-Chapter 1 (or 2 however you look at it).

Pitch's POV

"Hey dad?" the young boy asked.

"Yes, Jack?" What could the boy possibly want to know now?

Ever since Jack's one hundredth birthday he has been oh-so curious about everything. I've shown him pictures and given him dreams but it just doesn't ever seem to be enough for him. Jack always seems to have something new to wonder about.

Why couldn't he just be content.

It would definitely make my days easier.

I sighed inwardly. I guess Jack being imaginative and creative was better than him being a thoughtless doll.

Jack sat on his stool at the table thinking about his question. It was always so easy to tell when Jack was thinking, he would always make a cute face and look down.

Jack had his thoughts together once he looked back up.

"What does snow look like?" he asked. He stared up at me with his large blue eyes, waiting for an answer. I knew answering him truthfully would be a bad idea, yet I did so anyway, albeit reluctantly.

"It's as white and soft as your hair, Jack. It falls from...clouds when it becomes too cold...outside."

I hesitated before saying those two certain words. I knew they would be touchy subjects for Jack.

Of course I was right, Jack looked away after a few moments.

"Oh," he whispered quietly.

"Do you think…," Jack asked before pausing uncertainly.

I crossed my arms knowingly, waiting for the same question I get every year.

Jack finally got the courage to ask, and looked back up at me.

"Do you think I'll ever see it, dad?"

It always hurt to see Jack's face as I told him no every time he asked me. I decided to go with a different tactic this time.

I went behind Jack's chair, leaning down to whisper in his ear.

"Not unless you want them to get you." I whispered to my son before standing back up and walking around the table.

He stared at me with wide, curious eyes, just dying for new information.

"What do you mean them? Who are they?" He asked me nervously.

I started walking around the table slowly again.

"They are a group of evil spirits. There are four of them. Some of them come out every night. Some only come out once a year, because they need to build up their strength for when they.." I paused.

Jack was almost out of his seat in curiosity. He followed me with his eyes, until I finally made it all the way back to his chair.

I leaned down to his ear once more. This time I wrapped my arms around his small body, as if trapping him.

"They come out, only at night so they cannot be seen, and then they find children, and steal them away. They drag the children back to their caves, and devour them whole." I whispered into his ear, holding him tight.

Jack looked very afraid at this point, shaking in my arms. His eyes started to water. "I don't want to be eaten daddy." He cried.

I picked him up from the chair, holding him like a small toddler, and patting his back softly.

"Then you must promise me something, Jack." I whispered once more, to calm him down.

I could feel Jack nod against my shoulder, as he continued to whimper softly.

"Do not ever, and I mean never, go outside." I said sternly.

Jack kept crying, too tired to hold it in, as he agreed. "Okay daddy, I won't leave you, I promise."

I smiled, carrying Jack to his room so he could take a nap.

I kissed him softly, before leaving his room, and locking it from the outside.

"Good boy."

Jack's POV

I know I told my daddy I wouldn't go outside, and the thought of the evil spirits made me shiver in fear, but….

I've always wanted to go outside!

Sometimes daddy will tell me stories about the different seasons and what it looks like outside but it's just not enough. I want to actually see it for myself. I want to feel all of it; the snow, the rain, I want to get a sunburn, I want to jump into a pile of those little things that come off of the bigger logs. What are they called again?

Leeks? Leaps? Oh right, leaves.


That is probably my least favorite word. I remember when daddy told me that momma had to leave. I still don't understand why she never came back, but daddy told me she is in a "better place now" or something like that.

Anyways, I know it would make my daddy sad if I left too, just like momma, and I guess that's why I can't go outside. But I promise I won't go anywhere, I just want to see it real quick, and I'd come right back. Besides, I wouldn't want those evil spirits to get me.

I jumped out of bed and ran straight for the door. I never hit it though.

Daddy tells me I'm special all the time. He says I'm one of a kind. He says I'm un-, unik-?, Oh right, unique.

He says this because I am a winter spirit, just like my momma, but I'm also like daddy! It makes me really happy that I'm like my daddy. I am a shadow spirit, so I can pass through anything, but I am also a winter spirit, so anything I touch turns to ice.

Daddy knows that one day I will have both powers, but what he doesn't know is that I can already use some of them.

I had to concentrate hard but I ran straight through the door. I was really proud of myself but I had to be quiet, or else I would get caught.

I knew where the entrance to our home was because sometimes daddy has to go outside, I've just never been able to make it to the top.

This time though, I used my ice magic to make stairs to get to the top of the hole.

I got to the very top and could see the black box thingy covering up the entrance. I looked behind me one more time to make sure daddy wasn't around before I took a deep breath and used my shadow magic to pass through the entrance.

When I climbed out and opened my eyes, I felt like I was in a whole new world.

Some of Jack's speech may seem unintelligent, he is supposed to be portrayed that way because he is still a child. Sorry I haven't updated since last year (hah get it?) I could of sworn I did but anyway, here you go.