Amelia Bones entered her office at the Ministry of Magic. The state of the emergency ceased and Amelia returned to the office with news, very little of the news she returned with considered good.

The International Confederation of Wizards involved themselves in the situation regarding Dumbledore and Snape. The Ministry and the International Confederation of Wizards butted heads on a regular basis. The ICW took advantage of this opportunity to kick the Ministry in the figurative testicles and work with the Department of Meta-Human affairs.

The British Ministry of Magic resulted in some great profits for the products of foreign countries and some resented Britain's role of the center of the magical world.

'Politics, isn't it grand?' Amelia thought.

Amelia sank down into her desk chair. Her personal assistant joined her with a stack of papers. A newspaper rested on the top of the file folder.

"What's this? "Amelia asked.

"Take a look, Madam Bones."

Amelia lifted the paper off of the stack of documents.

"The Chudley Canons snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, again? I'm afraid, I don't get how it's relevant for my job for the worst Quidditch team in the League finding a new way to find a new path to the bottom."

"Oh….sorry, must have flipped it upside down."

The assistant turned the paper over. Amelia's eyes narrowed at the sight of the real news she should know.

"I leave the country for a few days, and Cornelius runs around unchecked," Amelia said.

Amelia reviewed the paper for another moment. The description of how Fudge and his team became extracted from the Arctic with severe frost bite taunted her.

"Well, the Minister is going to be indisposed for a few weeks, as he recovers," Amelia said.

"Shall I double up the security?" the assistant asked.

"Yes," Amelia said.

The assistant nodded.

"I'll get on it right away," Amelia's assistant said.

The woman walked over and her hand placed on the door.

"Anything else, I need to know? How is the Ministry's investigation on Harry Potter going?"

The assistant directed her attention back to Amelia.

"Tell me, don't sugar coat it."

"Right," the assistant said. "Right, of course, I don't mean to…."

"Tell me," Amelia said.

"We don't know what happened to him," the assistant said. "He vanished off of the face of the Earth. The only two explanations are he became of age or he's dead."

"The Prophet doesn't even know Harry Potter is missing," Amelia said.

"No, Madam Bones," she said.

"We can't hide it forever, but investigation needs to be re-doubled so we can put the matter to rest," Amelia said. "If, Harry Potter remains out there, we have to know and we have know right away."

Amelia reached into her desk drawer and dropped a list in front of her assistant.

"A group of Aurors who I know I can trust to discreetly find out the facts of the investigation and not…..make the situation worse."

"The list is only half of a page," the assistant said.

"Standards fell in the Ministry, unfortunately," Amelia said. "Can you get it done?"

"I'll get it done," the assistant said.

"Excellent," Amelia said. She patted the assistant on the ear.

Amelia waited for her assistant to leave. The Department of Meta-Human Affairs refused to tell her much of anything regarding Harry Potter.

The Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement moved over to her door. She intended to call a meeting of all of the department heads. Fudge's sabbatical mandated the department heads to work closely together. Black's escape resulted in one of most chaotic situations the Ministry dealt with during her time.

The transcripts disappeared from Black's trial. Amelia suspected a rat of some sort. Transcripts seldom grew legs and walked off.

An owl fluttered into Amelia's office the moment she opened the door. Owls flew into the Ministry of Magic every day, but this owl caught Amelia's attention. A snowy owl landed on Amelia's desk and gave her a stern look.

Amelia recalled her niece mentioning Harry Potter owning a snowy owl. Surely….surely not?

The owl crooked her head towards Amelia.

"You want me to take a message, don't you?" Amelia asked.

The owl reached out her talon for Amelia to take the message off of her hand. Amelia removed the message tied to the owl's leg. The snowy owl took off seconds after Amelia took the message.

Amelia frowned and held a message in her hand. A message came from Harry Potter's owl. She refused to believe in coincidences.

The woman unfolded the message.

Meet me in ten minutes, or you'll never know. Come alone. If I see anyone, I'll be gone and the Ministry will never find me.

Amelia hastened to grab her traveling cloak. She vowed to give Potter the benefit of the doubt. Many questions flashed in Amelia's mind. The woman left her office for the meeting.

Harry waited in the shadows. The young man acquired quite the insurance policy in case trusting Amelia Bones turned out for a mistake. The new information Harry acquired showed the trustworthy nature of the woman.

The Ministry official walked into the shadows. She spotted a tall young man who stood out in the crowd. Amelia stepped back.

"You look like you've seen a ghost, Director Bones?"

"Ghosts are easily to swallow than this, Mr. Potter. You look like a young adult."

"Eighteen," Harry said.

"After your first maturation, you should only be considered to be fourteen magically," Amelia said.

"Test me, see if I'm really the age magically speaking," Harry said.

Amelia steadied her grip around the wand. The Director of Magical Law Enforcement steadied her grip around the wand. The woman performed the test.

A wisp of dust flashed above Harry's head. Amelia stepped away from Harry and steadied her hand.

"Eighteen?" Harry asked.

"Eighteen," Amelia said. The woman lowered her wand. "I don't know how."

"We may only begin to guess," Harry said. "I don't even know, but I know I've outgrew traditional education."

The memories of both Voldemort from the Horcrux and Lily from the blood protection filled in any gaps Harry's education lacked. The first two years of Hogwarts from Harry's perspective showcased the downfall of education even in the last twenty years, never mind the last fifty.

"If you want me to take my NEWTs, I will, but I doubt they'll be of much value to where I want to go," Harry said. "Legally speaking, I don't need those exams to be considered of age."

"No, you don't," Amelia said. "So, are you going to leave?"

"Why would I stay?" Harry asked. "Did your niece tell you anything about what happened at Hogwarts last year?"

"No, I can't say she did," Amelia said.

Harry filed Amelia's revelation in the interesting folder. Students not writing home to their parents or other relatives and even mentioning the dangerous events occurring at Hogwarts struck Harry as peculiar.

"Here's some information you might find interesting," Harry said.

He slipped a prepared folder in Amelia's hand.

"Why do I have the feeling I'm going to have at least ten years knocked off my life by the time I'm finished reading this?"

"Well, you're going to have to see for yourself," Harry informed Amelia.

Amelia leaned against the wall. Harry stretched out his hand and a silver ball rested in the palm of Harry's hand.

"I have this prepared for them," Harry said. "Play it in about a week. Please don't play it any sooner or any later. I have a few things to say to them, and not everyone is going to like it."

"Why do I have a feeling some very important people may want your head?"

Harry chuckled. His chuckles faded away into full blown laughter. The sorcerer laughed for a couple of moments.

"I wouldn't do my job correctly, Director. Some important people hate me now, some unimportant people hate me now. Best to give them a reason to hate me other than the scar on my forehead."

Harry tapped his forehead.

"The folder explains everything more than I can. One day I might return and if I need to return, you know the magical people of Europe are really going to hell in a handbasket."

"One question, if I may?"

Harry frowned and motioned for Amelia to continue.

"What if I intended to bring you into the Ministry of Magic and didn't give you the benefit of the doubt?"

The last Potter raised his hand and pointed his fingers towards Amelia.

"Three reasons, Madam Bones. The first reason is, you're a flower within the weeds at the Ministry of Magic. I respect the work you've done. I'm sad your ceiling to do something in the world isn't higher. One day, you might think about moving onto something more worthwhile."

Amelia smiled for a second.

"Mr. Potter, believe me, I know," Amelia said.

Harry's hand ticked off a second finger.

"The second reason is….well, I better show, rather than tell."

The sorcerer pointed his hands to the stone statues. The goblins crafted the statues to stand up to magic.

A curse fired and destroyed the statues into dust. The statues reformed in an instant the second Harry destroyed them. The elegant statues remained solid down to the last perfect detail.

Amelia's eyes widened. Destroying crafted statues showcased an impressive amount of magic. Harry manifested true magic by restoring the destruction with a simple wave of his hand. The statues restored and moved from one side.

"And the third reason, you're talking to a magical duplicate who can be recalled at the first sign of danger."

Amelia blinked. Harry flashed out of the distance, never to return.

"Very clever, Mr. Potter, "Amelia said. "Very, clever."

Amelia clutched the silver orb and temptation visited the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. Consequences existed if she opened the orb before Harry's directed time. He told Amelia a week, and she accepted the promise.

The Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcements directed her attention to the file Harry shifted into her hand. The thickness of the file of two years worth of information set off a red flag in Amelia's head.

"Well, I better get into this," Amelia said.

Amelia made her way back to the lift and returned to her office. The information pertained to Harry Potter.

The moment the woman returned to the Ministry, she settled down for a long time of headaches.

'Mr. Potter, trouble always seems to follow you,' Amelia said.

Amelia opened up the folder. The woman lifted the information from the folder and frowned.

'Dumbledore, trouble follows you everywhere as well,' Amelia thought. 'Very illuminating.'

Amelia soaked in each piece of incriminating information. A long next couple of weeks, maybe months, greeted her.

Galatea paced back and forth in the Fortress. Kara and the other girls observed Galatea's movements.

Karen met Kara's eye and both girls looked away at each other. Both women sighed long and hard.

"Do you think you can stop this before you wear a hole into the ice?" Kara asked.

Galatea's head whipped around to glare at Kara. The two sisters exchanged a staredown with each other.

"I don't have to get in the middle of this, do I?" Karen asked.

"No, because getting in the middle of the two of them is my job."

The girls all turned and smiled. Harry rested against the wall.

"How long have you been here? "Kara asked.

"Long enough," Harry said.

Harry swept into the Fortress. He dropped a case onto the ice block.

"And what's inside the case?" Dark Supergirl asked.

The darker half of Supergirl peered towards the case. Her X-Ray vision ran into some lead lining in the case.

"My entire family fortune, converted," Harry said. "The base of my future plans for the world, but no need to talk about what is to come in the future."

"Yes, we should worry about right now," Galatea said.

Galatea rose up and bounced down. Harry viewed the progress of her bouncing breasts and rock-hard nipples. Harry situated his hands on Galatea's hips and made the girl turn to face him.

"You know, if you keep up what you're doing, you're going to go last?"

Galatea's lip stuck out in a pouting motion. Karen patted her sister on the head.

"You're really adorable when you're upset about something," Karen said.

"You're really funny when you're liking like a bitch about something," Galatea retorted.

"Ladies," Harry said.

"Remind me again, how are we doing this?" Kara asked.

Harry smiled and ran the girls through the entire bonding process one more time.

"The girl who is the oldest….."

"Being me," Karen said.

"Don't try and sound too upset about it," Galatea said.

"Well, you're the third oldest," Divine said. "So, you don't have to wait for too long."

"Less time you do," Galatea said.

Divine smiled. Harry corked his eyebrow.

"Continue before something comes up to screw us over again," Divine said.

Harry chuckled. The eyes of six powerful women rested on him with rapt attention. Six of the most powerful women on Earth prepared to be bonded to him. He grinned and continued.

"We start with the first oldest girl, until she finishes, and then I'll move onto each of you. Divine, Tea, Kara, Dark Kara, and Light Kara all in this order."

"Ah, it's not fair, I get to go last," Light Kara said.

She folded her arms and stuck out her lip. Harry reached towards her to squeeze her hand.

"All of the girls may observe, but only watch, during the ritual," Harry said. "After all of you finish, I return in reverse-order and finish all of you."

"Not, I'm doubting you," Dark Supergirl said.

"But, you are?" Galatea asked.

The two versions of Kara stared each other down and Dark Supergirl rebooted her mind.

"What makes you think you're going to be able to….reload your stock so fast?"

"Magic," Harry said.

"Enough said, really," Karen said. "Are you bitches done doubting our man? We are running down the clock, and I want a piece of him, now."

Karen hoisted Harry up to a standing embrace and pressed his body against her round breasts. The two kissed each other. Both parties dueled tongue to tongue.

The crystals heated up. The other five versions of Kara stepped back to await their turn for what they might get with Harry.

"Let the bonding ritual begin," Harry said.

"You're overdressed, I think," Karen said.

"And you are too," Harry said.

"Not for long," Karen said.

Karen reduced Harry's shirt to shreds and backed him off against the wall. The Kryptonian heroine jammed her tongue into Harry's mouth. Harry's mouth opened and accepted the gift and grabbed Karen's ass.

The busty beauty moaned deep into Harry's mouth and kept grinding up against him. Karen slid further down towards him.

"I believe this is for me."

Several days later, the ritual drew to a close. Harry rested in the middle of the Fortress, surrounded by his girls. The beauties rested all around him and rested him all in the center.

"You're….stable," Alura said.

"Excellent," Dark Supergirl said. Her fingers traced patterns around Harry's stomach.

"So, the bonding ritual also had a fertility component to it, right?" Karen asked.

"Yes," Kara said. "It was the only way to remain stable. You're not mad about it, are you?"

All of them shook their heads.

"No, we had a good idea with the amount of cum Harry stored….." Karen said. She stopped and gave a casual squeeze of his balls. "In him, we were only going to end this ritual one way."

"So, we're all bound together," Galatea concluded. "I hope it's a girl…..would be interesting and her father can give her some hands on instruction when she's old enough."

Harry corked his eyebrow.

"Don't act so surprised. As a more progressive and advanced beings, we're not shackled by the same genetic flaws as humans are."

"Well, interesting," Harry said.

"So, what do we do next?" Kara asked.

Galatea's gaze turned to the shrunken bottled city of Kandor. Many females lingered inside the bottle, waiting to be rescued.

"You know, if someone rescued the female Kandorians, they would be grateful."

Galatea winked at Harry.

"Well, if we wanted to rebuild the Kryptonian race," Kara said.

"One step at a time," Harry said.

Galatea smiled and leaned to Harry.

"Also, there's an island full of warrior women who you might want to take a closer look at," Galatea said. "Who are begging to experience the pleasures of an Alpha for the first time."

"Are you trying to get every woman in our collective?" Divine asked.

"Maybe?" Galatea asked.

She pressed her hands together and widened her eyes.

"Got to think about the future," Harry said.

Galatea smiled. The group recovered from their bonding process.

"Hello, this is Harry Potter. I'd like to give everyone who listens to this message a heads up. For the past two years, I've experienced the wonders of the magical world. It's for some people, but it's not really for me. Where I came from, I thought it was. Where I'm going, a community rooted in a long ago time is not for me."

Many listened to Harry Potter's last message. The Prophet transcribed the last message of the Chosen One.

"Lord Voldemort's final defeat occurred. Don't worry, you missed nothing exciting. Once I removed his anchors, he ceased to be. My sole obligation is gone. I'm sure you want to keep me around to help save your dying world, perhaps in the name of restoring the Potter dynasty. I've taken steps to restore my dynasty."

The final words proved to be most chilling of all.

"If I ever step back into your world, know your end is near. Know, I only return because the problems of your world compromise my own. And know, if I have any further dealings with the magical community of Europe, it will be for earth shattering reasons. If you see Harry Potter ever again, you should be afraid. There's a good reason for it. You've chosen your path, I've chosen mine. Good luck in all of your future endeavors. And sorry, Madam Bones, you will have you work cut out for you, but I know you're up for it."

The End.