They knew themselves that they weren't real, they had told Luffy countless times before. But the boy either refused to believe it or knew it too well.

He knew that they weren't always there, that at one point- they had never actually existed. And that made the boy sad. He couldn't think of a world where his brother's didn't exist; the very thought hurt his heart.

But there was one thing that scared him even more.

And that one thing lead to eventually losing his brothers in the end.