I do not own Divergent. Credit goes to Veronica Roth.
I do not own Pride and Prejudice. Credit goes to Jane Austen.

Tobias' son's tiny hand gripped onto his father's finger. It made Tobias' heart swell with pride. Tobias still remembers the day that Beatrice told him she was expecting their second child. He thought he could not be any happier than he was then. Tobias had believed that he was ardently in love with Beatrice a long time ago but it seemed that every day that passed he had found a new reason to be in love with her, making himself feel that today he had loved her more than he did yesterday.

"Papa," his daughter pulled at his clothing trying to get his attention. "Baby," she pointed up in his arms.

Taking a knee, he knelt down by his four year old daughter Bethany to show her newborn brother to her. She giggled when his feet moved from the blanket and continued to babble on about her brother to her father. Bethany was just like her mother in personality and though it made Beatrice smile and laugh, it made Tobias an even prouder man. He knew no happiness until Bethany was born. Joy filled Dauntless when she uttered her first word and it had been 'papa'.

Looking at her wide eyes, similar to that of her mother, Tobias once again smiled at the sight before him.

"There you are."

Both Tobias and Bethany looked up to see Beatrice standing in the doorway.

"Thomas," Bethany squealed with delight before Beatrice came to scoop her up.

"You are awake at a very late hour, young Lady," Beatrice said to her daughter.

Bethany though knew what to do to get her way and turned expectantly at her father. Before he could speak up Beatrice looked over with a stern eye. He had given in to his daughter's indulgences too much lately. Beatrice was glad that Tobias continued to spoil their daughter but enough was enough, at least for tonight.

"Tobias," Beatrice warned.

"You may play with your brother tomorrow, Bethany. Mother is right. It is time to get ready for bed," Tobias responded.

Their daughter pouted a bit before turning to hug her father, kiss her brother's cheek and then followed Beatrice out. A very satisfied father sat with his son by the fire in the sitting room, looking on his son yawned and closed his eyes.

Lady Evelyn did not like the 'little thing' as she had called him last week upon her visit. To her, her great-nephew Thomas was messy and squirmed around too much for her liking. As always though, Bethany received every sort of good gift from her great-Aunt Evelyn.

Bethany though similar to her mother had held a strong place in her Aunt's heart, more so than Tobias. Tobias did not object because he was glad that for once something that Beatrice had done had bought his Aunt great pleasure. Lady Evelyn rarely criticized the way Bethany was being reared and did not offer any of her advice as she had in the past when it came to Dauntless or little Bethany. Bethany truly had Lady Evelyn wrapped around her finger.

"It is time for him to go to bed as well."

Tobias smiled but did not turn his head. He knew his wife's voice too well. He knew when she was in a playful mood and when she was upset. He knew her footsteps, her movements, and what each touch of her hand meant.

"Have I ever told you how much I love you, Mrs. Eaton," Tobias turned to face her then.

"Tell me," Beatrice whispered as she finally came to stand in front of him.

"I wish I could tell you," Tobias told her making Beatrice frown. "But there are no words to describe the strength and determined emotion that I have for you," he answered as Beatrice began to smile.

"How very poetic of you, my husband," she leaned forward to give him a small kiss.

Beatrice stood close to Tobias as they both looked down at their son. Thomas was slowing becoming more like his father as the days passed. His eyes had finally darkened to that beautiful deep blue.

There was a moment of silence that was filled with content and happiness for the both of them as they thought about their marriage and what the future held for them. Christina had finally wed her Colonel Brandon, much to her mother's pleasure. Marlene and Colonel Uriah had also been married for some months and settled near Lady Evelyn's home.

As for Nita, she remained unmarried and Lady Evelyn did not go on looking for a husband for her daughter. Instead it shocked everyone to hear that Nita would leave whatever she inherited of Rosings to the young Bethany Eaton. Lady Evelyn though surprised at first, acknowledged that her great niece would become the heiress to Rosings.

Shauna and Ezekiel had just had a little girl of their own. There was talk about of having Thomas and her betrothed between Ezekiel and Tobias. But Beatrice and Shauna did not want to think about that just yet. They wanted to enjoy their children while they were still little.

It was when Thomas had first started walking some months later that Tobias caught Beatrice crying.

"What is it, my dear Tris," Tobias wiped the tear away from her cheek. Beatrice shook her head, feeling silly. "You are crying my Tris? Whatever are you crying for?"

"Have I ever told you how much I am happy, Mr. Eaton," Beatrice placed her hand on Tobias' shoulder as he wrapped an arm around her waist.

"Tell me."

"I wish I could tell you," Beatrice replied. "But there are no words to describe the immense and certain joy that I have found in you and our family," she answered remembering what he told her.

"I feel the same," he smiled before kissing his wife deeply.

When they pulled away they saw their daughter running about in the tall field of grass, carelessly chasing a butterfly as her brother clapped and laughed at the sight. For a person who was to arrogant and conceited in his opinion of others he has found himself humbled. For a person who believed that first impressions were everything and easily swayed had found herself to be forgiving.

They stood there, Tobias and Beatrice having to finally realize that that was all they needed to find love and happiness in their life.