Finally, it ends! I know, I know, it sure took me long enough.

Disclaimer: Most people can come up with amusing, original ways to write their disclaimer. Well, I am not most people, so I'll keep it simple. I don't own the concept of Gundam Wing or any of its characters. Just the mere idea that I might be making money doing this is laughable. Warnings: shounen ai, angst, violence

By Rapunzel


"Come on."




"For me?"

"Absolutely not."

"You know, you're going to have to talk to him sooner or later."

"Later then."

"You're upsetting the team dynamic. Won't you just apologize to him?"


"You're both stubborn idiots!"


Duo paused in his tirade. "You know, Heero, that's the closest thing to a 'yes' that I've gotten out of you yet."

Heero just crossed his arms over his chest and looked stubborn.

"If you admit you're being an idiot about the whole thing, why won't you just apologize to Wufei? He's not going to talk to you until you do."

"I didn't admit I was being an idiot," Heero said, scowling. "And I won't apologize to him because I'm not sorry."

"Well, aren't you at least a little remorseful that you took his suit without asking?"

"Not really," Heero said with an indifferent shrug. "I needed a mobile suit. Wing wasn't available; Shenlong was. I don't see why he's so upset."

Duo noticed that Heero made no mention of why he had needed the mobile suit. Now that the whole event was over, Heero rarely if ever brought it up, as if loath to be reminded that Duo might have died.

Duo thought for a moment, then sighed in a defeated manner. "I give up. You're impossible, you know that?"


"He's not going to forgive you without an apology of some kind," Duo mused, looking thoughtful. "You absolutely refuse to give him a verbal one, but maybe there's another way of doing it."

Heero looked apprehensive. "What did you have in mind?"



Later that day, shouting could be heard coming from the hanger.

"Taking parts from Deathscythe to repair Wing was bad enough, but I refuse to let you take parts from _my_ Gundam to repair one that isn't even yours!"

Heero looked unrepentant. "You'll have to take Deathscythe in to Howard anyway. I don't see why we don't just take Shenlong in too."

"I told you," Duo said wearily, "it's because this is an indirect apology to Wufei. You banged up his Gundam, so now you get to fix it."

"And the parts?"

"Take them from Wing if you can't wait."

Heero growled. "I just got Wing back."

"Exactly," Duo said carelessly. "That means it's sure to have all the parts you need."

Heero looked murderous.

"Heero," Duo said grinning, "I'm joking."

Heero relaxed slightly, but he glared on with undimmed intensity.

"You know," Duo said, "you really don't take a joke very well. We're going to have to work on that."



Wufei was grudgingly pleased when he saw his Gundam. In fact, he went so far as to say that he no longer minded Heero's impromptu borrowing of his property. Heero, who had already expressed the opinion that the cause had been a just one and that Wufei was simply being a prick, greeted this remark with his customary, "Hn."

"Well, that went well," Quatre remarked. He had been watching the whole thing from the sidelines with Trowa.

"It darn well better have," Duo muttered. "After all that work we put in on his Gundam, he had better be placated. We even went through the trouble of making it look nice too." Hearing Quatre's snicker at this comment, he snapped, "Hey, it wasn't that easy! Do you have any idea how hard it was to get rid of the scorch marks?"

"You know, Duo," Trowa said quietly, "Heero was the one Wufei was mad at. You technically didn't have to help out."

"Of course I did," Duo scoffed. "After all, Heero 'borrowed' Shenlong so he could go rescue my stupid ass. I had to help out."

"Of course you did," Quatre said sweetly, exchanging a meaningful glance with Trowa.

"You're doing it again," Duo muttered irritably.

"Doing what?" Quatre asked, blinking wide blue eyes at Duo.

"That whole talking without words thing. Like there's something I don't know, some joke I'm not in on."

Quatre and Trowa exchanged another, slightly amused glance, but just as Quatre opened his mouth to answer Duo, he was interrupted by a loud cry of "MAXWELL!"

"Oh, for goodness sake!" Duo exclaimed. "What have I done this time?"

Wufei had just gotten down from inspecting his Gundam, and he was striding towards Duo with a murderous expression on his face. "Maxwell!" he thundered. "What the hell did you put in the pilot's chair?"

"What?" Duo sputtered. "I didn't do anything."

"No," Heero agreed seriously. "He didn't." So saying, he began to walk out of the hanger, snagging Duo's sleeve as he passed to drag the other after him.

Wufei goggled after them, seeming unable to comprehend the implications. It wasn't until they had left the hanger and were headed towards the house that his enraged cry of "YUY!" echoed after them.

"You know what, Heero?" Duo said, grinning wickedly. "I think I'm a bad influence on you."

"Hn." Was that a smile tugging at the corner of Heero's mouth? After careful consideration, Duo decided that it qualified as more of a smirk.

"So," he said casually, "what did you put in Wufei's pilot seat?"

The smirk grew slightly. "Peanut butter. To pay him back for being a jerk about it."

"Peanut butter?" Duo repeated incredulously. "What a waste! I'm almost disappointed. You should have used chewing gum; it lingers longer."

"Chewing gum?" Heero said dubiously.

"Yeah. Haven't you ever chewed gum before?"


"Oh, Heero, you've been missing all the finer points of life," Duo lamented.

Heero raised one eyebrow. "Chewing gum is a finer point of life?"

"Heero," Duo said, "you've got a lot to learn."

/And I've finally got the chance to teach you./


Woohoo! Another multi-part fic finished! I think this might be the first time I've managed to finish more than one for any given series...