HiDeKiThEhIdDeN: Hello there! This is a fan-fiction related to mobtalker. Hope you enjoy and see you all! ^-^ P.S Hideki is in it... ^-^ Also sadly the animatronics are not in here but I will ship this pair! AndreXHideki If you don't know who she is you will find out soon enough. Mean while sit back, read, and enjoy the little journey it sends you on!

Hideki's POV

Okay first of all I was sent to Earth sadly... I was playing minecraft and all and blah blah blah. I was literally sent back into the real world (Because I got sucked in but I got out) . I was...kinda upset but I had to go to high school. This is how it all started. I woke up in my bed (NOT IN THE GAME MINECRAFT!) and I just stood up and stretched. I went down stairs to brush my teeth and I flipped me some pancakes. I ate only one and put the rest as reservations since I was lazy to cook the next day then I got dressed This was I dressed:

Combed my hair (Because my hair was ALWAYS a tangled mess)

Changed into a black shirt with a black sweater.

Wore black pants

Wore black socks

Wore white shoes

I looked at myself in the mirror and thought I looked stupid but went to school anyways with my blue backpack slung on my shoulder and took a kisses with me to school. I was bored in math class with all the algebra and what not. Calculas was extremely confusing and studied a different language. The different language was latin. I hated latin but I studied it. In ELA we stood up for our report and soon enough we went back home.

I was looking for a job until I found myself at a cake store and saw a sign. "FOR HIRE". "YES! I FOUND A JOB!" I shouted. I walked in calmly and asked for a job. He introduced himself. "Hello. My name is Mr.C but you can call me Manager." Mr.C said. I nodded my head furiously. "Before I hire you I want you to make a cake," manager said to me. I nodded slightly this time confused but went into the kitchen to go make a cake. All I saw was a a regular kitchen and a few cabinents. I was confused at first till I understood. I went straight off to work.

I made batter for the cake.

Added a pinch of yeast.

Added a pinch of sugar to the batter.

I poured it into the tray and put it into the oven.

I worked on the icing and it came out...well...it tasted like fudge...with blueberries inside! ^-^ Yum...

The timer rung out and I pulled the tray out with oven mitts on and put icing on it with an ice cream cone in the middle with strawberrys around the cone.

I brought it to Manager and guess what?

Manager said,"Hmm...quality great..." He tastes it. "Great taste." He looks at it. "And it looks magnificent! Congratulations! You won the job!" "WHOOOOOO!" I shout. "Yes!"

Manager, "You could start right now if you like." I nod furiously. Thunder booms. I sigh. "I knew a thunder storm will come... I might have to rush home...I'm sorry! I will work tomorrow okay?" Manager nodded. "Okay see you tomorrow and 3:00 PM." Manager called out after me. I ran out into the storm with a black umbrella. I ran past a body on the floor and I backed all the way back. "Hm?" I wondered. I prodded it with my foot and sigh. "I can't have her run over by a car...I guess...I have to carry you home..." She had an enderman beanie on with black clothes on. I carried her on my back covering her with an umbrella instead of covering me and trudged home with...a body I should say? Okay I set her down on my bed and I prepared the spare I had and set it on the floor. I turned on the heat and it warmed up my home. I walked back into my kitchen and threw a pizza in there.

I waited and read a damn book. I was extremely bored. I cooked a few things like a bowl of soup, a few yummy donuts, and of course the pizza in the oven! I sighed and slept on the couch undressing myself and put a black cap on myself with a black t-shirt and black long pants. I went upstairs and set the bowl of soup and a donut for her. I covered my black blacket over her and went to sleep on the couch.

Andr's POV

I woke to find all the water dried. I sighed in relieve and found myself in a bed?! I looked around and looked in the closet. All I saw were black, purple, white, and grey clothes. I wondered out aloud,"Who's house am I in...?" I looked on the bed stand only to find a bowl of soup and a donut on there. I took the donut unsure if it were safe to eat. I worry a lot. What happens if he added poison in it? What if it tastes bad? But I shrugged trusting the person and took a nibble on the bread and frosting. Yum! I ate the donut slowly as I looked around this...unknown terrain. I looked in the bathroom all around the 2nd floor. Then I went down stairs to see... Oh my notch...he looked so cute while sleeping!

^-^ Oh my god! Is he my savior or is he the rent person... Hm...I see no other person so walked up to him to see his hair. It was so neat! Oh my notch...he is just my type! Wait... I can't be sure... I just sat on the couch opposite side of him waiting for him silently.

Hideki's POV

I woke up from my slumber only to see the same girl I helped today. "...Hi?" I spoke first unsure. "H-h-hi..." she said. "What are you doing watch- wait never mind... I helped you right?" I said. She nodded shyly. I took a good look at her figure and saw I was the same height as her?! Woah what?! I studied her again only to find her the same height. I looked and what she was wearing only to see she was wearing a black miniskirt... Also...a black turtle-neck sweater. Where did she come from? The- Never mind... I studied her again and looked into her eyes. She blushed and looked away. "D-don't stare..." she said and hid her face. "Sorry..." I replied and went upstairs.

Okay when I came out of the...spare room I saw she was still down there sitting down hands in her pockets silently and immediatly I felt guilty. "What are you doing...?" I called. "...I'm sorry..." were the first words she said to me in a long time. "I-I didn't mean t-to..." she broke out into tears and I ran down the stairs and walked to her calmly.

She was still crying and she pulled up her turtle neck sweater to hide her face but I could obviously see her tears and I pulled it back down. "You...okay?" I said gently. And of course she lies.

"No..." she says. I sigh. "Come on...stop those tears..." I handed her a tissue. She gently wiped the tears away. I sigh relieved. "Say I didn't get your name. My name is Hideki..." I said gently still. "I-I'm Andr," she said eyes were still red from crying and I did something that surprised me. I touched her cheek. Andre looked up into my gray eyes and she looked back down. "Cmon...we have to go to sleep...we have nothing to do...okay?" I say gently. She nods her head and goes to sleep on my regular bed. I apply her for my high school and send it in the rain. Then I went to sleep.