Author's note:

This little RP between my good friend Mi-chan785 and I is our version of what happened to Prussia and Russia during Soviet times.

Lots of Hurt&Comfort, Romance and Drama going on. No rapist/sadist Russia.

Pairing: Russia x Prussia, with mentions of one-sided Russia x Lithuania

Rating M for mentions of death, torture and smut in later chapters.



Gilbert sighed a bit and got up from his seat to step in front of the table the Allies were sitting at. He was tired, just like everyone, worn out from this war, but he held his head high as he sat down on that chair in the middle of a way too big room for this small meeting.

"Are these really necessary?" he asked, raising his cuffed hands slightly with a weak smirk. "You're acting like I'm still a danger to you..."

The Allies exchanged a quick glance and ignored that question completely otherwise. Alfred cleared his throat and got up from his seat.

"The state of Prussia, who has always been the carrier of militarism and reaction in Germany, has ceased to exist in reality."

"What?" Gilbert blinked, looking at Alfred with a frown. "I'm right here in front of you!" His gaze met Ivan's for a second, before he found Alfred again, who didn't seem to care at all for his protest.

"Reflecting the interest in the maintenance of peace and security of nations," another gasp of Gilbert filled the room, so HE was the reason for war, was that what they wanted to say now?, "and filled with the desire to secure the further restoration of political life in Germany on a democratic basis, the Control Council shall adopt the following law..." Alfred looked up from his paper, tired blue eyes meeting tired red ones for a moment, before he went on: "Article 1 - The state of Prussia, his central government and all subordinate authorities are hereby dissolved."

"WHAT?!" There was a loud noise when Gilbert got up, knocking over his chair. "You can't do that! This is bullshit and you all KNOW that!"

"It's not" Alfred deadpanned him. "You've always been way too much into militarism, uniforms and war. For God's sake, one of those who made you big was called 'Soldier king'! You've been a troublemaker from the start and the biggest warmonger in Europe for several centuries now."

Gilbert's mouth fell open and he glared at his former friends Francis and Arthur. "So /I/ have been the biggest warmonger, sure...! You assholes, if you wanted to get rid of me, you could've told him," he pointed at Ivan, "to finish me off at Stalingrad! But THIS is degrading and humiliating! But maybe that's what you think is 'appropriate' for a 'warmonger' like me!"

"He can now 'finish you off'" Yao stated and got the papers from Alfred, holding them out for Ivan. "You haven't signed them yet..."

Gilbert blinked, his eyes finding Ivan's face. He wasn't sure if he just had forgotten to sign them, if he wasn't really ok with this, but had been outvoted by the others, or if the others had decided this without him.

Nevertheless, all eyes were on the USSR right now.

"Russia!" Ludwig spoke up. "I know that you want revenge for Barbarossa, but my brother had nothing to do with this!"

"Ludwig, shut your mouth" Gilbert said, his voice seeming calmer than he was inside. He had tried to stop Ludwig from this bullshit, but his brother had been too blind for reason. Attacking Russia on his own land? When had that ever resulted in anything good?

He remembered his icy bath, so many, many centuries ago, and shivered.

Gilbert didn't sit down again. He stood tall and proud, head raised high as he stared at the Allies, waiting for Ivan to sign his death sentence. He was afraid, so afraid of dying, he had been clinging to this life for so long, avoiding the reaper with all he had and so successfully in such a long time, that the thought of vanishing now terrified him.

Would he be remembered? Or would he fall into nothingness, never being mentioned again except for some boring history lessons like Germania...?

Still his face was stoic, unmoved by the sudden threat. He wouldn't let them have that triumph!

Ivan felt all eyes resting heavy on him, but none where as heavy and burning as a pair of blue and a pair of red ones.

He had discussed and protested for hours not that long ago. He had put every fact on the table, every reason why it was a mistake to dissolve Prussia. For decades he and his bosses had admired the Prussian strength and war tactics. They had learned a lot from their neighbours, lost much and won even more. And not just that... No one beside he himself and Prussia knew for sure, but when he looked calmly up into red eyes, he knew they both remembered these few times they had spend together. It was another reason... He didn't want Gilbert to die... but there was no way he was allowed to let personal reasons shine through.

Picking the pen up he never broke their eyes' contact. That ever present smile on his lips had vanished hours ago.

"Our deal still stands, I assume?" he asked his allies, his voice quiet but very clear in the silence of the dim room.

Alfred nodded. "You can have his land." He smirked at Gilbert who clenched his fists.

So that was it about...? Great. Just great.

He was trembling now, his breath accelerating, but he still tried to look cool. "What about my brother?"

"He'll be supervised and denazified by us, so something like the past war and everything that lead to it will never happen again." It was Arthur who had spoken. There was no smile and no smirk on his face, just tiredness. No one seemed to have much strength left. No one but America.

Something in Gilbert's posture changed after that. His face relaxed a bit.

His brother would be alright... he was strong, just like he used to be.

Gilbert turned his face to look at his younger brother, giving him the hint of a smirk. "Stay awesome, Brüderchen... don't let this get you down, ok?"

"Fortunately they can't dissolve everything. People would start to riot... and losing their precious trade ways and partners would be a shame. Am I right, Jones?" There was a sharp edge in Ivan's voice, almost mocking, as he slowly lead the pen over the document. As long as Prussia was distracted there was time to do what had to be done.

Alfred shot an icy glare at the Russian, his smirk never vanishing. "Yes. We'll just get rid of those no one needs anymore. Isn't that right, Prussia?" He leant his chin into his palm, slightly satisfied with the low growl Gilbert gave him as an answer. "Don't give me that look; we're just completing what your brother started. You're actually non-existent anymore; just a puppet government of him was holding you up. One could say... you're dead all along, you just forget to fall down." He laughed at Gilbert making a step forward, his cuffs rattling slightly as his palms hit the table.

"...!" Red eyes glared with hatred, but he didn't dare to go any further. There were two guards, already aiming at him and he didn't want to anger them any more. His fate was sealed, but his brother still had a chance.

"Not so big mouthed anymore, it seems."

"Alfred" Francis interfered. "... it's enough."

"And it is done." Putting the pen carefully back on the table Ivan shoved the documents back into the middle for everyone to see. All of the winners had signed it now. All of their signatures stood black on white now. The only thing left to do was to announce the death sentence and make it official.

"You can't do that!" Ludwig got up on his feet, but different from his brother his guards immediately held him back, as if they were afraid he could do something despite his handcuffs and countless wounds. "It's not brother's fault! We live in modern times! You can't just kill one of us!"

"Don't you see it?" Gilbert said, looking at Ivan without much emotion. "They can. And did." He lowered his gaze to look at his hands. "What now...? Will I disappear? Or will I die and rot like the millions who died in this damn war...?"

Ivan gave the glance back unmoved. He couldn't do much more, just sit and wait. Not one of them had been dissolved by will in all of their history and there was no way to say what would happen to Prussia. After all... Rome, Germania, Ancient Greece and so many more had just vanished.

"We will see..." Arthur spoke finally into the silence. "But be sure, you'll be treated with all respect, whatever will happen." Then his eyes rested on the documents. No one seemed to want to read it out loud and end a former friend's life.

"... they can't do that..." Ludwig repeated over and over, never letting his brother out of his eyes. "... they can't... they can't..."

Gilbert laughed lowly, then louder. "What is it now?! Has none of you the guts to finish it?! Come on, you're the winning powers, clearing Europe from its evil, right?! Wasn't that your intention? Then do it already! You know, my time's running out so I literally have no time to waste by standing here and watch you cowards not finishing your job!"

A chair was loudly pushed back and fell over as Alfred literally jumped up and grabbed the papers. "Well, if you're so eager to die, I'll grant your wish." And he raised the paper up, straightening his back. "The state of Prussia, his central government and all subordinate authorities are hereby dissolved." With a smirk he glanced over his glasses to Gilbert right in front of him. "With the signatures of the representatives of the Allied Forces and winners of the war, Alfred F. Jones, Wang Yao, Arthur Kirkland, Francis Bonnefoy and Ivan Braginsky, I declare this contract official and valid by this very minute."

"..." Gilbert's smirk didn't vanish, but it weakened a bit. Then a stinging pain shot through his chest as if another bullet had hit his flesh. "H-hg...!" He grabbed the shirt over his heart, bending over as much as it needed to let his cuffed hand touch the table and support his suddenly heavy body.

It hurt. It hurt like he'd be torn apart, his land, his people, ripped away from his body, his heart, his soul.

"A-ah!" He gasped for air, shortly before his knees gave in and he fell, knocking over the small table in front of him before he curled up on the ground, heavily breathing while yet no air seemed to reach his burning lungs.

"NEIN! BRUDER!" None of the Allies seemed to notice the fight Ludwig had with his guards. They just looked down on Prussia... Gilbert... their friend... Francis and Arthur exchanged a guilty glance, while Alfred kept on smirking and Yao waited with crossed arms and unmoved expression.

Just Ludwig's shouting and Gilbert's gasps filled the big room, until quiet steps joined the unpleasant noise.

Crouching down beside the struggling Prussian Ivan glanced at him from above. "Don't worry. I'll take good care of your land."

Short and accelerated breaths left the Prussian's throat as he turned his head just a bit to look at Ivan with eyes wide with fear and pain. "... f... fuck... you..." he whispered, while his eyes begged, make it stop... make it stop already!

"..." Ivan just smiled back, barely visible but understanding. Reaching out he caressed a pale cheek, before he looked up and gave the guards a sign, ignoring the protest from behind.

The next second Ludwig was at his brother's side, leaning over him, tears dripping from his eyes.

"Geh nicht, Bruder! Stirb nicht!" he whispered desperately.

Gilbert looked up at him with tired eyes. "... ich bin... schon lange... tot..." he whispered, knowing that Alfred was right in this particular point. "... 's ok... you'll get along... stay... awesome... make me... proud..." His fingers dug into his shirt as he cringed with a muffled scream escaping his lips. He rolled over, curling up a bit while his breathing, yet still short and quick, became less and less regular until it finally stopped and his body fell limb.

"Nein... Nein! NEIN! GILBERT! Don't do this to me!" Somehow, despite his handcuffs, Ludwig managed to take his brother into his arms and rock his limp body in tears. "... you've always been there... you can't be gone... please, don't be gone... please!"

"Hmpf. He didn't dissolve." Alfred was about to poke a lifeless leg with his boot, but Arthur ripped him back before he could do so. "We all swore respect!" he hissed at him. "You too, young man!"

Francis looked at Ludwig and Gilbert, trying not to get himself into this scene too much, but the fact that his eyes burnt told him that he wasn't really good at this...

He'd have to go on living with knowing he had his fingers in killing one of his former best friends... Antonio would hate him for that...

"I guess..." Arthur cleared his throat, trying not to stare at the brothers. "I guess we owe them a bit of privacy... We'll wait outside." And under protest he pulled Alfred out of the room, signing the guards to follow. There was no danger that anyone would escape any time soon. Yao followed them without a word.

Francis raised his hand, but let it sink again. With a low sigh he followed the other three outside.

Ludwig raised his head just a bit. "... why are you still here..." Despite his voice being rough from crying, it couldn't coat the anger completely.

Ivan sighed softly and tilted his head. "I promised to take good care of him. Since he didn't dissolve, I'll take him with me."

Ludwig's grip around his brother's body tightened. "No... no you won't..."

"Yes, I will." The Russian crouched down once more to be on Ludwig's eyelevel. "I'll take him with me and there's nothing you can do. It's your punishment for everything that happened the last years. Take it as my revenge."

Ludwig looked at him with wide eyes. "... it's not his fault..." he whispered. "He tried to stop me from doing this..."

"I know, but he didn't succeed. Otherwise this wouldn't have been necessary." Reaching out he tried to take the lifeless body from Ludwig's arms.

"NO!" He clung to Gilbert, his voice begging now. "Don't...! Don't take him away! He belongs here!"

"Ludwig..." Ivan spoke in his infamous calm but threatening voice that had been trained so many times during the war. It promised punishment and pain if his wishes weren't followed.

But still Ludwig didn't let go. "I won't... let you take your revenge on him..." He'd protect Gilbert. He didn't have much strength or possibilities left, yet he'd fight for him until the very last moment.

Ivan sighed. He was tired from all the war and he just wanted to go home… however not without his newest possession.

With a quick movement he grabbed Ludwig's throat and pressed it shut. Just for a moment, but enough to be remembered. "Give him to me."

There were tears in his eyes as Ludwig raised his hand to Ivan's, slightly shaking his head. "... he's... my brother..."

Another sigh, but the grip wasn't loosened. "I know... and because you're his brother and family is the most important, I'll tell you something now. There are plans, Ludwig, plans you or the others mustn't know about yet. However they exist... and you'll probably see your brother alive again, but not if he stays here. Do you understand me?"

"How... how can I trust you...?" he whispered. "How am I... supposed to know you're not... taking revenge...?"

"You can't. If I'd want to take my revenge I'd have every right to do so, but dissolving such a magnificent country..." Ivan shook his head disappointed. "These fools don't know what they did. But it's done now and you can let your brother rot here or give him a chance."

"..." Slowly Ludwig's grip loosened a bit. "... promise he'll be ok... please, Russia...!"

Holding out his arms Ivan nodded. "I promise."

Trembling slightly, Ludwig leant back and put his brother down. "... vergib mir..." he whispered and leant in to kiss his forehead slightly. "I'll make you proud of me again... I promise..."

Ivan gave him that private moment and waited until Ludwig seemed to be out of words. Just then he picked Prussia's body up with care and got back on his feet.

"Ludwig..." Turning to the broken nation once more he smiled slightly. "You'll see him again, even if it might take years. Until then don't let Alfred make a puppet out of you."

"... I'll try..." he just whispered, not moving at all and staring into nothingness.


geh nicht - don't go

stirb nicht - don't die

ich bin schon lange tot - I'm long dead already

vergib mir - forgive me