Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, the following story is posted is purely for amusement of the readers and myself.

A/N: I think it's fair to say that many people are unsatisfied with how JK Rowling's story had ended, well this story is my outlet for that. In this story, Harry, Master of Death, had lived a very long time, full of battles and sadness, with everyone he cared about taken away from him, he was ready to accept death, and go meet his loved ones in the afterlife. Before he could jump through the Veil, Death made him an offer he couldn't refuse, armed with his hundreds years of knowledge and power, he jumped back in time to fix all that was wrong with the Magical World.

Please give the story a try, I hope you will enjoy it. And let me know of your thoughts on it. Thank you.

Yay, I finally got a Beta! I would like to thank texan-muggle for doing such a wonderful job proofreading my story.




"Mind Communication"


[Speech in Foreign Language]


Prologue – A Meeting with Death

Ministry for Magic,
2nd May, 2098

A figure wearing a hooded cloak entered the Ministry for Magic, and walked right past the reception/security. The figure seemed to blend into the shadows and glide his way past like a Dementor. There wasn't any sudden movement, and there wasn't any sound of footsteps; he wasn't invisible, but yet he was. The unique brand of notice-me-not runes invented by the man-under-the-hood himself were etched onto the black cloak and were working perfectly. The runes allowed others to see him, but turned their attention away instantly unless he wished for them to notice him. Most would forget they ever saw him; only those of strong will would remember his presence. Even then, all they could remember were two bright emerald green-coloured eyes that seemed to radiate power.

The cloaked figure approached a veil in the Department of Mysteries; the veil was none other than the Veil of Death. For any ordinary man, they would feel disconcerted from just standing near the Veil. The blowing motion of the Veil felt like Death himself was calling for you. But for the man-under-the-hood, who had brushed with Death so many times, he wasn't even slightly concerned.

The man stopped his approach just two meters away from the Veil, and lowered his hood. He then took out a stick. As he carefully inspected the Elder Wand, he muttered, "It's time for you to return to your rightful owner."

The figure took a step towards the Veil, with clear intent to chuck the stick into it; that was when the Veil suddenly stopped moving, another cloaked figure walked out of the Veil, and stopped just a meter in front of the figure holding the Deathstick.

The battle-hardened man almost reacted to the sudden appearance of another cloaked figure, but he instantly recognized the figure in front of him.

"Death, I presume?" he asked politely.

"You have a sharp mind, young master. But of course, you presumed correctly."

"Don't let my youthful look deceive you, for I have lived for more than four hundred years now (A/N: Not a mistake, explanation is within this chapter/scene). But since you addressed me as 'master', I am guessing you know perfectly well why I still have the body of a thirty-year-old young man."

Death smirked under his cloak, "And I stand by my earlier statement, young master."

"Despite how you are referring to me as master, coupled with what the legend says, I never believed anyone could ever truly master Death, could they? I merely gained immortality from uniting the three gifts from you."

"You are of course, correct, young master, but not completely. The Wand, the Stone and the Cloak, they were always meant to be passed down the Peverell bloodline. Any other who united them, but not the rightful owner of the Hallows, would merely gain full use of the three Hallows, but would age and die nonetheless. As you have learned from the Goblins, by stripping Riddle off his body, your mother reunited the three separate Peverell lines in you. When the Elder Wand flew into your hand a hundred years ago, you became the first to truly possess all three Hallows; thus, all three gifts were forever bonded to you and, in the process, granted you your immortality." Death explained.

The cloaked figure paused for a fraction of a moment to consider Death's words, then proceeded to hold out the Elder Wand in both hands, and bowed respectfully. "Thank you for your explanation. Be that as it may, this wand has spilled enough blood throughout its history. Despite bonding to me, people would still seek its power, and more blood would be spilt. It's time for all that to stop; it's time for it to return to its rightful owner."

Death gracefully accepted the Wand, and stowed it away. "Thank you, young master; there has been no other more worthy than you to possess my gifts. Despite the fact that no one could ever truly master me, only you since Antioch Peverell has ever truly wielded the power of the Elder Wand. But, I am sensing this isn't the only reason you have come before my Veil, is it? Young master?"

"No, it's not. I missed my chance, or should I say, chances; there is nothing here for me to live for, not for a long time," the man-under-the-hood answered solemnly.

"No, I suppose not," Death paused for some time pondering, before informing the war hero. "This isn't supposed to be your fate; just like Riddle cheated Death, the manipulative fool, Dumbledore, meddled with Fate," Death spat with anger.

The cloaked man didn't say anything; he knew perfectly well who Death was referring to as 'manipulative fool'; Albus too-many-bloody-names Dumbledore had a lot to answer for. The cloaked man hoped there would be something of the old goat left for him to vent his rage, but he doubted there would be anything left with his parents waiting on the other side.


Five years after Voldemort was gone for good, war broke out in Magical Britain again. Another dark lord wannabe decided to have a go at conquering Magical Britain, before moving on to the rest of the world. With most of Voldemort's Death Eaters bribing their way out of prison during 1998, it wasn't hard for the new dark lord wannabe to gather enough followers and start a new war. The Third Wizarding War had raged on for two years when, in 2005, Auror Lieutenant Harry Potter, who had broken Mad-Eye Moody's record for number of Dark Wizards killed or captured, was recruited by the Director of the Department of Mysteries, code name "Croaker", to join the ranks of a recently formed Unspeakable Battle Unit.

The Unspeakable Battle Unit was formed right after Voldemort's demise when Croaker became the Head of the department and saw the need for it. Aurors had too much red tape to be effective during war time, and the Department of Mysteries operated without that said red tape. Nobody outside the Unit knew of its existence, other than Croaker; nobody in the Unit even knew who the other members of the Unit were, except for their codenames, and it would stay that way forever.

After the outing of Augustus Rookwood, Croaker also saw the need to clean house, and made sure all new recruits were properly screened. The screening included a magical oath of loyalty to the Crown and the Department and a mandatory full medical check-up.

There was no word to describe how Harry felt when the Healers discovered what was done to him. He was dosed up with love potions keyed to Ginevra Molly Weasley, as well as loyalty potions keyed to Ronald Billius Weasley and Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore.

His magical core had nineteen layers of bindings, and only one belonged to his parents; the other eighteen layers were all placed by Albus Dumbledore. Dumbledore had placed a layer just before he was delivered to the Dursleys, another layer during each of the subsequent years just before each of his birthdays, and an additional layer each during his fourth year and fifth year at Hogwarts.

Each layer would bind Harry's core by 50% of whatever was available, and Harry was then obliviated of the memory of being bound. This left him with 0.0002% of his magical core to work with. The Healers found out that even his mental capability was stunted magically by Dumbledore.

It didn't take much for the Healers to figure out who was under their care. Luckily, they were under secrecy oaths to never speak of this again.

Harry had enquired of Croaker how he was able to use magic at all. The only explanation Croaker could come up with was that Harry's magical core was much more adaptable compared to other wizards or witches to the situation needed. He had needed his magic to stay alive from the Dursleys' abuse and whatever challenges he'd had to face during his Hogwarts years, so his whole magical core had grown such that whatever available was enough to keep him alive. Obviously, the manipulative old goat thought he knew it all; in trying to keep Harry weak, he had made Harry stronger than what Merlin had been by many times.

Flashback Ends

That was one of the many manipulative old bastard's machinations discovered by him over the years. The cloaked man came out of his thoughts, and said to Death, "There isn't much I could do about that, is there? I used my time turner extensively, and spent three hundred years in the past; oh believe me, I was tempted to change the past, but never once did I dare to interfere with what I already knew had happened." The man then smirked in a way that made Death himself shiver in fear. "I guess I'll have to give him hell in the afterlife, then."

The resolute man made to move towards Death's Veil; however, Death raised his hand and gestured him to stop. The cloaked man looked at Death inquiringly, and wondered what Death had in mind.

"What if you could change the past, would you go back?" Death asked.

If the cloaked man was surprised by Death's question, he didn't show it. He pondered for quite a while. Despite being warned repeatedly that he couldn't change the past whenever he time-travelled back using time turners, he knew Death's offer was completely different in nature; it was very possible the deity in front of him had the ability to back up what he was offering. The question was would he want to? He had left Magical Britain with a much brighter future using his influence; now he just wanted to reunite with his loves and the parents he had never gotten to know.

"I am going to respectively decline your offer; I have waited enough time to meet my parents again."

Death understood the young master, but he had to convince the young master to change the past; the Creator himself had tasked Death this mission. "You should know, your parents didn't truly die until the night of the 24th of June, 1995." As Death predicted, that got the young master's attention.

This time, the cloaked man was surprised, but given how much had he delved into Mind Arts, he wasn't shocked for long. "The night of Voldemort's return. How?"

"Your mother used one of the Ancient Rituals from the Therion Family Grimoire; the ritual anchors the souls of a family of parents and children on the same plane through bonds of familial love. However, the ritual was designed to be used temporarily for the duration of a war, not to grant immortality. Thus, it does not tolerate another ritual of similar nature corroding the familial bonds." Death explained.

Pieces of the puzzle immediately fell into place in the cloaked man's mind. "My blood, Voldemort's use of my blood to gain a body, inadvertently made him my anchor, and destroyed the bonds keeping my family alive."

"Correct," Death replied.

"I remember now, it has been a long time since I have read the Therion Family Grimoire. As long as one of the parents or the children survives, the soul of the victim or victims is anchored to the surviving member or members of the family. The victim or victims can be revived by simple physical contact between the victim and the surviving member, but only if their original physical body is recovered and repaired to be able to sustain life."

It was at this point Death interrupted. "Your parents' bodies were transported to your family manor in Wales by a switching rune the moment they were hit by the killing curse; your family elves put them under stasis until that night when Voldemort returned. Only then did your family elves bury your parents in your family grave site. The bodies buried in Godric's Hollow were transfigured pigs to fool Voldemort; I guess they managed to fool the rest of the world as well. If that old goat hadn't interfered, your godfather would have taken you to raise you in your family manor, and you would have grown up with them."

The cloaked man nodded in understanding.

Death continued, "If you choose to go back, you could save your parents, your godfather, Hermione Granger, Susan Bones and everyone else you cared about. You would get to see all of them again."

The man immediately countered, "I would see them again too if I die now! Why should I go back to deal with it all again?"

"Because, you didn't just anchor two souls that Halloween, you anchored four." Death saw this got the man's attention; he knew this would be the Holy Grail in convincing the young master to go back. He could tell the young man had figured out what he meant. "Yes, your mother was pregnant with your twin sisters at the time; if you choose to die now, you would not get to meet them in the afterlife, as they never lived."

Death knew he had succeeded, but he wanted to drive the nails in. "Plus, do you not wish to spare the memories of all the suffering from all those you loved? Yes, loved, despite how much you have told yourself otherwise. Tracey Davis, Daphne Greengrass, Astoria Greengrass, Fleur Delacour, Susan Bones, Luna Lovegood and finally, Hermione Granger. Not to mention your godson…"

"Enough!" The cloaked man snarled, his emerald eyes glowing, his cloak blowing. Death stopped talking immediately; despite being a deity, Death was intimidated by an angered Harry Potter, who may not have been a deity, but had the power and the skill to defeat most, if not all Demons. The cloaked man calmed down a bit, "Before I accept, may I ask why you want me to go back so much? Surely it means there would be fewer souls for you."

Death knew how much this man hated half-truths, so he answered honestly. "The Creator himself wasn't happy with how things turned out, but he couldn't intervene directly. So he sent me to convince you to go back, as you are the linchpin to everything. You have done good work dragging the Magical World to what it is now, but you could have done so much more with the help of your parents and those seven witches. As for fewer souls for me, you are wrong. Absence of dark lords encourages birth rates; I am not one against more happy lives, as in the end, they all come to meet their maker." Death paused, then added with a growl, "Plus, only I get to decide when someone dies, not some wannabe dark lords."

The man nodded in understanding. "So when are you sending me to?"

"Far enough to save the first life you could, and worth saving. I am sure you will figure it out."

"Anything else you want to tell me?"

Death answered. "Yes, four things for you to know and some advice. One, reunite the Hallows as soon as you can, and I promise not to take those you love away from you, but you will still need to protect them or teach them to protect themselves from others. Two, Dumbledore may be delusional enough to consider himself light and not stupid enough to create a Horcrux, but he did force a connection between himself and Fawkes, and used Fawkes to anchor himself to limbo without passing on. If I hadn't discovered what he was up to and interfered in time, the old goat would have convinced you to pass on to his so called 'next great adventure', and taken possession of your undead body. So, free Fawkes from his clutches; you can use your Royal Phoenix form to force a burning day on Fawkes, which will destroy all foreign magic on him. Three, the Creator has a boon for you, your old friend Hedwig is given the potential to become a White Phoenix; again, use your Royal Phoenix form to jump-start a burning day to complete the transformation. Four, your knowledge of the future can be only shared with the people you trust and can protect your secrets; obliviate anyone else who manages to find out.

"Now, my advice, the Creator wants you to make your world a better place, but we are not going to control your life, so you should make your own decisions on how to achieve this. But, don't let it consume you; you have more than enough power and knowledge to deal with any dark wizards or witches, so use this second chance to live the life you wanted, and not worry about preserving the advantage of knowing what was about to happen. Also, you know there are adults like Amelia Bones and Croaker you can trust, so don't be afraid to ask for help. Most people in that bird club had been heavily manipulated by the old goat; slowly chip away his support from them, by showing his true nature. Lastly, don't be afraid to love and ask for advice from those smart witches you surround yourself with."

The cloaked man considered Death's words carefully, and nodded in acceptance. "Thank you, Death, I will not let you or the Creator down. Now, how should we do this?"

Death actually smiled, and pointed towards the Veil. "Just step through the Veil, it will lead you to when you need to be."

The cloaked man nodded, and stepped through the Veil; before he was completely through, he heard Death telling him, "Oh, don't be surprised if one of us decides to visit you."

A/N: Thank you for reading this, this is it for now, please let me know your thoughts. If there are enough people interested, I will carry on writing this story.

This will be a Harry/Multi story, with centuries of hurt and suffering he endured, I felt Harry needed more than one lover to help him heal. Harry's girlfriends will be Hermione, Luna, Daphne, Astoria, Tracey, Susan and Fleur. I will explore how Harry and each of these girls came to care about each other so much, they would join in marriage. They are all unique, so how they each got together with Harry should be different, too.

There will be a lot of AD/RW/MW bashing, I haven't decided about what to do with the rest of the Weasleys yet. As for Dumbledore, I am not sure whether I portrayed him as delusional or just pure evil, I will leave you to decide.

Before jumping back in time, everything happened in the 7 books written by JK Rowling happened, except for epilogue. There are lot of ways to interpret to books without contradicting much to them, so that is what I am going to do. But it had been years since I last read the books, so please let me know if you find something I have written strongly contradicts what the Ms. Rowling's books have wrote.

I don't think I will write much about magical battles, despite how powerful I have made Harry (Which is probably why magical battles with Harry in it will be too one-sided and boring), but I will explore how Harry gained his magical abilities, knowledge etc.

I just corrected two minor mistakes pointed out by D. Page Robin, the 100th anniversary of Battle of Hogwarts should by 2098, instead of 2097; and the sentence regarding to notice-me-not runes, I have also corrected that. Thank you, D. Page Robin, for pointing that out, please don't hesitate to let me know of any more mistakes.

Acknowledgement: The idea of Harry's parents' corpses were transfigured pigs came from Radaslab's Not Normal (7144149).

The idea of having Harry jumping a decade at a time back in time was inspired by rlpj4's Beginning of a New Life (5163465).

The notion of Harry not wanting to go back was inspired by robst's Knowledge is Power (4612714).