Reviews for The Bird and the Bear
uso chapter 1 . 9/2/2018
Soranomori chapter 7 . 6/16/2018
I'm glad to find another story that has RusPru and it is not some abuse/slave relationship. That is trully rare! It is even a bit historical too, which is great as well.
Of course, your story focuses almost solely on the relationship of Ivan/Gilbert and not the events like one other great Hetalia story that I have found on here.
But it doesn't matter, it is really a nice story!
LonelyRabbit chapter 20 . 4/22/2018
One of the best historical stories that have been ever written in the history of this fandom. Not to mention it also revolves around my fav pairing and characters. I hope you will update, no matter how long it takes. I'm sure it will make many people happy, so no pressure. Good things come to those who wait. :)
Yana Miki chapter 5 . 1/4/2018
Sleep well in russian would be - Spi spokoino(спи спокойно).
Dear/love/beloved would be - Lubim'iy(любимый).
From someone who knows russian(I don't mind fixing those inaccuracies but, they are annoying).
By the way I love this story.
MightySnowflake chapter 20 . 1/1/2018
The way Ivan appeared in front of the brothers is just so funny to imagine! XD And Ludwig is just soo sweet! 3 I so hope everything will go great for Gilbert and Ivan but it obviously won't for some time DSo I hope that at least Fritz could be happy!
By all means it was an excellent chapter to start off my new year.
MightySnowflake chapter 19 . 12/2/2017
I am in love with this story! It is amazing! Thank you so much! Can't wait for the next chapter!
JustMe chapter 18 . 8/6/2017
I have never hated Alfred this much before x.x
OMG I hope he gets what's coming to him!
SovietVodka901 chapter 18 . 8/2/2017
Noooooo! How dare Alfred! My poor babies :'(.
Can't wait till next chapter.
TheLonelyInquisitor chapter 17 . 7/14/2017
Gah, the last time I had read this, Gil was still captured...So much has happened~!
It's amazing w
Midday Lady chapter 13 . 1/15/2017
Just wanted to say that this is my fav fick ever, I have read it multiple times and it just gets better and better. Can’t wait for the next part! 3
Grune chapter 12 . 10/25/2016
Well, since AO3 ate my review and I'm all set on letting you know how good it was, I'll post it here.

So, the story is good, I think it's probably one of the best RuPru fics I've seen so far. It caught my attention because in first chapters it was so serious, with some historical background, and I don't see that very often sadly. Gil actually dying and being reborn is a rare concept too, I think I've seen it before only once, in a doujinshi called "Requiem". And also I liked theme of memory loss, because in this particular case it brings up many difficult questions. Then the story kinda drifted in other direction, and I probably would have loved to see more connection to actual events and how the characters would deal with those, but still it's good as it is. Mainly because the characters are so well written, they feel alive and real, even the Baltic trio isn't some unimportant side characters, they have their own personalities and motivation. (I loved your Toris. He is a sweet cinnamon roll.) And finally some IC Gil too. Also the way you described their relationship is beautiful. It felt so natural. And so very passionate.
I wonder if you're going to continue it. Of course it would be interesting to see what happens next, but on the other hand it already feels complete... So, either way is good. Thank you so much for writing something so beautiful, I honestly enjoyed every second of reading it!
cheshire-chan04 chapter 12 . 8/19/2016
my god, that was beautiful *O*. RUPRUS is my OTP :3
Anonymous Mango chapter 12 . 8/3/2016
I actually found and read the story on AO3 but reviewing here is a lot easier for me. Anyway-

Thank you, thank you, thank you! You have no idea how long I've been wanting to find a well-written Russia and Prussia centric fanfiction without Russia being painted as a psychopatic manchild. Imagine my actual delight when I did! And you've delivered much more than what I was expecting.

The narrative style isn't dragging or too quick for me. You've captured the details of the scene well without going too much into detail that it becomes boring. Perhaps there are some improvements needed here and there, but I see nothing that a little more practice can't improve. The plot was there, however that it isn't complicated. But that's alright, a light one works in this setting.

Your take on the characters were pretty interesting, especially that the Baltics -to me- were a little more fleshed out and weren't just side characters for the sake of side characters. They seemed more... 'human', in that they have conflicting feelings and it shows. I love how there's also that conflicting tension between Toris and Prussia, specifically where Russia's affections are concerned. I'm actually glad that the two worked it out in the end and nothing snowballed into a catfight.

Then there is America. I like how he is portrayed as how a young, brash teenager would act, especially with the mindset that just because he's strong, means that he's virtually untouchable and can't lose to anyone. He's the antagonist you can't help but feel like you want to punch him through his teeth and back. And then Russia's boss. The only thing I can say is that a body bag with him inside and thrown out to sea would be nice. But given how this fanfic is trying to be as historically accurate as possible with artistic license, that's not going to be possible.

And of course, your portrayal of Russia. It's one of the reasons I stayed on and clung to every chapter. There were times that I actually felt I was worried Russia would have snapped and the story would take a turn down the familiar path to a snapped Russia and Prussia getting the brunt end of his anger and sudden need for dominance, but it didn't. And that's it.

I'm not sure if you're planning to continue this story. Something tells me it already feels 'complete' if it were to end here. But that's your decision, and I will support you with whatever it may be.

You've given this fan good feelings and hope that I could find other works like this featuring one of my more favored pairings. So again, thank you very much!
ForgetYouEverSawThisPlease chapter 11 . 6/6/2016
Oh my gosh I'm so happy you updated I've been waiting for this forever haha. Great chapter I'm glad Gil got back ok! And I really REALLY loved the scene where Ivan confessed his love and the "after all these years" that followed. It was beautifully written and executed. I can't wait to see where this story goes!
vaetta chapter 11 . 6/5/2016
holy moly this chapter was so cute!no legit that was super adorable, i love how their relationship is progressing :)
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