This story is a continuation of Harry Potter: Zero, but it will make sense even if you don't read that one

WARNING: there are spoilers in the reviews!


What has gone Before:

A summery of "Harry Potter: Zero"

Harry Potter was sorted into Ravenclaw, not because he is a strong student, but because it is the least inappropriate house. In fact, he is a slacker who has tried to keep his head down and avoid attention in his first three years at Hogwarts. It is a survival skill that he learned living with the Dursleys.

He has avoided the Mirror of Erised, or of interacting with Quirrell or chasing into the Chamber of Secrets or any such extra-curricular activities. He is a mediocre student, mostly due to a lack of self confidence. He spends all his free time hanging out either with Neville, another insecure student from Gryffindor, or Draco, an abusive Slytherin who enjoys mocking Harry.

But in his fourth year, the triwizard tournament is announced, and somehow, his name is added to the roster of Champions. As Harry tries to prepare for a task that he know is beyond his abilities, a Beauxbatons professor, Adam Loew, volunteers to teach him Martial Arts, as a way to improve his self confidence. He also meets a severe young witch who is always hiding in Fleur's shadow – Hermione Granger, who transferred to Beauxbatons from Hogwarts during her first year.

As the tasks progress, Harry draws closer to his housemates, especially Terry and Luna. Luna has been at Harry's side for much of the year, often unnoticed, and as the year draws to a close, they start a sort of relationship, which forces a break between Harry and Draco, though oddly, Goyle is supportive of Harry, and himself draws away from Draco. Or perhaps not so oddly, as Goyle becomes romantically involved with Hannah Abbott.

While Harry's martial arts practice has the desired effect of improving his skills in his other subjects, Harry starts to love the disciple for itself, and he pulls in Ron, a driven, if not terribly bright, Gryffindor into joining him.

Despite the unexpected chaos in Harry's life, the school year goes well for Harry, and he manages to make a good showing at the tasks, even winning at the second task when he rescues Luna from the merfolk village. But the last task ends badly, as after an arduous race through a hedge maze laced with traps and monsters, Cedric lets him grasp the Goblet first.

Harry is immediately transported to a graveyard where Moody captures him and uses his blood to recreate Voldemort's body. Harry manages to steal Voldemorts wand as the Dark Lord is monologuing to his Death Eaters, and then flees for his life, leaving his own wand behind. After a desperate race through the graveyard, he grasps the Goblet again in the faint hope that it is a two way portkey.

And it is. It brings him back to the maze, where Cedric immediately demands that he go back to the graveyard. When Harry refuses, Cedric threatens him, and aims his wand at Harry. Feeling betrayed by all those he trusted, Harry lashes out with deadly force, blasting a hole in Cedric's chest just as the professors burst in through the hedge maze.

Harry end up arrested, but the other Champions give testimony that Cedric assaulted them as well, so there is a ray of hope for Harry. In the end, Harry is released to return to the Dursleys, until the trial.