Reviews for Proximity
TangoLimaCharlie chapter 2 . 5/13/2015
I'm absolutely in love with this, I mean this is definitely one of my most favourites Kennett fanfictions! Keep it up.! :)
Hope to see more domestic Kennett, maybe some hot and steamy make out sessions ;)
TangoLimaCharlie chapter 1 . 1/18/2015
I'm a big lover of Kennet, so i'm in absolute love with your stories, especially 'Proximity' and 'Neighbours' series. keep it up! Can't wait to read more, your style of writing is so easy to enjoy, i'm also a fan of you. :)
PraticallyCharmed chapter 2 . 12/24/2014
PraticallyCharmed chapter 1 . 12/24/2014
aw i love it
XxXSmiles101XxX chapter 2 . 12/19/2014
Interesting story, I love it! Please update soon :D
gloomren chapter 2 . 12/4/2014
Daarling! I'm craving for our roomie headcanons of bonbekah! And I have no regrets whatsoever. We shall drown in the glorious moments this brotp has to offer.

Okay, now back to the chapter. I loved the potrayal of Grams with her eternal seek for alcohol. God, Rebekah's voice in Bonnie's head at the grill made me laugh. And are you kidding? I love the casual kennett moments in your fic. The proposal was fitting to their earlier story line. They are neighbours teasing each other from childhood on. The drunk moment was really cute. Loved how Bonnie found ways to quarrel with him in her intoxicated state. I love those married-but-oblivious-to-it moments. Your bonkai comments are killing me. I'm a few episodes behind but shipping them already. No worries about cutting it off here. The date is worth the wait. Oh, it rhymes. Maybe we should work on dedicating a sonnett to kennett. *cough* Sorry. I think the lack of wifi in my life has started to affect me. It'll come to an end next week, though
Luah 07 chapter 2 . 12/3/2014
Loved, loved and loved. Looking forward to the meeting Kennett, please do not kill curiosity.
And thanks for the lovely fic Kennett you write.
feelingfivefeetsmall chapter 2 . 12/2/2014
Love the brotp between Bonnie and Rebekah! Reminds me of the friendships that I have. Can't wait for the next update with their date ;)
Guest chapter 2 . 12/2/2014
I love this, bonbekah friendship is the best and looking forward to Kennetts date. Thanks for updating
Squishysib chapter 1 . 10/28/2014
Super excited to see this turn into a real story and cannot wait for updates! :D
MissScarlettJ chapter 1 . 10/22/2014
Awwwwwwwwwww! I hope this is a muti-chapter pic, because it is adorable!
gloomren chapter 1 . 10/22/2014
Darling! First of all, I'm just so glad we crossed paths! Always a pleasure to exchange fic ideas or just sharing random kennett love with you. Thanks for your supportive words and checking up on me at these tough days.

I love you for making this a separated fic. It's a nice AU world to escape to - especially to deal with kennett thirst. The way you described Jeremy's character is so on point. Hilarious.

I know how it is with the muse thing so I don't want to pressure you. But if there'd be any other chapters I am here for it:)
feelingfivefeetsmall chapter 1 . 10/22/2014
So glad that this is going to be a full story! Looking forward to next update and keep up the good work!
Fallen Witch Angel chapter 1 . 10/22/2014
I love this so much! Could you please continue this!