~Heaven cannot brook two suns, nor earth two masters~

a.n. Please be aware that chapter 2 includes a possible trigger involving a late term miscarriage. This story will also involve the death of a pregnant woman during a c-section, Gene holding a child(for those not able to separate the character from the actor), the nursing of an infant and lactation during intercourse. If any of that bothers you, please stop reading now.

Chapter 1:

~Remember upon the conduct of each depends the fate of all~

~Alexander the Great~

"What do you mean I can't go?" Charlie demanded standing on the front porch, hands on her hips, looking down at the two most important men in her life who were in the process of telling her that they were leaving for an unknown amount of time and to add insult to injury were leaving her behind to babysit Rachel , Gene and Connor.

"Charlie," Miles cajoled, "Blanchard wants us on the border. We need to try to get a feel for what's going on and recruit old militia members if at all possible. We're never gonna win this war without more man power."

She stomped down the stairs till she stood even with him, poking him in the chest with her finger, hurt and anger shining in her eyes. "You promised me. You promised me over Maggie's dead body that you wouldn't leave me."

"Charlie, please," his voice practically begged.

Her reply came out as a half-broken sob. "You promised, Miles."

He reached out, stroking her cheek with his thumb. "I'm sorry." Dropping his hand back to his side, he moved around her going into the house, quietly shutting the door behind him.

Chin quivering and chest heaving, Charlie tossed a glare in Monroe's direction before stomping the rest of the way down the stairs, shoving her shoulder into his on her way past.

"Charlie," Bass called after her watching her barrel towards the barn where he knew for a fact that there was a very large bottle of hooch in the hayloft. "Fuck," he muttered turning on his heel to follow, giving up any hope of getting to bed at a decent hour tonight.

He was halfway up the hayloft ladder when he was suddenly assaulted by rocks being thrown at him. "Ow! Ow! God dammit, Charlie what the fuck is your problem?" He yelled at her as he finally reached the top, only to find himself trying to fend off a Charlie-sized attack.

"It's always you! And if it isn't you, it's her!" She spat out pummeling his chest with her fists, his arms held out away from his body as she struck out in hurt and frustration. "That was the only time he ever put me first!" she cried quickly losing steam, letting him gather her in his arms holding her close.

This was just one of many times over the years that Bass wondered how a man like Miles could be so coveted by so many. One hand at the back of her head and the other on the small of her back, he simply rocked her in his arms until she calmed. Pulling far enough away to look at him. Charlie bit at her bottom lip for a moment before pushing to her toes, brushing her lips against his.

"Charlie." Bass whispered against her mouth as her tongue flicked out to touch his.

"Please Bass, don't make me beg," She pleaded pushing his coat off his shoulders letting it drop into the hay as she reached down grabbing the hem of her shirt yanking it over her head.

Bass growled, pulling her towards him as his hands stroked the soft skin of her back, unclasping her bra as his tongue explored the inside of her mouth. Breaking apart as she tugged his shirt off and he flung her bra aside, Bass lowered them to the hay as he took a breast into his mouth, his hand tweaking the nipple of the other.

Charlie drug her fingers through his hair, throwing her head back in pleasure as his lips began to travel their way up her neck. She huffed out a smile as his tongue ran around the rim of her ear while a hand reached around to grab handful of her ass. Using her free hand, Charlie attacked his belt with gusto as Bass did the same only taking his lips from her body long enough for them to dispose of the rest of their clothing.

He was kneeling in front of her having just thrown her last boot somewhere behind him as she reached her arms out for him, legs falling open in welcome. Taking a moment to rake his eyes up and down her body he answered her beckoning call, wrapping an arm around her shoulder to ease her back as he came to rest between her thighs. Kissing her gently with playful nips, he pulled back to look her in the eyes. She answered by running her free hand down his shoulder and arm skimming his hip as she took his cock in hand, guiding him to her opening. Their foreheads touch, both expelling a sigh, breaths mingling, as he sank fully in. Wrapping a leg around his thigh, Charlie began to move, urging him to do the same.

Grabbing her free hand in his, Bass pinned it over her head as he pumped in and out, his head falling to the curve of her neck and shoulder as she arched her back, the fingers of her free hand digging into his hip. Releasing the hand he had pinned, he lifted himself to his elbows changing the angle that their hips fit together causing Charlie to practically wail his name. Her nails sinking into his shoulders as her hips matched his rhythm, begging him to go faster. He felt her walls begin to tighten and watched her face as her mouth fell open, covering it with his own before her cry of release woke everyone in the house. With a few last jerks of his hips he came inside of her with a groan, pulling her with him as he rolled to the side, both of them catching their breath. Charlie settled against him, a finger tracing patterns on his chest as his lips lay against her forehead, a hand running absently through her hair.

Once her heart had stopped racing and her breathing had calmed she propped herself up on her elbow, stroking her hand along his jaw. His eyes were closed, as he nuzzled into her hand causing Charlie to smile softly. Opening his eyes, he smiled back, gently kissing her palm. "You know I'll protect him with my life."

"He's not going there by himself, Bass. Who's going to protect you?" She asked her eyes suspiciously shiny.

"I can take care of myself, Charlie."

She nodded, blinking back the tears that were threatening to fall. "Make sure that you do. I refuse to die just so I can kick your ass in the afterlife."

And that, he supposed, was the closest he was going to get to Charlotte Matheson admitting that she cared. "Come here," he murmured pulling her down for a kiss as he rolled her on to her back.

She stood on the porch the next morning, arms crossed over her chest watching them pack up their horses as they prepared to meet a group of Rangers in town before heading out. Rachel had refused to come out, she and Miles already saying their goodbyes during the night. Connor was standing next to Bass as they joked around, Connor making some smart remark about something that Charlie wasn't really paying attention too. She finally sulked down to where Miles was tying his bedroll to his saddle. With a roll of his eyes, he grabbed her, tugging her to his chest as he surrounded her with his arms. Charlie couldn't help but bury her face in his chest inhaling deeply. More than anything, when she smelled Miles, he smelled of home. Not the home where she grew up, but the home she had discovered with him.

"We'll be back before you know it, Kid." Charlie nodded into his chest, giving him a squeeze before pulling away. Cupping her face with his hands he placed a kissed on her forehead. "Hold the fort down, and keep the stupid to a minimum," they said in unison, causing Charlie to grin. She slowly released his hand as she walked towards Bass who was doing the whole man hug thing with Connor.

Connor smirked at her as he walked by her to say goodbye to Miles causing Charlie to turn and glare at him. Bass chuckled behind her. "Do me a favor and don't kill him while we're gone. He's finally starting to grow on me."

Having the horse between them and Miles, Charlie reached out laying her hand on his chest, standing a bit closer than she probably should. "Promise me you'll come home alive and I promise he'll be alive when you get here."

He bent down kissing her cheek. "I promise."

"I'll miss you," she whispered, seeing that they had Miles full attention.

Bass squeezed her hand. "Take care of yourself, Charlotte."

She looked into his eyes and nodded. As she walked up the porch steps to join Connor, Miles was glaring at Bass who blinked at him innocently. "What? I was asking her not to kill the kid while I was gone."

As Miles turned to look at the two, Connor threw his arm around Charlie's shoulders, causing her to shove him away with a frown. "Yeah, like that's going to happen," he grinned watching the exchange.

Mounting up they headed down the drive turning when they reached the mailbox for one last look at their kids, Connor leaning loosely against a column while Charlie stood with the same look on her face as she had when Bass was being lead to his execution. Miles sighed, pointing his horse towards town as Bass lingered a moment longer, his eyes locked on Charlie's, before kicking his horse to a trot in order to catch up with Miles.