Title: Proximity

Pairing: Main- Kennett, plus hints of Finn/Sage, Klaroline, Kalijah and if you squint, mentions of Beremy.

Word Count: 5430

AN: I originally put this in a one-shot collection for Kennett, but then got floods of reviews for it and since it just seemed to get longer and longer, I decided it's probably best as a stand-alone Fic.So yeah, my perfect AU world, all human, domestic Mikaelson. And like before, all of my favourite pairings are going to be here. I think slow progression, like little episodes within one chapter. I have a checklist of all things that are going to happen and more- so happy to get my muse back for this.

This is also dedicated to gloomren, who is an actual babe and deserves loads of love. And thank you to everyone who has supported me on this, you're all babes.

Still don't own The Vampire Diaries, otherwise Caroline would have moved down to New Orleans with Bonnie, Kol would still be alive and in his appropriate body (Not that Daniel Sharman isn't also a babe) and Hope would probably be Caroline's daughter, not Hayley's.

But yeah, Disclaiming.

It was a well known fact that the Mikaelson's and the Bennett's, were neighbours.

It was hard not to know in a rinky-dink town like Mystic Falls, where everybody knew your business. They knew that Bonnie's parents got divorced when she was three, that she hadn't seen her mom since she was six, that her dad was infamous for his extended business trips. The Mikaelson's were also known as a train wreck waiting to happen, multiple disputes with the law, multiple elopements, many many fist fights. Though Bonnie could understand the chaos with six kids, Esther had her work cut out for her. Not to mention her husband being thrown in jail a few years earlier.

Rebekah and Bonnie were friends though, really good friends. Their fallouts being of epic proportions, close enough to finish one anothers sentences, have a conversation with only looks. In fact, she was well acquainted with all of the Mikaelson family. Esther always looked out for her since her Grams moved out, Finn and Sage babysat her once or twice, Elijah had caught her sneaking out of the house, the time Kol set fire to her dads tool-shed, when Klaus managed to get into a fight in her front garden.

The Mikaelson's would unfortunately never leave Mystic Falls, and neither would the Bennett's.

"I just can't believe you're going out with him," Rebekah said with her nose wrinkled in disgust. That was the seventh- no, eighth- time Rebekah had said that since getting into the car, like a track stuck on repeat there'd be a moment of silence before Rebekah brought the subject up again. Bonnie had never had a problem carpooling with Rebekah, it was better than sharing a car with Caroline on a morning-being that happy before midday was illegal. She would have killed the Head Cheerleader before the first semester was out. Rolling her eyes, Bonnie simply shrugged her shoulders as Rebekah fiddled with the radio once again. "I mean you could so do better than him."

"Oh yeah?" Bonnie murmured, kind of disinterested as she turned round the corner.

"Oh come on Bonnie, Jeremy Gilbert-"

"What? He's cute." Bonnie said, shrugging her shoulders.

"Dogs are cute Bonnie, Damon's cute, but you don't date them." Rebekah said with a grin stretching across her lips as Bonnie slapped her hand jokingly; Damon Salvatore, dick of the century or in the running for it. His only competition was Rebekah's brother, though which one Bonnie didn't know. "Plus he's Elena's little brother, that's just a little weird. I mean what happens if you guys break up for good?"

"We break up Rebekah, meaning we don't see each other romantically anymore." Bonnie said condescendingly, giving her a stare when they stopped at a red light as if she was five years old. Rebekah simply whacked Bonnie's arm with the back of her hand.

"You know what I meant." Rebekah said with a deadpan stare that made Bonnie smile. Whilst Bonnie loved Elena and Caroline, it was true when they said three was a crowd. Secrets were swapped without permission because it was assumed that all three should know, it would always end up in a pair and an odd one out. Sometimes it was Caroline, and sometimes it was Bonnie. But with Rebekah, Bonnie could be selfish and relish in the secrets that they only told each other. The fact that she could be completely frank about her opinion and most of the time Rebekah would agree with her, if not add her own tidbits.

Maybe it was easier since they knew each other since they were children, it was hard growing up with someone and not knowing every little thing about them. It was nice, because with Rebekah she was simply Bonnie. She wasn't part of the package deal which was Bonnie, Elena and Caroline. She was Bonnie Bennett, the girl who knew how to play poker at the age of ten because of Grams, the one which refused to dress up as anything other than a witch for Halloween, who got pissed off and threw mud at Rebekah's face when they were kids- in fact, she could still see the hole to China she and Rebekah had made as children.

To be fair it was only shin deep, but when you were five, that was a big deal.

Rebekah eyed the empty drive sadly.

"Your dad still not home from Paris?" Rebekah commented as she undid her seat-belt, Bonnie shutting off the engine as Rebekah got out the car.

"He said in three days, two weeks ago." Bonnie said, shrugging her shoulders indifferently as she got out and locked the car. Her dad loved her, in his own way- which included nobody to welcome her home after school, leaving her in an empty house with only infrequent phone calls and the briefest texts.

Mr. Bennett had always been nice, or from what Rebekah could remember, always teasing them about being little princesses whilst giving them more candy than what was probably allowed; though usually to wind up both Esther and Bonnie's mom when he returned the 'little princesses' in their sugar-crazed states. Those memories of her dad were nice, scarce but it still made a smile come to her lips.

"You wanna come over for dinner?" Rebekah asked as she walked round the front of the car to perch on the hood, it wasn't like Esther would complain. She had always loved Bonnie like her own daughter, and wasn't above storming around to the Bennett house to drag Bonnie round for a decent meal every once in a while.

"Do you remember what happened last time?" Bonnie asked incredulously, leaning against the bonnet of her car besides Rebekah.

She wrinkled her nose but couldn't fault Bonnie, the last time she'd had dinner at the Mikaelson house, to say it was a disaster would be putting it lightly. Klaus finally told his mother that he wanted to be an artist, not going into the family business as they had discussed; Henrik let slip about the fact that he'd been suspended for a couple of days; and Elijah had finally come clean about eloping with his long term girlfriend, Katherine. Then Kol had 'accidentally' (which actually turned out to be a genuine accident) groped Bonnie which reuslted in her dumping her plate of food over his head.

"We should have our own TV show." Rebekah said simply, Bonnie nodding in agreement as she thought about all the drama that existed in Rebekah's life.

"I'm thinking Geordie Shores, Big Brother kind of thing" Bonnie stated with a soft hum as she thought about it. Rebekah tilted her head as she tried to imagine it, wrinkling her nose slightly. "Your family is nuts, but star-material."

"Star-material? You're not gossiping about my good looks again are you Bennett?" A voice cut across, both of them turning to stare at Kol as he got out of his own car. Bonnie's lip curling slightly in disdain automatically. Out of the Mikaelson family there was a list of people she could tolerate and it went in the exact order;

Rebekah, Esther, Henrik, Elijah, Finn, space, Klaus, space, space, Kol.

There were just some people you can't get along with, and Kol was one of them but unfortunately he had made it his life goal to get on her good side. Rebekah tried to hide her smile, because it was a well talked about subject in their house about Kol's thing for Bonnie. It wasn't a thing though, they passed, and Kol had been making eyes at Bonnie for the past couple of years. If only he didn't set fire to her dads tool-shed, he might've had more of a chance than he did at that moment in time.

"You're right, I'm not." Bonnie said easily, smiling when she heard Rebekah's faint snort from beside her. Kol gave a wounded look, slinging his bag over his shoulder as he held a hand against his chest- trying to suppress his smirk, as usual. Did she always have to look so good? Plus Kol couldn't help but notice she was wearing that certain pair of jeans which should have been declared illegal in every state. Eyes drifting up and down her figure, a slow grin curling at the edges of his lips.

"You don't think I'm sexy Bennett?" He asked, leaning against her fence lazily. Flirting, Rebekah noticed, they were flirting and they didn't even realize it. Bonnie she could believe, that girl was clueless when it came to these kind of things, Kol on the otherhand, well, he was just an idiot- so maybe he did have an excuse.

"I think I threw up a little." Bonnie confessed, wrinkling her nose as she used her hand to shield her eyes from the suns glare. Rebekah was trying to quell the grin that spread across her cheeks, but ended up looking sniggering under her breath anyways. Bonnie turned to her with a grin. "Get lost you psycho."

"I'm going," Rebekah said, still grinning as she got off of Bonnie's car- cussing her as Bonnie stuck her foot out when Rebekah walked past her feet. Kol sniggered as he watched Rebekah swipe playfully at Bonnie, the girl holding her hands up in surrender as Rebekah walked over to her house- turning around at the last minute. She waved widely before calling out-"Try not to miss me!"

"I'll be in your bed by nine o'clock!" Bonnie shouted back teasingly, watching as Rebekah dramatically froze and looked around.

"I thought we were keeping that a secret!" Rebekah hollered as she flashed her a grin and waved once again before going in the house, leaving Bonnie alone with Kol. Possibly the worst idea in existence, terrible really. Kol was silently thanking his sister to the heavens above, even if Bonnie was already grabbing her bag and getting ready to go inside.

"What? Nothing to say to me Bennett?"Kol called out tauntingly as he watched her rummage around in her bag for her house keys,

"Do the words restraining order mean anything?" Bonnie said easily, not bothering to turn around as she stood up from the bonnet of her car; pulling the keys out of the bottom of her bag, why did she have so much junk in her bag? There was also Rebekah's make up bag that she needed to return since Bonnie had forgotten about it when Rebekah asked her to hold onto it in the girls bathroom.

"You'd miss our banter too much." Kol said cockily, watching as Bonnie's jaw dropped at his gall but she couldn't stop the smile that was begging to show on her face. Instead she turned to him as she walked towards her front door, easily walking backwards and avoiding the loose stones of the path as she went. She wouldn't give something else for Kol to hold above her.

"Banter, is that what you call it?" She asked with an eyebrow arched.

"Actually I prefer the term verbal foreplay-" Kol said with a cheeky grin as Bonnie's jaw dropped again in amused shock,

"Bye Kol." She said as she turned to unlock her door.

"See you later Bennett," Kol said, waiting a moment as she stepped into her house but he couldn't help himself. "Did you say around nine that you'd be in Bex bed?"

"Bye Kol." Bonnie said once again, not bothering to hide her grin since there was no way he could see it now and simply shut the door behind her. Kol tapped the fence lightly as he pursed his lips in determination, walking away to go into his own house and wasn't above kicking the tire of his car lightly in frustration; so Kol Mikaelson had a teeny-tiny two year crush on Bonnie Bennett and she didn't want anything to do with him really.


Two Weeks Later

Dinner with the Mikaelson family, had been a disaster the previous time, so why Esther thought it would be okay this time was beyond Bonnie.

She was squashed awkwardly between Rebekah and Kol, having had to move seats to separate the two of them already since Rebekah had flung her peas at him and he'd already dropped mash potato in her hair. Whilst she could complain all she wanted, it hadn't taken much for Esther to drag her to the Mikaelson house for a family dinner. Besides, it was one of the smaller dinners they'd had. Klaus was on a date with Caroline, oh yes- Rebekah and Bonnie had great delight in teasing him about his crush on the beloved Head Cheerleader.Joke was on them when Caroline actually agreed to the date. Finn and Sage were still on their honeymoon in Tahiti and still had to visit Venice before returning home. Elijah had turned up alone, saying Katherine had been kept behind at the law Firm because of some last minute case, so it was just Elijah, Henrik, Esther Rebekah, Kol and now Bonnie.

It was tiny in comparison to Thanks Giving.

Elijah kept giving her funny glances from across the table, as if he was trying to repress a smirk constantly whilst Rebekah was muttering under her breath about him being weird since he pried himself away from Katherine. Bonnie sniggered quietly, the two of them avoiding Elijah's jeering sneer and continued to eat quietly.

"Anything interesting happen in school today Bonnie?" Esther asked the girl, smiling sweetly at the young girl. If it wasn't for the fact that her eldest son was 26, and the faintest wrinkle around the corners of her mouth, Bonnie would never believe that Esther was in her forties (in fact she still didn't believe it).

Bonnie knew the woman meant well, she was probably more of a mother figure than her own mom- but today just wasn't a good day. It was one of those days she barely got to see Rebekah in school, Elena was having an argument with her brother of the month, Damon, and she'd been caught in the middle of it. Pursing her lips, she avoided everyone's eyes as she stabbed the meat on her plate absent-mindedly.

"Not really." She said, nobody missing the way Elijah leaned back in his chair with the smuggest grin he could muster.

"Elijah?" Esther stated, eyebrow arched coolly.

"Oh nothing, it's just I got a call from Enzo-" Immediately Bonnie winced, since Enzo was one of the guys that ran in Damon's little clique. It had completely slipped her mind that Enzo was good friends with Elijah as well since his girlfriend (Maggie) worked for Elijah. "Saying something about Damon Salvatore being put into the nurses office today."

"Oh that's terrible-" Esther started, her concern shining through which was when Elijah grinned.

"By Bonnie."

Silence at the table.

The food on Henrik's fork fell back onto his plate as he froze midway to his mouth, splatting on the table.

Rebekah's jaw dropped as she turned to stare at her friend.

Kol simply stared at her out of the corner of his eye.

Bonnie wanted to shrivel up and die, Elijah was clearly getting a kick out of his discomfort which was why she kicked him in the shin. Even then his shit-eating grin didn't go away. Rebekah's surprised expression melted away as she burst out into laughter, because the idea of Bonnie beating someone up to the point they needed to go to the Nurse was as funny as it was realistic. Especially if it was Damon Salvatore, since the one time in Science when she'd 'accidentally' set fire to his sleeve- hadn't been all that much of an accident.

Bonnie looked up sheepishly, shrugging her shoulders.

"He cornered me, yelling at me, telling me to talk to Elena for him and he wouldn't take no for an answer." Bonnie said quietly, rubbing the back of her neck as she pushed the food on her plate around with her fork. Rebekah nodded, could easily see it happening whilst Kol's grip around his cutlery tightened, he'd just have to remember to aim for Damon the next time they were pitted against one another in dodgeball- even if they were on the same team, there would probably be a little incident. "So he grabbed me and, I punched him... and then I kicked him... a few times."

With every slight pause, she winced.

"What did Elena say to you?" Rebekah asked curiously, knowing how the Gilbert girl got over her dating situation because, honestly- dating brothers just wasn't the way to go. Bonnie rolled her eyes as she put a spoonful of food in her mouth.

"She's not talking to me right now." Bonnie said, smiling when Rebekah's face screwed up in a mixture of anger and confusion.

"Damon basically harassed you and when you fought back, suddenly you're the bad guy?" Rebekah asked, her gaze turning to Kol. "How does that work?"

"It doesn't." Kol stated simply.

"Well, as long as he deserved it and you were doing it out of self-defense." Esther said simply, her logic flawless, her gaze going to Kol almost instantly with a pointed stare though her words were directed at Bonnie. "It's not like you have a record of fighting in school."

Kol rolled his eyes as his mom started going on and on about it, how he should be a better role model for Henrik, how did he expect to go to college with that attitude. The tension in the room practically flooding away and letting Bonnie relax in her chair, Rebekah's hand covering hers as she silently asked Bonnie if she was okay. With a nod, the family easily went on to finish their dinner with more amicable topics of conversation. Esther had insisted that Bonnie didn't need to help wash up but she did anyways, drying the dishes whilst Kol washed them.

Esther had almost fainted in shock when Kol had willingly offered to do the dishes.

There was a moment of awkward silence as Bonnie dried the dish, as Kol simply scrubbed at the plates whilst trying not to inwardly groan to himself- the things he did for Bonnie Bennett, even willing washing the dishes. Elijah had patted his shoulder knowingly before shoving a pile of plates into his hands and Kol had thrown a dishtowel at Henrik when he had started to making kissing noises. Rebekah simply grinned at Bonnie and told her to go up to her room once she was done.

It was kinda weird how supportive his sister was of his crush on her best friend.

"He didn't hurt you, did he?" Kol asked, finally breaking the silence with the only thing he could think of and the only thing that had been on his mind since the topic had been brought up at the dinner table. Bonnie almost dropped the plate out of shock, Kol going for it and his hands brushing against hers. She flinched away slightly, Kol immediately going back to the sink and not looking her in the eye. Now, he could be a confident guy but somehow, Bonnie seemed to take all that away and reduce him to a blushing embarrassed thirteen year old.

"What?" She said, after a moment. Placing the dish on the counter, she grabbed another from the draining board, eyeing Kol out of the corner of her eye.

"Did he hurt you?" Kol asked once again, going to grab the plates on the other side of the counter and missing the soft smile that curved Bonnie's lips.

"No." She said softly. "No, I'm fine."

"You don't want me to beat him up then?" Kol asked, looking at her with a cheeky smile. She grinned and smacked him with the damp dishtowel, not minding his teasing for once (not that she ever minded it, but that so wasn't the point).

"No." Bonnie said, rolling her eyes.

"Just say the word and he's mince meat, darling," Kol said, handing the dish to her but not relinquishing his grip of it even as she tried to take it- Instead he held tight and watched as Bonnie was forced to stand that little bit closer to him. He could feel the warmth of the freshly washed dish against his stomach and smell the barest scent of her perfume.

"I'll remember that." Bonnie said quietly, finally snatching the dish out of his hand and drying it quickly. Her mouth was dry, wasps in her stomach as she tried to tell herself that she was flushed from the steam of the hot water. "That was the last dish."

Kol watched as she walked out of the kitchen- with a soft mutter of "Fuck" under his breath. Was he really that guy crushing on his sisters best friend? The answer was yes, yes he was.

Bonnie didn't stop for a second as she practically sprinted up the stairs with a small thank you from Esther for cleaning up, walking into Rebekah's room and collapsing onto her bed as Rebekah sat in front her vanity table, doing her nails. The blonde eyeing her friend through the mirror as she inspected the nice cherry chutney colour on her nails.

"I totally give you permission to date my brother by the way."

Bonnie simply threw a pillow at her head.

One Week Later

"When's Bonnie getting back?" Rebekah whined, lifting the curtains to peer out of the window for the third time that minute in search of a familiar set of headlights. On a date, her friend was on a date- with Jeremy Gilbert, put her poor choice of men could be ignored. Huffing, she ran a hand through her tangled blonde mane in an effort to soothe the raging migraine her Calculus homework had started. The fact that Kol had the TV turned up rather loud, and her Mom kept dropping things in the kitchen, didn't really help the pounding in her temples.

"You okay?!" Both Kol and Rebekah called out when they heard another crash in the kitchen.

"I'm fine!" Esther shouted back, cussing quietly under her breath and Rebekah could see her Mom through the doorway to the kitchen, glaring at the large frying pan in hatred. Sniggering under her breath, Rebekah turned back to the window and almost fell off of her chair when realizing that Bonnie's car was now in the driveway.

Kol simply let his eyes slide away from the mind-melting wonders of Spongebob to his sister as she hurriedly put on her coat and then his shoes. Didn't bother him, and both were as bad as each other for stealing one anothers things (though you wouldn't catch Kol dead in a pair of her high heels, those were death traps). Rebekah didn't even bother to shout her intentions to her Mom and slipped out the front door, Kol spotting her leap over the fence agilely through the window.

"Is Bonnie back?" Esther asked, poking her head out of the kitchen door when she heard the door shut behind her only daughter.

"Mhm." Kol hummed, trying not to twitch in irritation... because really, Jeremy Gilbert?! The whole family had an aversion to everything Gilbert, and Katherine was classed as a Petrova despite being Elena's older cousin. Kol had seen the baby Gilbert around Highschool, mostly in the stoner den round the back when he was dating Vicki Donovan (before she ran off to live with her boyfriend in Vegas, or those were the rumours). The punk had a little too much attitude, didn't really appreciate anything he had.

The two of them waited patiently, Esther smiling softly at the sound of the two girls laughing as they walked back over- not leaping over the fence like Rebekah had done. Though Esther constantly berated her daughter for it. Rebekah was the first through the door, Bonnie strolling in next with a wide smile as she pulled off her boots, esther immediately hauling Bonnie into a warm embrace. The girl could still smell the lavender perfume Esther wore, the womans blonde ringlets tickling her face.

Kol on the otherhand was a little preoccupied with staring at Bonnie and what she was wearing- another pair of jeans which he thought should been illegal with how nicely they shaped her legs, and ass. Plus, the leather jacket was a nice touch but what really got his attention was her lipstick. Blood red, hot rod red, however you described it all he could see was her lips. High distracting, dangerous thoughts Kol.

"I heard you had a busy day," Esther commented playfully as she pulled away, holding onto Bonnie's shoulders whilst Rebekah flopped onto the couch- smacking Kol in the face by accident.

"Something like that." Bonnie replied, rolling her eyes gently when she heard Rebekah yelp when Kol nipped her.

"Is Stir Fry okay for dinner?" Esther asked, walking back to the kitchen and carefully ignoring her childrens squabblings like a master.

"I'm starving, so I'll eat anything." Bonnie told her, walking over to take a seat next to Rebekah on the couch whilst the blonde rubbed her thigh as she glared at Kol. Though when Bonnie walked over, it was like dangling a piece of meat in front of a rabid dog. All of her attention went to her friend, patting the spot next to her rapidly and watching as she flopped down lazily next to her.

"How was your date?" Rebekah asked eagerly, lifting Bonnie's legs to rest in her lap. The girl simply let her head drop back in aggravation.

"He spent most of the date, talking about his Ex," Bonnie confessed rather reluctantly, hoping that Rebekah would take pity on her and not say the infamous 'I told you so'; she just didn't need that after the train wreck of a date she just had. "And then Elena walked in."

There was a moment of silence as Rebekah, and Kol who was eavesdropping 'unintentionally', let that process but when they realized both grimaced. Whilst Bonnie and Elena still weren't on the best terms after the whole Damon Fiasco, seeing her best friend on a date with her little brother was probably the nail in the coffin.

"She was happy for us." Bonnie stated, confusing the hell out of Rebekah- who sent Kol a questioning look, only to receive an equally as confused shrug in return. She watched the siblings exchange before sighing loudly. "All she could say was how glad she was that he was with someone so loyal, responsible, who'd love him- It was a first date!"

Rebekah couldn't help but snigger as Bonnie threw her arms up in aggravation, her eyes wide and she could practically see Bonnie trying to imagine a life with Jeremy Gilbert- the cogs in her head working overdrive, and slowly her expression morphed into one of horror. Now, the infamous phrase was on the tip of Rebekah's tongue but with how frustrated Bonnie seemed, she kept quiet... for now. Instead, she just let Bonnie lay there on the couch with her legs in her lap and dropped back, though she knew if she left her friend there for any longer than twenty minutes- she'd probably fall asleep.

"Rebekah! Could you grab me some chicken from the freezer!?" Esther called out, Bonnie peaking one eye open to watch the blonde sigh but push Bonnie's legs out of her lap- her ankle smacking against Kol's knee.

"Sorry," Bonnie mumbled before she put her feet back where Rebekah had sat.

"You know, you could do a lot better than Jeremy Gilbert." Kol stated bladnly, not breaking his eyes away from the TV in fear of simply staring at her lips. Bonnie blinked, suddenly awake and alert as registered Kol's words. Why did all the Mikaelson's think she could do better? Pulling herself up ever so slightly, she looked at him.

"Oh yeah?" Bonnie mumbled, eyebrow arched.

"Mhm, and if he's still hung up on his ex when you're there, he's an idiot," Kol stated, lips twitching up into a crooked smile. "And you don't date idiots."

Bonnie couldn't help but smile at that, Kol turning to glance at her and immediately caught in her lovely green eyes (See! He turned into a sap when he was around Bonnie. Dangerous thoughts!). Both startled ever so slightly when Rebekah stormed back into the room, interrupting them whilst she flopepd back down on the couch regardless of the fact she was sat on Bonnie's legs.

"Who's an idiot?" Rebekah asked, oblivious.

Me, Kol was tempted to say.

One Month Later


One of her favourite times of the year, except for Halloween, her birthday and Rebekah's birthday. This year was probably the best, snow had fallen, she and Rebekah had gone ice skating on the frozen lake, Bonnie had heard from her cousin Lucy that she and her family (Including Grams) might be coming up to visit close to New years. There was almost nothing that could put a damper on her Christmas spirit.

"No." Bonnie said firmly, her arms folded across her chest as she eyed him in disdain.

Then again this was Kol.

"C'mon Bonnie, it's tradition." Kol said with a wide grin, holding her in place by her shoulders. He furrowed his brow in a mock serious look. "You don't wanna break tradition now, do you?"

"You planned this." Bonnie accused him, jabbing a finger at his chest.

"I wish I did." Kol said honestly with the biggest grin she could imagine as he glanced up at the piece of mistletoe hanging from the door. "I wouldn't have been able to plan it better myself."

And her children thought she didn't know what was going on, oh Esther knew about Kol's crush on Bonnie.

Unlike her children, she was more than willing to push them in that direction- though the mistletoe had been a complete accident after trying to snap a picture of Elijah and Katherine kissing. Still, this was a good turnout. Rebekah was grinning from ear to ear as she watched the two of them from her Mom's side, the entire family watching them as the pair poked their heads round the door. Elijah simply rolled his eyes, reclining in his seat with his arm around his wife- Katherine currently on FaceTime with her Aunt Jenna.

Sage and Finn were finally back from their honeymoon, despite having managed to slip in a trip to visit Sage's family in Ireland after Venice, the two snuggled comfortably on the couch. Henrik was chatting enthusiastically with Caroline- turns out Klaus' relationship with the Head Cheerleader was more serious than anyone thought, so when she turned up with some pudding for Christmas Dinner, Bonnie couldn't help but grin. Rebekah, not so much.

Bonnie's dad wasn't able to make it home for Christmas, his apology sent via email, so Rebekah simply told her she was staying over Christmas Eve night and probably never leaving. Bonnie couldn't really see the downside to that, but now when she looked up at the piece of mistletoe hung from the doorframe- she wanted to eat those words.

"Come on Bonnie, one little kiss." Kol said with a grin, tapping his cheek lightly. "You can even just kiss me on the cheek."

Bonnie rolled her eyes but leaned up to kiss him on the cheek despite the fact she knew that Kol wouldn't just leave it at that, completely unsurprised when he turned and caught her lips at the last minute. She couldn't help but laugh, not minding as he grinned against her lips- moving his arms to wrap around her waist as he dramatically dipped her with his lips still pressed against hers.

"Kol." Bonnie yelped, her arms going around his neck as he laughed. Like he'd ever drop her.

"That's my name Bonnie, don't wear it out." Kol said as he brought them up to stand upright, their chests pressed against one another as Bonnie simply smiled at him. This time she leaned up and pressed a kiss against his lips gently, his eyes fluttering shut as she savoured the feel of her lips against his, exactly how he had imagined them and it was nothing short of perfect for him. As she pulled away from him, she bit her lip and tried not to look at him but still, her eyes found his anyways.

"Merry Christmas Kol."

"Merry Christmas Bonnie." Kol said, his lips twitching all of a sudden. "You know my Mom and Bex are-"

"Yeah, I know." She admitted, scrunching her nose up as she smiled.

That prompted the entire room behind them to burst out laughing.

I'm just so happy. Hope you enjoyed.