Chapter 1: Niccolo's Business Unusual

Remember me!

Need me!

I can provide you with everything!

I am love.

Find me, and walk beside me.

"Ah!" I didn't register anything but a small throb in my head for a quick moment. I stayed where I found myself on the ground and held my head. "Ouch! What was that about? First I dream about Niccolo robbing me than a big tree. I need to stop reading before bed." I slipped her arms under myself and pushed, with little effort, off of the plank flooring. "Hey Lil' Cactus, did you sleep well?" the small cactus wiggled a bit in affirmation.

"Hello! Hello!, It's me, with the mail!" I lifted my head up to listen a bit more. "Hello? Hello? Are you home Imu?" It was the mail pelican. I rushed to put on a shirt before I got the mail, what if someone in Domina saw me? Jennifer would never let it die, As I got on a day dress I opened my window to call down to the little Pelican

"Hey Amalette." I said a little hoarsely, from just waking up. "I'll be down in a moment." As I headed down I heard the light tune that was barely there, I opened the door to see the bright eyes of the sweet pelican and two letters in her feathered wing.

"Imu, Imu, From your brother. A letter, a letter~. Also a letter, from Mark, From Mark~." She held out the two letters to me, "Don't forget to find me, me~ to send one back, back~ to Toto!" I grabbed them from her in a swift gesture, she just smiled and waved. "Bye! Bye!" I gave a quick wave and headed back into my small cottage.

I looked around for a moment at my home, for some reason today it seemed kinda lonely, I placed my letters on the dining table and went into my kitchen and grabbed the last of my bread, yup definitely need to get that at the market soon, I went to the list that I had started to make the other day and added some bread to that list. Munching on the heel of my bread I grabbed the letters and looked at the names.

"From my brother eh? That's for sure the right scrawl. Probably just telling me he's lost, and Mark... Oh! That's right! Today I need to deliver some weapons to the shop." I started up the stairs reading the letter from Toto on the way. "Polpota huh, guess he's hitting on some pour tourist or mermaid by now. Hey Lil' cactus, did Toto tell you when he was going to come home?" The cactus barely shook his head thinking about it for a moment then vigorously shook it. "Guess not." I glanced over the letter from Mark, for sure it was just reminding me about the order he placed last month. Placing the letters into the small cupboard underneath my bed and blew out the candles around my room.

I reached over and grabbed my hair pipes and started to put them in . They really didn't have any purpose but it was a tradition, my mom gave them to me, and by now I can't go a day without them in my hair, it's the same thing with Toto and his hat. I grabbed my traveling clothes and slipped them over my day dress, it wasn't much different, only a small extra covering for my top. What I wore was made for speed and not defense, that's more of my brothers area, today I wore white pants under my dress, as a small protection against the elements. Normally wore leg coverings but I went without them today, I was only going into Domina after all.

The sun beat down onto my shoulders as I walked out to the pasture, I looked up to see if there were any clouds in the sky, nope only blue. I made my way into the small barn and looked around. Nothing moved at my entrance, my little Rabite must be napping still.

"Ren? Hello, Ren?" I called into the hay piles, and looked again. "I see how it is." I grabbed the ripe diceberry from my bag and placed it on the ground. The little yellow puffball made his way out of his hay bed and quickly gobbled up the small fruit. Once he finished he squeaked quietly and made his way to me through little hops and when he finally reached me, he rubbed his face on my leg. "I knew that you would 'wake up' to that." Ren just glanced up at me for a second then went back to nuzzling my leg. "Ren, want to go to town with me? I need some supplies, and I'll get you some treat." Ren just gave a small noise of affirmation.

I headed out of the barn with Ren at my heals and started towards the back of the tree my cottage was built into and headed into my workshops, Ren sat outside. I walked in and rummaged through the packages to get everything into my arms, I don't really want to make two trips into Domina today. Eventually I got all of the wrapped parcels into my arms and backed my way out of the doorway. Ren hopped quickly out of the way and started to lead the way into town.

I didn't really pay any mind to the road, Ren knew the way well enough and I could see him plenty. As we walked some people would say hello to me or some would say hi to Ren. Eventually we made it to Domina proper and as we were walking I heard the telltale voice of the unique onion warrior, yelling at someone that I couldn't see over my delivery.

"Tell me your name, at least!" the small man called out to the stranger that I couldn't see. I paused in my walk slightly, if I couldn't see the person I better hear them. I walked as slowly as I might waiting for the voice.

"Elazul." The voice that came was not one that I had expected, it was low and it carried. I heard his foot steeps as he walked away, and Duelle's exasperated 'jeez' that was sighed. I started up my old pace, no matter how curious I was I still had a job to do. I headed of to the left and entered the house.

"Hey Mark! I've got your order here!" I called into the house, a bug man walked down the stairs and gave a small smile, he approached me and lifted the heavy burden from my arms. We walked into the front part of the house, the store part and placed the packages on the front counter.

"Thanks Imu, just in time as always, and top quality!" Mark gave a quick smirk opening the parcels revealed an array of weapons. "Oh! You also gave me some decorative pieces, you never cease to amaze me with your work Imu!" He started to hang up the tools around the shop and bent down and grabbed a pouch from under the counter. "I think that I owe you some extra lucre for all the nice things you made me this time."

"Just pay me the normal amount Mark, the rest is a gift. For you know taking care of me, and it's almost Jennifer's birthday." I gave a noncommittal shrug and took the proffered pouch. "I have to get going anyway, got to do some shopping, Ren needs some more fruit and I need some extra stuff."

"Alright, go see Rachel at the pub later, shes been missing you lately." Mark gave a quick wave and I started out, after all I was going to go to the pub later. "Oh, and if you want to see Jennifer, she is at the market."

"Thanks Mark, I'll see you later!" I waved and headed out the front door and made my way to the pub, Ren squeaked lightly and sat on the chairs of the outside cafe, he fluffed up his coat and made a contented hum. A chuckle escaped my lips as I watched him do this. I wasn't watching in front of me as I walked into Amanda and Barrett's pub, right into a fluffy chest.

"Imu! Just the person I was looking for!" I gave out a groan and looked up, the smiling face of Niccolo the scumbag merchant. His constantly smiling face always was hiding a trick or a fake product, some how he always managed to rope me into something. "I need your help!"

How do I get myself into these situations? Honestly, somehow Niccolo managed to rope me into going with him to scare the bandits out of the highway, all I wanted to do was by my groceries and investigate the strange man! Ren looked at me for a moment, while Niccolo was talking, as if to say, why dose this always happen.

"Imu, we are almost at the end!" He smiled and walked forward. I gave an exasperated sigh and followed after. Luon wasn't really that dangerous, especially for an experienced fighter, but there were more bandits than normal. We had been ambushed several times and Niccolo proved that he was a proficient fighter, no matter what he said.

"Give us the cash!" I backed up slightly and starred at the two Chobin hoods They weren't that threatening, after all they looked like large mice, and were shorter than me by a head. "Cash, give it now!" The held up their bows and both drew arrows.

"They are only after money, I despise kinds like them." I shot a quick glare at him, that's all you're after too, lowlife. I wanted so much to voice that thought, but I held my tongue. Reaching into my pouch I grabbed whatever was on top, a piece of candy. Chuckling lowly I tossed the piece of candy to the would-be assailants.

Both of them rushed at the candy and paused, "Aghhhhhh! We said cash! Cash, cash, cash!" The duo turned around and yelled into the open path, "Master, come and thrash these guys!" I groaned, this can't be good.

The ground started to shake and the wind picked up slightly. The bandits smiled at us and looked at the clearing. A huge mantis ant flew into the area and kicked up the ground slightly. The Chobin hoods were smashed in the impact and were thrown away out of sight. The colorful body of the monster towered over us. It clearly wasn't happy to be there.

It let out a huge hiss and swung it's sharpened arm down on the ground. The earth quaked with the impact. I reached back for my spear, only to find that it had been thrown off in the first attack. I dodged another slice from the mantis ant and looked around, there! I ran up to it and another impact happened, but it didn't move my spear from where it lay.

While I scooped it up I saw Niccolo try to fight the monster with his unique style of fist fighting. I ran up to him and tapped him on the shoulder. "Niccolo! I need you to throw me on top of this thing. Can you do that?" I yelled over the clamor of the monster. Niccolo looked back and gave me a grin and nodded. We backed up and waited for the mantis ant to attack.

As the monster swung down Niccolo grabbed my waist and threw me up into the air. I didn't get much height, but I got as far as I need to, when I saw an opening in the mantis ant's armor I grabbed on as tightly as I could. My body slammed onto the hard outer shell of the huge bug, I winced but held on. Slowly I started to climb onto the back of the monster, it shook and tried to get me off with all its might. Niccolo tried his best to keep the mantis ant's attention, and he mostly succeeded.

In what felt like an hour I made it to the top of the bug and took my spear from my back and started to etch away at the thin armoring at it's neck. The mantis ant swung it's sharp arm above it's head, Niccolo yelled up to me to watch out. Hearing him at the last second I grabbed the neck of the bug and flattened myself as much as possible. Eventually I could sit up again, and when I did I hacked away at the armor.

It finally broke and I stabbed as hard as I could into the fleshy part, the scream that emanated from the bug could have shattered windows. It fell down to the ground, with me still on it, I hung on with all my might and felt the teeth jarring slam when he hit the ground. Niccolo came up to me and helped me to my feet with his paws. "Thanks." Was all I could say, we looked over to the mantis ant and watched as it slowly faded into the earth.

"Thank you Imu! Here let me get your reward!" Niccolo smiled widely as he dug through the bag on his back. "For you, a Tako bug, a greenball bun, and an iron pot. For the low low price of 300 lucre." I starred at him as he took out the money from my pouch that he was holding.

"Hey! Give that back!" I ran at him, but he only tossed the heavy iron pot at me, I stumbled and growled at him. "That's my purse" Niccolo only smiled and ran to the other end of the road.

"Smile!" He called from over his shoulder. "Your frown only gives you wrinkles." I just stood there and starred, the iron pot in my arms. I watched Niccolo run faster than I've ever seen him before, and just stood there.

"I'm NEVER helping you again Niccolo."

A/N: I hope that you all enjoyed the first chapter of my novelization of The legend of Mana. Please tell me is I've made any grammar or spelling mistakes. Also if you liked it please review and tell me what you liked, or what you didn't like.

Sincerely yours,

The Mad Desperado.

P.S: I don't own the legend of mana.