i missed writing angsty stuff. tell me what you think and if you have any requests leave them in your review :)

hope you enjoy this

Lin stood outside in the middle of her backyard. Eyes closed as she relished in the feel of the rain on her face. "Lin! What are you doing out here?"

She opened her eyes when she felt the rain stop. She saw that it was being held mid air. "I didn't feel you come home."

"You didn't answer my question."

Lin turned to face her partner with dazed eyes. "It's just like the night he took my bending."

"Lin this isn't healthy."

Lin grabbed the waterbender's arms and put them down, allowing the rain to recommence. "Yes, it is Kya. It may have been like the time he took my bending but it is also the last time I felt connected to the earth." Lin looked up into the sky. "You know, I haven't cried once since I lost my bending."

Kya stepped closer to observe her face, finding tears mixing with the raindrops on her face and smelling the alcohol on her breath. "Lin, lets go inside. I'll make you some tea."

"I don't want any tea! I want to stay out here. Just leave me alone, please."

Kya shook her head. "No."

Lin collapsed into the mud. Lying on her back as she flung an arm over her face to obscure her eyes. "I'm lost."

Kya decided to humour Lin by lying on the ground next to her. "What do you mean?"

"When I had earthbending, I could always find my way in life and now I'm lost without it. The worst thing is, I no longer feel connected to her." Lin didn't have to say her name for Kya to know whom she was talking about. "I loved her a lot growing up. I did everything I could to make it easier for her. I made her meals when she came home. I kept the house clean and I took care of Su. And how does she repay me? She leaves. She took me for granted and left me behind. I'm like an abused puppy that crawls back to its master in hopes that the abuse will stop but it never does."

"Lin, it isn't your fault she left, sh-"

"Yes it is! I wasn't good enough! You know what she said when I was learning metalbending?! She said that it wasn't good enough!" Lin looked off to the side as she uttered her following words. "She said I wasn't good enough. And she was right. If I was good enough, this wouldn't have happened and my little shit of a sister wouldn't have given me these fucking scars!"

She rolled onto her knees and began slamming her fist into the ground, relishing in the pain she felt through the act, enjoying the sight of her blood mixing with the mud. "Lin, Stop!" Lin only punched the ground harder. Ignoring the insistent protest until she felt the woman grasp her bare bicep. She knocked Kya away from her onto the ground, and then went back to her earlier ministrations. She continued for another fifteen seconds until darkness consumed her vision.

Lin awoke to a throbbing pain at the back of her head. She was glad that it was still dark outside so her eyes were saved from the pain. "Ugh."

"Nice of you to wake up. I've only been healing your head for an hour."

Lin cracked an eye open to look at the woman sitting on the edge of her bed. "Explains why I'm not drunk anymore."

"This isn't the time to be cracking jokes."


"So you should be."

Kya lay down on the bed next to her, resting her head on Lin's shoulder. "Hey Kya, my fist is really sore." Kya groaned as she sat up and began healing her fist. Lin sat mesmerised by the glow of the water. It was two minutes when she asked the question that was eating her inside out. "Did I say anything in my drunken state?"

"You may have said a few things, things that relate to family members."

Lin groaned at the realisation she may have shared too much. "Did I mention how I got my scars."

Kya stopped healing her fist, dropping the water back into the basin. "You mentioned it. I know you don't want to talk about it."

"I'm sorry if I said anything or did anything to hurt you. I was ju-"

She was silenced by Kya's lips on hers. "You've said enough for one night. Go to sleep."

Lin looked into Kya's eyes. They were the only thing in her life that brought her ease. She closed her eyes as she felt Kya's cool hand stroke her forehead and hair. It was the best sleep she had since her bending was stolen.