Yes I decided to style the Divergent characters in the story line of Pride and Prejudice. I was writing another story... Differentiate. And in a couple of the chapters, I had Eric let my OC read Pride and Prejudice. Don't ask me why. But that's what I had them do. So I decided to do a book on Divergent's favorite couple, Tris and Tobias.

Many of the characters are OOC. Not to mention that there are some of our favorite Divergent characters are missing, because I couldn't find someplace to put them. Sorry if your favorite character is not in here. I.e. Marcus Eaton isn't in the story. Although he's mentioned, he's not in it. Sorry if you folks really wanted him in the story. (Sarcasm, because I hope you folks didn't)

If you are a big fan of Pride and Prejudice books/movies or Jane Austen in general, sorry if you feel that I've butchered the story. I just wanted to try something. Again, you may not like where I placed certain characters, but I'm just getting a feel for it. If it's not taken well, then I'll scrap the idea. But please let me know your thoughts about it.

Here is a little intro/teaser/appetizer I guess you could word it. If you want me to continue, then I will. I kept some things from both books, like names of places, etc. I've made this my own, so please be gentle with criticism.

I do not own Divergent or Pride & Prejudice. Credit goes to Veronica Roth and Jane Austen. Love them both...

It is a known fact, especially to mothers with single daughters, that when a single man with a lot of money comes into town, that he must want to marry. And make him marry they will, especially to their single daughter.

Even if they know nothing whatsoever about the man's likes, dislikes, favorites, or preferences, everyone will still try to play matchmaker and set him up with some single girl from their family.

And this is what happened in the town of Abnegation.

Mr. Ezekiel Pedrad was like any other gentlemen, at least in his mind. He was around the age of six and twenty when he decided that he should find himself a house to settle somewhere. He had a small dwelling in Erudite. However, he wanted something to call his own. To help him in his quest, he got the assistance of his closest friend, Mr. Tobias Eaton.

"What do you think, Eaton," called out Mr. Pedrad to his friend as they walked the Manor in which he wished to purchase.

"It is sufficient, I suppose," Mr. Eaton answered. He was a handsome man, like his friend. However, he never displayed much enthusiasm as did his friend.

"Come now," urged Ezekiel. "It's nothing like Dauntless, to be sure. But it is greatly adequate for my first place."

Dauntless was a great place, in which Tobias Eaton had owned majority of. Not to mention that his father had left him a modest living in a small part of Erudite. Modest, was too kind a word to describe what the Eaton family had, though.

"What of the community? Abnegation, really man, can you settle here?"

"A simple life with what charming country that surrounds me and I heard the most handsome young ladies," added Ezekiel.

"Perhaps it will suit you," answered Mr. Eaton. That statement was enough to excite Mr. Pedrad and fell upon purchasing the place right away.

Almost immediately the news spread quickly. And fell upon the Prior family. For Mrs. Prior had just heard it from her dear sister, Mrs. Wright, that a young man, single, and with some inheritance, had just settled in Abnegation country. She set off without haste to find her husband.

"Mr. Prior," she called out to him. "Did you hear that Netherfield Park has been sold?"

"Even if I did hear it, you would tell me about it either way," her husband Andrew shuffled some papers about on his desk. He seemed less interested in the follies that his wife had caused sometimes, but loved her all the same.

"Of course I'd tell you about it. For I have just heard from my sister that a Mr. Pedrad, a young man, single, and with a great fortune has taken it! Don't you think this is good news for our daughters?"

"Why would it be good news for them," he asked settling down on his desk.

"Why it is good news because one of them should marry him!"

"Is that the reason why he moved here?"

"Of course Mr. Prior," she cried impatiently at her husband. "Do you not see, perhaps he shall meet one of them and then they'll fall in love and..."

"My dear, the man has just moved into town and you are planning a wedding?"

"Well if it should lead to that," she sat down innocently. "But he could very well fall for one of them, so you must go and make yourself known to him."

"Known to him? I don't see why." His wife appeared to be shocked. "Why don't you go with the girls? You're as handsome as them all. Mr. Pedrad might like you more than them," he vexed his wife.

"Oh you old man, why must you tease me so?!"

"You're right," he continued. "Why don't you send the girls themselves?"

"By themselves," Mrs. Prior cried out. Oh the inappropriateness of it all to send them out by themselves!"

"Better yet, I shall write him a letter and inform him that I give my consent to him marrying any of our five daughters. There, my Natalie, does that make you happy?"

"No, it does not. You're set on ruining them all to a life of loneliness and destitute, should you not visit with him."

He let his wife ramble on about her misgivings of having her husband not go and visit Mr. Pedrad. Little did she know, that he did in fact visit Mr. Pedrad and had found him a very congenial man, both pleasant and mellow, yet still hearty. It was made clear to her a couple days later when a young handsome gentleman came to call upon Mr. Prior, where Mr. Prior had invited him to an upcoming ball that the community would be holding.

Everything seemed well in the Prior home now. Mrs. Prior thought it a good joke that her husband had deceived her in not wanting to make Mr. Pedrad's acquaintance. Her two youngest daughters seemed fixed upon the news of the arrival of a new gentleman. For it was the youngest daughter's nature, Lauren, to be so into taken with the idea of falling in love and had dreamt that perhaps she shall meet a fine gentleman.

Christina, two years older than Lauren, was just as silly as Lauren when it came to dealings with those of the opposite sex and hurried with her sister on to some new gossip about clothing, dresses, ribbons, bonnets, men leaving, or new men coming. Mrs. Prior had secretly favored her two youngest daughters, for their temper was much like hers.

Myra was the third Prior daughter who enjoyed reading and did her best to excel in music and propriety, everything that a young lady should learn. Mrs. Prior had hoped that she would grow out of that phase, but it did not look like that would happen soon. Then there was the eldest Prior daughter, Shauna. She was about twenty-three years of age and considered to be Abnegation's most handsome lady by far. Yet she had the sweetest temper out of her sisters. She was both kind and thoughtful and most of all very optimistic on her view of others. Mr. Prior though had favored their second daughter, Beatrice, or Tris as the family called her. She was bright and Mr. Prior indulged her mind.

Beatrice sat on her sister Shauna's bed as Shauna combed her hair that night before the ball.

"I am most certain that should Mr. Pedrad meet you tomorrow that he will instantly fall for you," Beatrice smiled warmly at her sister.

"I had always hoped that I would marry someone whom I fall in love with," Shauna replied with a small smile.

"And you will," said Beatrice walking towards. "Just be sure that that man is one who has a good fortune."

"Tris, that is too cruel."

"With father's inheritance promised off to some male cousin of ours, not but one thousand pounds apiece to inherit, we are left with our looks and personality to help us get by. And since you have both beauty and charm and of great abundance out of everyone in our family, I feel that it should be you to marry Mr. Ezekiel Pedrad," she teased her sister.

"Well if it will make you happy then I shall marry him by Christmas," Shauna joined in on the joke. They bid each other goodnight and hoped for a wonderful evening tomorrow at the ball.