Pairing: Eventual R27 (but it's a long way from happening)

Trigger: Bullying, emotional/verbal abuse

Warnings: OC(s) (namely twin and his guardians) in somewhat major role later down the road

Important Stuff: Canon Divergence, Twin!Fic, Not Decimo!Tsuna, Supernatural Elements

We Weren't Born to Follow

Summary: "Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend." In which Ienari was picked to be Decimo instead of Tsuna, but that's okay because Tsuna was always destined for bigger things than being a mafioso.

Chapter 1

On paper only

Namimori was peaceful. Namimori was quiet. The Sawada family fit perfectly into this quaint little town. Everything was as expected. A single mother who was raising twin sons with all the love and care in the world. The younger twin was more popular, more well liked, and a model student, exactly what Nono was looking for in his heir. The oldest was clumsy, useless, but managed to carve his own niche in the world.

Yes, everything was as it should be.

It didn't change the fact that there was something wrong in the Sawada household.

What exactly was wrong, Reborn didn't know and it was driving Reborn up the wall. It had been three days since his arrival. While he received the reactions he had expected from the family, there was something wrong. Reborn hadn't become the world's greatest hitman by luck. He took pride in his skills, trusted his instincts and every fiber of his being was screaming at him that this was a job about to horribly wrong and he should cut his losses and get to safety now.

Wrong, wrong, wrong. It was subtle, in a blink and you missed it way. Subtle in the way for the oblivious wife, nothing ever escaped Nana's hawk like gaze. Subtle in the hidden barbs laced in Ienari's words or the minute flinches the younger twin had as he passed the guest bedroom. Subtle in the way Tsuna was terrified of everything, clumsy and useless as the reports said, but when Reborn stared into the older twin's eyes, he saw an unexpected strength and resolve reflected in those brown eyes. Subtle in the way there were always five plates drying on the dish rack in a house that only had four occupants, that there were no pictures of Iemitsu on display, and that for a loving family, they didn't sit down to eat any meal together.

There was something wrong in the Sawada household and Reborn was determined to figure it out.

Day and Night

Twins are often described as so similar, it was impossible to tell them apart or so vastly different it was hard to imagine that they were twins in the first place.

The Sawada twins fell into the latter category.

The eldest twin, Tsunayoshi was a clumsy and often called Dame-Tsuna by his classmates. His academics were just barely above failing and he was terrified about just everything. He was skittish like a newborn kitten, shying away from people and everything. Average, barely, could be the best way to describe him. Nothing remarkable to write home about.

The younger twin, Ienari was the complete opposite. He was popular, a model student and kind. Captain of the Karate team, athletic and graceful with multiple trophies and awards to his name. Ienari welcomed everyone into his presence like a true sky with a smile. He charmed people with his words, had them wrapped around his little finger. A leader, a bright light and exactly what Nono was looking for in his heir.

Matsushita Hachirou

"Good morning Hachirou," Ienari greeted.

"Yo Ienari," Hachirou called out, greeting his friend. Hachirou was a large and bulky boy with black hair and brown eyes. He was also Captain of the Judo Club and had been Ienari's friend since they were in first grade.

"Where's your pipsqueak brother?" Hachirou asked.

"Already gone like always," Ienari said with a soft sigh.

"GOOD MORNING IENARI-SAMA!" A crowd of girls appeared as the two friends approached the school.

"And your fan club is here bright and early," Hachirou said, leering at the girls.

"Be nice Hachirou," Ienari said. With a smile he greeted the girls, "Good morning, ladies. Thank you for taking the time to greet me."

Dying Will Bullets

Sawada Ienari was shaping up to be the easiest student Reborn had ever trained. The boy was smart, athletically fit and a budding leader. Ienari didn't appreciate the wake-up methods Reborn implemented, but aside from a few complaints, he didn't slack off from training.

Reborn told him to do pushups, and only with a few grumbles did Ienari do them. It wasn't hard for the captain of the karate club to do a few physical exercises, though he often complained about the impossible time limits Reborn would inflict. And the bombs and bullets.

But the boy was a hard worker and rose to every one of Reborn's challenges so far.

Academically, Reborn wasn't worried since Ienari got 100s in all of his classes. So Reborn focused on mafia history, Vongola's history and what was expected as a Mafia Boss.

Really the only thing left was to train Ienari in his dying will flames.

But something stayed Reborn's hands.


"Dame-Tsuna, you need to do better in school," Reborn said as he stared down at the poor scores on Tsuna's homework. "It reflects poorly on Ienari that your grades are terrible."

Tsuna reeled back as if struck, flinching at Reborn's words. He was halfway out the door before Reborn kicked him to the ground and dragged him back into his bedroom.

"Sit," Reborn commanded as he pondered Tsuna's strange reaction and broken expression.

Reborn watched as Tsuna sat, trembling as if Reborn was about to kill him. It was an unusual reaction and one that filled Reborn with guilt. He was used to strike fear into people's hearts; it came with the territory of being the world's greatest hitman.

But, the kick he had given Tsuna was really a light tap in his cursed form and Reborn hadn't drawn his gun, hadn't threatened Tsuna, or even flare his bloodlust. Yet Tsuna shook as if Reborn was going to hurt him. Reborn tilted his head down, so his fedora hid his eyes. Plans needed to be revised. His usual methods would do nothing but scare away Tsuna even faster. Gentle then. Think about kittens and puppies.

"I'm not going to hurt you," Reborn said slowly. He held his palms upward and arms open, showing he had no weapons in hand, keeping his body language as non-threatening as he could.

Tsuna didn't relax, but he did stop trembling. Caution and suspicious was predominantly reflected in his brown eyes. Reborn watched as Tsuna inched closer to the door, closer to the exit should he need to make a quick escape. Reborn let him and wondered if the reports of bullies were what caused Tsuna's flee reaction.

"If you let me help you, I'll tutor you," Reborn offered.

"I-I thought you were Ienari's tu-tutor only," Tsuna stammered out.

"I'm here to tutor Ienari into a mafia boss. There's nothing in my contract that said I can't tutor you in academics," Reborn said.

Tsuna stared at Reborn, wary and uncertain. Reborn's breath got caught in his throat the flash of orange that shimmered in Tsuna's eyes.

Hyper Intuition? Tsuna had Hyper Intuition?

Ienari hadn't shown any signs of it.

"Okay," Tsuna said. Resolve was burning bright in his eyes.

Reborn filed away the revelation for another time. Why was it every time he looked closer at Tsunayoshi, the more confused he got? "Then take out your books, Dame-Tsuna."


It was an undisputed fact that Hibari Kyoya reigned over Namimori Middle.

It was also an undisputed fact that Sawada Ienari gave Kyoya a run for his money.

Where Kyoya ruled through discipline, fear and order, Ienari was charismatic, kind and popular. Everyone feared being bitten to death, but few could say they weren't charmed by the warmth, kindness and safety, Ienari seemed to protrude.

As they grew older, more and more people fell under Ienari's spell.

"Sheep," Kyoya said in disgust. "Mindless flock of sheep, never noticing their shepherd was a wolf in disguise." He watched from the rooftop as a horde of people entered the school with a smiling Ienari. A wide smile on the smaller brunet's face, false and empty as he charmed the girls with his sweet words; his hand wandering a little lower than appropriate. Kyoya's grip tightened around his tonfa, wanting to smash something to pieces.

Next to him, leaning against the fence, Tsuna gave him a small sad smile. "That's just how Ienari is, Kyoya-sempai."

Kyoya shook his head. He didn't understand how blind people were. "Hn, don't let the stupid wolf carnivore eat you, baby omnivore."

In the morning sun, Tsuna's brown eyes tinted orange. "I won't."


Friends use to be something Tsuna didn't think he would ever have. He didn't have any until he met Neesan. She turned Tsuna's world upside down, pushing him forward and believing in him. Tsuna wouldn't have had the courage to step forward if it wasn't for her.

"Tsuna! Hurry up!"

Tsuna smiled warmly, stepping on the rooftop with his bento box. Sitting there waiting for him, was Takeshi, Hana, Kyoko and Ryohei. The tingling of his intuition alerted him that Kyoya was somewhere on the other side of the stairway, napping far enough away that Tsuna and his friends won't be crowding him, but close enough to assure the aloof skylark that they were safely in his protection.

To think, he nearly let Ienari destroy this at one point.

Morning Routine

Mornings in the Sawada Household were never peaceful after Reborn's arrival. It wasn't uncommon for explosions and gunshots to be heard from Ienari's bedroom. Nana didn't speak anything of it, but Reborn saw the knowing look in her eyes. Tsuna strangely was never around in the mornings, and Reborn filed away the mystery for later.

"Wake up Dame-Ienari," Reborn sang, swinging his Leon-Mallet at his unsuspecting student's head.

"Fuck," Ienari swore, falling out of bed as fighting to untangle himself from his blanket. His hand flew up to the new bump he was now nursing. The normally polite boy was grumpy and grouchy from his rude wake up call. "Why the hell do you keep waking me up like this, Reborn?! And stop calling me Dame-Ienari!"

"Because it's fun," Reborn said. A dark smirk curled on his lips. "Now twenty laps around the block," he ordered.

Ienari looked at the clock. "School starts in 30 minutes Reborn! I still have to get dressed and eat breakfast! If you make me run laps I'll have to shower too!"

Reborn pointed his gun at Ienari, still smirking. "Then you better start running Dame-Ienari."


Honestly, Reborn made it sound like it was easy for Tsuna to do better in school.

If a lack of understanding was the only thing keeping Tsuna from doing better, he would have improved years ago under Hana and Neesan friendships. Both girls were excellent tutors and the only reason why Tsuna was barely passing was because of them. They didn't push him to improve, knowing the negative influences within the school. It was enough that Tsuna knew the material, even if his grades didn't reflect it.

Tsuna spent more time trying to survive than concentrating on the lesson the teacher was giving.

After all, Kyoya's protection didn't extend into the classroom.

"Dame-Tsuna what's the answer to the question?" Nezu snapped.

Tsuna's attention was elsewhere, though. His intuition buzzing, warning him of the danger coming. Osamu was sitting behind him, already reaching over to pull Tsuna's chair back. Three seats to the right, someone was readying a spitball. If Tsuna leaned back to avoid it, the momentum plus Osamu's pulling back would mean Tsuna's head would be connecting with the floor.

Takeshi already intercepted a paper ball for Tsuna and was disabling something involved a bucket and wires. Tsuna truly didn't deserve such a great friend like Takeshi.


"23!" Tsuna yelped out, ducking as the spitball went flying in his direction. He kicked his chair back, slamming it into Osamu's hand.

The class meanwhile burst out into laughter. "This isn't math class," Nezu snapped. "What did I expect from Dame-Tsuna?"

Tsuna's smile tightened, use to the antics of the classroom. He straightened his chair, dodging another spitball. Takeshi shot a worried glance at him, which Tsuna waved off. It was just another day at school.

As Tsuna sat back down, a chill ran down his spine. His eyes darted forward to the front where Ienari was glaring at him. His intuition buzzing a warning. Tsuna needed to make sure he avoided Ienari at all cost today.

Today bad fate had other plans.

Sticks and Stones

"You're nothing but a waste of space, Dame-Tsuna."

Tsuna's smile tightened. He had hoped it wouldn't have come to this. Normally he was so careful at school. But today he had slipped up and Ienari had cornered him in an empty classroom. Tsuna had left his notebook behind and had returned to empty school premises to retrieve it.

Ienari should have left hours ago, but yet here was his brother, standing before him. No doubt wanting to vent the anger that had been building from science class this morning.

"A worthless freak like yourself should just die," Ienari continued on. His words were sharp, like thousands of glass shards being flung at Tsuna, nipping and drawing blood at all of Tsuna weak points. "It's sickening watching you embarrassed our family with your clumsiness and failing grades. Stupid, worthless freak, couldn't even answer Nezu-sensei question today. Do you even know how many people tell Kaasan what a useless son you are? How they pity her, whisper behind her back. Oh, the shame she must feel."

Tsuna's throat closed, like a rope looping around his neck. He hunched his shoulders, curling into himself, trying to block out Ienari's hurtful words. Tsuna took a step back, backing into a wall as Ienari loomed closer and closer.

"Kaasan would be so much happier if she wasn't constantly cleaning up after you," Ienari said. His smile sharp and dangerous, like a predator that just cornered his prey.

Tsuna trembled at those words, vehemently trying to deny that. That wasn't the case. Nana told him every day that she loved him without fail. But that voice in his head, the one that sounded so much like Ienari's whispered in agreement.

Ienari reached out to grab Tsuna by the shoulder before a spark of energy stopped him. "Che," Ienari said, pulling back his now burnt fingers. "So annoying. One day your bitch of a guard dog won't be able to protect you," he said darkly. "Don't come home tonight, Dame-Tsuna. Or better yet, you should kill yourself."

Ienari strolled out of the classroom. As the door snapped shut, Tsuna's legs gave out and he sank to the ground, shaking. "Not true, not true," Tsuna whispered to himself as tears began to fall. He knew Ienari's words are false, designed to hurt Tsuna in the only way he could.

It didn't stop the doubt growing in his mind.


Kyoya remembered when he first met Sawada Tsunayoshi. He had rescued the small brunet from a bunch of bullies. Kyoya had expected to bite the bullies to death, deliver the bullies to detention, deliver the small brunet to the nurse's office and part ways, probably never running into each other unless the small brunet needed more rescuing or broke a rule.

He hadn't expected the small brunet to stay. But the brunet was a small animal, cute and helpless, and Kyoya had a weak spot for small animals, so he ignored the fact the brunet continued to trail after him, showing up to eat lunch when Kyoya took his nap, just basking quietly in Kyoya's presence.

A year came and went and over time Kyoya had become fond of Sawada Tsunayoshi as much as he could be.

Then Kyoya learnt the story behind the Sawada twins.

Rage didn't even begin to cover Kyoya's response. He only stopped from murdering Ienari because Tsuna knocked him out. But that was a story for another day.

Three years later, and Kyoya's home had become a secondary haven for Tsuna when he couldn't reach his omnivore neesan, when Ienari was too much, when his mother couldn't provide the protection he needed.

So it wasn't a real surprise to find the baby omnivore standing in his doorway, eyes rimmed red and trembling.

Kyoya clenched his teeth; rage ignited at his failure to protect his herd once more, already well aware that Ienari had something. It was an old feeling, frustrating and if there was someone Kyoya was willing to kill, Sawada Ienari was top of the list.

It was vexing how little they could protect him. The omnivore defended her baby omnivore physically, legally, socially; Kyoya watched over at school, protected him from bullies and most of Ienari's attacks, but words have the power to destroy and shatter and neither of them can do anything about that. Nor could they do anything drastic either for Vongola was whispered quietly in the night. Too big of a change could result in them losing Tsuna, something no one wanted. So slow they go about making changes, but Tsuna's heart weathered attack after attack and it was Kyoya's greatest fear that one day Ienari would break Tsuna one day.

(Ienari nearly succeeded more than once.)

Kyoya pushed the dark thoughts away; right now the baby omnivore needed him. He ushered Tsuna toward the bathroom for a warm shower and went about setting up the spare futons in the living room. As the sounds of the shower echoed throughout the house, Kyoya made three phone calls. One to the baby omnivore's mother before she worried. Another to the omnivore because if Kyoya was going to suffer with feelings of helplessness, someone was going to suffer with him. The last to the baseball herbivore for a 'sleepover'.

For Kyoya could provide safety and protection, but never comfort. That was something the Blessed Rain did.

Cold Fury

'They are late,' Reborn thought to himself. The sun had already set and yet neither of the twins had returned home. It wasn't uncommon for Ienari to hang out with his friends until late, a habit Reborn would have to break him of because there was no time for fun when there was training to be accomplished, but it was strange that Tsuna had yet to return. He sipped the coffee, Nana had brewed for him. Both he and Nana had eaten while waiting for the twins to return. While Nana appeared to be unconcerned, her quick glances at the clock revealed her concern otherwise.

Not to mention, there were two plates of food already, so why was Nana still cooking?

"Tadaima," Ienari said, walking into the kitchen.

Reborn watched his student with a careful eye. There was one twin. Now where was the other?

"Okaeri, Nari-kun," Nana greeted. She placed a plate of food down in front of her youngest. "Ne, Nari-kun, do you know where Tsu-kun is?"

"No," Ienari curtly replied as he picked up his chopsticks to begin eating.

Reborn nearly choked on his coffee as the atmosphere of the room suddenly shifted into a cold fury. Was that Nana? Nana who, according to Iemitsu, was a sweet, loving, caring, and oblivious woman. Nana who was a civilian yet radiated a sharp and dark aura like a seasoned hitwoman. Nana who stood there with a smile on her face as if nothing was wrong and yet was dangerous enough that Reborn automatically twitched for his gun. And Ienari didn't seem to even recognize the 180 degree turn in his mother's aura.

What the hell was wrong with this household?

The ringing of the telephone broke the rising tension. Nana swiftly answered the phone; her cold fury seeping away. With his excellent hearing, Reborn heard the conversation from down the hall.

"Ah, Tsu-kun is over at your house? I see. Thank you for watching him, Kyoya-kun."

Reborn went still, his mind whirling at the new information. Kyoya-kun? As in Hibari Kyoya? There was nothing in Tsuna's file about being friends with the demon prefect of Namimori High. Hibari Kyoya was a potential Cloud Guardian but if he was already attached to one twin, would he drift to the other? Clouds were always tricky.

If he was alone by himself, Reborn would have rubbed his forehead at the upcoming headache. A week since his arrival and his plans had changed once again. He didn't know what exactly was wrong in the Sawada household but his gut feeling told him it involved the twins, which meant if Hibari was even remotely fond of Tsuna, nothing would move him from Tsuna's side. That meant he was down a possible Cloud Guardian.

Perhaps it was for the better. Tsuna may not be Decimo, but he was still a Sky, still had Vongola's blood and needed protection. The all accepting Sky...

Reborn ignored the tug at his heart.

Smile, Smile, Smile

Takeshi felt his heart clenched and dropped. It had been months since he last saw that frail (false, broken) smile on Tsuna. It had been too much to hope that Takeshi would never see it again.

"Ah, Kyoya-sempai didn't need to call you, Takeshi," Tsuna said. That fake smile of his stretching a bit wider, trying to convince Takeshi that everything was alright.

Takeshi hated that smile. It was the same smile he used to see in the mirror every day before he met Tsuna. He never wanted Tsuna to smile that same smile back at him, never wanted to Tsuna to pretend, but Tsuna had been pretending longer than anyone knew.

Dropping his duffel bag to the ground, Takeshi took a seat next to Tsuna who was cuddling a large blue pillow. Tsuna squeezed the pillow tighter, shrinking into himself.

Takeshi knocked his shoulder against Tsuna's. "It's not a problem Tsuna," Takeshi said. He looked his friend straight in the eye and softly added, "Remember what you told me when we first met Tsuna? If you're sad, don't be afraid to show it. Don't smile that false smile, it's okay to cry. Just remember that you're never alone."

Like a puppet whose strings have been cut, Tsuna's smile fell away. The smaller teen collapsed into Takeshi's arms, hot tears falling once more.

"Don't leave," Tsuna pleaded. His voice soft and muffled as he buried his head into Takeshi's chest.

Anger raged in Takeshi's heart at Tsuna's soft plea. Ienari never failed to make Tsuna doubt himself, never failed to destroy Tsuna's normally strong resolve. Takeshi hated that Tsuna had to even ask, because nothing would ever tear Takeshi from Tsuna's side; his friendship with Tsuna sealed in blood, tears and warmth just two years ago.


Chase Away the Darkness

Morning came quietly to the peaceful Hibari household. Kyoya had long risen with the sun, preparations had to be made. The baby omnivore and his herbivore friends had been excused from school today. It was more important to rebuild the baby omnivore's support system than for them to attend school. Not to mention Kyoya wasn't letting baby omnivore anywhere near his wolf brother today.

Breakfast had already been made, no doubt the omnivore's work. She swore in several different languages last night before promising to return to Namimori by tonight, the last of her meetings in the States be damned. Unsurprising, breakfast contained everyone's favorites, so Kyoya helped himself to the hamburger steak and miso soup before heading out to find the loud-herbivore on his morning run.

Kyoya dropped the loud-herbivore into the room where the baseball herbivore and baby omnivore had been sleeping and watched the chaos unfold. He was pleased to note that baby omnivore's smile was a little more genuine and the darkness that lingered in his eyes was nearly gone.

He left them to their chaos, confident that baby omnivore was well looked after and safe.

There was a wolf that needed to be bitten to death.

Bad Luck

Reborn watched, curious as his normally graceful student tripped over thin air once more. A string of bad luck plagued Ienari all day long, causing him to trip over nothing, slip and fall, get hit by random objects straying from their paths, and more. It made his temper short and every friend of Ienari's had wisely avoided the bleak storm that was brewing. The skylark loomed in the shadows, biting Ienari to death for every slight infraction.

From his hiding spot in the tree, Reborn observed Ienari as his student limped out gym, covered in bruises from Hibari's last attack. An unusual dark snarl was displayed on his student's face as he vehemently swore, "This is Dame-Tsuna's fault."

Reborn's eyebrow rose. How could this be Tsuna's fault? As far as Reborn could tell, Tsuna hadn't been at school at all today. (Hadn't come home at all) In fact, several of Tsuna's friends had also skipped classes today. It was strange, but Tsuna wasn't Reborn's student. The boy could do as he liked.

"Worthless trash," Ienari hissed, still unaware of his tutor's presence.

Something twisted in Reborn's gut. It wasn't an uncommon phrase. Xanxus said it often it enough, but that intonation, the very idea that Ienari was saying this about his brother, woke something dark within Reborn.

How two faced his newest student was. Even Dino wasn't this troublesome.


Reborn found Tsuna sitting in the kitchen, enjoying a cup of tea. Ienari had been abandoned at school, unconscious from yet another of Hibari's attacks. Obviously his student had done something stupid to set off the Skylark, but Reborn wasn't sure what.

Tsuna held the answer. Probably.

Reborn jumped onto the table.

"Hello Reborn," Tsuna said. "Do you want some green tea? I just brewed a fresh pot."

Reborn nodded. Where did this calm come from? In the eight days since Reborn's arrival, Tsuna had never spoken so confidently in his presence.

Tsuna handed Reborn a gray cup; the steam curling up into the air.

"Where did you go Tsuna?" Reborn asked. "You weren't in school today; you didn't even come home last night. You made Mamma worried." You made me worried was unsaid. The Sawada family was the best and worst kept secret in the mafia. Anyone who knew Sawada Iemitsu knew of Nana and the twins existences. But the man was smart enough to keep their location a secret. And while no one should know that Ienari was the Decimo candidate, one never knew when assassins or kidnappers could show up. It was only because Nana had settled down after the phone call last night that stopped Reborn from seeking out what happened to Tsuna. No one was allowed to die on Reborn's watch.

"I know," Tsuna said softly. "Takeshi didn't want me to come home yet, but I had to return to calm Kaasan's worries. Once she returns from the market, though I'll be leaving. I probably won't be home for a few days."

Reborn's eyebrows furrow together in confusion. It was getting exceptionally tiring that nothing made sense in the Sawada Household. Reborn made a note to chew Iemitsu out for the false information he had been provided.

Before Reborn could ask, the front door slammed open and Ienari, bruised and bloody, stormed into the kitchen. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Tsuna's grip tighten around the cup and watched as Tsuna's eyes darted toward the hallway, already seeking out an escape route.

"You," Ienari snarled at his twin.

By instinct alone, Reborn placed himself in between the twins. Ienari's earlier words echoed in Reborn's head. Leon quickly transformed into a gun and Reborn fired, burying a bullet in the wall behind Ienari.

"Dame-Ienari," Reborn said, drawing the attention to him. "Since you still have the energy to move, your performance against Hibari today was pitiful. Go run fifty laps around the block."

"Reborn!" Ienari growled, eyes flashing in anger at his twin brother. "Don't-!"

This time the bullet was close enough to draw blood. "Now," Reborn ordered.

Ienari hissed, knowing he was beaten and knowing failure to complete the laps would result in a painful punishment. He spun around on his heel and marched out of the house.

Once he was gone, Reborn returned his attention back to Tsuna.

Tsuna looked at Reborn with an unreadable expression. Reborn managed to identify relief and hope before they vanished. "It is probably a good thing that you aren't going to be staying here for a couple days," Reborn said.

A small soft smile blossomed on Tsuna's face. "Thank you Reborn," he said.

"For?" What was there to thank him for?

Tsuna gestured toward the direction that Ienari left in. "For stopping Ienari. For caring enough to worry about me."

Reborn ignored the tug on his heartstrings. What a mess this job was turning into.

Five Plates

Ienari was unconscious, asleep and failed to complete the fifty laps Reborn had assigned to him. Reborn had already plotted out tomorrow morning punishment. Tsuna had left, Kyoya's house he reassured both his mother and Reborn, -"yes, that Hibari Kyoya, Reborn"-, leaving with more food than he could barely carry.

Thoughts whirled in his head, Reborn took the quiet moment to analyze what he knew. Something was going on with the twins. Ienari was a good kid, but every time his brother entered the picture, something ugly and dark flared to life. There was a small group of people who were fiercely protective of Tsuna, including his mother and Hibari Kyoya. They ran interference everywhere around Tsuna, protecting the older twin in whichever way they could.

What were they protecting Tsuna from, well, everything and everyone seemed to be the answer. Reborn had to wonder exactly how much of a 'dame' Tsuna was really and how much was a result of people constantly putting him down. Tsuna had responded so well to Reborn's tutoring (what little they managed to do in the past week), Reborn wondered why Tsuna wasn't doing better in school.

Reborn stopped to observed one day and the answer became clear. The amount of blatant bullying (and the teachers let it slide) that Tsuna endured in every classroom, it was no wonder Tsuna had such a hard time concentrating at school. How could he concentrate when people were stealing his papers, throwing things him or pulling his chair away from him?

It wasn't limited to just school either. People, grown adults, went out their way to push Tsuna around when the boy went to the market to pick up milk for goodness sake. What the fuck was wrong with this town that they would bully one small boy and no one but a few people thought it was wrong?! No wonder Tsuna was terrified of everything. He never knew when he was going to be attacked next.

Worse of all, Reborn couldn't pinpoint what the cause was. It would make sense if say, Tsuna had caused a massive fire by accident that resulted in people's deaths and that would be the reason why everyone hated him. But no, it simply had always been like that. No one could remember when it had become alright to harass Tsuna, just that everyone did so.

And yet, despite all of this, Tsuna continued to get back up. Resigned but strong, Tsuna continued to move forward. That was the strength Reborn saw in his eyes, the resolve to keep living no matter what life threw at him. Reborn had to give him props for that. Weaker people would have caved years ago and killed themselves.

As for Ienari and Tsuna's relationship, well it was easier to say it didn't exist. The twins barely spoke more than a handful of words to each other in the few days Reborn had been here. Tsuna's friends and Nana were determined to keep the two apart at all cost. Lunch break at school had Takeshi grabbing Tsuna's hand, sheltering him from Ienari's gaze and out the door before the bell even finished ringing. Nana always had one twin in her sight, dragging one or the other to help with the never ending chores of the household but never all three of them. Meals were eaten separately.

None this explained why everyone kept the two twins apart. Something cautioned Reborn from asking Ienari and everyone else remained tight lipped. Just like something ugly and twisted appeared on Ienari's face when Tsuna was mentioned, there was a frailty in Tsuna's smile whenever Ienari was mentioned. It was the same thing reflected in Nana's knowing smile, in the dark look in Tsuna's friends' eyes.

If Reborn didn't know any better he would have said Ienari was abusing...

It felt like a bucket of ice was dumped on Reborn. No, Ienari wouldn't. His student was a kind and helpful boy. Arrogant like any teenager at his age, but caring and accepting as expected of a Sky. Then Reborn recalled the ugly words that Ienari spat toward his brother, the hatred reflected in the dark brown eyes of the younger twin. But Tsuna didn't have any bruises or broken bones…

'Not all abuse is physical,' his mind whispered back to him.

No, emotional or verbal abuse existed too. Ienari's sharp and vicious words were more than enough proof. Not to mention the friendships Tsuna had were only a few years old. Nana couldn't be everywhere, especially not at school. Before the girls, before Yamamoto and Sasagawa (or even Hibari) who knew what Ienari use to do Tsuna, especially since everyone in this town had been hurting Tsuna for as long as anyone could remember.

Reborn pinched his eyes shut; his fedora casting a shadow on his face and hiding his troubled expression from the world. What to do now? Was it all an act on Ienari's side? One that only those who chose Tsuna could see through? Something Reborn's instincts, honed through experience, picked up? Or was the boy genuinely as nice as everyone said, but something about Tsuna let loose the vicious monster within Ienari? Were there other victims?

How did one even fix something like this? Arrogance could be humbled, restrain could be taught, cruelty could be curved, but this, this was something else. Mercy? Kindness? Love? Care? Things that should already be second nature, especially for a civilian like Ienari, how did one go about teaching that to someone? It would need a better person than Reborn, whose hands were so bloodstained, they might as well be permanently red, to teach Ienari that.

Why did Reborn accept this job?

Mind still spinning, Reborn wandered into the kitchen. There, Nana was washing dishes, humming softly to herself. Reborn's gaze wandered over to the five innocent plates that sat on the dish rack. Five plates in a house that held four occupants. The blue plate was Tsuna's, pink for Nana, red for Ienari, green for Reborn and lastly a simple white plate with blue moons that Reborn couldn't connect to anyone. Always five plates. The rest of the dishes on the rack change for whatever Nana was cooking, but always those five plates.

Reborn jumped on the counter, drawing Nana's attention. "Mamma," he said. "Why are there always five plates? Who does the white plate belong to?"

Nana smiled. "That's the plate I put the food on for everyone take from, Reborn-kun."

That was a lie. Tonight's dinner, misoyaki butterfish, went on the black square dish that Nana was currently washing. "Blue for Tsuna, red for Ienari, pink for you and green for me. Always those four plates that you take out for dinner. Who does the white plate with blue moons belong to?" Reborn pressed.

Nana's gaze instantly sharpened like a hawk. If he had been anyone else, Reborn might have flinched at the intensity of her sight, but Reborn refused to be cowed by that. He waited patiently for Nana's answer. At least one mystery of Sawada household would be solved tonight.

Slowly, Nana withdrew. "Ara," she said softly. "How perceptive of you, Reborn-san. I suppose I shouldn't have expected anything else. Even Ienari doesn't notice."

'Iemitsu you liar.' There was no way Nana was even as remotely oblivious as Iemitsu made his wife out to be. Reborn also noted the change in honorific to his name.

"How many occupants do you think live in this house?" Nana asked. Her attention turned back to the sink.

"Four," Reborn answered without hesitation. There was no one else. That was why the five plates confused him.

Nana hummed, placing the last dish on the rack and turned off the water. She picked up the white towel and began to dry the dishes. Then she said, "At any given time there are 9 occupants in this house."

What. The. Hell?! There was no way Reborn missed five other people living in this house. There was no one else. How could there be nine people living in Sawada Household?

"There's you and me and of course Tsu-kun and Nari-kun. One doesn't eat and three can take care of themselves and the last doesn't always live with us," Nana continued.

That didn't explain the white plate at all! This just caused more questions.

Nana smiled at Reborn. "Though if you ask Ienari, he'll say there are only four people living here, including yourself Reborn-san."

So Ienari didn't know either. But given the secrets surrounding the Sawada family, this wasn't a surprise. "And if I ask Tsuna?" Reborn asked.

Nana's knowing smile just grew wider.

Rock my world (and I'll rock yours)

Tsuna was eight when he met his Neesan.

He had been at the furthest edge of the park, far away from the other children and his mother's watchful sight. His stomach hurt from where Ienari had kicked him and his knees and hands scraped from falling to the ground.

That was when he found her. Sitting under the large oak tree at the very edge of the park sat a teenage girl with long brown hair and golden eyes. She twisted her long braid of hair around her fingers, and stared up at the sky, looking peaceful and calm. A small smile on her lips.

"Are you okay, neesan?" Tsuna asked, wandering over to her.

The girl blinked, surprised by Tsuna's appearance. She frowned in confusion. "Of course. Why do you ask?"

"Because you seem sad."

The girl drew in a sharp breath. Her eyes blinked rapidly, holding back the tears now threatening to fall. "How did you know?" she asked.

Tsuna bit his lip, playing with the edge of his green shirt. "Because you look like I do when I'm sad," he admitted quietly.

Golden eyes widened, reevaluating the boy in front of her. "Boya," she asked. "What is your name?"

"Sawada Tsunayoshi. But you can call me Tsuna," Tsuna introduced himself brightly.

Another smile, (a real smile), spread across the girl's face. "Nice to meet you Tsuna. I'm Ayame. Do you want to be friends?"

A tentative hope spread in Tsuna. Friends? He didn't have any friends. No one wanted to be his friend, not when Ienari was better at everything and mean to anyone who tried to be friends with Tsuna. "Really?" he asked.

"Yeah," Ayame said. "If you don't mind having someone like me as your friend."

Tsuna shook his head. "I never had a friend before."

"Then I'll be your first," Ayame said.


That was how the Sky met his Moon. Tsuna had no idea how much his world would change from this simple meeting.

Title from 'We Weren't Born to Follow' by Bon Jovi

Right, so welcome to my first Reborn fanfic. I'm fairly new to the fandom, like weeks old and I haven't really bothered to read/watch most of the manga/anime. Majority of what I know about Reborn actually comes from the fandom side (aka I jumped straight into reading fanfics by accident). So if I screw up anything, sorry.