Reviews for Translucent
Guest chapter 1 . 7/8/2017
Don't tell me they're actually going to disappear?!
Please don't ;-; That'd be so freaking sad!
That One Person chapter 1 . 7/23/2015
I REALLY love the idea! And this little preview, though small, has already gotten me hooked! I hope to see a few chapters soon!
Snufflepuff the Hufflepuff chapter 1 . 7/19/2015
PortgasDJen chapter 1 . 4/16/2015
Ohmygosh! This sounds so amazing! I need to read more! x3
I see you published this over a year ago though... :c Will you be continuing it anytime soon?
Random Fan chapter 1 . 1/16/2015
I should probably have some kind of distinct feature in this name soon (don'tbetellingmetogetanaccount'causeIdoandthisisjustforwritingthingsIforgotabout). Anyways...
GAGYEA! WHAT'RE YE DOIN' TO MY FAVORITE TRIO OF BROTHERS?! HOW COULD YOU?! OH GOD FRIGGIN' DAMNIT! Please update soon. You see, I'm an S for wanting to see my fav charas suffer. Please ignore that. If it's too awkward, you don't have to reply to my review in the next chap.
Btw, whyaren'tyouupdatingyourotherstorieshuhI'vebeenwaitin'sinceJesus'birthdayー
Bye bye! *running away from my 2nd personality created from my loneliness*
Maya5392 chapter 1 . 1/16/2015
... NO. Nonononononononononono. Stop itー Stop readingー damnitallcuriositykilledthecatfuckholyshittyhellー
GAAAAAAAARGH! YOU GOT ME HOOOOOKED! DAMN YOOOOOOOOU! *afteranotherhourofuselessstupidnonsenserambling*
... Sorry 'bout that. But goddanmit. Haizz, no helping it. I hope you'll update soon.(andhurryupwiththeupdatesonWDOAandWishwomaー)
Woops. Sorry again. Really, you're probably older than me by miles, so that was really rude. I feel like Cabbage. Heheh. I sure wish there would be 6K words next chapter!
The Dark Crimson Blood chapter 1 . 10/30/2014
I love it! I've had ideas with a similar plot, but never wanted to write it out. This is really good, I hope you update the first chapter :)
Bribery always works! XD
SilverToMo chapter 1 . 10/18/2014
Why would you- How am I- This is gonna be sad!

Please writ more! I gotta know what scares him more... even if I end up crying all night.
sisimiura chapter 1 . 9/30/2014
Lady of the Shards chapter 1 . 9/28/2014
I NEED TO KNOW WHERE YOU ARE GOING WITH THIS. Because I get the feeling this is going to make me cry so much.
jam klaoo chapter 1 . 9/28/2014
I really like this idea! I very interested in! Pls more
RobinLynnSpade chapter 1 . 9/28/2014
No. Just no. This story will make me sad, I already know it.


But seriously, this seems like it'd be a pretty interesting story, seeing as how strong the ASL bond is in the main series. It already sounds adorable (but sad) how Luffy might randomly start laughing at Dadan and the others when his brothers made fun of them. But poor Luffy T_T Those last two lines seem very ominous, whether they will die or just one day disappear because he gets older..idek. I'm already looking forward to this story's updates now :)
Otaku-chan chapter 1 . 9/28/2014
What? No. No. You can't write this. No. I can't even. No. Ace and Sabo have to- no. Just no. How could you? WHYYYYYY? *cries in corner*

Yeah . . . I loved it :) *sucks in breath* plsmake6000wordfirstchapterpls