Hiya peoples, the supernatural story I was talking about is finally here! I hope you enjoy.

Disclaimer:I don't own KHR

Tsuna held in a giggle as he slid behind is fathers throne. Today was a meeting amongst the guardians and he slipped past the guards so he could listen in to sate his curiosity. Imeitsu and Nana entered the room in their royal glory. On both their heads was the royal crown- Imeitsu's was slightly more extravagant as he was the King.

Nana was wearing a floor length royal gown with a slight trail and Iemistsu was wearing his military uniform. After they exchanged greetings with the men present- they all sat down at their respective places around the table. Tsuna soon grew bored from all the dull chatter and felt his eyes become droopy.

He was harshly snapped from his semi-conscious state by a large bang and warm liquid splashed onto his clothes and skin. He jumped at the sound, swivelling around to see the room over his father's throne. Tsuna's blood grew cold. There were strange men in the room, all adorning a uniform that Tsuna didn't recognise. His mother and all of his father's guardians where lying on the floor.


They were all dead.

Tsuna began shaking as he moved his eyes across to his father, leaning around the throne. A bullet hole was square in the middle of his forehead, his dead eyes stared out at Tsuna. Tsuna whimpered and tears fell from his eyes.

"Mama, Papa?" Was the whimper that left his lips.

Eyes and heads whipped around to view him. Many focusing on the golden crown that adorned his head. Feral grins spread across their faces. Tsuna's was terrified and confused. Where was the army? Who were these people and why did they kill his family? The mean men began creeping closer, muttering about enjoying killing off the race.

Tsuna felt everything come together. All the teachings of his tutors and Reborn made sense. These people wanted to kill his family's bloodline, one that had been protected for centuries.

Tsuna couldn't let that happen, he could let his family and the rest of Japan die with him. He screamed in rage as he tore though his enemies.


Tsuna shot up from his futon as his heart raced. He grabbed at his sheets, eyes wide and filled with terror. His skin burned, the feeling continued even after his dream had finished. Only he came to and realised where he was. In their newest hideout, which happened to be underground this time. He felt the earth's calming power in the back of his mind as he relaxed back into his futon momentarily, trying to get a reign on his spinning head.

They had been forced to extreme measures in the past few months, they had almost been caught by patrols. He and his Guardians lay on the floor in old futons. His guardians had formed themselves into a circle surrounding Tsuna, protecting him, even in their sleep. As much as Tsuna hated them throwing themselves in the line of danger for his sake. They had to for the sake of the royal family and for the sake of Japan.

Tsuna stood up from his Futon and quietly stepped around his guardians, careful to avoid Hibari since he woke to the slightest noise. Something that had saved them numerous times.

He left the earth-room to what amounted for their bathroom. A lone mirror on the wall with a small wash basin and toilet. Sourced from the earth's minerals, something Tsuna had learned to do 5 months ago.

He went to the basin and splashed his face with the freezing water, not bothering to warm it up with his Power. He needed to wake up from his dream, to get away from the burning and the heartache.

He stared at himself it the mirror, hands on each side of the basin as he allowed the water droplets to fall from his face. He could still feel his burns and scars tingling. Tsuna removed his hands and gingerly took his shirt off his body.

He flinched as his markings came into view. The scarring that surrounded his torso.

It was that day, almost 2 years ago when Japan fell. The enemies came in forced their way through the defences. Not with the purpose to destroy the citizens, but to destroy the royal family.

They weren't just any royal family. They where an ancient bloodline of protectors for Japan. They held a power to control the elements. The enemy needed them gone in order to control Japan's vast natural resources. They had stormed the castle and killed the King, his guardians and the Queen. All in a matter of minutes.

They had found him in the throne room, cowering behind his father's throne. Tsuna remembered it clear as day...it had refused to stop plaguing his dreams.

He had managed to evade the enemies in his rage filled and terrified state until his Guardians found him running around in the hallways. They had only managed to escape the castle though secret room before it was burned to the ground. Making the Enemy believe that they had effectively killed him, finishing the bloodline.

He had the proof; it was all over his body. A throwing knife to the side, a sword slash across his chest from his left shoulder to right hip. Tsuna traced the scars with his cold fingers. Feeling the risen and damaged skin cooling beneath his wet fingertips. His left hip was marred by the knife he had so eloquently received to the side on that fateful day. Tsuna sighed, looking up from his damaged body to look into his mirror image, staring into his own eyes.

They had been running ever since that day. Avoiding patrols and gathering intel. All of their hideouts had been near nature. That was best Tsuna as his body became restless and uneasy when he was away from nature. He felt pressure building on his shoulders each and every day. He could feel the pressure of being the only one left that had the power to safe Japan. The elements around his small body calmed him exponentially. He could feel in the warmth of the sun, the gentle caress of the wind and the strength within tree limbs.

Even though the royals castle was made of stone, they all had wished it to be otherwise. The castle was just for formalities. The Royal Family preferred to be with nature. They felt at peace and one with the elements, just as it used to be in the ancient times. Power would flow though their bodies and the elements would answer their beck and call.

In the beginning Tsuna had fallen into a depression. He hated himself for not being strong enough to save his family, or to save his country. But after the past couple of months he had found his resolve and threw himself into training his powers which were running wild and unstable. His guardians had also been training themselves for the conflict.

They were going to take back Japan.

Back then he was a weak innocent fool. But now he had grown stronger and he was no longer the innocent little Prince. He was a warrior. They were going to tear down the enemy and take back his country.

Take back his Japan.

They were almost ready; they needed to be at their strongest. Tsuna had manipulated the earth to create separate training ground for each of them. His was a simple room with dirt packed walls with vines and roots curing though the walls. Even being underground he didn't feel suffocated, as some would think. He felt at one with his country, sitting amongst the earth. He felt his power ready, right at his fingertips, thrumming lightly. Ready for battle.

Gokudera 16, had been researching though books that he had saved from the fire, finding new weapons that Tsuna would be able to craft for him. He would fight for Tsuna, their only hope.

Yamamoto 16, had been training with his sword, forever becoming stronger. He would fight for Tsuna and for his deceased father who was killed in the castle fire.

Lambo 15, was preparing his horns and steadily increasing his electricity intake capabilities. He would fight for his Tsuna-nii. He wanted everything to be okay again.

Ryohei 17, was increasing his brute force though his fists. He would fight for Tsuna. He would save Japan, and rescue his family from the enemies clutches.

Hibari 17, was furious that his country, that he prided himself in had been taken from the Royals, the ones who protected it and that kept the order. He would fight though any means necessary to protect the last remaining Royal and to bring back Japan.

Mukuro 17, hated the enemies with a passion. They had tried to make super humans as way of taking over Japan. They had experimented on his sister and on him. Now he was faulty and she was dead. He was going to make the pay for what they did to himself and to his precious little sister. Tsuna was the one to make it happen. He will bring down the enemies with the powers that came from his cosseted blood. He would protect Tsuna with his life, after all, he was the only person left that could save them all.

A few days later, they were ready. They had all their meagre belongings and weapons. The stood at the place where Tsuna would create a tunnel to allow them to emerge in the middle of the city. They planned to free the citizens from their underground prisons, before attacking and taking down separate sections at a time. The enemy had grown soft, thinking that there was no threat to their dictating rule. The citizens had given up all hope. Tsuna hoped to change that. To give them hope for a free future. Most of all, to bring back the peace.

Tsuna closed his eyes and took a deep breath; closing his eyes he raised his hands before his chest. His overlapping golden bands that surrounded his forehead became warm and the small gem that hung from the overlapped bands brightened (1). He opened his golden eyes as he pushed his hands forwards, though with his body. Pushing his power forwards and rolling out of his body. The earth moulded to his power, folding and smoothing to create a passage that led into darkness.

He turned around to face his determined guardian's faces, eyes slowly turning back to caramel.

"Let's do this" he said, he was answered by the hard nod's from each guardian. They all began running towards their destination, eyes full of determination.

10 minutes later Tsuna skidded to a stop, dust flying into the air. Her out his hand to the root on the wall. He had been following his senses and he could feel people above them. The vibrations they sent where ones of sadness and desperation. Citizens.

He placed both hands on the wall as his guardians readied themselves, quickly covering their heads with their respective cloaks. The golden bands glowed from under his hood as he made the ground shift and lift them up, creating a pathway upwards as they went.

"3..." He started as they neared their destination, warning his guardians. "2...1!" They burst out of the ground of a large, concrete cell; rubble exploding everywhere.

People screamed, thinking it to be another attack from their long gone capturers. The room was filled with mainly crying children and protective mothers. Some men were scattered. Most of the men had obviously been used for slavery, now only the unable and defective where left to rot. Tsuna tried not to let his anger show on his face. He let his schooled mask slide on.

Quickly they set to work quieting the citizens, not wanting their presence known this early - just in case any security equipment had been left to watch the citizens and make sure they couldn't escape their impending death. Tsuna finally spoke up, his voice authoritative and steady. "We do not wish to hurt anyone, we are here to help" He finished as people turned their heads to take him in.

He was dressed in old black converse high tops with faded ripped skinny jeans and a dirty black cloak that went down to his knees, covering most of his features. Obviously not one of the vain and stuck up bastards that controlled Japan.

As if on cue, all the guardians pulled down their hoods at the same time as Tsuna. As soon as they did, many gasps where heard, some recognising the golden band that were worn by the royals though old faded memories.

An old woman near Tsuna began crying as she held her mouth. She crawled up to Tsuna's feet before using his body to help her stand. His guardians (mainly hot-headed Gokudera) became tense as the woman latched onto Tsuna. Tsuna felt her familiar presence, and held a hand out to them, signalling that there was no threat that he could detect.

The woman gingerly placed her shaking hands on Tsuna's cheeks, her weight resting on Tsuna.

"Oh my dear Prince, I knew you would come for us" she said before going to her knees in front of him.

Whispers spread around the large room. Many others now recognising the young Prince and his guardians. They were far different from what they used to look like. From high class clothing to jeans and cloaks...from young innocent children to determined young men. Tsuna smiled warmly at the woman that was bowing at his feet. He quickly helped her to her feet again.

"There is no need to bow Sophia" his musical voice carried around the room. He had recognised this woman who was a retired tutor for the royal family. She had taught him many years ago when he was six, before she retired.

While holding the woman he announced "Yes, I am Tsunayoshi Sawada" he stopped as many awe filled voices cut him off. "I'm very sorry we took so long to save you. I'm also very sorry for letting you believe I was dead". He took a deep breath."But I am not your Prince anymore. I don't deserve to be, I let Japan fall-"

"Prince Tsuna!" The woman almost shouted. His guardians winced at the loud noise, Gokudera sending a half-glare at the woman for yelling at the Prince.

"You have come to save us and Japan now, have you not?" She began "You still strive to fulfil your duty to your country, don't you?" she grips his hand tight, tears pricking her eyes

"You are my Prince, and my hope! Don't you dare try to tear that from me"! She finished as tears ran down her cheeks. Many others in the room voicing their support of her statement. Yamamoto grinned at Tsuna, giving him a thumbs up. His way of saying 'I told you so'.

"Arigato Minna" he said quietly, raising his bowed head. He lifted his head to look at Hibari who had grunted at him. They needed to move along.

"Please form lines so we can escort you to safety. Also please stay in a group so we can protect you if necessary".

Soon all of the people where helped and led to where Tsuna positioned himself.

He smiled. His power was thrumming though his body, ready to be released. His power worked differently when exposed to different elements. Right now he had fresh air, fuelling his power when necessary. They had survived this long because of this. It was a never ending power, but is came to only a small amount of people-making it extremely precious. He extended his hands out in front of him, and the power blasted out from his body. Immediately the wall shifted and began re-shaping itself. He angled his hands higher and sunlight streamed though from the hole in the earth.

The all the people were lead from the dark cell in which they had been left to perish. Some still shocked at witnessing the power they thought they would never see again.

Tsuna first stepped out onto the ground, his Power still activated. Immediately the woodland reacted to him. As he walked flowers appeared in the grass where his feet stepped, leaving a trail of brightly coloured flowers behind him like a bridal trail. The free air swirled about, creating a light wind circling Tsuna. Everyone filled onto the fresh grass, most of the prisoners smiling when their dirty and bare feet touched the soft grass and felt the winds flowing around them.

Tsuna lifted up his hands towards massive tree. Suddenly in the high foliage, the wood and leaves began reforming. Eventually the wood started taking shape, and a tree house emerged. Many of the children grinned at their new residence. Wooden staircases wrapped around the trunk toward the house nestled in the trees thick limbs.

Tsuna slowly brought his hands down to his sides, shutting off his power. He turned to his guardians, nodding at each. The all began to lead the civilians up the staircases to their new base and residence.

Tsuna thanked the tree within his mind, and smiled faintly as it gave him a comforting nudge in return, though his power.

Tsuna could feel it now, even more so than before, now that he had real citizens whose lives were in his hands. The pressure. All of these people, there was so many. And so many more millions that he had so save. It simply wasn't possible. Where they going to hide all of the citizens, feed them? Clothe them? Tsuna didn't know.

But he had to know. They were all relying on him to save them all.

He couldn't remember how long he had been in this room for. It was so drawn into his own world, trying to figure a way to save them all. He had close to no plans. Tsuna grabbed at his hair, the cold golden band meeting his palms.

Well, that didn't help at all. Every time they looked at him they saw those bands across his forehead, he could feel the expectation and hope following with every step he took. He could feel his breathing escalate. His chest moved up and down, the cold bands heating up against his palms.

All of those people. His people. The ones his ancestors had protected for centuries. From tribe leaders to chiefs to Kings. And here he was, sitting in his wooden room, on the floor, curled up in a ball. He could feel his ancestors rolling in their graves.

But he understood. This was not behaviour befitting of a Prince, one that had to get up and get his arse into gear. Tsuna stood up and looked outside, across towards the city little more than a kilometre away.

Thank god he didn't have to do it alone.

"Gokudera!" He yelled, fully knowing his storm could hear him. He heard running footsteps approach, he could see the faint red flame approaching, though the power that controlled his finely tuned senses.

"Tsuna-Sama!" Was the emerald-eyed boy as he pushed the door open, throwing himself into the room.

Gokudera still refused to call him by his name properly, but at least it was better than the original, "Prince Juu-diame Tsunayoshi-Sama" which was just plain stupid.

"We need a plan of action" Tsuna said as he turned from what sufficed as a window.

"Hai!" But Tsuna didn't hear his answer. He fell to the ground, clutching his head as the golden gem pulsed violently.

Gokudera quickly reacted and rushed to his side, hands holding his Prince still. The Prince struggled and rolled, hands clutching his head and eyes tightly closed.

"Run!" Tsuna screamed, snapping open his orange eyes to stare at Gokudera, his voice loud and clear, piercing the quiet.

His eyes closed in pain as his body curled into itself - his knees up to his face.

Gokudera turned and saw lights flickering though the foliage around them, coming at them at a incredible speed.

They had been found.

Gokudera immediately pulled Tsuna to just below the window, to give him a better view of the attack while hiding his Prince. He cursed as he pressed his finger to his ear, pressing the communication button on his ear piece. All of the guardians had one.

"We've been compromised!" He yelled into the earpiece, watching as the enemy approached.

He heard the other guardians reply before turning away from them, his heart speeding up as he observed his Prince.

He was curled up in his arms, semi conscious. The enemy must have been masking their presence from Tsuna's senses, before releasing it suddenly. All of that information at once had quickly overwhelmed Tsuna.

It was a harsh downfall in his power. One that had caused sharp, blinding pain and shock. Gokudera had to help him. He took a deep breath, as he had never dared to attempt this before.

"Tsuna-Sama!" He yelled in apology before holding his hands to Tsuna's head. He knelt on to the ground before him before pouring his flames into the boy, infusing his will with Tsuna's.

Tsuna's chest lifted up, like Hayato had put a defibrillator to his chest- and was trying to restart his heart.

Tsuna's eyes snapped open, a bright orange as he stared up into Hayato eyes. The glow from his gem reflecting off Hayato's emerald orbs.

"We've got some bastards to destroy" Was all Tsuna said before flying out of the window, allowing the wind to carry him- sweeping him out of the room.

Gokudera smiled at the small 'Thankyou' that the wind carried to his ears. But then, a large smirk spread across his face.

Time for some fun.

He pressed his finger to his ear. "Be prepared for some wind" was his brief instruction to the other Guardians. He heard their grunts of reply as he too hurled himself out of the window.

Yay? Nay? let me knowwww~

Tadaaaaaa! A story that's not a tragedy! I hope I did well, please tell me if so or give me some ways to improve. Thank you and see u next chapter! Or maybe in my other tragedies :)

Also, if you search up 'anime princes' on google one of the first images will show what I think Tsuna's crown looks like.

God Bless,
