this story is officially over. i don't like this chapter and i feel like i should re-write it. tell me what you guys think. enjoy

Kya walked into Lin's house with a sigh. She had spent the day at Air Temple Island, thinking it would help her relax after spending the past two weeks watching Lin try to earthbend again with the help of Toph, only for her to only be able to move a pebble. Air Temple Island was a terrible mistake. Tenzin believes she is wasting her time trying to help Lin regain her earthbending, which earned him a slap to the face.

She stood at the bottom of the stairs. "Lin?" No response. She walked up the stairs to hear the sound of running water coming from their bathroom. She pushed the door open to find Lin propping herself up with a hand against the tiled wall and her head bowed in thought as water cascaded down her scared body. "You mind if I join you?" Hearing no sounds of disapproval, she stripped down and entered the rather large shower. Kya trailed her hands up Lin's back, resting them on her shoulders, she leaned in and placed a kiss on her neck. "Rough day?"

"Oh no! It was great. I can now move two pebbles." Lin's words were laced with sarcasm.

"No need to be mean."

"Sorry. It's just, mother doesn't really know where I'm coming from. She believes I should be able to bend like I used to straight away. I just need someone to be patient with me for once in my life."

Kya summoned the water falling over them into her palms and ran them over Lin's back. "Mm, she really put you through you pace today. Your back hasn't been this knotted since that day two years ago where we spent the whole day in bed."

"Best day of my life. Made me happy I was dating a healer."

Kya moved her hands to Lin's sides. "This is unusual. You've strained your muscles here. It's like they're bruised." She tried to turn Lin around to face her, but she resisted. "Lin, Stop being difficult, and turn around."

Lin let out a sigh in defeat as she turned around. "It looks worse than what it actually is."

Kya trailed an index finger down Lin's well toned, and heavily bruised, stomach with a frown on her face. "Lin, what happened between you two?"

"Trial by fire. She was getting frustrated and began throwing rocks at me, thinking that I could defend myself if I was threatened. They became to fast and frequent so I tried to earthbend the attacks away. It didn't work and a rock slammed into me."

Kya collected water in her hand and placed it to Lin's abdomen, causing her to hiss. "Sorry. I've got something for us to experiment with after this."

Lin let out a sigh. "Kya, I'm not in the mood for sex."

"Get your head out of the gutter." She turned off the shower, bended the water off of her body and stepped out, throwing Lin a towel. "Dry off and meet me in our bedroom."

She did as she was told, getting dressed into a tank and underwear, she walked into their bedroom to find Kya sitting on their bed, dressed, with a few rocks sitting in front of her. "What's this?"

"It is a new therapeutic technique I developed. I think it could help you."

Lin decided to humour her. She took a seat in front of Kya and crossed her legs. "What do I do?"

"I want you to levitate a rock."

Lin took a deep breath and focused on the smallest rock as it hesitantly lifted off the bed and became airborne. "What now?"

Kya flexed her hands at Lin's forearm, causing Lin's bending to become easier. "How does that feel?"

"Better. How are you doing that?"

"Promise not to turn me in? It's a full moon tonight. I thought that if bloodbending took away your bending, then it could bring it back."

Lin groaned. "I know this couldn't have been an easy decision for you, but you shouldn't be doing this."

"At this point, I really don't care. I want the real you back."

"I am the real me, Kya. I've stopped drinking, I've started working out again, and with or without bloodbending I'm trying to become the great earthbender I used to be."

Kya smiled up at her. "And I love that you are trying so hard, but it is time you take the easy way out for once." Kya dropped her hands, now seeing that Lin was levitating the stone without concentrating so hard. "I think I have the hang of this. Lie down on your back and close your eyes please." Lin let herself collapse onto her back and closed her eyes. "In a few hours, you will be back to your old self."

Lin woke up to the feeling of warmth of the sun move over her naked body. She lifted her head up a little to see Kya curled up on her chest, snuggled tightly into the crook of her arm. Lin trailed her fingers lightly up and down her back, smiling as she heard Kya laugh quietly in her sleep. A few more seconds and Kya began to speak. "Lin, stop it. That tickles." Lin's hand came to a halt at Kya's lower back, pushing her closer until she was forced to place her right leg between Lin's. Lin reached up with her left hand to brush a few wayward strands of hair out of Kya's face, only to have Kya's hand entwine with her own. "Someone is awfully happy today. How are you feeling?"

"Like my old self. Thank you." Lin leaned down and placed a kiss on top of her lover's head. "Though, I don't remember undressing myself. Or falling asleep for that matter."

"You fell asleep during the treatment and were having a bad dream. You began to sweat so I had to rid you of your clothes." Lin removed herself from Kya's embrace and got dressed into a clean tank and sweat pants. "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to earthbend." Kya got out of bed and followed suit. Lin walked outside to the backyard and took a horse stance. She breathed in and out a few times, then stomped, sending a multitude of vibrations in every direction, smirking when they retuned a perfect image. She stood back up and turned to Kya. "Thank you."

The waterbender walked up to her lover and wrapped her arms around her back. "Thank you for allowing me to help you." They stayed like that, holding each other.