Do you wanna go flying?

Knock knock. Bony fists rapped against the window.

The girl with the long black hair and the dark, dark eyes turned from her desk to face the sharply dressed skeleton lounging on the sill. Her lips twitched and she found herself grinning in a way she was sure made her look like a maniac. She waved.

In return the skeleton's skull- which had a hat perched rakishly on top- tilted at an angle which suggested a smile.

She crossed the room in three broad steps and heaved the window open.

The skeleton's jawbone moved up and down. "Beautiful night tonight," Skulduggery remarked dryly.

It was true; the sky was at that stage in the night when it was all blues, blacks and purples- the stars were out, shining quietly over the inhabitants of Haggard.

Valkyrie raised an eyebrow. "Can I help you, Skul?"

"Don't call me Skul," Skulduggery muttered immediately.

Valkyrie's lips twitched. "What do you want? Is there something we need to punch?" Valkyrie looked positively hopeful at the prospect. "Go on, tell me there's something we need to punch. I need to punch something."

"Valkyrie," he said. "There's something we need to punch."

"Really?" She looked dazedly happy.


She scowled. "I hate you."

"I know."

She folded her arms in front of her chest and said very slowly, in a menacing voice, "Skul, you have exactly five seconds to tell me why you're here, starting now. Five."

"What does it take to please kids these days?" He raised his skull to the heavens.


"I mean- can't a walking talking skeleton fly up to his partner's room in the middle of the night for a chat?"

"Three. Skulduggery, I swear..."

"Horrible monsters are attacking Dublin!"

Valkyrie blinked, then narrowed her eyes. "Two."

"Fine, fine." He held his gloved hands up in surrender. "I just wanted to know if you would consider coming flying." He paused. "-with me."

She narrowed her eyes at him for one long hard moment.

"I've got sandwiches," he added.
