Gakuen Deeper, Taku?!

Author's Notes (A/N): Welcome back me~ haha. Gomen! I know it's been like 80 years later, I have no excuse, well at least none than won't sound like blah blah blah. But nonetheless here is Chapter 6. I hope you all enjoy it.

[Uwaahh ●﹏● It's always so embarrassing for me whenever I do this, like put out stories and stuff, I just wanna destroy my laptop or squeeze the life out of it (〃 ̄ω ̄〃)ゞ hahaha. Is that just me?]

Constructive criticism is always welcome but please do not be rude or disrespectful and umm if you have any questions about the story or about the characters you're welcome to ask. ^_^

Title: Gakuen Deeper, Taku?!

Genre: Romance, Action, Fantasy, Comedy, Thriller, Action and Slice of Life. A bit of everything ;) ?

Rating: Very strong T as the story progresses for languages, violence and maybe some gore-ish?! For 16+ is what I would say but umm if you think the ratings may need to change in the future please let me know. I will try and provide warnings before each chapter that may be sensitive topics or genre for the readers.

Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN SAMURAI DEEPER KYO. But the characters not featured on the original manga and anime belongs to yours truly and so does the actual content/plot of this story. Anyone can write an inspiration from this but please do not take the story as your own. Thanks~ … happy reading ^-^

Chapter 6 – A Penny For Your Thoughts

When Yuya was about to leave, she suddenly thought why it was Henry who was telling her that she could now go to the apartment.

"Wait! Megumi-san, why is Henry-san the one telling me to go to the apartment, I thought I would get a message or pager from the professor himself regarding his own home?!"

"Oh yeah, about that. Apparently, he lost it." Megumi replied dismissively.

"Lost it? My number or his pager-BOTH?!" She exclaimed as Megumi nodded in reply "Then how on earth am I supposed to know when to go there and clean and whatever and actually do my job?"

"According to Henry, just go there before you go to school before 7am and after school after 5pm, that's when the professor is out or, so Henry says. Then apparently you only have an hour window in the morning to clean but a 3-hour spare time in the evening before the professor gets home to do some general cleaning. So just time yourself well kid."

"Okay, well not like I have much of a choice" Yuya sighed in return "Alright then, if that's the case I better get going I only have 2 hours left before Professor shadow gets back."

"Professor shadow?"

"Yeah, because you know I've never seen him and more than likely I will never meet him and everything so-nevermind. I better go, give my regards to Sasuke and thank you for visiting Jii-chan earlier."

As Yuya was walking with both hands holding the grocery bags Megumi had given her from Henry, she struggled to get the phone out from her skirt's pocket as it rang. Eventually transferring the other bag to her other hand, Yuya looked at the caller ID: Henry. Now Yuya was sure it was going to be about her job again. She did remember how she coaxed out from Henry regarding what sort of living environment the apartment was going to be like. Nothing about the owner of course though, apparently any information regarding the owner was off limits. Well, all she really knew about her employer was: a professor, a bachelor, likes his privacy and apparently lacks any cleaning supplies.

"Henry-san?" Yuya answered placing the phone between her shoulder and ear as she rummaged through one of the bags, hoping to find what she's needing and found it she did.

"Yuya, where are you now?" Henry could roughly hear rummaging in the background and could only guessed that Yuya was looking for milkshakes. Henry remembered of course and thus brought some and placed them inside one of the bags. "It's in one of the bags, kid, I bought three for you."

"Yeah found them, thanks." She said curtly wanting to have a sip as soon as possible.

"Don't drink them all in one go!" Henry sighed. He had never known anyone to be so obsessed with those milkshakes before. He was just thankful that those milkshake brands could only be found in a certain store otherwise if they were available anywhere he feared that Yuya would just constantly be drinking them 24/7. So, Henry made sure never to tell Yuya where he got them from and lied when he said that they were given to him by the manager. Knowing that out of shyness, Yuya would never directly ask the manager for them herself.

"Hmn-kay" Yuya savoured the flavour, it had already been about a month since she's had these milkshakes.

Henry always found it odd, how Yuya never had much of a sweet tooth and didn't particularly like chocolates but can go through those milkshakes like they were water when they tasted sweet. But disregarding that for the moment, Henry wanted to talk about a more pressing matter.

"Remember be discreet, although your cleaning his apartment make sure you leave no trace of yourself, absolutely nothing you understand?" Seriously what? Is he for real?

"What? Henry-san surely, you're exaggerating a bit here. I mean what do you even mean by 'leaving no trace'? I don't get it."

"No trace means always wear the cleaning gloves at all times when you're in contact with anything in the apartment, oh and don't forget to actually use gloves and all other necessities needed for cleaning, you know like spray or a mop or something…" As Henry trailed on Yuya was thinking Seriously? So, no fingerprints or something? I mean…

"…You mustn't linger in one place for too long unless…" Okay, is Henry-san even being serious right now? Because this is just ridiculous!

"Wow I'm surprised I'm even allowed to breathe in that place" Yuya said sarcastically before taking a sip of her milkshake, only to be given a stern scolding from Henry. "I was joking Henry-san, you should laugh you know, okay fine. I'm sorry, I'll keep in mind all that you've said."

"Good. Now, in the bag you'll find I've included a list of what you must not clean and touch in the apartment, it's the white paper. Then the yellow paper is a list of his allergies, like you know food allergies an-"

"Wait! This is practically every known vegetable you can find in any household in Japan! Besides I thought I don't have to cook for him?" Yuya was exclaiming thinking of the ridiculousness of it all as she took out the papers and scanned through them.

"Yeah" Was Henry's only ambiguous reply before continuing, telling Yuya more ridiculous lists written in different coloured papers.

"The black one is the rooms that's off limits. Meaning you're not allowed to enter it under any means!"

"I'm hired as a housekeeper is that right?" a hum from Henry ascertained to Yuya what her role was supposed to be and so she continued "Alright, so that includes, typically, having to clean the house, so in my mind that involves cleaning rooms, and such am I right?" Another hum "Okay, so going by this list of 'off-limit rooms' it looks like I'll have no rooms left to clean, so why on earth is he even bothering with a housekeeper?"

"Oh kid, don't be ridiculous."

"This whole thing is ridiculous." Seriously, what exactly was there left for her to clean? The living room, kitchen, the separate dining room, bathroom and the guest room, that's it. And if she really pushed it, the laundry room. Not that she's complaining, less rooms would mean less cleaning, which means finishing fast and having more time for her to do other things. But the more she listens on to Henry and the more she reads 'the lists' that were stuffed into the bag the more absurd it all was!

"Lastly, remember Yuya. You must never get caught, should the day come when you hear him come in run or hide, either way find an exit that doesn't involve you being seen!" Henry reiterated over the phone.

"Okay that's it Henry-san! This is just absurd! I mean I understand employer discretion and the whole 'as-a-housekeeper-you-must-never-be-seen-if-possible-and-meet-eye-to-eye-with-your-employer-and-what-not' but this is just crazy. I mean he does know he's hired a housekeep not some mutant ninja housekeeper assassin, right?! Because I'm seriously starting to think either there is something seriously deranged with the man or he just doesn't know he's hired me. I mean, if that day really comes, what do you want me to do? Jump out the window and magically arrive at the bottom all fine and dandy?"

"Yes" Honestly, speaking with Henry over the phone really tired her out and so to recharge her energy Yuya opened another carton of milkshake.

Now here she was, about to finish cleaning the spacious living room as she tidied the magazines and books scattered on the carved mahogany poster glass centre table. She tided them neatly without really looking at the books or the magazines for she respected the privacy of her employer. As she knew that you could know a lot about a person based on the magazines or books that they read, and she wanted it to remain where she knew nothing about her employer. That way as she did her job it was completely without bias, judgement or personal feelings.

Although, she had to admit that as she arrived at the conglomerate apartment building, she had no idea that such a luxurious and expensive building existed in Japan and even more so as she entered into the apartment. The sheer size of just the living room alone could fit 50 people in, the interior was a modern classis fusion and the theme and colour very much screamed 'bachelor pad'. From the exterior to the interior of the apartment one could easily tell the person living in this abode was wealthy, a bachelor, masculine and had excellent taste.

That was as much as she wanted to know about her employer, drawing a line from getting to know any other personal information was out of the question. Don't get her wrong it's not that Yuya is odd or heartless or too much of a prune, it was only that she didn't want to start caring and getting attached to someone she's not even quite sure exists yet. Yuya has always thought that she's got a bit of a problem concerning people that she gets know from a personal level and once she starts to care then that's when she starts to get attached. The attachment was the issue because with that eminently follows loss and that was something she wasn't so great at dealing. Yuya would always draw a line from people that she meets or acquaints with, wanting to limit the amount of people that could touch her heart or show her warmth in fear of one day losing them. For she couldn't bear to go through that same sense of pain and loss again, and now she fears that another holder of her heart would leave her yet again.

Just as her mind were divulging to sombre thoughts, Yuya's phone suddenly rang which made her jump. She then couldn't help but think that it could be ominous as she absentmindedly answered the phone.

"Hello?" Yuya swallowed and steadied her breath making sure to steel her nerves.

"Ah, hey kiddo. Henry and I are just checking if everything's going well so far. You haven't broken anything, right?" the cheerfulness cut through Yuya's nervousness instantly she honestly didn't expect it.

"Megumi-san?" she uttered monotonously in steel calmness.


"I'm hanging up-"

"Woah, woah, hold up there you tsundere green eyed monster! We just wanted to check up on you what's gotten your brows in a twist?" Yuya knew that Megumi knew the correct term to use was 'panties' but deliberately said brows as an intentional banter. She knew that Yuya had a complex about her brows. Yuya didn't really care about it before, but here in Japan it was a huge deal if you had thick elongated brows, as they prefer women to have soft sparse and thin straight brows. After much side comments on her brows from customers and staff alike, Yuya developed a complex on them and decided to hide them further by growing her fringe longer. Even though Megumi, Henry, Kachou and the rest of the staff that she was much closer to, kept on telling her that they suited her face and the others were just jealous of them. Spouting nonsense, that it also made her beauty that much more 'ethereal' and 'exotic'.

"You scared the life out of me that's why! And seriously I just spoke to Henry on the phone before." Yuya retaliated albeit without much irritation really.

"What? I don't even get it!" sighing Megumi gave up on trying to understand Yuya at this point "Anyway how are things? Are you nearly finished? Henry said come by the restaurant first once you're done, before going home."

"Fine, I'm almost finished. But the apartment is bigger than I thought, taking things from the inside it's like the size of a house, no more like a mansion. I mean seriously is there really only one person living in this spacious home? I'm actually really glad that I don't have to clean every room in this apartment."

Whistling through the phone Megumi continued "Would seriously love to take a look at that place. Ah yeah, Henry's saying that there's only one person there, the professor, but apparently, he gets quite a lot of guests visiting and they tend to stay around hence the many rooms. Remember to just clean the ones that you were told to."

"Yeah I got it."

"Oh yeah, before I forget can you do me a favour and take Sasuke to school tomorrow morning? I won't be going home til 8 in the morning and Sasuke needs to get to school at 7 tomorrow, says he's got cultural festival prep thing going on. That is if it's not too-"

"Of course, Megumi-san, that's no problem for me. I'll be round yours around 6:30am, is the key still placed as before?"

"Yeah it's still there. Thanks a lot Yu, I've prepared his bento already, so he just needs to concentrate on waking up early. If he's still not awake by the time you get there, feel free to dunk him in a cold bath!"

"Ahaha" Yuya laughed but thinking of, poor Sasuke-kun, looks like I'll have to make an extra bento for him too, knowing Megumi-san I'm sure it's another one of her crazy inedible food experiments. Seriously one of these days someone could be killed eating her cooked food. "By the way Megumi-san, why on earth are you finishing at 8, you're not doing the same thing I did, are you? I mean it was fine for me, but think of your age you know."

"This kid is seriously asking for a beating" Megumi could only deeply sigh in the end "I won't be starting til 11 tonight I'm just at the bar with Henry, he's finishing up soon, is it 9 or 10? 10? Yeah says he's finishing up at 10 so hurry up and get here before then. Sasuke's at his friend's house and won't be back til around 11 too. So, I thought meh might as well catch up at the bar."

"Okay, I will. Oh wait, isn't it a little bit late for Sasuke-kun to be going home alone? He might seem mature but he's still only 15 and you know his height doesn't actually help. But you didn't hear it from me got it?!"

"Yes ma'am. Wouldn't want his beloved 'Onee-chan' to break his heart now." Megumi couldn't help chuckling, it was not only cute how much Yuya worried about her and especially her son, but it was also incredibly endearing to be thought of so much.

"Do you want me to him pick up? I'm almost finished anyway." Yuya said gently, she didn't want to be seen as meddlesome and certainly didn't want Megumi to think that she was begrudging her parenting skills. She just tended to worry a lot. It was one of the reasons why she didn't want to get too close to people. As the more she knew of the person, the more her perception for said person will gradually evolve either to dislike or fondness, and more often it was the latter. Which would then mean the more she sees them as important and thus the more she worries. She doesn't mind it though, worrying that is, what Yuya couldn't cope very well with was the loss.

"Nah, it's fine Henry's picking him up for me."

"Eh? Henry-san knows the way?" Yuya couldn't believe that the directionally challenge Henry would be alright picking up Sasuke from his friend's house, without getting lost on the way. His sense of direction or lack thereof was famous amongst the staff.

"Ah, yeah don't worry Kachou's gonna be with him."

"Kachou? Why? I mean-"

"You sure are asking a lot of questions today kid." Megumi only laughed louder when she heard Yuya's annoyed response over the phone. Honestly though she only waited 'til Henry left the bar as Kachou called him to help move some tables and chairs. "Ah wari-wari, I'll tell you, patience my little grasshopper. Honestly, I was going to ask you at first if you could pick up Sasuke for me, but Henry offered when he found out that Sasuke's friend's house was right next door to Kachou's house."

"Eh? Kachou lives in a house? I thought for sure he lived in a modern apartment complex" Yuya blurted in surprise.

"Yeah to be honest so did I, but no Kachou lives in a house and from what I gather from Sasuke's friend's house, that area mostly consists of 3-bedroom, kitchen, separate dining and living room houses."

"Wow, Kachou sure is preparing himself for family-hood, with a cute wife and kids, huh?!"


"Megumi-san?" Yuya called out after a while of silence.

"Ah yeah, so yeah, after Henry's taken Kachou home he'll pick up Sasuke for me."

"Oh, I see. Wait, I think I missed something here" Hearing this Megumi thought to herself Finally! The kid wasn't so hopeless afterall.

"Are you sure the place Sasuke-kun is at right now is a safe environment? I mean I knew he had a few friends, but this is the first time I'm hearing him actually going around their house and staying 'til late at night." Yeah no, I take it back, she's a total hopeless case was what Megumi finalised after hearing this from Yuya.

Megumi sighed and replied "Yeah, don't worry, he's stayed there before he must have just forgotten to tell you." Although in actual truth Sasuke chose not to tell Yuya as he wanted to be spoiled by her, not that he'd ever tell her though or admit it to anyone for that matter. "I've been there before too and I'm friends with the kid's parents. So, don't worry he'll be fine. Anyway, what time do you have to go to school tomorrow? Taking Sasuke to school won't hinder you right?"

"I see, no not all. It's honestly fine. Besides it'll also help me take my mind off things in the morning when I'm with Sasuke-kun."

"You seriously love that kid, huh." There was a hint of smile in her voice and Yuya couldn't help chuckling.

"Of course. You know I'd do anything for him."

"In that case, why not just stay over this week and look after the kid for me. Better yet why not take him home with you for the week." Megumi half-serious, half-jokingly said.


"Ah, see he's got this cultural festival prep thing at school for like two weeks. I don't mind next week, I can take him to and from school then and make lunches for him you know. But this week, my shifts are a little bit hectic. Well, all the staffs' shifts are hectic at the moment even Kachou's. There's been a few staff that's suddenly left without even so much as a warning and then most of the staff in the first floor are off sick. So, it can't really be helped. I was hoping to send him to his old man's, but well you know how that is." Megumi was again starting to feel another headache and so she decided to down another glass.

Hearing this, Yuya couldn't help but feel her heart sink. She knew how much Megumi loved Sasuke. Megumi would always do her best to try and set up meetings for Sasuke and his father. Despite how much Megumi hated the idea of another possible disappointment for the boy every time his father left him hanging. Because Megumi knew how much Sasuke yearned for his father's attention and love, even though he never said anything and would try his best to hide his disappointment.

As Yuya was lost in thought, Megumi misunderstood and thought that Yuya was struggling to tell her no "Ah, but if you're busy then-"

"Eh? Ah no. I mean of course I would love to have Sasuke stay with me for the week Megumi-san."

"You sure? I mean-"

"Of course! Like I said I love that boy. I practically see him as my little brother already."

"Okay, thanks kid" Megumi said softly, thanking Yuya in her heart a thousand times. With Yuya there not only would Sasuke be looked after well, but it would also take his mind off his father. Truthfully, Megumi was sure Sasuke heard her conversation with his father over the phone, of how he had refused to take him for the week. But with Yuya there she was sure Sasuke's mind wouldn't even be thinking about it. She was well aware how her son was overly fond of Yuya, to the point that she was sure Yuya was Sasuke's first ever crush. She could practically get the boy do anything if she mentioned Yuya's name.

"Sure, no problem" and as if reading Megumi's mind, she said "it'll help Sasuke take his mind off things and properly concentrate on his bunkasai. It would also help me take a few things off my mind too."

"By the way, don't let him hear you say that, you'll end up breaking the kid's heart." Megumi chuckled at the thought of imaging Sasuke's reaction when Yuya would tell him, she only sees him as aa little brother. He would always argue with Megumi that he only sees Yuya as an older sister too, but Megumi knew better.


"Oh right, you said something about taking your mind off things" Megumi changed the topic "is it about that History teacher of yours?" This honestly surprised Yuya as she completely forgot all about that matter.

"Ah no, not really."

"You sure? I mean cause if you want I could go there and-"

"Please don't ever do that Megumi-san, have mercy on this poor student!" Yuya exclaimed.

"I actually want to remain inconspicuous you know how I hate attention to myself."

"Yeah, I know I was just kidding. But, she must have some pretty sharp eyes to be able to see your true beauty what with your appearance and all." Yuya furrowed her brows upon hearing this in confusion.

"What do you mean by my appearance Megumi-san? And if we're talking about beauty I thought it was a unanimous consensus that Kachou held that title."

"Oh yeah, Kachou definitely holds the androgynous beauty title, but let's be honest now Yu-chan if you actually just appeared normal without those baka disguises, you'd give anyone a run for their money. I mean your grandpa even told us how often you almost get kidnap when you were little because not only were you cute, but you were such a beautiful child, we've got proof you know." Proof? The heck? Yuya thought taking a mental note to salvage her childhood pictures from Megumi and Henry, locking in a case and burry it deep underground.

"What exactly do you mean by 'appearing normal' Megumi-san? I think I'm pretty normal right now."

"What with that hideous thick rimmed old-fashioned glasses, that too long of a fringe and your old baggy shirt and trousers? I'm surprised people still talk to you and notice you Yu-chan. Although I'm sure their taking notice not in admiration but rather seriously creeped out. I mean no-one can literally make out your face Yu-chan. That's why I said that nadeshiko teacher of yours, sure is sharp to see you behind your disguise, which is why I think she held a grudge. Maybe she's even more irritated of how you seem to be hiding your appearance too. Well, either that or you somehow stole her boyfriend."

"Yeah, I hardly think any of those are the reason Megumi-san and besides I really haven't thought about it anymore. Let bygones be bygones and I like how I look, this way I won't get bugged."

"Uh-huh, you do know that sometime in the future whether by your choice or not people will eventually find out what you really look like Yu-chan." Yuya thought about it and sincerely wasn't looking forward to it.

"Then all the more reason for me to do the best I can now and not let people find out. Although, I seriously can't believe your suggestion worked Megumi-san. With just these glasses, long fringe and baggy clothes, can't believe people actually fell for this."

"Seriously, I don't get you kid. I mean heck, if I had your face and body I'd show it to the world, then find some way to stay that way forever. It's almost sacrilege how you hide that body and face of yours." Megumi sighed defeatedly.

"Well, I think your beautiful just as you are Megumi-san. Besides this face and body will grow wrinkles and sag anyway. It will eventually change as I grow older, it's human nature. That's all they are Megumi-san, just physical appearance that will eventually be distorted. What matters most and what lasts in people's hearts and mind is your character. Besides if nothing ever changes isn't that a bit boring?" Megumi listened on in awe thinking how sometimes Yuya can really show such wisdom despite her age.

"Yeah, that's always easier to say for already beautiful people." Was Megumi's conclusion in the end though, which Yuya could only laugh in reply.

"Anyway, Megumi-san I better hang up now if I ever want to get there before Henry-san finishes."

"Kay, take care on the way kid."

"Hai" Yuya tucked the phone back into the pocket of her uniform skirt and decided to finish up everything in the living room.

As she began to absentmindedly clean, with her thoughts on what bentos to make for Sasuke, Yuya wasn't aware that she ended up tidying the bookcase until something made contact with her hand and it ended up on the floor.

Picking it up, she noticed it was a frame, an antique looking frame embroidered with delicate pattern and was deciding on whether to glance at the picture on the other side of it or put it back without so much as a glance.

Against her better judgement, Yuya was somehow drawn to the frame and turned it over to see what the picture was. The moment she saw it though it once again fell onto the floor as Yuya stood frozen, eyes wide in shock and bewilderment. What..the?!

Then after some time pass and shaking off her initial shock, Yuya once more ever so slowly picked up the frame and wordlessly took a picture of it on her phone. From then, she finished up cleaning everything without so much as a thought and as soon as she left the apartment complex Yuya let out the breath she didn't realise she was holding.

Arriving at the outside entrance of the building, Yuya took one last peek at the apartment before she then bolted and ran through the streets. Although, had she stayed for a few more seconds, she would have come face to face with her employer in all his glory.

As Yuya seated for her first lesson, she was so tired from her lack of sleep. Funny, before the lack of sleep never really hit her that hard when she used to get by with just 2 hours of sleep, well she was lucky if she ever really managed a full two hours of sleep. Now it seems her body can't function well without having a proper good night sleep. Or maybe I just wasn't that conscious of it what with everything that happened. She sighed as she thought back on the cause for her lack of sleep, she still didn't really have the courage yet to take another peek of the picture. Yuya not only felt like she broke some important rule about professionalism. Because really, if anyone thought about it taking a picture of your employer's private photo doesn't exactly scream professionalism. The other thing was that she was just too freaked out about it all.

I mean, I know what they say about there being 2 or 3 people in the world that share the same face, but there is still some distinction and even then, there was that! Why were-

"Yo! Yu-chin Ohayou. Woah Yu-chin you don't look so good".

Yu-chin? Yuya thought with a frown. This guy is seriously getting more and more shameless by the day, though I'm surprise he can see through my dark rimmed eye bags. Megumi-san said my complexion had looked much better after I quit my part-time jobs, well except one, and have slept better. Now I bet I look worse for wear again. Well not that I really care…

"Ah, yeah."

"What's the matter didn't get enough sleep last night?" Yuya decided to ignore the obvious question as Benitora seated himself.

"Hey, what do you think about there being two more of you somewhere in the world which you're aware of and somehow you know the same people?"

"Oohh what's this Yu-chin are you-"

"No, now just answer the question." Yuya seriously did not have enough energy to banter with the weirdo.

"Well, then I'm guessing it can only be fate. Right? I mean what are the chances of somebody looking like you, which not only you know of but also know the same people, right? It can only be fate or destiny. Although…"

Yuya listened on to Benitora's words and anticipated the next ones when their teacher arrived. She couldn't figure out whether she was relieved that Benitora couldn't finish his sentence or not. So, she stuck with a poker face. She'd have to sort out whatever was going on in her mind during break.

She now needed to concentrate in class. For others they've already met all the teachers. But for Yuya, this week would be her first time to meet all of her teachers for her chosen subjects.

For first period, Yuya had P.E. theory, which involves learning in the classroom rather than the actual physical aspect of the subject. That would be next period though.

Yuya did imagine what the rest of her teachers would be like according to the subject they taught. It wasn't exactly her brightest moments, as it involved having to think of typical physical attributes or characteristics of said teachers according to their subjects.

Which she wouldn't argue about if people told her it was somewhat prejudice of her. She'd even agree with them. Really, if she were the type to blame people, she would have blamed Sasuke for such thoughts. Who had imprinted in her mind typical teachers parallel to their subjects, during their walk to his school.

According to Sasuke, male P.E. teachers tend to be the bulky or the macho type. Whilst female P.E. teachers were the strict ones, they tended to be the tall and 'meaty' type during their high school days. Whatever that means. At first Yuya couldn't follow, so eventually, he just said that the female was the brain whilst the male was the brawn in that subject.

So, Yuya pictured her P.E. teacher by the name of Date Masamune (whom she gathered by the name to be male) as someone muscular, loud and perhaps tall? But for Sasuke, he said that bulky meant someone bordering fat with a slight beer belly, stout and single but a perverted middle-aged man. Sasuke's imagination sure flared to the skies as he huffed and puffed about P.E. teachers. Yuya just listened on with a smile, thinking how cute Sasuke was just like a chipmunk.

Although the teacher that Yuya came face to face with was someone that closely fit more of her image of a P.E. teacher. He was indeed tall, at least standing at 6ft 7in maybe even 8, and amongst the common average height of Asians, he towered. It didn't really help that he was also incredibly muscular, again Yuya thought it fit her initial image of a P.E. teacher.

So much for stout, fat and beer belly, Sasuke-kun. This teacher looks a mass weapon built for destruction!

Although, Sasuke was right that they tended to be middle aged, from his face alone Yuya could guess the teacher was in his mid-30s at least. But the all grey hair and a black bandage covering his right eye was completely unexpected. It was even more odd to see him wear only a black cloak, which he left completely open baring his chest and abs, paired with black…judo pants? Is it just me or is everyone in this school somewhat eccentric?!

"Yo gaki! Did ja'all have a shitty break? Better yet, did ja'all miss me?" He practically bellowed, breaking in a wide a leering grin. Then suddenly broke into a boisterous loud laugh with his hands on his hips and head tilted back. From his demeanour Yuya immediately thought,

Rouge meets…pirate?

To be Continued…

Japanese to English Translation:

Kachou – Manager

Wari/Wari-wari – informal expression of sorry (tends to be used between close friends and relations)

Bunkasai – Cultural festival in most Japanese education institutes.

Gaki – Brat/Brats

Oh, and for those wondering about the title…well umm 'gakuen' means school/academy or typically any education institute. In this story I mean it as an academy. Then the 'deeper' bit is basically meant as delving into something, could be the lives of students and staff at the academy etc. (it's up to you how you want to interpret it). Then 'taku!' is a short version for 'mattaku' which is a common phrase used to express one's annoyance or frustration. Although, it is most commonly muttered rather than exclaimed…So, as a whole title, readers interpret the meaning as you wish. I just thought I'd elaborate just in case there are other readers that don't get what the relevance is or what it means but too shy or scared to ask.

(⺣◡⺣) *

Have I missed anything else out?

A/U: Okay I'll end it from there guys, this was incredibly long. Maybe my longest chapter yet.

I'm not really that happy with this chapter to be honest though. I feel like it's too much and too lacking in certain areas and just seems to be dragging on too much. But I have intended this story to be slow in developments. Because I sort of wanted to try properly developing my characters as the story progresses. And well just practice I guess… Apologies to those that ran out of patience.

Le sigh ~ (っ◞‸◟c)

Anyway, thank you so much for the favourites, reviews and support. Apologies for any grammar and spelling mistakes. If there's anything that confused you or you're not sure about in this chapter, you're more than welcome to message me and I will answer as much as I can without spoiling the plot or the progression of the story.

Thanks again ^.^ Ja ne~

Ki wo tsukete! (⺣◡⺣) *