Hey look! I did it!

A bit of past Molossia x Seborga in this chapter

Salvatorio - Seborga

Alfred wandered the streets of the main city of Taesya looking for his brother, every so often glancing down at his phone for the off chance that he could have possibly missed a phone call or a text message from Matthew, saying he'd found Michael down at the docks or at the beach.

He told himself this would be the last time he checked his phone. It'd been no use anyway, considering there never was any messages. When he was putting in his password, he took notice of the time, 11:11.

"11:11 make a wish," He laughed, and then whispered "Please let my brother be alright..." He went to put his phone back in his pocket, but just as his hand went to slip it back in...

Ike! Ike! Go Go! Ore Go! Go!

Alfred jumped about a foot in the air. "Damn this ringtone," he sighed as he answered the phone.


"A-Alfie?" he heard sobbing from the other end of the phone.

"Matt, what is it? Did you find him?! Is he ok?!" Alfred was driven to a state of panic and excitement. Which one was greater, even he didn't know. He awaited the answer, and heard a long sigh.

"Alfie.. Oh my God Al.." His brother's sadness came over him, for the only thing heard on the other end of the phone was a flurry of sobs.

"Matt stay where you are, I'm coming to get you." He said as he hung up the phone.

Alfred ran down the street in a full sprint. He wasn't exactly sure where he'd parked his car, but he knew it was definitely too far away from where he was right now. His car shouldn't have been that hard to find, either. It was one of the only Camaros in town, for he was one of the only ones with a job that had a high enough salary to afford one.

When Alfred finally found his car, it was like a mother who'd just found her baby. He ran right up to it and hugged the bug-covered front bumper.

"Julia! I thought I lost you!" he yelled, causing a few heads to turn his way from the other side of the street. He wiped a few bugs off of his shirt, and then remembered about Matthew. He had to get to him as soon as possible, as something was seriously wrong. Matt knew something he didn't about the whereabouts of Michael.

Michael had felt something warm on his lips, and then he passed out, certain he was going to die. He was sure this would be it. Instead he fell into a deep sleep. A deep, dream-filled sleep.

A boy with short, auburn hair sat next to him laughing. He was laughing too. They sat under a dogwood tree with bright pink flowers.

"Michael I'll be your friend forever" the auburn haired boy smiled.

"I'll be your friend forever too, Sal!" Michael said back. The two continued to laugh and play the day away out in the garden. They planted flowers and threw dirt at each other like the world could do no wrong. Like their life was perfect.

The memories flashed forward a few years. The two were still in the garden. Instead of flowers, the dogwood tree had fresh green leaves. There were flowers all around them and there were bees buzzing in the grass.

"Sal, we go to fourth grade next month! Are you nervous?" Michael asked.

"Of course I'm not nervous! Why would I be?" Salvatorio responded.

"No reason! Just wondering!"

The memories went forward another few years. The tree's leaves were a deep red now. Fallen leaves lined the garden. The flowers were nonexistent, and the boys were in 8th grade.

"Sal, can I tell you something?" Michael asked nervously

"Sure, what is it?" Salvatorio replied

"Promise you won't judge?"

"Of course!"

"Sal, I'm gay" Michael whispered, and then closed his eyes waiting for yelling or freaking out, but that never came.

"So what? You're still my best friend!" Salvatorio said without a care in the world. Michael smiled, as this was the only exception he needed. Just knowing that his best friend knew and excepted the fact that he was gay was good enough for him.

Another memory came as fast as the other left. A little over a year had gone by. Snow was falling and all the leaves on the trees had long been gone. Under the streetlights you could make out two silhouettes, a boy with auburn hair and a boy with a pair of giant sunglasses. Through the silence of night, you could hear the two of them laughing and talking.

"Hey Sal, can I tell you something?" Michael asked nervously.

"You know you can tell me anything, Mike," Salvatorio responded. Michael was too nervous to say anything. He was immediately regretting his decision, but there was no backing out now.

"I... I like you Sal.." He said, blushing.

"Well you'll be glad to hear I like you too, then," Sal laughed. You could see the two silhouettes come together as one as they shared their first kiss in the pure white snow under the streetlight that illuminated them and made the whole scene more beautiful.

The next memory had no image. Only red. A gunshot could be heard in the distance... and then a deafening scream. The scream of someone who had just had their heart broken.

Police sirens. All of the police sirens.

A blurred image of a courtroom

The truth wielding bang of the gavel


Prison bars.


No Escape.

"You're a failure"



Red was the colour Michael hated the most. The colour he feared. Oh how he could not stand to look at that colour, for it was red which had ruined his life.

The memories faded away, but the colour red was still there. It would not go away. The only way to get rid of it would be to open his eyes.

And with that, Michael woke up.

Short chapter, yea I know.. Sorry about that... I promise the next chapter will have a bit of actual plot to it.. But you get a bit of backstory so be happy. I hope you enjoyed it even if it was short!

"11:11 make a wish" is based off of a tradition in my family that says that 11:11 is lucky and whenever you see the clock on 11:11 you should make a wish.. Do other people do this? I don't know.. Sorry if you were confused at that part. (I was born on 11/11. My mom called me lucky for a while because of it.. I was also 11 on 11/11/11 so it was like double luck)

I had my mind set Alfred having a Camaro since I started this fic, and I don't know why, but I've named his Camaro Julia. Don't ruin my Alfred having a Camaro dreams..

Alfred's ringtone is actually my ringtone. It's a segment from the Hana-Kimi drama.

Taesya is the name of the fictional town that all of this is taking place in. It's pronounced "Tah-ee-su-uh" and it is a result of a keysmash.

If you can figure out what happened at the end of Michael's part of this you will get a cookie..

About the Molossia x Seborga, I really don't ship it that much, but I thought it'd be cool for the plot of things.. I really don't know Seborga's personality all that well so he may be pretty OOC.. Molossia is young and nervous so he's not a bag of dicks right now... Don't worry he will be later.