So yep, my first ever Medieval AU and IDK if its gonna work for you gusy but I did try my best in writing this. Personally I like all KnB fanfic with Medeival AU theme, so I tried doing my own. If you like or not like it tell it to me so I may continue or not and put it back in the recycle bin of my laptop. I just wanted to write more after the show ended(depressed about it actually). So yeah, read, and REVEW PLEAAASE or give it a follow or fav, it means a lot for me.


Chapter 1: MISSING

The world was governed by the heavens, and people followed the orderly pattern of life and death ever since. It was a very simple lifestyle then, the world was quiet and peaceful, until men grew to hunger for more. Men learned the art of politics, men started questioning nature itself and challenging it. From hunger, grew greed, and greed gave birth to violence, and violence escalated to war, and from war came chaos, the land once united grew farther apart from each other, brothers waging war against each other, and the world was filled with the clouds of grief. And people built their own kingdoms and chose their people, threw away those insignificant and weak, they classified their citizens as allies or enemies.

From then is where this tale begun, from five tribes from the eastern side of the world a kingdom was born, under a pact of allegiance the five tribes built the indestructible Kingdom of Teiko. At first people saw it as just a vast land filled with elites and rich people, they were quickly targeted by many conquest, but none ever won against the kingdom, they all went back crawling to their motherlands. Teiko was a powerful Kingdom, but it was smart enough that it knew gaining bigger territory meant difficulty in sustaining peace. The young emperor who ruled the kingdom didn't need any more lands than his kingdom already have, he have all that he needs in the five tribes. The tribe of Shuutoku was situated in the north, closest to the Capital, it was a land where the greatest scholars live, home as well as the greatest archers of the land. The land of Yosen in the West of the kingdom is a very fertile land, where almost three-fourths of the crops in the whole world could be found and grows. The tribe of Too was situated in the East where the ports are, they're people were hardworking individuals and provided almost all the labour work force of the kingdom, they were also home of the greatest soldiers and fighters of the land, making it almost impossible to infiltrate the land through the sea. The Rakuzan tribe meanwhile is found in the heart of these three tribes, the capital as well, it was a land filled with people who excelled great at one point, music, arts, literature or whatsoever, they were also home of the merchants and businessmen alike, and the home of the man who rose to rule and unite the five tribes into one. And in a far off coast, the smallest almost unnoticeable tribe was the Kuroko tribe.

For years and years the Kingdom was ruled by the Pheonix Emperor, he was called so due to the family crest used by the Imperial family, he had five children whom unfortunately didn't grew together in the palace, to be trained as future leaders of the tribes in which they were given to, at a young age of fourteen they were sent to the lands that were given to them to govern in the future with the exception of the fifth prince. No had actually seen the fifth prince except of course the people inside the palace, but what happens in the palace, stays in the palace. Some assumed he was very sickly child this rendered him the reason of his stay in the walls of the fort instead of venturing to the small tribe where he should have inherited. The five brothers with the exception of the first and fifth prince rarely saw each other since their age of fourteen, but inside a palace a lot of things could happen.

Betrayal, death, dark plot, and so on, for three years the first and the fifth prince witnessed this, but to the Empress dire request they remained silent. One of the Emperor's consort's child grew up to be a frighteningly evil man who made it a past time to ruin the lives of the crowned princes, of course for the simple reason that he wants the throne. Evil was just one way to describe him, he is manipulative in a way the first prince didn't quite like, and the Empress was too kind to still let such person around the palace. But kindness is a very frightening thing to have in this kind of world, it was what led to her death. It took them by surprise, the morning next their Mother's body was floating in the lake in the palace. It was strange yet no one would speak, and it burned the anger in the two princes. Their father unfortunately didn't took it well, he was devastated by the lost of the only woman he ever loved. For days the Emperor locked himself in his room refusing to speak to anyone, until he too one day fell ill. This time the first prince could not take it, his father's burdens were only worsen by the trouble the consort's son brings, so given the power of a first prince, and the probable next Emperor, he banished the menace off the palace. The first prince knew the truth though, the truth that the reason of their mother's death couldn't simply be accidental, someone killed her and of course who else would have such vigour to kill such a warm and loving woman than the likes of that consort's son? It still puzzles him as to how such child from his Father's blood became such as that?

Soon his father's decline in health only progressed, if not even faster. And for many years of being away from each other, once again they came together in the Crimson Palace, his brothers, the five princes were present the very day the great Emperor fell to his final battle and closed his eyes in eternal slumber.

The very next day, the first prince was crowned as the Emperor, as the first born male child of the late Emperor. Many doubted a skill of a child as young as him, as inexperienced as he is or so they say. But anyone who dare question the Emperor fell to his feet under the intensity of those beautiful mismatched eyes, no one could ever explain the feeling, the utter pressure and fear someone would feel under his eyes, but it wasn't just that. The first Emperor who ever rose to throne without an Empress, was a wise tactician, the kingdom prospered even more with his businessman like mind, and every single one of his people were carried along with the waves of prosperity. It was thought to be the perfect Kingdom. From the second prince's lead, the tribe of Shuutoku produced not just scholars but great physicians, many diseases that were once thought incurable were now curable with just a vial of liquid, the tribe of Yosen, discovered even more faster and efficient way of growing seasonal crops causing the supposedly high price of certain crops due to its low production became affordable for every citizen of their land, Too's ports opened its gates to other kingdoms for exchanging of goods, this gave access to the people of Teiko with almost anything outside the kingdom without actually leaving it.

Teiko Kingdom, the kingdom of Phoenix, where from ash they shall be born and forever they shall live. Teiko is the land where miracles happen, the land where the Miracles lead the way.

And in this kind of world, things such as petty run away prince of a far off nation wasn't really something they should be dealing with, yes? Yes. But that doesn't seem like the case at all.

"I don't see the urgency of this matter, *Shujo." The second prince said, half of those who sat on the table that morning agreed with the second prince Midorima Shinataro. As one is adopted into the tribe that was given to them, they abandon their original home and embrace all that is in the tribe this includes the changing of their last name, however that doesn't mean he isn't the son of the late Emperor, still the blood in his veins decides that. The green haired prince looked at his older brother, who probably looked not any older as the fifth prince. "Are we here to discuss, a runaway prince of some petty kingdom in the west? I don't understand at all."

"I agree." The blue haired prince said yawning, Aomine Daiki, is the fourth prince, reckless, too rough in the edges, more like a wild animal. He is a sure fit for the lifestyle in Too, and the prince didn't mind much, he hated affairs of the state actually he'd rather take things with brawls and muscles rather than the cells in his brain.

Between the second and fourth prince was a tall munching purple haired prince, Murasakibara Atsushi the third prince was rather a spoiled rotten child. It was actually the fault of the Palace in Yosen where he was perpetually given whatever he likes, but behind those bored eyes and slightly overgrown hair was a great warrior. Usually the third prince would rather keep his mouth shut in front of the eldest, he had come to the state of mind that agreeing with the eldest was the easiest, most fastest way of getting out of trouble and getting things done quickly while the opposite would dip him into a heap of utter mess and series of frightening glares—and probably a scissors stuck in his head. He'd rather stay quiet than be dead the very next day.

"Have you lost your touch Shinataro?"

The cold shiver in the spine inducing voice rang in the hall as if all noise gave way to him. Sitting there in among his brothers was the eldest, the current Emperor of the Kingdom of Teiko, with his mismatched golden and crimson eyes staring at the crowd before him. His scarlet hair was said coming from their Father while his mismatched golden eyes were thought to be a gift and sign from the Gods—gold for prosperity, and red for blessings. And as if this was true, his birth indeed was a blessing that brought prosperity to the land. He was the youngest yet to ascend the throne at the age of eighteen, and that along without an Empress or a consort. The first prince, was regarded with his invincible tactical skills in almost all fields, be it on political affairs or affair of the states and his people, or affairs in business. No one could outwit the mind of the first prince, currently the Emperor, Akashi Seijuuro.

"This is a matter we have to handle before this could be out of hand." He said. Contrary to what most people would picture an Emperor of an Imperial family, Teiko's Emperor is rarely found wearing elaborate and big clothings. Though his clothes were far from simple, they weren't very grandiose as well, he argued it gets in the way when he needs to emphasize his point. For today he wore black kimono and dark red hakama, above them was a scarlet robe with a half phoenix embroiled using gold threads. It was rare one would see the young Emperor in a very traditional clothings, and that is usually only on celebrations held in the whole kingdom. "As I was saying, Seirin's crowned prince is missing." He continued, "He was supposedly, a runaway until this morning."

Midorima raised a brow, "Until this morning? What changed that?"

"Momoi-san's report came this morning, yesterday night at Iyasu Channel, a fishing boat said they spotted the prince, being hauled into a ship, and to my surprise, the ship was describe as one of our armies."

"What?" Aomine asked in disbelief, "Our? That's absurd."

"Do I have any reasons to doubt Momoi-san's reports?" Akashi asked and Aomine quickly settled in silence. Momoi Satsuki was the daughter of the late priestess of the Imperial Family, unlike her mother she chose another path in serving the Imperial family and this was through information gathering. Rather than a spy, Momoi was more of a collector of certain information that may concern the Kingdom. She had worked for the palace as long as she could start reading and writing, and that was way before Akashi was crowned Emperor, and not even once was she ever wrong. "You three do realize what this may lead, yes?"

"War." Murasakibara quickly replied, "Even if that is true, I don't think we have anything to be worried about Aka-chin."

"Murasakibara, would you at least drop that nickname we are in—"

"No it is alright." Akashi said raising a hand to stop the second prince. Maybe the Crimson Palace was where Murasakibara's spoiled attitude came from, starting from the Akashi who never corrected the tall prince about manners. "The worry lies not in the question are we going to win or not, of course we will win, that is long been decided the moment I stoop in this throne, however," Akashi tried to stop a sigh from coming out of his lips, "in war like this we will be using resources, and I deem that as a waste of energy and resources. I 'd rather avoid using our things and men in useless matters such as this when we could do something about it."

"Alright, I get your point, but I don't understand, why would our army suddenly grab some runaway prince and hold captive?" Aomine asked. "They know its against our laws to board our naval ships with random people, given if they don't know that the guy is a prince."

"We couldn't possibly just say that all our citizens are law-abiding." Midorima said. "However, which of our ship has the prince?"

"We could do a thorough search of every single one of them." Murasakibara albeit stupidly suggested.

Aomine didn't even held himself back as he smacked his own face with the palm of his hand, while Midorima just sighed, "Well except for the fact that we have more than five hundred naval ships situated in the ports of Too, there is a chance that the captive had been removed upon docking in the port." Midorima tried to explain, "And we cannot search them one by one for the fact that this will arise suspicion from the public and might cause panic."

"Then, let's have it this way." Akashi said, "Daiki, gather informations from your people about all the naval ships that docked last night or this morning, anything that is suspicious, report it to me directly. Atsushi, ask Tatsuya if he could somehow do something to peace the matter with the neighbouring Kingdom if we didn't get to stop this intel from spreading, also Shintaro, find any useful information we could have for this prince's identification and prevent at all cost the news to spread to the people."

The first source of chaos would be panic, this is one of the least thing Akashi Seijuuro would want for his people, for such petty matter about a kidnapped prince. As the three rose and left the room he watched them all leaving out to go to their assigned tasks. Teiko is the perfect kingdoms in many people whose eyes only stared at the exterior, but deep inside was where the whole thing was barely recognizable as the Kingdom of Miracles. The weight of the thousands of people's lives were forced upon the shoulders of these teenagers, despite all their wits and prodigious skills and talents, they were but still teenagers, kids, children, that the moment of their birth had already been stripped off their childhood. As sons of a great emperor the ministers quickly expected nothing but the best from them, unlike what other people thinks, a palace life was far from comfortable.

Aomine Daiki, the moment they found out about his great swordsmanship skills they begun training him, over and over until not even a single soul could make him tip his sword off his hand. Midorima Shintaro, the moment they found his talent in archery they quickly polished it until his sense of trajectory became as wide as an Owl's field of vision. Murasakibara Atsushi even as a child had strength equal to four children, as he grew up and was trained, his strength became monstrous. And Akashi isn't any different, the moment he showed signs of a tactian, he was trained to quickly understand this concepts and was polished to be the next heir even at a very young age. They didn't have any time to be a child. They were too busy trying to blend into the world of adults. And from these poor souls came the foundation of this Kingdom of Miracles.


Akashi smiled as he heard a faint noise, to some people the slight almost unnoticeable ringing would pass by and they wouldn't mind, but to Akaashi this meant his arrival. The only sign one could have to warn them of his appearance, the small chiming of the tiny bells.

"Tetsuya." He greeted his new companion. Looking up he found the frail figure standing there with a barely readable look. He was wearing his usual light blue kimono with a white obi accented with a gold cord and his brother's most beloved small bells, the kimono's hems were endowed with silver cranes. His ivory white complexion almost blended in the background with white walls of the hall almost ate his whole presence, while his powder blue hair provided the contrast. His big blue eyes stared at Akashi without blinking, before a frown appeared in his lips.

"Good morning." He greeted sounding rather unhappy. Akashi's smile turned to a choked laugh when he realized the reason for his brother's unhappiness. "Would you do me a favour and remind Momoi-san that I am a male, and I do not dress in such way?"

"Why, it suites you." The Emperor said teasing the younger making the other's frown grow deeper. "I would say she did quite a good job."

The younger prince sighed, "Brother, if I didn't know any better I'd think you asked her to do this."

"I might have." Akashi said with a sly smile, "However, I'd rather not see you dress in that when we have a guest tonight, not that I see you might embrass me, rather…he might fall for—"

"Brother." Kuroko's voice cut him through his taunting. "Please."

Akashi smiled. The fifth prince was the most mysterious of all, especially in the eyes of the citizens of Teiko, he was born almost a month after the celebration of the first prince's seventh birthday, the snow was still thick then. The very first time he was seen in public was the celebration of his birth, and since he never attended or showed his face outside again. To the people many were speculating that the fifth prince was actually a princess and this was the reason the late Emperor refused to show the child out in the open too much and if he does he was behind a curtain, some thought the fifth prince might be very sickly, others even came to the point of thinking maybe there really isn't a fifth prince. But Akashi knew better. The reason was his looks.

When he was born their father loved him most, true that as an infant the fifth prince was quite sickly, but he outgrow that. But still his skinny and small frame didn't change, and he look just like the late Empress. The fifth prince was the gem of the palace, everyone adored the quiet prince. Their father loved how he reminded him most of the late Empress, his looks and his ways as well.

But the fifth prince was far from frail, he is actually the backbone of the whole kingdom. He held one of the most important task in the kingdom, and that was retaining peace.

"I've heard." Kuroko said finally, "What is your plan?"

"I'd rather be a diplomat for now, I do not see any reasons to go to war."

"Is this Mother talking you out or just yourself?"

"Just myself." Akashi said. His brother hummed in agreement, "I would want to gather information first, then I'd send you to fix it, are you alright with these arrangements?"

"You don't need to ask Brother," he said, "Order and it shall be done."




A week, it has been a week and the Iron Palace is still in utter mess, with no King in the throne and a missing crowned prince in stall, there was no saying what will happen to this tiny Kingdom barely a decade old. A tall crimson haired young man paced back and forth to the throne room messing his hair with his big hands as he tried to think of all possible way his brother could be. The palace almost looked strange to his eyes now, its been eight years since he had last seen the walls of this concrete fortress. He actually wanna keep that way but things happen, which is actually his Father stepping down the throne and giving it to his younger brother like it was some candy that he didn't like the taste of—his father is weird, alright. He growled in frustration, what if he's brother is some far off land without something to eat, what if he's injured? The thoughts we're killing him and it was annoying with his Father standing there in a corner with his sick carefree smile, "Will you stop that!" Kagami Taiga exclaimed. "Wipe off that stupid smile, Furihata's missing act like it!"

"Kagami—I mean, Prince, Kagami-sama," Hyuuga's voice interputted, "Please lower your voice you are not very helpful."

"Yeah, and this guy is?" He said pointing a finger at his father, "Come on, can you even tell me how on earth was he my—our—fathe—mph!"

Kagami's ranting was cut when Hyuuga quickly grabbed his lips in his hand like he used to when the boy was younger with an eyebrow twitching in annoyance, the Minister could barely understood, how on earth their kingdom was endowed with these kind of people as leaders, which part of them is even a leader? They must be cursed, he thought sighing. A King who thinks everything could be resolve with a smile, and his too hot headed of a son, and his other son that was too shaky and nervous about everything. "Thinking about it I could say you're the reason for this, Kagami-sama."

Kagami pulled away from Hyuuga's hand frowning, "Ha? Why is it suddenly my fault now?"

"Because you drilled the whole idea of running off the palace in exchange of a carefree life by running away yourself!" Hyuuga said, he swore to all deities on the chart that this family is giving him a perpetual migraine. Eight years ago, Kiyoshi Teppei's son on his first consort suddenly decided that it was better life outside the palace and runaway. His second son was left, and of course he automatically became the heir when his brother is nowhere to be found. The less tacky, smaller prince.

"Come on you two, you're too tense." The late King said. Hyuuga's jaw dropped to the floor, how on earth did he managed to serve this kind of King again?

"AND YOU'RE TOO RELAXED!" the two exclaimed.

"I mean what could go—"

"Your Majesty!" the door opened and a short brown haired woman walked in holding a paper in hand. The Iron Kingdom was more opened to many changes this included the equality of their citizens when it comes to matters of the state and they allowed female ministers in the palace. This quickly included Aida Riko. "I have received a news!" she said walking towards Hyuuga to pass the paper, Hyuuga read the contents of the paper and slowly his eyes widen. No, this…couldn't be, right?

Kagami didn't like waiting especially when it came to the matters about his younger brother, quickly he snatched the paper off the older man's hand.

A young man matching Prince Furihata Kouki of Seirin, Iron Kingdom was spotted yesterday at Iyasu Channel, possibly being held captive of a neighbouring kingdom's army. Witnesses drew the flag of the kingdom to be identified.

Underneath was a sketch of a half phoenix in full flight. His eyes widen, a half phoenix…it could only mean…
