A/N: So this is an idea I've had for a little while so I've decided to write it now and see how it goes. I know I have a lot of different stories going on right now. I have a serious case of writing ADD so I tend to have a lot of stories going on. I'm working on a bunch of stories and then I will update their chapters all within a few days of each other. I am writing a chapter for A Secret Weapon and Finding Yourself. I work on a group at a time so that's why some take longer than others. This story is going to be set after Buffy comes back to life in season 6, but her and Spike haven't messed around yet.

Summary: Buffy has been alive for three months now and she was still going through the motions. Spike has been there for her trying to help her out as he knew how she felt the best as he had been through death himself. His life is changed when a woman comes into the Magic Shop with her young three year old daughter looking for Spike. Spike now has to take care of this little girl and keep her secret from the dangerous demons and the curious Watcher.


Chapter 1

It had been three months since Buffy was brought back. Spike had spent the four months that Buffy was dead patrolling and taking care of Dawn. Spike had missed Buffy every single moment of the day. He would go days without sleep just so he wouldn't have to dream about her death and how he had failed her and Dawn. Spike couldn't even remember the last time he had lost a fight that mattered. There had been many fights that he had walked away from, because he was just testing someone's abilities, but he had never lost a fight that mattered. Spike hated knowing that he had failed two of the most important people in his life. It haunted him more than anything else in his un-life had ever. So Spike would go a week without sleep, sometimes he wouldn't eat or go outside unless he had to. Spike spent a week just mourning in his crypt. After a week Dawn had come to him, because she was alone and she needed to be around someone. That was when Spike knew he had to live up to his promise that he had made Buffy. He would take care of Dawn and protect her like he had promised. Spike wasn't about to let Buffy down. So Spike had taken care of Dawn and been there for her when she got home from school, did homework with her and made dinner. There were even nights he would spend the night and get her up in the morning and off to school. He would then clean up and catch up on the housework. Now that Buffy was back he didn't need to be at the house as often and he did take a step back to let Buffy have some room. Dawn had caused a little trouble at Halloween, but it wasn't anything too bad after all things considering. Dawn had seem to be doing better now and Spike was still keeping an eye on her. Everyone had seemed to be adjusting well to what had happened not even a year ago. Willow and Tara were still living with Buffy and Dawn to make things easier. They all enjoyed having more people in the house and it helped that Dawn wasn't alone all the time. Tara and Willow had been fighting though and trying to keep it away from Dawn, but Spike could see it between them. The distance that was being created between them. The subtle touches they shared before were no longer there. Spike knew what the problem was, Willow had been using too much magic. It had been a problem since Willow had brought Buffy back from the dead. Spike and everyone was glad that Buffy was back, but that didn't make it right. She had been in Heaven and Willow and her friends had taken her out of Heaven. Spike always believed that Willow should have known better. She should have known that even though it was a Hell dimension Buffy would have gone to Heaven. After spending her whole life practically saving people and forsaking her own happiness and dreams to protect the world. Of course she would have gone to Heaven where her soul belonged. Now she was back in her own Hell just trying to keep going with life and dealing with the mess that was left behind.

Buffy was now trying to be a Slayer, take care of Dawn and work to pay the bills. Spike had offered to help her, but she had refused. Spike figured that she thought when he told her he could help with the money that it would be illegal. Spike wasn't about to correct her, her opinion of him was never going to change no matter what he did. Spike had accepted that a long time ago. Spike knew Buffy would only ever see him as a demon that couldn't feel anything. Spike knew that wasn't true he knew what he felt. Most vampires didn't feel anything, but Spike had been different from the start. He could feel like a normal human would, just not guilt, though he did feel remorse for some of his recent actions. Remorse at failing Dawn and Buffy. Spike had always been able to feel loyalty and love, but that wasn't something Buffy believed in. There was a lot about Spike that Buffy didn't know and she never would, because she would never see past the demon in him.

Spike headed towards the Magic Shop. It was eight at night and it would be time to go out and patrol. Spike figured he would check and see if there was any demons giving the Scoobies any problems recently. Spike also wanted to check and see if there were any special orders that Anya had in. Anya would take special orders and Spike would get half of the price for going out and collecting the normally dangerous items. The items themselves weren't dangerous they just came from dangerous locations that most people wouldn't be able to get. This allowed Anya to make more money when Giles was gone while Buffy was dead and Spike could also make more money. He also did security jobs for demon clans when a higher demon within their clan came down to visit. Spike would make sure the higher demon wouldn't get killed. The jobs paid well and it worked to help Spike support a few things. Spike always did enjoy making money and he invested it into a few things to help supplement his income. He always wanted something set away in case he needed to leave town in a hurry. That hadn't happened so far in Sunnydale so the money had just been collecting in investments. He had even spent a few nights talking with Anya about different investments for her to invest in. She wanted the extra money to help pay for the wedding and Spike could understand that. Not many of them understood Anya, but Spike did. She had been a demon for so long she had forgotten what it was like to be a human. Not to mention she had been a human during a much different time over a thousand years ago. So social standards and communication here was unheard of back then. Spike had understood her and wasn't upset by her honesty. He actually found it refreshing to know where he stood with her as there was no question about it. If she didn't like you or something you did or said she told you. Spike enjoyed that a lot and he found himself hanging out with her at night while she closed up the shop.

Spike headed into the Magic Shop and he knew he would be walking in to an argument. He had been able to hear the argument from down the street. Dawn had apparently done something wrong, because Buffy was not pleased with her. Spike figured he would find out when he got there. He walked in as Buffy was still speaking.

"You can't keep doing this Dawn. This is serious." Buffy said with anger.

Spike walked over to the counter and leaned his back against it as he kept his hands in his pockets.

"Why are you making such a thing out of this? It's not that big of a deal it was just one class." Dawn said back with attitude.

"Because the guidance counselor is not happy about it. She could call CPS and they could take you away. We've already talked about this. You can't keep acting this way." Buffy said annoyed and angry back.

Spike turned his head to look at Anya, who was behind the counter, with a raised eyebrow.

"Dawn skipped her class before lunch to go to the mall with Janice. The school counselor called Buffy to tell her. I guess this isn't the first time Dawn has skipped school." Anya explained.

"Spike come on, you know this isn't a big deal." Dawn said as she turned to look at Spike.

"He doesn't get an opinion. I am you guardian and I am the one raising you and being responsible for you. Spike doesn't get a say in your school life." Buffy said rudely.

"Ya sure now he doesn't get an opinion, but no one cared when it was Spike helping me with my homework at night. Or Spike getting me off to school or Spike cooking dinner and doing the housework. He raised me for four months and now he doesn't get an opinion because you're back? He's been more of a parent to me than you have been." Dawn said with anger.

"Calm down Niblet. Show some respect to big Sis, she is just worried about you." Spike said calmly.

"And for the record we all helped to take care of you while Buffy was gone." Xander said clearly not happy that Dawn seemed to think only Spike helped.

"Ya you were real helpful being there all of twice in four months. Spike and Tara are the ones that were there for me." Dawn said.

"We were patrolling and trying to keep people safe." Willow said weakly.

"So was Spike and he still managed to do it, even without sleeping for a week at a time." Dawn said back.

"Niblet, everyone deals with their own problems in their own way. They were dealing with the death of someone they were best friends with since high school. That's a long time. It wasn't easy for you, but it wasn't easy for them. No one is perfect, people make mistakes all the time and you need to learn how to forgive people for those mistakes. It's being a grown up. You don't want to be treated like a fourteen year old, you want to be treated as an adult than you need to act like it. Personally I think you should embrace being a young teenager while you can. There's plenty of time later on in life for you to be an adult." Spike said calmly.

"It was just one class to go to the mall. What's the big deal?" Dawn asked Spike annoyed that no one was really giving her an answer.

"In the small picture it's not that big of a deal. You're fourteen and acting like every teenage girl. You skipped class to go to the mall with your best friend, who I don't care for since Halloween, but she is your best friend so I'll deal. You shouldn't have skipped, but it's not that big of a deal until you look at the big picture Bit."

"Which is what?" Dawn asked clearly not happy that Spike didn't seem to have her side in this.

"Remember when you weren't doing your homework and your teachers called to inform Buffy and Red had to pretend to be her? The school is allowing Buffy to be your guardian as long as she continues to show that she can be. You not doing your homework is going to be in your file, you skipping class is going to be in your file. If there are too many reports or incidents they could call Child Protective Services and investigate Buffy's guardianship of you. They could take you away from her and place you in some foster home. That's the big picture here Niblet." Spike said with patients.

"So what I'm just never allowed to be a teenager?" Dawn asked with annoyance.

"There are millions of teenagers that go to school every day and make their classes Bit. You don't have to be so melodramatic." Spike said calmly.

"Dawn, what Spike is saying I'm hoping, is that we don't expect you to be perfect. We know that you will still have problems, but you can't be skipping school. You can still be a teenager and be safe and careful. You don't need to skip school and get into mischief at night with friends." Giles said in a fatherly voice.

"Oh great so I'm not supposed to have any life at all." Dawn complained.

"Niblet." Spike warned.

"What? Come on no other teenager has to deal with this crap." Dawn said with attitude.

"Well I'm sorry, but there isn't anything I can do about it. Dawn this isn't easy for any of us." Buffy said.

"Oh right I forgot I'm just this burden to you." Dawn said with attitude.

"No you aren't, but this isn't easy. Mom died and then I died and now I'm back and it's a lot to handle. All of the bills and the Slaying, the last thing I want to worry about is some worker coming in and taking you away. I'm trying to keep this family together." Buffy said with frustration.

"Dawn. Buffy is trying. This isn't an easy situation and there's going to be some bumps in the road, but we need to try and not make as many bumps." Willow said.

"I think Dawnie is feeling like she can't be a normal teenager. That it's upsetting that she can't act like all her friends do." Tara said trying to help everyone see Dawn's side of things.

"Thank-you. That's exactly it. No other teenager has to deal with this crap. It's not fair." Dawn said.

"Life isn't fair Dawn I can't change that." Buffy said.

"Oh that's your great parenting Buffy. Life isn't fair deal with it. I didn't ask to be your sister." Dawn snapped.

"I didn't ask for you to be either. But here we are." Buffy snapped back.

"Ok enough before the two of you say something that you can't take back." Spike interjected.

"I agree and I can't believe I just said that." Xander said.

"There's no point in even talking, she'll never see my point." Dawn complained.

"Ya because you're all foreseeing my side over here." Buffy said.

"That's because your side is stupid." Dawn said back.

"Your side is the stupid side." Buffy said back.

"Are you both twelve?" Spike asked getting annoyed at the comments back and forth between the two sisters.

"I think we all just need to calm down and try to come to some kind of understanding." Willow said.

"How are they going to come to an understanding when they both clearly want the opposite?" Anya asked.

"You compromise." Spike said.

"Oh and how is that going to work in this situation?" Buffy asked with attitude.

"Easily enough. You don't want her skipping and that is something we can all agree on. So Niblet no more skipping school or I won't keep teaching you how to play cards and you can figure out a way to make your own money on your own. In return Buffy is going to start to trust you again letting you go out at night with your friends."

"Hell no she's not." Buffy interrupted.

"Yes you are. If Niblet has her homework done and goes to class there is no reason why you don't reward her for behaving. Otherwise there is no point in doing any of it. If she is behaving and doing as she is told by school and chores there is no reason why she can't go out on weekends to be with her friends. However, Niblet if you start screwing around again big Sis can take it all back. You want freedom, you want to hang with friends and be a normal teenager than do it the right way and not the wrong way." Spike said.

"I think that sounds reasonable." Tara agreed.

"I think this is something you both should try. The last thing we want is for Dawn to be taken away." Giles said surprised that Spike had managed to come up with a decent idea.

"What's going to keep her from keeping up on her end of the deal?" Dawn asked.

"The fact that you are easier to deal with when you are not causing problems." Spike answered without hesitation.

"What do you say Buff?" Xander asked.

"Fine, but the second you start slipping I'm going back on my half." Buffy said.

"The same goes for you then." Dawn said.

"Fine." Buffy said.

"Fine." Dawn said back.

"Great. Do your homework Niblet." Spike said.

"How do you even know that I have any?" Dawn asked.

"Because you always do and you missed a class which means you have work to catch up on. I suggest you sit your ass down and do it." Spike answered.

Dawn didn't say anything she just turned around clearly not happy, but she went over to her book bag and sat down at the table and pulled out her homework. Spike turned around to face Anya and spoke softly. The others didn't know that they had been working together and he figured they wouldn't like it so much.

"Do you have anything for me?" Spike asked softly.

"I might have something. The customer is supposed to come back in to pay for it so maybe tomorrow you could go after it."

"What is it?"

"A tooth from the K'Oshiner demon."

"Oh that'll be fun. Alright let me know Pet."

"If it makes you feel better I'm charging him five grand." Anya said with a smile.

"That should put some money in your wedding fund." Spike said with a smirk.

"There's this dress that I really want. It's so pretty, but it's like four grand so anyone that wants some special item is going to have to pay extra for it."

"That's fine by me pet."

The door to the Magic Shop opened and a woman with a three year old girl next to her walked in. Spike knew who they both were instantly and he couldn't understand why. The little girl was wearing a dirty old t-shirt and dirty ripped jeans with holes in them. Her blonde hair was dirty and knotted clearly not haven been washed in a while. The woman was dressed in just jeans and a t-shirt with a leather jacket on. She looked better than the little girl and that angered Spike.

"Can I help you?" Anya asked slightly confused.

It wasn't that they never get parents in the store with children, but they just didn't look right. The woman looked high and Anya had seen drug use in the past before plenty of times. She was over twelve hundred years old after all.

"Hey Biscuit." Spike said as he went over to the little girl.

Spike bent down and the little girl ran over to Spike and hugged him. Spike held onto the little girl and he could feel her body shivering. She was clearly hungry and exhausted.

"What are you doing here?" Spike asked the woman as he held onto the little girl.

"Looking for you. A demon said you would be here." The woman swayed slightly and that only increased Spike's anger.

Spike turned his attention to the little girl.

"Hey Biscuit this is my friend Dawn." Spike said as he pointed to Dawn sitting down at the table. "Why don't you go over and sit with her for a minute. She has markers." Spike said with a smile.

The little girl smiled and nodded her head. The little girl headed over to Dawn as Dawn spoke.

"Hey cutie. What's your name?" Dawn asked with a smile as she helped the little girl sit up on the bench.

The little girl just smiled up at Dawn without saying anything.

"Do you want to color?" Dawn asked instead.

The little girl nodded her head and Dawn took out her markers and opened her book to a blank page. The little girl began to color while Spike walked over to the woman. They could all tell he wasn't happy about whatever was going on. The problem was no one knew why.

"What's going on?" Xander whispered to the table.

"I don't know, but this is weird." Willow said.

Anya came around to the other side of the counter so she could see Spike and the woman.

"What are you doing here Catharine?" Spike asked with anger.

"I told you I'm here for you."

"You left out the why."

"I'm done. She's not gonna be my problem anymore. If you don't want her than I'll leave her at the hospital or sumethin'."

"What the bloody hell do you mean you're done? You're her mum you don't get to be done."

"I'm not dealing with her anymore. It's too much stress."

"Stress? What stress? I pay your rent plus give you two grand a month to support her. That money was meant for her not for you to drink or shoot away." Spike snapped with anger.

"I'm done with her. She's startin' to act up, always cryin' and throwin' things around. I got no family and I'm not about to let myself be tied down because of her. I got me a new man and he's sick of her. It's her or him and I'm done pickin' her. You takin' her or not?"

"I'm a vampire remember idiot. How the hell am I supposed to raise a human little girl?"

"Keep her inside some dark place for all I care. I'm done. Now is she stayin' or goin'?"

"I ever see you again I'll kill you myself. I don't care how long I'll have a migraine for. Get the bloody hell out of my sight." Spike said with a venom to his voice that they had never heard before.

The woman left the shop without even a second thought or a glance back at her three year old daughter. Spike let out a deep unneeded breath before he turned back to the little girl. Spike went over to her and bent down beside her and gave her a smile as he spoke.

"Looks like it's you and me Biscuit."

The little girl gave a small smile.

"She's awfully pale. It looks like her body is missing proper nutrients." Giles said.

"She just needs a few proper feedings and she'll be back to normal color. Come her Biscuit."

Spike picked up the little girl and he undid the buttons of his red dress shirt. He held the little girl on his right hip and she curled into his chest and placed her little hand on his chest where his muscle shirt showed skin. The others didn't know what was going on, but then the little girl's body started to glow and so did Spike's chest.

"What the hell?" Xander asked shocked.

"She needs to feed. She takes energy from people to allow her body to function properly. If she doesn't her body starts to go cold and pale, her eyes dull and if she goes long enough her body shuts down and she'll die. She needs energy and then she needs proper food and rest. She'll be fine come morning."

"That's so cool." Dawn said.

"Why can she do that?" Buffy asked finding her voice for the first time in a few minutes.

"Long story." Spike said.

"We have the time." Giles said.

"One that I am not about to share." Spike said with an edge to his voice.

"What's her name?" Tara asked calmly.

"Lilly." Spike answered.

"Aw that's pretty." Willow said with a smile.

"So how long can she go without feeding?" Anya asked.

"Depends. As you know each person has different energy to them. Some are stronger than others. Mine, yours, the witches and the Slayer's energy would be stronger than the others. She would only need to do it a few times a day for us. If it's a human it can burn out quickly in her." Spike answered.

"So can she take energy from anyone every time she touches them?" Buffy asked.

"No she has to want to. But we don't take from people unless they say it's okay right Biscuit." Spike said as he looked over to the little girl in his arms.

She just gave a nod and she closed her eyes feeling the energy going through her.

"Does it make her tired or more awake?" Willow asked.

"It won't affect her like that. If she's tired she'll find comfort in it and once she's asleep she stops automatically. She has to be conscious to take energy."

"Can she do it from objects or other living things?" Tara asked.

"I don't think so. She couldn't last year when I saw her."

"She could probably learn how. All she would need to do is focus on the living organism's energy and be able to syphon it. This is certainly interesting." Giles said.

"When did you meet her?" Xander asked.

"Three years ago when she was a few months old. I came across her and Catharine being attacked by vamps. I dusted them and got them out of town."

"Really? That doesn't seem like something you would do." Buffy said.

"That's because you know absolutely nothing about me." Spike said with a harshness to his voice.

"Did you know what she was when you saw her?" Anya asked.

"I knew."

"She has a really strong and powerful aura. I've never seen anything like it before." Tara said.

Spike didn't say anything he just looked at Tara and Tara got the feeling that she shouldn't have said anything about it.

"Really? Powerful how? Like Buffy powerful or end of the world powerful?" Xander asked.

"Oh no she's not end of the world powerful. She's just got a really pretty aura I've never seen it before. But everyone has a different one and before Buffy I hadn't seen an aura like hers before either or Spike's for that matter. There are a lot of different auras out there that I've never seen or ever will." Tara said in a hurry.

Tara could hear a little girl's giggles in her head followed by. 'Me like, she funny.'

Tara looked over at Spike with confusion in her eyes.

'They don't know you don't talk out loud Biscuit.'

'Why Daddy?'

Tara could hear the conversation and she was doing her best to try and not react to it. Clearly Spike didn't want them finding out just what Lilly was, but she didn't know why.

'Because it's not always safe little one and I have every intentions of keeping you safe.'

'Spike, you can tell me what is going on. I won't tell anyone I give you my word.' Tara said through the link.

Normally she could only do this with Willow, because Willow was the one to open the connection. Tara figured that Lilly was able to do the same as well.

'She has pretty lights around her. I like her.' Lilly said.

'Thanks honey. You have pretty lights all around you too.'

'I don't want the Watcher to try something with her. She's only three and deserves to be three.'

'I give you my word Spike I won't tell anyone. Obviously Lilly is special I might be able to help you with her and help her with this gift.'

'I'll tell you later.'

"So what exactly do you plan on doing? I mean you can't even go out in the sunlight. How are you going to raise her?" Buffy asked.

"I'll figure it out." Spike said guarded.

"Yes, but realistically children need sunlight and a positive environment. You live in a crypt where demons could come and attack. She would be better off in a loving home with a loving family." Giles said.

"So her going to strangers that may or may not accept her gifts is a good thing? Putting her in the system where she could be neglected or abused sounds right to you?" Spike said with anger.

"There's no guarantee that she would be abused. She could go to a very loving family that can give her what you clearly can't. Spike you must think realistically." Giles said.

"I am. I'm not dumping her anywhere. Besides her mum I'm the only person she has ever been around. I'm not dumping her."

"So what are you going to do then? You're going to raise a human child?" Buffy asked clearly not believing that Spike would do something like this.

"I raised your sister for four months Slayer. You know nothing about me, none of you do. If you don't like it then shut your mouth."

"I think it's cool. You make a great dad." Dawn said with a smile.

"He's a demon." Xander said disgusted that Spike would be taking care of an innocent child.

"So was I. Does that mean I won't make a good mother?" Anya said hurt by Xander's words.

"You aren't anymore. You're human and have a soul. He's just a soulless vampire." Xander said back.

"You don't need a soul to care. Your soul only gives you guilt and remorse. It has nothing to do with other emotions." Spike said.

"Not to mention how many humans hurt each other. Humans do more damage to each other than demons do to them. Being human doesn't make you a good parent and being a demon doesn't make you a bad one." Anya added.

"I think right now what is important is that Lilly is taken care of." Tara said.

"Tara's right she needs food and some clean clothes." Willow said.

"Look just for tonight why don't you take Dawn home and stay there with Lilly tonight. You can give her a bath and get some food into her." Buffy offered.

"The mall is open for another hour. Why don't I go and get a few things so she has some clean clothes. Do you know what size she is?" Tara asked as she got up.

"3T and ta Luv."

Spike took out some money and handed it to Tara. Tara took the money as Willow spoke.

"I'll come with you." Willow said with a smile.

"Come by tomorrow and we can figure some stuff out." Anya said with a smile.

Spike gave a nod before he turned his attention to Dawn.

"Ready to head out Niblet?"

"Yup all set." Dawn grabbed her book bag and the three of them headed out.

Tara and Willow grabbed their coats to head out, but they stopped once Xander spoke.

"We're not really going to let Spike do this are we? I mean he's a vampire he shouldn't be raising children."

"Spike is a great dad. He'll give that little girl more love than any human on this planet. Spike doesn't care about people often, but when he considers you one of his he'll die to keep you safe and happy. If I ever had children and something happened to me I wouldn't even hesitate to trust Spike to take care of them. You really have no idea just who Spike is. You only ever see the bad and with Spike it's not so black and white like you humans believe." Anya said.

"And how exactly would you know that?" Xander asked annoyed that Anya was standing up for Spike and not supporting him.

"I'm older than Spike. I know him, I knew him before he was turned and I knew him afterwards. Spike and I have met before Sunnydale." Anya said.

"I don't think we should be judging Spike. He was Dawn's main caregiver for four months. I don't think we should be telling Spike what to do." Tara said calmly.

"Realistically there isn't anything we could do. I mean what are we going to call protective services on him? I don't see that going over so well." Willow said.

"Spike can't hurt us." Xander said.

"No he just has millions of demons and vampires that would happily do anything he said. Spike doesn't have to touch you for him to kill you or rip you to shreds." Anya said.

"Yes thank-you for that Anya. My point still stands that little girl needs attention and love. Spike is limited with what he can provide for her." Giles said.

"Why? He has money, a job and a place to live. All he needs to do is find a house for her." Anya said.

"What job and what money?" Buffy asked skeptically.

"And he still can't go outside without catching fire." Xander said.

"Spike invest money and he works doing security for demon clients. Did you just think he stole everything?" Anya asked.

"Well ya." Buffy said.

"No he works for it. Spike has never been one for stealing. He comes from a different time where you worked for your money unlike your generation." Anya said.

"He still can't go outside during the day. Lilly needs to be outside." Willow said.

"There are ways to go around that. Vampires just don't care enough to try and find a way. Plus witches don't usually help vampires." Anya said.

"Look there's nothing we can do about this right now. Spike'll be at the house tonight so Lilly will be there too. We can figure this out later. I need to patrol." Buffy said.

"We need to get going as well. The mall will be closed soon." Tara said.

"Right. Little girl in much need of clean clothes." Willow said.

Buffy got up and the three of them headed out. Willow and Tara headed off towards the mall while Buffy headed off towards the graveyard. While on the way to the mall Willow spoke.

"What do you think of the Lilly?"

"I think she's cute. What about you?"

"Oh she's cute, but she seems to be different. I mean that whole energy stealing thing. I've never even read about that. What was going on with her aura? Spike didn't seem too happy that you mentioned it."

"I just think Spike is protective of her. I mean she is able to take energy from someone so she obviously has some kind of power. She's young though and I just think that Spike wants to protect that. I can understand wanting to keep her young."

"Ya I get that. I'm shocked that Spike would want to take care of her. I know he took care of Dawnie, but she's older. Lilly is just three that's a lot of responsibility."

"I think there's more to Spike than we all know about. He wouldn't just care for a little girl for no reason. I think we don't give Spike enough credit sometimes."

"It's just hard to forget about how we met him. He did try to kill us a few times. He is different from then though, especially after he got his chip. You know when he got it Oz had just broken up with me not long ago. Spike tried to bite me and for some reason I felt flattered, but then it didn't work and I thought it was me. He told me that I was very bitable and I felt a lot better. We actually sat there and talked for like twenty minutes. Sometimes he does have his moments where you can forget he's not human."

"I think Spike has come a long way since he's been evil. I think everyone needs to remember he's done a lot of good with us and we shouldn't keep expecting the worse from him."

"Ya maybe. Lilly does interest me. I'm gonna do some research and see what I can find out on her. She deserves answers some day and we should be prepared for anything if she is going to stay around."

"I just think we should let Spike tell us when he feels he can trust us with the information. He does know what she is. If she was dangerous Spike would have said something. He wouldn't have let Dawnie be around her."

"Ya I'll still do some research. Better safe than sorry."

Tara just gave a nod. She knew that Spike wouldn't be happy about it, but there wasn't anything she could do to stop Willow from doing research. Tara knew that Spike knew what Lilly was, but Tara was the only one that knew that Lilly could speak through telepathy. Tara wasn't about to tell anyone though, she wasn't going to do that to Spike. Tara knew that Spike wasn't going to let Lilly go and she couldn't blame him. Tara didn't want him to take Lilly and leave though so she was going to let Spike dictate when everyone found out about Lilly. Tara was just going to be there for Lilly and for Spike, because after everything Spike did for them he deserved her friendship and help.


Spike had finished feeding Dawn and Lilly. He went upstairs to give Lilly a bath to try and get her hair clean. Spike had been washing her when there was a knock at the door. Spike knew it was Tara by her scent.

"Come on in Luv."

Tara walked in with a change of clothes in her hands. She smiled at the little girl in the bubble bath who was playing with the bubbles and giggling.

"We bought her some pajamas. Dawnie said you were giving her a bath I thought you might want the clean clothes to put her in." Tara said as she placed the clean pajamas down on the counter top of the sink.

"Ta Luv. I appreciate it." Spike said with a smile.

"It's no problem. I'll be downstairs and later we need to talk about something."

"Once I get her down Luv."

"Where do you want to put her down? I could get the couch made up?" Tara suggested.

"I was thinkin' the couch." Spike agreed.

"I'll get it ready for her." Tara said with a smile as she looked over at the little girl playing and giggling with the bubbles.

"Thanks Glinda." Spike said sincerely.

"It's no problem Spike. The others might not all get it, but I think it's really sweet that you're going to take care of her." Tara said before she walked back out of the bathroom and closed the door. She went to get some sheets, a pillow and a blanket for the couch before she headed back down.

Spike turned his attention to Lilly as he started to wash the mess of her hair.

'Daddy bubbles.' Lilly said with a giggle.

"I had a feeling you would like the bubbles Biscuit. You know you are going to be with me now right?"

'No more mommy?' Lilly asked confused.

"No Biscuit your mommy had to go for a while. I don't know when she'll be back."

'Pretty lady my new mommy?'

"Her name is Tara and no she is just a friend."

'I like Tara. She has pretty lights.'

"She does, does she? Does anyone else have pretty lights?"

"Mmhm, not like her. Her lights are warm. I like her.'

"I like her too. We're gonna stay here tonight and then tomorrow we are going to find us a new place to live."

'Me and Daddy?'

"Of course Biscuit. Now let's get you clean and in bed. You need some sleep."

Spike started to wash Lilly's hair and once he was done he got her out and dried off. He put on the pajamas and then picked up Lilly and headed down the stairs. Spike walked over to the couch and saw that it was made up. Spike put Lilly down on the couch and she curled into the pillow. Spike put the blanket over her and he sat down on the edge of the couch and stroked her hair for ten minutes before she fell asleep. Spike stayed there for another ten minutes to make sure that she was going to stay before he got up and headed into the kitchen where Tara, Dawn and Willow were standing around the island.

"Hey how's Lilly?" Dawn asked.

"She's sleeping. Did you get your homework done Niblet?"

"Almost. I'm gonna go up and finish it before I go to bed. I just wanted to make sure Lilly was ok."

"She's fine Bit."

"Ok then I am going to go up to do my homework. I'll see you guys in the morning."

"Good night Niblet."

"Night Dawnie." Tara said.

"Night." Dawn said as she grabbed her book bag and headed up the stairs.

"So Spike what are you going to do about Lilly?" Willow asked.

"What do you mean?" Spike asked.

"Well where are you going to live? What are you going to do during the day?" Willow asked.

"I'll figure it out tomorrow." Spike simply said.

"So she doesn't really talk much eh?" Willow asked.

Spike knew that Willow was fishing and he wasn't about to give her a bite.

"She talks a lot, just not to people she doesn't know."

"Oh well hopefully we can get her to start opening up to us. Totally cool that she can take energy."

"Sure." Spike simply said.

"Ok. I'm gonna go upstairs and do some homework too. You coming baby?" Willow asked Tara.

"I'll be up in a minute." Tara said with a smile.

"Ok. Goodnight Spike."

"Night Red."

Willow headed out of the kitchen and up the stairs. Tara waited until the door to the bedroom closed before she turned her attention to Spike.

"We have some blood still, do you want some?"

"Naw Luv I'm fine. Red seems to be awfully curious."

"Willow is curious. She finds that Lilly can take energy from people to be interesting. So does Mr. Giles. She wants to do some research. She would never do anything to Lilly Willow just likes to learn things."

"I know she does. I'm not worried about her. It's the Watcher that I'm worried about. No matter what Lilly is she's still a three year old girl and she deserves to be that first before anything else."

"I agree with you Spike. You don't have to tell me what she is, but you know that being three she won't understand that she can't use her powers around people that don't know. It's not going to be long before she starts talking to everyone else telepathically. You won't be able to hide it for very long."

"I know I can't hide everything for long. She's going to start talking more. I'm not trying to hide what she can do, but what all of those things combine into. I don't want the Watcher looking at her like some prize or something he can experiment with."

"So she can do other things?"

"One other thing that I'm aware of."

"What is it?" Tara asked cautiously.

"She can do magic, but only if she has enough energy in her to do it."

"What is she? I've never heard of anyone having that combination before."

"That's because someone like Biscuit is only born every thousand years. When I saw her she was only three months old and I knew right away what she was. You don't forget a feeling like that. I've only come across someone like her once sixty years ago. Most people never come across someone like her and it's not a feeling you ever forget. She's a Guardian."

"A Guardian?" Tara asked confused.

"A Guardian is a powerful immortal. They are always female and their purpose is to protect the Slayer line. Guardians protect the potential Slayers and the Slayer if there comes an opponent that is too strong for them. It's happened in the past where a Slayer is killed by a God or a powerful demon. When a new Slayer is called she is too weak to take on the threat so a Guardian will step in and eliminate that threat. Giving the new Slayer time to train before she has to face off against an opponent like that. Biscuit is a Slayer Guardian. They are immortal, but it's not instant. The older she gets the more immortal she will become. While she's young that is when she is vulnerable. There have been Guardians that have died at a young age, because their parents didn't know what they were. If they don't get energy throughout the day their body starts to get sick and they die without anyone being able to figure out why."

"That's amazing. So will she ever be able to talk?"

"It's one of the last things they learn, because they can communicate telepathically. I'm going to try and get her to start speaking normally. I want her to be her, but still be a normal little girl. She'll be four in July so in September she can go to kindergarten and to do it I need her talking. She knows she's different, you always know but I want her to know that she can have a normal life."

"Well I don't know much about this, but I'd be happy to help you try and get her talking. I can also help her with her energy. All witches take their energy from the world, but as an Earth Witch we do it more. How have the other Guardians survive before?"

"They got on someone's radar. The Council likes to pick them up and keep them secluded to keep them alive. They don't let them have normal lives they treat them like prisoners. They are just another weapon to them. It's why I don't want the Watcher knowing. I don't want him to push her to do anything or tell the Council about her. I know I can't hide what she can do forever, but I can keep what she is a secret. Promise me Glinda you won't tell anyone what she is. Not even Red."

"I give you my word. I don't think any of them would ever hurt her, but I can see why you would be a little worried about Mr. Giles. He can come off a little extreme when something new comes along. I'll do some research on Guardians, maybe I can find a way that will help her learn to speak out loud."

"Thanks Luv. I appreciate you keeping this between us. I know it's not easy to keep things from Red on you."

"It's fine. I can understand why you would be a little cautious with this. What are you going to do though about the sunlight?"

"I'll get a house with a yard she can play out in. There are ways around sunlight a vamp can do if he wants to truly figure it out."

"Well I don't mind watching her or taking her out to the park on the weekends. Maybe there's some kind of spell or amulet you could wear. I'll look into it and see if I can find something that might work."

"Thanks Luv, just be careful I don't want the Slayer mad at you for doing something like that."

"It'll be fine. I can do some research I don't even know if there is anything that would be possible. I'll look into it and see."

Spike just gave a nod.

"I'm going to go up and join Willow. I'll see you in the morning Spike."

"Night Luv."

Tara just smiled and she headed upstairs to her and Willow's room. Spike went over to the couch and couldn't help, but smile down at the little girl curled up sleeping. She had her thumb half hanging out of her mouth as it was slightly open. Spike could hear the even deep breathing and constant heartbeat of the little girl. He sat down on the side of the couch and just continued to look at her. He had missed her in the past year. He hadn't been able to go and see her because of the past year. Between the Initiative and then Glory things had gotten a little crazy for him. He had still sent money for her to be taken care of, at least he thought she was being taken care of. Spike hated knowing that Lilly hadn't been properly looked after. Every time he went to see her she always called him Daddy and Spike never saw the need to correct her. The moment he saw her when she was just three months old he fell in love with her. He couldn't explain why, but he just did in an instant. Now here she was under the Slayers house and Spike was now going to have to make changes to his life. He would need to find a house for them to live in and get proper furniture and everything she would need. Spike would have to be more like a human than he had been in over a hundred years. Spike knew he could do it, he was practically living the life of a human now with a few exceptions. Spike was worried about screwing it up, but at the same time he was looking forward to it. He was excited to go house hunting and buying furniture. He was excited to have a backyard where Lilly could run around and play in. Where she could just be a kid. She was his and Spike wasn't going to let anything happen to her. He loved her and he didn't care if people believed it or not. Spike had always been different he had always been able to keep his human emotions. He wasn't ashamed of them as most vampires or demons would be, it made him unique and rare and Spike liked that. Lilly was his daughter, his little girl and he was going to give her everything she ever needed and all the love she could handle and more.

Spike sat on the side of the couch until Buffy came in from patrolling. It was just after ten at night and Spike could feel that everyone else was asleep. Spike looked over at Buffy as she quietly closed the door and went into the living room. She walked over and could see Lilly asleep on the couch. She nodded her head in the direction of the kitchen before she headed that way. Spike took one last look at Lilly before he got up and headed into the kitchen for what he was sure of would be a lecture that turns into a fight between them. Spike walked into the kitchen to see Buffy standing up with her hands on the island. Spike could tell she was tense and he knew she wasn't going to let this go very easily.

"Just keep your voice down Slayer and get it out of your system this lecture of yours I'm sure you've been practicing this whole time." Spike said as he sat down on the stool and looked at Buffy waiting for her to say it or argue against it.

"It's not a lecture." Buffy said defensively.

"Right you telling me that I'm a cold, soulless vampires and shouldn't be raising a human child where you then give more reasons to support your claim. That isn't a lecture, that's you being friendly and supportive. I forgot." Spike said calmly, but Buffy could hear the annoyance and slight hurt in Spike's voice.

"I'm not saying you shouldn't raise her and I'm not saying you should. I can see where Giles is coming from, but I can also see where you're coming from. If you put her into the system there's no guarantee that she'll get the energy her body needs and she'll die. I'm the one stuck in the middle between you two here so don't get all defensive and snippy at me."

"I don't care what Watcher thinks or feels. It's my life and it's her life that matters, not his messed up views. Not all vampires and demons are evil, it's not a black and white world Buffy."

"I know it's not, but you don't have a soul. The only thing keeping you in check is that chip."

"Let me stop you right there. I don't need a soul or a chip to keep my demon in check. I helped you stop an apocalypse before the chip, I've helped you stop three of them now without the shiny, burning soul. You need to stop listening to your Watcher, because he has no idea how it works. Not all vampires are evil some of us can actually control the demon. A soul doesn't make you a good person. You have prisons filled with people who have done eviler things then I ever did. I have control of my demon, have for a long time just didn't have a reason to go on the straight and narrow. Ever since I got over Dru I've been on the good side. Even when I wasn't in Sunnyhell I wasn't out killing people just for fun. I kept to myself and drank packaged blood. We're not all evil. Your Watcher knows nothing about demons and vampires only how to kill them."

"So explain it to me. Why wouldn't you kill without your chip? Why doesn't a soul matter? Because all I've known is that vampires are evil and a soul makes them good. You say I'm missing something then tell me what it is so I can understand this. I need to understand this Spike. You tried to kill me and my friends before and yet you get this piece of metal in your brain and all of a sudden you're Mr. Helpful. You protected my family and my friends. You got tortured by a Hell God just to keep Dawn safe. You raised her when I was dead. I don't understand why and it can't be because you love me. No one would go through all of that just for love."

"It was for love, but not just for you for your mum and for the Bit. I didn't tell Glory, because I would never hurt you or Niblet that way. I was more than prepared to die that day for the both of you and I wouldn't have regretted it. If you have never had a fella be willing to go to those lengths for you then you've never been properly loved and that's sad. You shouldn't have to worry about some bloke betraying you or yours because of pain or threat of death. I'm not the smartest person in the world, but you protect the ones you love and their own, it's that simple. I would have done the same thing if it was the Whelp that was the Key. I don't have to like em to protect em. It was the right thing. The soul doesn't make the man, the man makes the soul Buffy."

"Why are you so different? There are so many times I talk to you and I can actually forget that you aren't human. Angel, even with his soul I still always remember he's a vampire." Buffy said softly.

"Because Angel isn't pure. His soul was cursed on him, but it wasn't clean to begin with. Angel was a murderer when he was human. He would torture women and the more innocent you were the better for him. It's why Angel didn't fight Darla when she bit him. He wanted the strength and power. He wanted to live forever and kill more people. Angel let the demon take complete control of his body when he was turned. I didn't. Dru used her Thrall on me to get her to bite me and by the time I figured out what was happening it was too late. I refused to let the demon take full control though. Unlike Angel I didn't let it just take over. I chose to keep my emotions and parts of myself. Angelus was cruel and evil. The demon was strong because the host let it have control of everything. He wanted me to be the same and for a while I let the demon play, because it was better than being tortured all day long. So I let the demon out and I let Angelus believe I was turning into him so he would leave me the hell alone. Sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn't, but I didn't get tortured as much so I took it as a win. When he was cursed and left that final time I took my opportunity and left with Dru. That's when William the Bloody died. My demon and the human in me live in harmony. It stays quiet until I need it to come out. I don't need the chip to stop me from killing people. And I don't need a bloody soul to feel guilt or love. I feel guilty for some of the things I've done. I feel guilty for trying to kill you and your lot. But I don't let it destroy me, because at the end of the day a demon did those things and not the man. I am what I am Luv. I'm more human than other vampires because I fought for it a long time ago and I don't regret it."

"I didn't know that about Angel. We never talked about it."

"You only had Angelus for a couple of months. I had him for decades and then a couple months in a wheelchair. Next time you go sleeping and falling in love with a vampire, I suggest you look into their past both demon and human. You don't just date the man Buffy, you date their past too. Just make sure it's one you can handle and live with or it'll destroy you both."

"Ya well there won't be any more dating or falling in love with vampires for this girl. I'm not doing that again."

"You can't help who you fall in love with Pet. Just make sure it's not someone that you'll live to regret. Soldier boy and you were never going to work, because he couldn't accept who you are completely. Just make sure the next bloke can not only handle it, but accepts it. You deserve at least that much."

"Thanks Spike, that was sweet. And you were right earlier. I don't really know you. I just keep making assumptions and they always seem to get proved wrong. You don't deserve that after everything you've done for us. So I will be all supportive girl. What are you going to do about Lilly? What's the plan? And what is she?"

"She's a girl, what do you mean what is she?" Spike asked calmly.

"Spike I'm the Slayer remember, heightened senses here. I didn't say anything back in the shop, because I wasn't too sure. But with her being here now I am sure. She's not all human over there or at least weak unpowerful human. So what's up with that?"

"I can't tell you."

"Why the hell not?" Buffy asked starting to get upset that Spike would keep something like this from her.

"Because I can't trust that it'll stay in this kitchen and not making it magically back to the Watcher's ears."

"I don't know if I should be worried that you don't want Giles to know for some reason or angry that you wouldn't trust me to keep a secret."

"This isn't some little secret like I don't want you running off and telling dad about some dirty magazines under my bed. This is he wants you to kill your sister to save the world secret here Luv."

Buffy sat down at that sentence and Spike could see her going into full Slayer mode here.

"Is she dangerous?"

"Not to the human population."

"Then it stays in this kitchen."

"Buffy" Spike started, but Buffy cut him off once she heard the doubt in his voice.

"Spike I told you about being in Heaven. I told you out of everyone and you can believe it was because I thought you wouldn't have cared, it wasn't. I told you because I knew you wouldn't push for answers or harass me about being okay. I knew you would understand what I was feeling and going through. I get that this isn't the same situation and I'm not someone that should be left alone with children, but that doesn't mean you can't talk to me. If you want to keep Lilly and raise her then I'll support you and I'll help you out if I can, but it's not going to work if you don't trust me. I won't tell Giles about whatever you tell me. As long as it's not the end of the world then he doesn't need to know, but I need to know what I'm in for. If she has powers I need to know about it so I know what to do and what not to do around her. You can trust me Spike."

"I trust you with my life and I trust you with the Biscuit's life, but I don't trust him. Watchers are too easily swayed and you saw that when he suggested that you kill Dawn. I don't trust him with this."

"I get that. I give you my word Spike I won't tell him."

Spike let out a sigh as he turned to look at Lilly sleeping on the couch. He knew Buffy would protect her and keep her safe. He also knew that other demons would be able to sense her, they wouldn't know what she was, but they would sense the danger and want to kill her. He needed someone else to be able to protect her and he knew Buffy would as well. Spike turned his attention back to Buffy who was patiently waiting for him to decide.

"She's a Guardian."

"Wait, like a Slayer Guardian?" Buffy asked surprised.

"So you've heard of them."

"Sort of I mean Giles told me about them when I was seventeen, but he just believes they are made up stories from old Council members. Even the newer Council doesn't believe they are real."

"They're real and very rare. One is born every thousand years and they don't tend to live as long as they should. When they are young they are very easily killed because they need a strong supply of energy to keep their body working properly. A lot of them die before the age of five, because the family doesn't know what they have. As they get older the more they become immortal and eventually they only die by the Powers that Be that feel they have earned their retirement or an incredibly strong force kills them."

"Are you sure that's what she is?"

"I came across a Guardian once sixty years ago. You remember that feeling, because there is nothing like it in this world. Only a handful of demons and vampires know that feeling, Angel does as well and Anya will figure it out I'm sure. She'll keep quiet about it she knows it's too dangerous not too."


"Some demons or vampires with strong senses will try and kill her, because they know she can kill them one day. Also the older Council used to find Guardians and take them away, lock them up in prisons basically. They wanted them to grow their power to be used to keep the current Slayer alive. They basically treated them like slaves. Guardians are meant to protect the Slayer line, not make a Slayer un-killable. They only step in to fight when one of the potentials is at risk or when an opponent is too powerful for a Slayer to handle. They were taking even the children as young as five and locking them away for the rest of their life. I don't want that happening to Biscuit. Only a handful of Guardians are left in this world I won't have her experimented on or locked up."

"That's insane. I won't let that happen to her. Guardian or not she's still a little girl. Is that why she doesn't talk?"

"She talks telepathically. She spoke to Glinda in the shop. I told Glinda what she was, she's going to try and help me get the Biscuit to talk normally for school in September. She's also going to try and see if there is some spell or trinket that would work to make it so I can be outside in the sun with her. Told her not to worry about it, but she wants to look into it anyways."

"It would be good for you to be outside with her. What does she call you? Does she know what she is?"

"She knows what she is. She doesn't understand it, not until she's older. She's always called me daddy, to her I am her dad and she's as close to a child as I'll ever get."

"So what else can she do?"

"She can do magic, she's more advance for her age than other Guardians have been. She's going to be very powerful. I don't know what else she can do or what else she will learn. Not much is known on the Guardian's power as each one is slightly different than the previous. I just know that I love her and I just want her to be three. She deserves to be a kid and still have a normal life."

"She does deserve that, believe me I know how it feels to go from being normal to not so normal. I won't tell Giles, but you know he's going to figure it out eventually. I mean she's three, she's going to do magic or talk to someone not knowing she can't."

"I know, but he won't know that she's a Guardian, you said so yourself Luv he doesn't believe in them. He'll just think she's a powerful Witch to be."

"Ok I'll keep this to myself just like I know Tara will. What are you gonna do?"

"I'll go to the Shop tomorrow and look for a house. She can hang out there for a little bit. It's supposed to rain tomorrow hopefully it does and I can be outside."

"How are you going to be able to rent or buy a house without a job? Do you even have identification?"

"I have all my papers and I have a job and a lot of investments. I'll buy the house right out so I won't have to deal with a landlord or the bank."

"You have enough money to just buy a house like that?" Buffy asked shocked.

"Gotta have money in this world Luv. I've always been good with money and investments."

"And you didn't think to let me in on any investment ideas?"

"I told you I could get you money you assumed it was through illegal means."

"You didn't correct me."

"You wouldn't have believed me or listened. If you want to invest I will be happy to tell you what to do. It's not often I get to do that." Spike said with a smirk.

"Ass." Buffy said with a smile.

Their conversation came to an end when Lilly crying could be heard. Spike got up and headed into the living room with Buffy behind him. Spike went over to Lilly who was sitting up on the couch crying and Spike could tell what was wrong with her the second he saw her. Spike went over to the couch and sat down as he spoke.

"It's okay Biscuit. You don't feel too good eh?" Spike said in a calming voice.

Lilly just shook her head no as she continued to cry.

"Is there anything I can get her?" Buffy asked.

Spike spoke as he removed his shirt so he was shirtless now. "No she needs energy. She's been too long without any and the little she got from me isn't enough to fix her body. Come here Biscuit I got what'll make you feel better."

Spike picked up Lilly and laid her against his chest. She instantly started to glow as her body sucked in as much energy as it could get. Spike stroked her hair as he spoke.

"Take what you need Biscuit I'll be fine."

Lilly closed her eyes and allowed her body to take in the energy.

"Is there anything I can do?" Buffy asked.

"Naw Luv she'll take what she needs to correct her body and then she'll sleep. Probably take an hour though."

"Will you be okay? I mean don't you need energy to be well energized."

"I'll be fine. I'll just need some kip. Speaking of kip you look knackered. You should go and get some kip yourself."

"I am tired, but if you need me I can stay up with you I don't mind."

"Ta Luv, but I'm fine."

"Okay I'll see you tomorrow I guess then."

"Night Slayer."

"Night Spike."

Buffy headed out of the living room and up the stairs to her bedroom. Spike carefully moved so he was laying down on the couch with Lilly flat against his chest. She was still glowing and Spike knew she was going to take almost all of his energy, but that was fine with him. She needed it a lot more than he did and he would be fine with enough sleep and blood. Spike closed his eyes and just let Lilly take what she needed from him.


The next morning Buffy woke up and looked over at the clock. It was seven in the morning and as much as she didn't want to be awake right now she knew she had to get up and get Dawn off to school. Buffy knew Willow or Tara would be able to do it, but she wanted to be there for Dawn in the morning like mom had always been. So Buffy got up and she got ready for the day. On her way down the stairs she woke up Dawn and she could hear Willow and Tara getting up for the day already. Buffy walked down the stairs and into the living room she saw that Spike was sound asleep with his shirt still off. Lilly was sitting up on the inside of the couch with a huge smile on her face. Buffy couldn't believe how awake and glowing she looked. Her blue eyes were shinning and Buffy knew that Lilly was feeling a lot better than she had in probably months. Buffy smiled at the little girl as she heard the soft child like voice in her head.

'Sh Daddy sleepin.'

It was weird to hear Lilly's voice in her head, but even weirder to hear the sweet little girl refer to Spike as Daddy. Buffy smiled and went over to Lilly.

"Why don't we let Daddy sleep and we get some breakfast?" Buffy whispered.

Lilly nodded her head with a huge smile on her face. She held her arms out for Buffy to pick her up. Buffy wasn't one for children, but there was just something about Lilly, maybe it was because she knew what she was or that she was Spike's, but Buffy picked up Lilly and carried her into the kitchen. She put Lilly down on one of the stools as she spoke.

"Ok what would you like? What do you normally eat for breakfast?"

'Mommy no feed me breakfast.' Lilly said sadly.

"Well that is going to change, because here we eat breakfast. Daddy is a firm believer in breakfast. So do you like toast or cereal or pancakes with syrup?"


"Pancakes it is." Buffy said with a smile.

Buffy started to make the pancakes and after five minutes Tara came into the kitchen.

"Morning sweetie." Tara said with a smile to Lilly.

'Morning. Daddy sleeping.'

"Daddy is sleeping. He seems very tired. Why don't we let him sleep a little while longer?"

"That's what we thought. We're making pancakes." Buffy said as she mixed the batter together.

"Oh I love pancakes. Do you want some help?" Tara asked Buffy.

"You could start some coffee if you want."

"Coffee is good." Willow said as she walked into the room not really awake yet.

"What happened to you?" Buffy asked with a smile.

"Late night. I was doing homework and researching. Oh pancakes." Willow said with a smile.

'She's colourful.' Lilly said to Tara.

'She is, but she would never do anything to hurt you. She's a witch like I am. She is just able to use dark magic where I can only use Earth magic. You can trust her.' Tara said with a smile as she looked at Lilly.

'Daddy worried about her and the old man with glasses.'

'Did Daddy tell you that?' Tara asked calmly as she made the coffee trying to not look like she was having a silent conversation with the little girl.

'No, felt it. He doesn't like her power. He feels different around her.'

'I'm sure your Daddy is just being cautious. Your daddy doesn't really like magic all that much and with Willow being powerful he's cautious around her. It's nothing for you to worry about Sweetie.'

'And the old man?'

'His name is Giles and your Daddy doesn't trust him. He wouldn't do anything to hurt you intentionally, but your Daddy wants to make sure you get to be a kid and not something more. Don't worry about it. Your Daddy will keep you safe and so will I and Buffy. You're safe here sweetie.'

'Feels safe here. I like it here.'

'I like it here too.'

"Okay pancakes are cooking. Was Dawn moving upstairs? I woke her up, but you know how she is with just rolling back over." Buffy said.

"She was in the bathroom when we walked by. She'll probably be down soon for some breakfast." Tara said.

"Do you like syrup on your pancakes Lilly?" Willow asked with a smile.

Lilly just smiled and gave Willow a nod.

"You're not much of a talker eh?" Willow said with a smile as she went over to the fridge to grab the syrup.

"Spike said she doesn't know how yet. I guess her mom didn't really teach her." Tara said sadly.

"Aw that's sad. Well we will have to fix that." Willow said with a smile.

"I told Spike I would help him get her talking for school next year." Tara said.

"School for who next year?" Dawn asked as she walked into the kitchen dressed for school.

"Lilly. Tara is going to help Lilly learn how to talk so she will be ready for kindergarten in September." Buffy said as she put pancakes onto a platter.

"Aw she can't talk?" Dawn asked sadly.

"We'll teach her." Buffy said with a smile as she got out a small plate for Lilly. It was glass, but Buffy didn't have anything plastic. They didn't need to for a very long time. Buffy put a pancake on the plate and put butter and syrup on it before she started to cut it into smaller pieces.

"We can definitely teach you how to talk." Dawn said to Lilly with a smile as she sat down beside her on another stool.

Buffy put the plate in front of Lilly and handed her a fork. Lilly gave Buffy a big smile as she took the fork and started to eat. Everyone else grabbed their own plates and started to get some breakfast themselves. They all looked up as they saw Spike walk into the kitchen. He was still shirtless and he barely had his eyes open. He looked like he hadn't slept in a week. He went over to the fridge and opened it. He took out the package of blood from the fridge went over and grabbed a mug and poured the blood into it. He placed it into the microwave and started it.

"Morning Spike." Buffy said with a smile.

Spike just let out a groan as the microwave beeped. Spike took the mug out and downed it within a minute. Spike put the mug into the sink and then turned to the table.

'Sorry Daddy.' Lilly said and Spike could hear the guilt in her voice.

'Nothing for you to feel bad over Biscuit. I told you to take what you needed to feel better. I'll be fine baby.'

"You look like hell." Dawn said.

"Thanks Niblet." Spike grumbled.

"Why do you look like hell?" Willow asked.

Spike kissed the top of Lilly's head before he sat down next to her.

"You look much better. Your heartbeat is back to normal. You feelin' alright Biscuit?"

Lilly gave an excited nod with a huge smile.

'Thank-you Daddy.'

'Any time you know that. From now on you won't ever have to worry about bein' sick. You'll get energy a few times a day like you need.'

"She was sick?" Tara asked with worry.

"Ya last night. The energy she got from me earlier wasn't enough to make up for the long lack of energy. She was pretty sick and her heartbeat wasn't steady. She's a hundred percent now. And she found someone to make her pancakes I see." Spike said with a smile.

"Ya when I came down she was awake and hungry. She was happy when I suggested pancakes with syrup." Buffy said with a smile to the little girl.

"She loves em." Spike said and they could hear the exhaustion in him.

"Are you going to be okay? I mean you look like she took a lot of your energy." Willow said.

"I'll be fine. Body gets it back faster than a human. Can Daddy have a bite?" Spike asked Lilly with a smile.

Lilly smiled and she used her fork to pick up a piece and she held it out to Spike. Spike took the bite and gave Lilly a smile.

"So what's the plan? I mean are you going back after sunset to your crypt?" Dawn asked.

"It's cloudy right now so Lilly and me will be headin' to the Shop to check out some houses. Afterwards I'll get a room for a couple of weeks until everythin' is signed and settled for a house. I'm not gonna have her at the crypt she's too young."

"Hey I've stayed overnight there." Dawn said.

"Ya, but just one night and you're older than three. I know if somethin' happens you can run, she can't."

"Why don't you just stay here?" Buffy offered.

"I would never ask that of you Luv."

"You're not asking I'm offering. Why not crash here for a couple of weeks until you get things settled with a house." Buffy said.

"You want me and a three year old in your house for a couple of weeks?" Spike asked skeptically.

"It's not that big of a deal. You stayed here when I was de…er… gone. You looked after Dawn and crashed here most of those four months. Stay here and that way if you have to be somewhere Lilly can be here." Buffy said.

"It would make more sense to stay here. There's no point in spending money at a hotel when you can stay here. When you need to be out at night I can always watch Lilly." Tara offered.

"Ya I can totally help and watch Lilly." Dawn said with a smile.

"Are you sure Pet?" Spike asked Buffy.

"I wouldn't have offered if I didn't mean it Spike." Buffy said sincerely.

"What do you think Biscuit? Think you could handle crashing here for a couple of weeks till Daddy can find us a house?"

Lilly gave a happy nod.

'I like it here, it's safe here. Mommy's never felt safe like this.' Lilly said to both Spike and Buffy.

Spike gave Lilly a smile as he spoke.

"Then I guess it's settled we'll crash here." Spike said out loud before he spoke to Lilly in his mind, still keeping Buffy in the link.

'It wasn't safe with Mommy?'

'Mommy yells and strange men are there a lot. It's nice here, safe and quiet. She feels like power Daddy like you. It's warm around her. Is she like you?'

Spike looked up at Buffy and they locked eyes for a moment before Spike spoke.

'No Biscuit she's not a vampire. She's something else, something more powerful.'

'More than you?'

'Maybe it's not something we've ever found out.'

'What is she Daddy?'

'She's special and one day I'll explain it to you.'

'But I'll keep you safe Lilly. If you ever feel like someone is dangerous or you don't feel safe you can always come to me. I'll keep you safe.' Buffy said joining in on the conversation.

She didn't know what Lilly knew so she let Spike take the conversation at first, but she wanted to let Lilly know that she wasn't a threat to her. She would protect Lilly regardless of knowing she is a Guardian. To Buffy she is just a three year old little girl and she doesn't deserve to be hurt.

'I'll keep you safe one day.' Lilly said with a smile.

'I'm sure you will Biscuit.' Spike said with a smile.

"Alright well I have to get ready to go to school." Dawn said as she got up and put her plate into the sink.

"What about you guys?" Buffy asked.

"No school for us today. I thought I would go to the Shop and do some research." Willow said.

"What about you Tara?" Buffy asked.

"I'll come down to the Shop for a little while." Tara said.

"Looks like it's going to be a full house then." Buffy said with a smile as she put her plate into the sink.

"You're going to the Shop too?" Willow asked surprised. Usually Buffy would go back to bed once she got Dawn up and off to school.

"Ya I might as well. I have to work tonight, but I'll come down and hang out for a bit."

"Okay well we can all go together then." Willow suggested.

"Um sure. Spike when were you planning on going?" Buffy asked.

"I was gonna go in early while the sun is hiding behind the clouds." Spike answered.

"Ok well I'll go get dressed them and we can leave shortly once everyone is ready." Buffy said.

"I'll go and bring down the clothes we got for Lilly yesterday." Tara said.

"Ta Luv." Spike said.

'Me come too?' Lilly asked Spike and Tara.

'Of course Sweetie.' Tara said to Lilly before she spoke out loud. "Lilly why don't you come up with me and I'll show you the clothes and you can pick. Does that sound good?"

Lilly nodded excitedly before she jumped down off the stool. Spike gave her and Tara a smile as Tara took Lilly's hand and they headed out of the kitchen and up the stairs.

"I think Lilly may have stolen Tara's heart." Willow said with a smile.

"She'll do that to ya." Spike said.

"She's so cute, especially once you get all that dirt off her. She's still thin though we need to fatten her up with junk food." Willow said with a smile.

"Just nothing that will make her sick or make her teeth fall out." Spike said.

"Just fast food junk and ice cream to get her fattened up." Willow said with a smile.

"Hey free burgers from the Doublemeat." Buffy said with a smile.

"Ya I'm fairly certain there is no meat there Luv." Spike said with a smirk.

"Probably not, but taste good anyways." Buffy said with a smile.

"Please don't feed my kid that." Spike said.

"Fine, spoil sport." Buffy said with a fake pout.

"Ok I'm going to get ready." Willow said as she got up and headed upstairs.

"That's going to take some time to get use to." Buffy said.

"What is Pet?"

"You saying you have a kid and Lilly calling you Daddy. Never thought I would ever hear that."

"Neither did I Pet. I always wanted kids when I was human, just never expected it to happen and then I died and it really was never going to happen. Then I found her and her mum in an alley getting attacked by vamps. The way the world works is weird sometimes. I'm the only person she's ever known as a Dad. When she called me it the first time I should have corrected her, but I just didn't have it in me to do it."

"To her you are her Dad. You're the only one she's ever known and ever will know. You love her and you've provided for her and visited her. You've taken her in out of nowhere. That makes you more of a Dad than my Dad ever was. Don't sell yourself short here Spike. There are a lot of humans that wouldn't do what you are doing. I'm proud of you for not pushing her aside and taking this on. I know it's not easy for you."

"It's what's right Luv it's just that simple sometimes. I love her and at least now I know she'll be loved and safe. She won't have to worry about gettin' sick from lack of energy anymore. She can just be a little girl like it's supposed to be."

"Well I'm not much of a child caring person, but I'll help you, you know that."

"I know you will Luv. I appreciate you letting us crash here until we can find a place."

"It's no big. You've always had my back and supported me. It's time I returned the favor. I'm gonna go and get ready to head out."

Spike just gave a nod and Buffy headed up the stairs. Spike went over to the sink and started to do the dishes. He figured he would just clean up after breakfast now so he wouldn't have to worry about it later. By the time everyone was ready Spike had cleaned the kitchen and put his shirt back on. Everyone came down the stairs and Lilly ran over to Spike in her new clean pink summer dress with pink sandals to go with it. Her hair was pulled back into two pig tails and she was just glowing with a smile. Spike smiled and bent down as Lilly ran to him.

"Hey beautiful. You look amazing in your pretty dress." Spike said with a smile as he picked up Lilly.

Lilly giggled and clapped her hands.

"We weren't sure how you would feel about dresses, but when we saw it we couldn't resist." Tara said with a shy smile.

"I'm from the Victorian age Luv, a lady in pants took a while to get used to." Spike said with a smile.

"Good, because she looks so cute." Willow said with a smile.

"And her hair has this cute little wave to it and she's so good with getting her hair done." Dawn said with a smile.

"I don't think you'll have a problem finding a babysitter." Buffy joked.

"Ya I will totally watch her anytime." Dawn said with a smile.

"Great we just need to find someone to watch you then." Spike joked.

"Um hello, fifteen here, I so don't need a babysitter." Dawn said back.

"Just don't let her cook anything." Willow joked.

"Hey it's not all bad." Dawn said in her defense.

"Keep tellin' yourself that Bit." Spike said.

"Fine see if I cook for you again." Dawn said with sass.

"Alright you have to get to school before you are late." Buffy said.

"Ya I'm going. I'll see you tonight cutie." Dawn said with a smile to Lilly.

Lilly gave a smile back and waved at Dawn. Dawn headed out and after everyone got their coats on they all headed out and headed for the Magic Shop. On the way there Spike spoke to Lilly.

'There's something very important we need to talk about Biscuit.'

'What Daddy?'

'Not everyone knows that you talk like this. I need you to only talk to me, Tara and Buffy unless I say otherwise. Okay?'

'Ok Daddy. I'll only talk to the pretty ladies.'

'That's my good girl. I just want to keep you safe Biscuit.'

'I know Daddy.'

They arrived at the Magic Shop not long after it opened for the day. Giles was already reading a book at the table. Xander was sitting down at the table with Anya beside him going through wedding magazines. Xander was all too happy to see them walking in and saving him from wedding plans.

"Hey look it's our friends. What are our friends doing here?" Xander said with a huge save me smile.

"We just figured we would come down and say hey for a bit." Buffy said.

"Oh Spike I have something for you." Anya said quickly as she got up from the table and went over behind the counter. The others sat down and Spike stood over at the counter.

"I got you this." Anya said as she held up the free book for houses for sale in the area. "I thought we could go through it and set up some viewings." Anya said.

"Thanks Luv."

'Daddy can I go and play please?'

'Of course just be careful not to touch anything breakable Biscuit.'

Spike put Lilly down on the floor and she went about looking around.

"Now you have your papers right?" Anya asked.

"Ya Red got em for me when the school was poking around."

Anya opened the book on the counter and they both looked at it as Anya spoke.

"Ok good so you'll want one with a yard for Lilly. You have a bank account which is good the buyer would be a little put off if you paid in cash. You don't have a job on paper, but we can work around that. I'm assuming you're buying out right."

"Ya I am."

"Right so a non-paper job is easy to get around. You technically are your own boss so we can work that out." Anya said.

"Oh I can do a fake business license." Willow said.

"That would be good. You do have your own business with security so it's not a stretch."

"I'm sorry security?" Buffy asked.

"I work as security in the demon community to protect high demons that are coming into town for a meeting. I've also done security for warlocks or paper pushers that have summoned a demon and can't hold up their end of the deal." Spike said.

"Seriously? Since when?" Buffy asked surprised.

"I don't know, a few decades now."

"Huh." Buffy said.

"So you have enough money from doing that to buy a house out right?" Xander asked surprised.

"That and I have investments plus what I do for Anya."

"What the hell do you do for Anya?" Xander asked slightly pissed.

"Oh Xander nothing bad. Sometimes I get customers that come in wanting special items that are extremely hard to acquire so I charge them a butt load of money and have Spike go and collect the item. Which reminds me that customer from yesterday came in last night to pay half. So tonight I need you to go and get that tooth."

"Tonight?" Spike asked slightly worried about leaving Lilly.

"He needs it by the end of the week and that's only two days away. It's five grand. You'll have to find a sitter."

"Five thousand dollars? Is that how you've been able to double the profits by sending out Spike?" Giles asked shocked.

"What? It's a profitable and legal business. I find customers with needs for a hard to acquire item and then Spike goes and gets it. We split fifty/fifty. Plus Sunnydale is less one demon usually." Anya said.

"Why didn't I know about this?" Xander asked.

"You? I owned this shop." Giles said.

"Hey no you signed it over to me remember." Anya said.

"I know and it is still yours, but it still would have been nice to know."

"You just wish you had thought of it." Buffy teased.

"Yes well it would have been a profitable idea." Giles said.

"Hello, why didn't I know?" Xander asked.

"You don't like talking about the Shop so I don't talk about." Anya simply said.

"You are in business with Spike, that's something you talk about Ahn." Xander said.

"The business that is practically paying for your wedding. I would shut up if I were you." Spike said with a smirk.

"That's true you should probably let that one go." Willow said with a smile.

"Fine. Have you figured out what you are going to do about Mr. Sunshine?" Xander asked Spike.

"Ok so I had an idea about that. I know it won't help you when you are outside, but inside the house I found a way that you can have the curtains open and not burst into flames." Anya said excitedly again.

"And how is that Pet?" Spike asked.

"There are these new windows that are really becoming popular. A lot of vamps are CEOs of their own company and they have to do business during the day so there are new windows that are specially tinted. They look like normal windows, but the glass is made of a special treatment that stops the UV Rays that cause vamps to combust to be blocked out. You could buy a house and then change the windows to the special ones then you could have the curtains open for Lilly, but not get burnt." Anya explained.

"Cool." Spike said.

"Ya I was looking into them for a little while now. I started after Buffy died when you were at the house a lot and here in the Shop. I figured you were around so much that it would be nice not to have to have the curtains closed all the time or you being stuck to the basement. I finally found them a week ago online. You can order them by using a window company they come out and do the measurements and install them for you." Anya said.

"That's great. We can set something up once I get a house. Thanks." Spike said.

"No problem. Now you need a two bedroom at least obviously with a yard. What's your price limit?" Anya asked.

Spike noticed how everyone stopped what they were doing and just waited to see what he was going to say. Spike looked at them and smirked before he leaned into Anya and whispered into her ear. Anya didn't show any emotions as Spike pulled away she spoke.

"Well that makes this much easier. How do you want to handle the viewings, because some will have to be during the day?" Anya asked.

"I can look at some after sunset, but during the day would you mind going to check em out?"

"Nope I'm fine with that. I can also get all of the paperwork together. I can just tell them I'm your half-sister or something."

"Works for me." Spike said.

Anya clapped her hands as she spoke. "Yay I love house hunting. Ok do you want extra bedrooms?"

"Might not be a bad idea just in case. There has to be a basement."

"There are some of the older houses that have been renovated that have basements with sewer access just in case something happens you would be able to sneak out."

"That would be handy. Most demons aren't stupid enough to attack my place, but you never know."

"There are non-violence wards you could put on your house so that inside a demon can't hurt each other or a human." Willow suggested.

"Why is that not on my house?" Buffy asked.

"Seriously? How many times do I have to repair tables or windows before that is suggested?" Xander asked.

"Sorry I never thought of it." Willow said guiltily.

"We could look into it though and put one up." Tara said with a nervous smile.

"Why don't we look into that." Buffy said with a smile.

"All of these years and a simple spell could have saved so much damage." Xander said still not believing that all of that work could have been prevented.

"It gave you somethin' to do at least." Spike said with a smirk.

"Hey I do a lot thank-you and I'll have you know… What the hell?" Xander said as he looked over at Lilly who had been standing just off from Spike in the open.

They all looked over at Lilly and she was standing there with a smile giggling. She had magic slowly moving around her as she had ten items slowly flying around her as well. It was clear to everyone that she was just playing, but it was the fact that she was able to use magic and do this that was shocking to them all, including Spike who had yet to see her use magic in a year.

"That's magic, she's using magic." Willow said shocked.

"That's magic that people who are twenty begin to be able to learn. She's too young for magic it's not possible." Giles said shocked that this little girl was able to do magic that most witches take twenty years to be able to do.

"Oh my God." Anya said and Spike could tell that the lights had come on upstairs in her mind. She had figured it out. Anya grabbed the front of Spike's shirt and pulled him over to her and whispered in his ear. "She's a Guardian?"

She let Spike pull back enough for her to be able to see his eyes. Spike didn't say anything, but he didn't have to. She got her answer and she knew that Spike had been keeping this a secret for a reason. She didn't know why, but she wasn't about to be the one that spilled the beans and pissed off a very powerful and old Master Vampire.

"Ok what was that between you two?" Xander asked.

"Nothing." Spike said still keeping his eyes on Anya.

"Looks like we have another witch in the group." Buffy said trying to get everyone's attention away from Spike and Anya.

"Yes well that doesn't answer the questions though. She shouldn't be able to control magic at just three. Most witches don't start to learn until they are sixteen at the youngest. She shouldn't be able to use magic." Giles said.

"That's not true actually. There have been witches and warlocks in the past that have started really young. It just means she's going to be very powerful. It actually makes sense with her having to take energy from people it's the magic in her. The magic requires more energy than her body can produce itself so she needs to take it from other people." Anya said.

"I'll have to research in the Council's journals and see if there is any information on this. It could be quite dangerous for her to be using her magic." Giles said.

"She's fine today, she took all of my energy last night." Spike said.

"She really did. He looked like the dead and not the living kind." Dawn said.

"Yes well still it could be doing damage to her body. You shouldn't be letting her do too much magic until she is older." Giles said.

"I don't know how much magic she does during the day. I'll make sure she doesn't use it too often, but I'm not going to deny her it. It's part of who she is and she deserves to learn how to use it." Spike said.

"I'm not saying that she doesn't deserve to learn how to use her magic. Just that it needs to be taken slowly and in a safe environment with someone there that understands magic." Giles said.

"I understand magic." Spike said back.

"I also told Spike I would be happy to help Lilly with her magic." Tara said.

"Ya and I totally would be happy to help her. If she is going to be powerful it's better for her to learn it slowly over the years than not at all for it to just explode one day." Willow said.

"Yes well just be careful. She's very young to be dealing with magic. It can be quite dangerous." Giles said.

"We'll be careful." Tara said.

"Yes now tonight you need to get that item." Anya said with a smile.

"I know I do Pet." Spike said as he watched Lilly playing with her magic.

"I can watch her for you." Tara said.

"Are you sure?" Spike asked not wanting to force Lilly onto someone.

"Definitely. You guys are crashing at the house anyways. We can curl up and watch movies." Tara said.

"Ya there's some new Disney movies that came out." Willow said with a smile.

"Are you sure Pet?" Spike asked Tara.

"It'll be fine. She will be fine. You go and do what you need to do and we'll take care of her." Tara said.

'It's ok Daddy. I don't mind. I like her.'

"Ok thanks Pet." Spike said to Tara.

'Only talk to Tara or Buffy if you need something remember Biscuit.'

'Promise Daddy.'

"Good now that that is settled let's find you a house." Anya said.

"You just want to go lookin'." Spike said with a smirk.

"Well ya." Anya said back with a smile.

They spent the next few hours going through the book and setting up viewings for some of the houses. Spike had kept his eyes on Lilly the whole time making sure she didn't play around too much with her magic. Spike didn't agree fully with Giles, but he did know that Lilly using her magic too much could be dangerous and damaging for her. Lilly had stopped using her magic and had gone over to sit with Tara sitting in her lap and colouring. They had spent the good portion of the day there and by the time the sun had set they had gone back to the house before Spike had to leave to go after the demon. Spike left the house knowing that Tara, Willow and Dawn would take good care of Lilly while he was gone.