The next morning Kyle woke up to Karen still cuddled up to him. Little did he know is that Karen had her hand down his pants since he was unable to feel anywhere below his waist; "you do realise I can't feel that don't you?" asked Kyle, "yea I just wanted to see how big it is" replied Karen coming up and kissing his cheek and cuddling him further; Kyle looked at the clock on his night stand. 8:00AM, "Wow" said Kyle. "What?" asked Karen, "Its 8oclock" replied Kyle, "AHH!" winced Karen, "What is it your back?" asked Kyle. "Yea" replied Karen; as she got out of bed and, tried to get Kyle in his chair, "no Karen not when your back's this way or it'll make your back worst" said Kyle, as Stan came in. "Morning dude" said Stan, "Morning" replied Kyle, "Wanna get out of bed yet?" asked Stan; "Sure" replied Kyle, as Stan lifted Kyle out of bed and put him in his wheel chair. And wheeled him downstairs; as Karen followed them downstairs with the heat pack she had gotten from her Doctor the day before. "Yea your Mum and dad had to leave town because your dad had a big court case to deal with, and his client is loaded. And he wanted your mum to go too, so you're going to be looked after by Wendy and I" said Stan. As Wendy made breakfast for her Stan Kyle and Karen; once they finished breakfast Wendy helped Kyle wash and redress.

Stan of coarse didn't mind; knowing Kyle wouldn't try anything funny on Wendy; that and he couldn't do anything anyway due to his paralyses; while Stan cleaned up. When the house phone went off, STAN: "Hello?" SHELIA: "Oh Stan have you gotten Kyle out of bed yet?" STAN: "Yea we did Wendy's helping him get washed and dressed Miss Broflovski" SHELIA: "Wendy?" STAN: "My girlfriend I think she looked after him the last time you and Mr. Broflovski left town" SHELIA: "Oh that's right well I'll call back later" they both hung up. And Stan went upstairs to see Wendy helping Kyle into his dark green jeans then she let him fasten them since he could still use his hands. As she helped him put on his white T shirt on and orange jacket, and finally his trademark green Ushanka; and wheeled him down the ramp. "Thanks for your help Wendy" said Kyle; "You're very welcome Kyle" replied Wendy cheekily kissing his cheek while Stan wasn't looking. As she wheeled Kyle to the lounge room; "You wanna sit on the couch or stay in the chair?" asked Wendy, "Well I enjoy sitting on the couch but I don't want you to have to lift me out of my chair again" replied Kyle, "Don't be silly Kyle" said Wendy un strapping, Kyle from his chair and lifting him out of it and placing him on the couch.

As Karen walked in with her heat pack and sat down with it on her back; "How's your back Karen?" asked Kyle, "Sore" replied Karen as Wendy went into the kitchen to clean up after breakfast since Stan was too lazy. As Kyle saw what looked like a bruise on Karen's face; "Hey Karen could you just look my way for a second please?" asked Kyle; as Karen looked towards him and he gently moved her hair back revealing a black eye. "Karen what happened to your eye?" asked Kyle, "It's my dad whenever he gets drunk he beats me and my Mum and Kevin doesn't do anything about it" replied Karen; "does Kenny know?" asked Kyle in a gentle tone; "No he doesn't" replied Karen; "Karen we need to tell him" said Kyle as Wendy came in, "what's going on?" asked Wendy; "Turns out when Kenny's dad gets drunk he beats Miss McCormick and he beats Karen" replied Kyle. As Wendy saw the bruise too, "Jesus Christ Karen how long has this been going on for?" asked Wendy; "I've lost count on how many times he's done it" replied Karen; as a knock at the door was heard.

As Wendy answered, "Oh hey Kenny" said Wendy letting Kenny inside; "um Kenny Karen just told us that when your dad gets drunk he beats her and your Mum; "What!" demanded Kenny walking over to Karen and moved her hair back revealing her black eye again; "can she stay here while I deal with my father?" asked Kenny, "Sure" replied Kyle, as Kenny left and walked over to his run down house; where he heard his mother cry in pain. Kenny burst thru the door to see his father holding his mother by the throat and his fist raised to her. But Stuart was greeted by being repeatedly punched in the face by Kenny, "If you ever lay a hand on Mum or Karen again, I'll fucking kill you do you understand!" demanded Kenny; "Yes" replied Stuart weakly. As Kenny called the cops who arrested Stuart; and Carol chose to stay at home instead of staying at a friend's; meanwhile Wendy and Stan had to go out while Karen looked after Kyle and kept him company. As Kyle was lying on his back as he watched Karen moved his legs back and forth.

As Shelia would normally do to keep his legs from shrivelling up; all thou he could no longer feel or use his legs but no one or himself wanted them to shrivel up so every day someone usually Shelia would lift his legs back and forth for half an hour. "Okay almost done" said Karen as she lifted his right leg back and forth then moved onto his left leg, "thanks for this Karen" replied Kyle as Karen kept moving his left leg back and forth; "It's not a problem Kyle I enjoy helping you, there we go almost done" said Karen as she lifted his legs a few more times before putting his leg down again; "You wanna get back in your chair so I can wheel you downstairs. Or do you wanna lie in bed?" asked Karen; "I'll lie in bed, because I'd rather you not lift me up because of your back" replied Kyle as Karen got up and Kyle got the remote and turned on the TV he had in his room. And put on dead pool; as Karen joined him and watched Dead pool; "Are you sure you're alright with this movie Karen I mean it does have an awful lot of language violence and nudity in it?" asked Kyle.

"Yes Kyle I'll be fine with it" replied Karen, as they watched Dead pool, when they both fell asleep. About two hours later Karen woke up, and looked at her phone; 12:30PM, "Wow twelve thirty" said Karen getting out of bed and turning off the TV then realising that Kyle had ended up soiling himself while he slept, "ah shit" muttered Karen as she went to Kyle's closet and got him some extra clothes; she knew that it wouldn't be easy for her to do this because of her back but she also knew she couldn't leave him like this or he'd get a rash. "Well at least he's shirt didn't get wet" she said to herself; as she slowly pulled the covers back showing the wet patch around Kyle's crotch area and on the bed luckily however she somehow managed to avoid sleeping in it too. "Well at least he's only wet this is the easy part, the hard part will be after I get him out of his wet pants and underwear; and have to get him out of bed to put a fresh pair of pants on him, and so I can change his sheets" she said to herself once more as she unbuttoned his soiled jeans and pulled down the zipper before sliding them off over his feet, since he wasn't wearing shoes or socks.

Just as Karen had successfully removed Kyle's pants while he slept; "Wow he's a heavy sleeper" she said to herself once more, as she grabbed Kyle's soiled briefs by the waist band and quickly pulled them off and over his feet, 'wow I may have taken a peek down his pants this morning, and his cock did look big but not that big, shame he can't feel or use it thou' she thought to herself, and noticed that his shirt did get a little wet after all. "Damn it she said once more as she slowly unbuttoned his orange jacket and lifted the upper part of his body and slid it off of his shoulders; before somehow managing to lift his white shirt off, and the only thing he was wearing was his hat, "wow I'm surprised I didn't wake him" she said to herself as she took a deep breath, and climbed on top of him and pulled him into a hug and bent her knees and straitened her back and managed to lift him out of the bed lie him on the floor she'd have to at least wait to get his pants on to get him into his chair; "Karen what's going on, why am I naked?" asked Kyle waking up; "you peed yourself in your sleep; I know I'm not supposed to be lifting but I didn't think It was a good idea to leave you like that. Relax I was about to at least get you into some fresh pants before I change your sheets; somehow I managed to avoid sleeping in it" replied Karen.

"Actually Karen you got a little on your jacket" said Kyle; as Karen looked at her jacket, "shit" replied Karen removing her jacket showing her light grey T shirt with the picture of a love heart on it, and placed it on the bed so she could put it in the wash along with Kyle's wet sheets and clothes. Karen walked over to Kyle's wheelchair and grabbed the fresh clothes she'd gotten from his closet; "Okay Kyle let's get you dressed" said Karen as she placed a fresh pair of briefs over his feet and slid them up. "Um Karen, I think you put my underwear on back to front" said Kyle, "How can you tell if you're paralysed?" asked Karen. "Well I may not be able to feel it but I can see it, the tag's supposed to be at the back" replied Kyle, as Karen noticed that she had indeed put them on the wrong way around. "Oh sorry Kyle" said Karen, "It's okay Karen" replied Kyle as Karen once again pulled off his briefs and turned them around before putting them back on. "That better?" asked Karen, "Yep" replied Kyle, as Karen grabbed Kyle's jeans and put them on over his underwear; as she let Kyle do his zipper and button.

"Okay let's get your shirt on and we can get you in your chair so I can change your wet bed sheets" said Heidi as She got a clean shirt for Kyle, and placed it on him and helped him get his head thru then she helped him into his jacket and zip it up. "Okay let's get you in your chair" said Karen as she brought Kyle's chair over before pulling him into another hugging position and put Kyle in his chair, before strapping him in, before stripping Kyle's bed sheets and Doona cover and wet clothes and thru them in the hamper to be cleaned. Then she got some clean sheets and a doona cover from the hall way cupboard; and put sheets on the bed and a cover over Kyle's doona, "Ah fuck!" she winced in pain placing a hand on her back. As she had finally finished changing Kyle's wet bed sheets; and wheeled Kyle back downstairs before putting her heat pack in the Microwave and sitting down with it on her back; Stan and Wendy returned home about half an hour later, "hey guys" said Stan and Wendy as they walked in and, Wendy got started on dinner while Stan sat down and watched TV; until Dinner was ready, once they finished eating, Karen told Wendy that she had to get Kyle changed earlier, So Wendy decided to get him washed and dressed into his pyjamas and they watched TV for the rest of the night.