a/n: This is a somewhat tongue-in-cheek version of how John and Mary could have reconciled their differences, following the revelations in the third series...

I own no aspect of Sherlock BBC.

Thanks go to MapleleafCameo and johnsarmylady:-)

Oh Mary...

Oh Mary...in your canon role,

A sweet and lovely creature;

Immortalised by Conan Doyle,

Pristine of form and feature.

You won my namesake instantly;

Your blue eyes hued so perfectly;

Your hair as fair as hair can be.

A sweet and lovely creature.


Oh Mary...thus you seemed at first,

My blue-eyed, fair-haired lady;

No hint that you might be well-versed

In deeds so deep and shady.

A practice nurse who seemed to be

The perfect practice nurse for me;

You triaged patients beautifully;

My blue-eyed, fair-haired lady.


Oh Mary...in those early days

My heart by you was taken;

Your innocent and girlish ways

Restored a faith well-shaken.

Those nights we wandered aimlessly,

Content to be just you and me;

A love which grew so easily;

My heart by you was taken.


Oh Mary...on the day we wed

Our vows rang out so clearly;

A blissful married life ahead

With one I loved so dearly.

And when at last it dawned on me

That one and one would soon be three,

No man could match my joy, you see;

Our vows rang out so clearly.


Oh Mary...joy and bliss fled fast;

My heart was torn asunder

As details of your murky past

Turned sun to storm and thunder.

I'd married, unexpectedly,

A cold assassin, did not see

The "gun for hire" you'd trained to be;

My heart was torn asunder.


Oh Mary...this will have to end,

Although I love you madly;

You shot my best and wisest friend,

An act which hurt me badly.

I now look back suspiciously

At sniper dots which fell on me;

I'll think the very worst, you see,

Although I love you madly.


Oh Mary...you have used those skills

Which nursing school had taught you

For easing and assessing ills,

To flatten those who thwart you.

The use of Gray's anatomy

For placing bullets surgically;

A hippocratic travesty

Which nursing school had taught you


Oh Mary...as I sit and read

Your life as Doyle had written,

I note my namesake had no need

To wish he'd not been smitten.

No hidden skills with weaponry,

No contract killing history,

No crime, just childhood tragedy;

Your life as Doyle had written.


Oh Mary...reading on some more,

A troubling thought has struck me,

And pierced me to my very core,

Dismayed and truly shook me...

The doctor, writ by ACD,

Although a soldier just like me,

Discharged his gun less eagerly.

A troubling thought has struck me...


Oh Mary...is it true, in fact,

It's not just you who's lacking?

On reading of each selfless act

The odds, I think, are stacking.

He treated all so courteously;

None felt beneath his dignity;

No eyes were rolled contemptuously.

It's not just you who's lacking.


Oh Mary...note the many times

My namesake dealt with danger;

He got through those Victorian crimes

Unkidnapped by a stranger.

And yet such tough ordeals to me

Occurred, perhaps, too frequently;

I take more risks, how differently

My namesake dealt with danger.


Oh Mary...must we emulate

Our namesakes, so heroic?

You'd suffer such a dismal fate;

I'd mourn, stiff-lipped and stoic.

I'd move back in with skull and he

Who views all things eccentrically.

I'll close the book, just let them be;

Our namesakes, so heroic.


Oh Mary...these old tales have shown

We do belong together;

We both prefer, if truth be known

Not sun, but storm-filled weather.

We thrive upon adversity

On lies, on harsh reality;

You are indeed the girl for me...

We do belong together.
