A/N: Longer Summary: For many centuries, The Britannian Province & Reiss Kingdom knew nothing about one another; having forgotten their past as their ancestors had split up due to different political & religious views. On the Reiss Kingdom's side, things are going well & the mission of obliterating the titans on its way. However, the story starts when the Stationary Guard notice the titans are beginning to swarm up on the Reiss Walls, becoming a problem for their small military force. This causes them to turn towards their new Queen, Historia, for guidance. But she was stuck & with all else seeming lost, the fortunate discovery of the Britannian Province leads Historia to send forth a plea of help. However the neighboring kingdom wants an official union before calling one another allies- through marriage. Historia & Ymir especially aren't very keen on the idea; or anyone else for that matter. But the intelligent blonde, Armin, has a plan that just might work, & Eren is going to cross-dress. Wait- WHAT?

In this tale, the lives of many people depends on the actions of an easily angered boy who poses as a female of royalty, and his intimidating bodyguard who doesn't really look his age. This odd pair will have to manage fooling "matter of fact" and somewhat snobby prince named Lelouch, along with his suspicious bodyguard, Suzaku Kururugi. Levi will have to endure watching Eren be the toy and soon-to-be-wedded "wife" and Eren is going to have to work on his feminine skills. Will these two kingdoms be able to put aside their differences in order to defend the human race against the titans? Can Eren hold his ground pretending to be female? Or will Emperor Lelouch and Suzaku cause trouble for Eren, Levi, the Survey Corps, and the rest of the Reiss Kingdom; possibly leaving what they have left of their Military, their people and their walls to soon be overwhelmed by the titans?

WARNINGS: there is sexual content/tension, homosexuality, male x male, rape, torture, arranged marriage of convenience, cross-dressing and slut shaming! If you're okay with this, read on!

From the top of Wall Maria, Eren looked down at what used to be the Shiganshina District, the town in which he lived when he was younger, before everything went to hell. The town was an outcrop, located on the south edge of Wall Maria and nothing from within the walls of it had changed. The houses that didn't survive the titan attack were crushed and destroyed with debris everywhere and even the big hole in the gate of the wall was still where it had always been, mocking him.

Eren sucked in a sharp, intimidated breath. Ever since that day, he promised himself that he would avenge his mother whom lost her life then, and that he would destroy all the titans. All of them. He'd cleanse them from this world, like a vaccine to a plague, no matter what it'd take.

His seemingly happy squad, after claiming they'd all share a piece of meat that Sasha stole, were now getting back to work, cleaning the canons and maning stations. It was stupid, but it made Eren happy enough. It'd meant they'd all return to each other's side once more for lunch; that they would all have a good laugh and...

The corners of Eren's mouth slipped into a small, but barely noticable frown as he felt a tiny headache come on and a stab at his heart.

They would all return to each other's side once more for lunch...

That terrible pinch in the beating organ of his chest followed again at the thought and the brunette couldn't figure out why. Not that he had time to ponder on it before being interrupted.

"Eren. Eren!" Called a soft voice. The boy turned towards the sound only to see a girl with chin-length black hair running towards him. Mikasa's pale skin glistened in the sunlight and when she stopped beside Eren, she observed him with her calm, dark eyes. Like Eren, she had on the usual Military Uniform with the light brown jacket, white pants and dark, knee-high boots, but she also wore the Survey Corp's Wings of Freedom, which Eren took notice that he too was wearing one. "Are you okay, Eren?"

The brunette blinked. "Yeah...why wouldn't I be?"

"Because of that," Mikasa spat, gesturing with only her head in the direction of two men.

Those two men were Captain Levi and Commander Erwin.

The man whom Mikasa was not refering to was Commander Erwin Smith; sometimes known as Chief Erwin. As far as Eren knew, the man was quite capable, intelligent and rather repsected by the other soldiers of the Survey Corps. His presence was enough to stiffen anyone up, standing at 6'2", with blond hair, icy blue orbs, and a calm, collected expression.

That, as Mikasa called him, or Captain Levi was a little bit different. While Erwin had a commanding presence, Levi was more, for lack of better words, intimidating. The furrows under his eyes made him look angry and the jaded look in dark pupils gave him the impression of appearing bored. Despite his short stature, he was well repsected too, being known as "Humanity's Strongest" due to his fighting skills ablities when using 3d manuever gear. People even say he's like a one-man army, taking down several titans in one run.

Eren shook his head childishly and glared at Mikasa which the girl caught in the corner of her eyes, but pretended to not notice, giving Captain Levi the same sort of look Eren was throwing her way.

Another girl came their way, one with her long black hair tied into two droopy pigtails. She looked quite content, considering they were currently doing their first patrol of the wall since training. When she made it over to them, she gave them a warm smile. Mina.

"So?" She inquired, glancing at Mikasa, and then Eren. "How are you two feeling? I'm a little bit nervous that this is our first watch...but it's also kinda exciting, don't you think? Especially since the Survey Corps are with us and everything, too!"

Eren blinked, suddenly coming to a weird realization. The Survey Corps were with them too...? The brunette slowly peered back in the direction of Commander Erwin and Captain Levi. The two men were simply standing there, talking...talking amongst the rest of the trainees.

He continued to stare. Why were they here, too?

Mina and Mikasa were observing him now.

"Eren, what's wrong?" Mikasa asked. She didn't give him time to answer before uttering his name once more with more concern then before. "Eren...?"



Suddenly Eren got this weird feeling in his gut; almost as if something wasn't right. He could sense that something bad was about to happen, but he didn't know what. He felt like this was a memory of the past that was replying once more, except his mind was completely wiped clean of it besides faint remains of it here and there. His instincts were telling him that he needed to...

Hastily, Eren pushed past Mina and Mikasa, making his way over to Commander Erwin and Captain Levi. His mouth was suddenly dry and his face was breaking into a small sweat, but despite how utterly stupid he may end up sounding, it was better to appear ignorant and not worry rather than regret and worry later on for not speaking up. When he stopped before them, Eren placed his right fist over his heart and threw his other arm behind him in a military salute.

"Commander...! Captain! Permission to speak!"

Captain Levi was the one to do that with a, "tch. What do you want, brat?"

With both of them looking at him so intensely, Eren almost wanted to just turn invisable and flee, especially with the rather high chance of what he planned on saying sounding like nonsense. Still, he put up his best front. "Sir. I have a bad feeling...and this may seem a bit crazy..."

"Oh great, the idiot is going to say something idiotic," Levi mumbled to himself.

The shorter man missed it, but Erwin shot him a cool glance before addressing Eren, "go ahead."

"Well..." the brunette started, thinking his next words carefully. "The Colossal Titan...it's going to attack...again." When both of the men merely continuing to stare at him as if unsure of how to respond, Eren knew he had sounded completely insane. "It's just a hunch! A really...strong hunch. It'll appear right in front of Wall Maria and it'll kick a hole through it! And...the force will be so strong that we'll all be-"


Eren was cut off by the piercing sound of what seemed to be lightening and it was then that he, unfortunately, realized how accurate his gut had been. The brunette hadn't even turned around yet and he was already feeling frightened by the faces of Commander Erwin and Captain Levi. Both men had an evident guise of pure shock and were gawking up at something behind Eren to which the boy gradually glanced back in fear of confirming his own suspicion.

With an eerie silence from everyone upon the wall, a terrifying atmosphere swept across as each and every one of them met the eyes of the monster before them. But Eren could have sworn that nobody felt as horrified as he did. His mind seemed to replay dreadful memories of his past as he took in the appearance of the titan standing in front of him; pinkish and red, skinless, almost as if someone had grabbed it and peeled it off. Considering the height of the wall, it reached fifty meters tall at the very least. Its eyes were surrounded by black as if shading its daunting, sardonic eyes and Eren had a weird feeling they had rested upon him longer than they should have.

"Shit…." Captain Levi had managed to murmur quietly just before hell went loose and the titan kicked forward into Wall Maria.

The sound of Maria's gates being demolished were excruciatingly loud and alarming. Pieces of debris flew outward, destroying most of the canons on the ground or anything close enough to them. Eren only had a few seconds to hope nobody down was down there before a strong gust of wind from the impact sent him and everyone else flying off the side of the wall.

As his final call, he yelled out for Levi.

And then he bumped heads with Armin.

"Ouch!" The blonde cried out, pulling back when Eren shot up into a sitting position, accidentally ramming their foreheads together in the process. He sat there with a pained grimace as his expression, rubbing his now aching head with both hands. Unlike Armin, Eren seemed unharmed.

While he did groan at the painful contact of their skulls colliding, his head didn't really hurt that much and he figured that was so since he used to head-butt Mikasa many times when they were younger. His skull must have adjusted enough to where it no longer caused him pain when he did something similar. Or perhaps he was just hardheaded... in both ways. Still, even he was rubbing his forehead; eyes squeezed shut as he hissed at the throbbing once again.

"Damn it…" the brunette whispered. "I'm sorry, Armin…"

From beside him on the bed, the blonde shook his head quickly. "No, it's fine! That was my fault for being too close to you," he responded apologetically, voice level just as low.

Wondering why he was speaking so unobtrusively, Eren glanced around to realize that they were in the boys' sleeping quarters and surrounding them were many other sleeping figures like Jean, Reiner, Bertholdt…

Eren raised an eyebrow, peering at his childhood friend beside him. "Why were you so close…?"

His petite shoulders jerked upwards in a small shrug and he looked away as if embarrassed. "I was just checking up on you… You woke me up because you were shifting in your cot so much and it making noise as you did. It seemed like you were having a bad dream so I thought I'd wake you up from it, but I didn't want to startle you by shaking you."

"I see…"

Being as Eren was already awake and showed no interest in going back to sleep, especially if it meant the possibility returning to such an awful dream; he figured he'd just get ready earlier than the others and before Captain Levi had the chance to startle everyone awake. Said short-tempered man who seemed to always use his profanity with poop had an inkling for barging into the boy's barracks by kicking the door open obtrusively and yelling, "GET UP, YOU LAZY SHITS OR THE DOOR WON'T BE THE NEXT THING I KICK."

Eren always thought he just enjoyed the pale and somewhat fear-stricken faces each one of them made as they all jumped from their sleeping states; sometimes Jean or Reiner even fell, or a better word would be rolled, off their bunks but luckily they both slept on the bottom instead of the top. Not that Eren wouldn't have liked to see Jean fall from that high a place. (He would have and he knows this)

The man never smiled though. He just had the same unbreakingly bored and jaded expression, looking like he couldn't give two fucks about the world and could just fall asleep at anytime. On the inside though, Eren assumed he was laughing, at the very least, seeing his subordinates leap from their own skin at his arrival. It must have been one of the few things in the grumpy old man's life that gave him pleasure.

With this thought in mind, the brunnette was grinning madly as he clumsily changed into his uniform as silently as he could. Had Jean been the only one sleeping, Eren would be summoning all the noise he could ranging from the sounds he could make with his mouth, to the noises objects would make if they were to fall from a cot. Or to be more blunt, objects as in Jean, if he were to be pushed from a cot. But he had a respect for the other boys in the quarters and they seemed deep in sleep so that wasn't going to happen this time around. Horse face was safe for now. Just as Eren was finishing, Armin decided he wasn't going back to sleep either and soon the two were sitting in the mess hall, already dressed and quietly chatting amongst themselves when they heard a loud; "YOU GODDAMN BRATS JUST GET LAZIER EVERYDAY- YOU'RE IN A MILITARY BARRACK; NOT YOUR DAMN MOTHER'S HOUSE!"

Both boys, despite the safe distance, nearly fell from their seats at the man's voice. Armin had even clutched at his chest as if trying to calm his now frightened and fast-beating heart. The two shared a glance, raised an eyebrow in unsion and broke into a small, united laughter. It must have lasted quite a while though because the giggling festival was interrupted when Captain Levi stauntered into the room, looking seemingly as unapproachable as he always did, but giving off a pleased and proud aura. He got his daily dose of happy from scaring younger males was Eren's assumption.

But he causally went back to hating life, the world and everybody in it soon after. Nobody, not even Hanji, intrigued Eren more than this man did.

The Survey Corps departed after breakfast and a quick debriefing from Commander Erwin on what would soon follow once they returned to the Walls. They would head deep into the most inner wall, Sina, to meet up with the new throne. Historia had taken her rightful place as the youngest queen to ever reign and the stand-ins of the Reiss family were removed from power. As her advisers and right-hand men , she has accepted Commander Erwin Smith of the Survey Corps, Squad Leader Hanji Zoe, Captain Levi Ackerman, Armin Arlert and Ymir. Each legion was given a job to confront; the MPs were dealing with the walls, the Stationary Guard managing defense of the walls and buildups of titans along its edges, and the Survey Corps to deal with the giants head on and the complete obliteration of them as a whole. This kingdom was officially the Reiss Kingdom.

Having returned to Sina; a large meeting was held in the gigantic dining room of the palace in which Historia resided in. The blonde had been sitting at the table already when they were escorted in by an MP. She was cladded in a red and white robe too big for her that it was nearly impossible to see what was under it, but if Eren had to guess; he'd say if it wasn't a dress then most likely it was something elaborate. Ymir, who stood by Historia, wore her normal military uniform but her back was covered with a red cape. The table was long and made of unknown material that was not the wood Eren had been used to and the chairs seemed remarkably robust. Everyone, especially Sasha, were intrigued by it and every time Mikasa saw the opportunity, she'd give potato girl a kick to the leg and the other would suddenly sit up straight, nodding and eyeing Historia as she spoke. According to the new queen, just recently had another kingdom made contact with those of the Reiss monarchy. These were the people of the Britannian Province.

"My presence was requested of them, but I didn't feel safe going outside the walls or for them to come in merely to exchange words-"

"So you're saying you rejected them?" Levi said dismissively, cutting right through her explanation and making it obvious that he was dissatisfied with her choice. "Why in the hell-"

The tall figure, Ymir, standing protectively by Historia slammed her clenched fist down on the table. "She wasn't finished speaking! Don't just cut someone off in the middle of their damn justification-!"

"Mind your mouth, cadet." The short male retorted a bit too calmly, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms over his chest. "I'm still your superior."

"Levi!" Erwin shot the man a look.


From beside Levi, Eren laughed with his eyes and when a small smile crept on his face; he won a sideways glare from the captain, making him stop almost immediately. Seeing the raven force himself to submit to the Commander never ceased to amuse the boy, but unfortunately for him, Levi always caught him grinning, giggling or trying not to do either if it wasn't full on laughter.

"Go on," Ymir murmured sweetly, patting the blond queen on her head.

Nervousness plastered on her face, Historia cleared her throat and glanced at Levi momentarily before continuing. "To respond to Captain Levi's notion, I did not reject them. Instead I had them send the message through the Stationary Guard to me."

Commander Erwin raised his eyebrows. "And what was said…?"

Historia took in a deep breath; her blue orbs making eye contact with every last person sitting at the table before peering up at Ymir who nodded in response as if they had silently spoken to one another. She then looked at everyone once again. "They discovered us. It was nothing more than a threat against us should we ever think to attack or attempt to conquer them for any reason..."

"How nice of them," Jean murmurs sarcastically.

"I agree." Marco added. "But they're simply being strategic about letting us know our place. They have no idea what kind of administration is run here and so they're being vigilant…"

"Which is WHY we should be vigilant as well, am I right?!" A voice boomed enthusiastically.

The sudden loud and fervent chime in surprised most of the cadets and made almost all of them leap out of their seats. However, Levi and Ymir rolled their eyes in unison, Erwin and Mikasa both seemed unfazed, and Eren froze and sighed heavily as he was able to pin that voice to a face.

"And cue Shitty Glasses," the raven-haired captain said under his breath.

With perfect timing, Squad Leader Hanji Zoe waltzed into the dining room; a big smile spread across her face. Nobody had seen her in a while since she had been working with the MP on the mystery of the walls, and just like Ymir, she also had a red cape instead of the green Wings of Freedom one. Eren noted that the color red was often present around the palace during the walk through the manor to the dining room. Perhaps it was the color of royalty.

"Hello, my lovelies!" Hanji boomed happily. "Haven't seen you all in a while," she nodded towards Eren and gazed dreamily, winking. "My titan boy~"

The brunette scooted towards Captain Levi in hopes for protection should he need it.

Historia turned to look back at the woman. "Are you done, Hanji?"

"Oh-!" Hanji snapped out of her Eren trance and hopped over to the blonde's side. "Yes…"


The squad leader became serious now as she started her apparent report. "Well. Their blades are rather….heavy-duty, you might say. I'm unable to determine what kinds of elements were used, if any at all. Most likely it's a metal, but I have yet to officially determine that. And unfortunately, through an experiment, we've found out that our blades can be dented with it if given enough force."

Erwin was leaning forward now, enthralled. "What are you talking about, Hanji?"

"I take it you all know of the Britannian Province, yes?"

The Survey Corps members nodded in unison.

Hanji pushed up her glasses. "Their blades…are undeniably stronger than ours. I'm unsure of whether it's capable of fully slicing through our swords, but whatever resources they have must be worth much more than what we have. And in conclusion, it's safe to assume that their technology, defense…perhaps everything is more advanced than ours and in a full-out war, we'd be the side to lose."

A hushed silence filled the large room and if Eren could describe it in one word he would say fear. Nobody really knew of this kingdom, how it functioned, what it's military was like, who its ruler was…and for the first knowledge of it to be such bad news didn't help much either. The feeling of defeat and submission to this Province was already in the air and no one had anything uplifting to say.

"How do you know this…?" Levi inquired.

"I pulled one of the messengers off to the side and bribed him for his blades. They looked…different, more efficient, not to mention fancy. I also paid him a little extra for information-"

Both Ymir and Historia turned on her quickly.

"AND YOU DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING?" They both exclaimed simultaneously.

"I didn't…?" Hanji murmured with a tilt of her head, blinking. "Sorry. I have bad memory!"

Historia shook her head and Ymir face palmed.

"An idiot with bad memory…" Captain Levi muttered. "Good combination."

Hanji went on as if she hadn't heard Levi's insult and if she did, Eren assumed that maybe she was just so used to his side remarks that she didn't even process them anymore. She raised her index finger up into the air. "One: the ruler of the Britannian Province goes by the name of Lelouch Vi Britannia." As she continued, she would raise a second, then a third and so on. "Two: This ruler has multiple knights that go by numbers; his strongest and most dependable going by the title Knight of Zero, or Suzaku Kuru..ru, ru, ru...Kururugi, Suzaku Kururugi! Excuse my Japanese. Three: There is only a seven mile distance between us. South of Shiganshina lays the Britannian Province. And Four: Their kingdom is also made up of three walls: Wall Sakura, Wall Izaya, and Wall Cleopatra. And if I remember correctly, that was stated in order of most outer to most inner."

Historia stared down at her lap for a few seconds and then turned to meet the eyes of the blond boy sitting beside Mikasa. "Armin…?"

He nodded and smiled slightly. "You know me…I retain important information like a rag absorbs water."

"That you do." She responded, returning the smile and within a second suddenly becoming grim and pale. She regarded Erwin now, placing her clasped hands on the table before her. "This meeting isn't over yet, Commander. While the news of the Britannian Province is bad, they're not our main focus. They've showed no sign of wanting to conquer or invade and rob us of what we have. The main problem is this…" She allowed her eyes to meet everyone's before going on. "The titans are building up on the walls. As we all know, Shiganshina is overrun and Wall Maria is blocked thanks to Eren. However, the area is incredibly infested with titans and they're pushing on the blockage of the gate. Not only that, but Stationary Guards have reported that the titans are piling up, circling us and trying to climb the walls." Her concerned eyes darted to Armin. "And as Armin acknowledged during one of our expeditions; the titans were attempting to climb the trees to get to us and with each attempt, they got better and better, higher and higher, am I correct, Armin?"

Eyes peered at him and he nodded his approval.

"That is why I fear if we don't do something we'll be surrounded and soon after that, crawling with titans. People will be forced outside of the walls where more titans will be awaiting and if that happens…" She trailed off, grimacing at what she had planned on saying.

"You don't have to finish that sentence," Ymir said comfortingly. "They get it…"

"We do get it," Captain Levi spoke up, sitting up straight, arms still crossed over his chest. He tilted his body in the direction of the queen. "And what ideas do you have, your highness?"

The man must have been shooting all of his intimidation at her because Historia only managed to hold his gaze for 3 seconds (Eren actually counted this) before addressing Erwin once more, finding his gaze to be less daunting than the latter. Ymir, having caught that, glared the short man down.

"Well I did have an idea which was sending the experts out there." At this, Erwin's face contorted into something that wasn't very keen and Historia noticed, continuing on. "But the amount of titans out there is a bit overwhelming. And I've concluded that sending the MP out there with you wouldn't be much help, the Stationary Guard could make a difference, but I fear not enough of one, and having all three of you out there is dangerous because it'd leave us without defense."

"Smart…" Levi whispered.

Erwin was pinching the bridge of his nose now, sighing deeply. "Levi…"

"We'll have to do something though, won't we?" Eren piped up for once, ignoring the amused Captain sitting beside him. "If we have no choice other than to go out and fight…"

"You'll be overwhelmed for sure. I cannot take that chance…" Historia countered. "Without you guys, I'll be lost. The Stationary Guard and the Military Police is not as much an asset to me as you all are. If anything, you're all my right-hand men."

After a rather awkward and long silence, Sasha quietly spoke. "Then what else can we do…?"

"Can't Eren go out there and you know—KABOOM!" Connie roared a bit too excitedly, standing from his seat. "And you know…RAAAAAAWWWRRR!" He sat down again. "And you know, eat them or something?"

"That is too dangerous, Connie! Eren could get hurt!" Mikasa refuted.

"Or get overpowered. Eren is just one titan against all those other ones," Jean added. He then glanced over at the brunette, raising an eyebrow and grinning mischievously to which the titan shifter prepared for some smartass comment. "Unless you think you can take them, Jaeger?"

"Thanks for trying to send me to my death, Kirschtein, but I'm not that stupid," Eren replied.

"Pity," horse face responded.

For the next fifteen minutes, the group brainstormed to the best of their ability. There would be moments of talk and debate, going back and forth, agreeing and disagreeing, short statements here and long descriptive paragraphs speeches. Other times, nobody would be talking at all; sitting in absolute silence as they thought. Hanji had retreated back to her lab in order to test more on the Britannian blade she acquired, but every now and then she'd return on a small break, listening or adding ideas when she could. It was mainly Levi, Erwin and Historia speaking; the rest of the cadets piping in when a light bulb sparked over their heads. Ymir and Armin were soundless.

Eren was fine with Ymir not speaking; but Armin? That scared him to no end. He hoped that the blonde was thinking up a master plan verses being completely lost on what could be done about the growing number of titans. If all else was lost, Eren figured maybe he would go with Connie's idea after all. It was better than doing nothing and being overwhelmed, wasn't it?

His blue eyes having been glued to the table for the most part, Armin finally withdrew from his thoughtful gaze and looked up. Everyone had been quiet and he scanned the room of the faces at the table before murmuring, "If nobody else has anything to say, I'll tell you what I've come up with…"

"The floor is all yours," Historia said with a smile.

"Alright," Armin started. "This may sound a bit crazy, but I think it could work if we plan this very carefully. What I'm going to tell you all is simply a rough draft, if you will, and will need more details should we agree to it…okay?" Everyone nodded; eyes bursting with the obvious curiosity of what the boy may have managed to come up with.

"We team up with the military force of the Britannian Province."

About seven seconds of nothingness.

"That's it…?" Levi probed.

"That's it."

"That's really it?" Ymir asked; her eye twitching.

"That's really it," Armin proclaimed. "I mean think about it… a mutual agreement. The titans have got to be a problem for the Britannian Province as well, right? So if Lelouch is a smart and sympathetic man, he'll understand that helping us will not only save lives, but give him the opportunity to become our ally. And if we're allies, that's one less enemy to worry about for him and that guarantees that if he's ever in trouble, we'll come to his rescue."

Jean heaved a sigh. "So you're saying we just waltz over there and say, 'hey Lelouch! We have a titan problem over here and we were wondering if we could possibly become allies even though we know nothing about each other. We just need help over here and if you're ever in trouble, we'll help you too! It's a win-win situation for us both!'"

"Basically..." Armin whimpered. "Except we definitely won't say it like that."

It wasn't much longer after this that they departed from the meeting. Hanji remained behind to continue working under Historia with the study of the Britannian blades and the walls. Armin and Erwin also stayed behind to settle the kinks of his ideas with Historia in private. Captain Levi had been given full reign over the Survey Corps and he left them to do as they pleased until night came. Later that day and in front of the stables, Levi gave them the rough details. Should they agree to Armin's plan, he, Armin and a couple of other soldiers would head out in the morning in hopes of managing a compromise with Lelouch Vi Britannia. And should things go bad, Levi was to shoot the noisy red signal flare gun he'd be equiped with and everyone here (who were to make sure to be on alert) were to race over without a moment's hesitation.

All of this made Eren feel nervous. He knew as much as everyone else did about the Britannian Province and that was nothing besides the fact that they sounded frightening, strong and capable. The last thing he wanted was for something to happen to Captain Levi; or anyone for that matter. He didn't want anyone to die in a struggle of humanity vs. humanity. They were supposed to work together, were they not? But there was nothing that gave Eren the belief that Lelouch would see things that way. And that scared him.