Alright, so this is my very first FanFiction! I'm super excited to share this story, I've had this idea for a while but never had the guts to actually post my work anywhere. So, that being said, please bear with me. I'm new at this! Any reviews would be much appreciated, I would be happy to know what I can work on. I hope you all enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own the Teen Titans.

Chapter One

First came the twins. When I looked down at them, I saw happiness and heard her squealing in the back of my mind. So, Gar and I decided to give them names that meant happiness. The first twin born was a girl; we named her Azura. I was surprised to see that she inherited my gray-pale skin and shiny purple hair, yet she had her father's dark green eyes. Her red chakra gleamed in the hospital's bright lights. I didn't have but a few seconds to honor her beauty before my boy, Asher, came into the world kicking and screaming. Asher looked just like his sister, minus the chakra. They were the most beautiful children. Gar was practically bouncing up and down when he saw we had boy-girl twins, and not two girls. He always told me how much he wanted a son and about how two girls was too much work. I have to say, I agree with him.

Azura and Asher were decent kids to say they were Gar's. Growing up, Azura was very independent while Asher clung to her and followed her lead in pretty much anything. When Azura took her first steps towards her father, Asher stood right up and about ran after her as if he was saying, "Hey! I can walk too!" They both had the same first word, much to Gar's disappointment; their first word was screaming "NO" when my poor husband tried spoon feeding the twins tofu. I wish I had a camera when that all went down.

As the twins got older we noticed personality wise, Azura was like me, while Asher seemed to be split down the middle. Half of him was me, while the other half was Gar. Azura was very mature, like myself, and an early riser as well. She enjoyed reading and drinking tea. She was quiet and kept to herself most days while she meditated on the roof. Meanwhile, Asher despised tea and only meditated when his sister asked him to join her. He slept in late like Gar, yet read countless books with Azura. Asher was more open and talkative, yet still calm and composed. Despite these differences, they were still twins after all. They had their similarities, like their huge love for waffles and taste in clothing and music. They have also always been very bright for their age, usually they were at the top of their classes. The two spent so much time together, we knew that if Asher wasn't with us he was with Azura and vice versa.

When it comes to powers, Azura and Asher have mostly mine. The only thing they inherited from Gar was his heightened animal senses, pointed ears, and fangs. Their powers first showed up when they were about five. One day we were just sitting together watching some stupid children's movie, the next minute my twins were levitating above the couch. Ever since then, we took time each day to train the twins so that they could control their powers and know how to use them responsibly.

When Asher and Azura were about nine I gave birth to Gar and I's last child, Esmeralda. If anyone didn't know, Esmeralda means "Emerald". I bet you can guess why we named her that. Esmeralda was born with green skin and dark green hair. She had pointed ears and was a spitting image of my husband, except for her eyes and her chakra. Esmeralda was born with dark violet eyes and a bright red chakra just like me. I could tell from the moment Gar set eyes on her that she was his new favorite. I honestly didn't blame him; after nine years of his kids not having much of a strong connection with him through their powers, like they did with me, he finally had someone he could take under his wing, literally.

In her first years of life, Esmeralda was all Gar. She was loud and playful and laughed at about everything. She refused to eat any meat or stay quiet for more than a few minutes. She talked very early. Her first words, to my embarrassment were "animal killer" as she screamed at Cyborg for eating a hamburger at a cookout. No doubt in my mind that she heard Gar say it about a million times around the house and found it amusing. After all, those two were attached at the hip ever since she came home from the hospital.

When Esmeralda's powers came in Gar was overjoyed. Of course she inherited all of Gar's powers, heightened senses and animal shape shifting. It was actually kind of cute. She would just mimic whatever animal Gar turned into. Imagine seeing two green squirrels running around while you're cooking dinner. That is my life. Days after Esmeralda's fifth birthday, we noticed that she had a pinch of my powers. She had empathy, I could tell by how she knew what was on everyone's mind without even taking to them. Or seeing them. Then I noticed one day that she could make solid constructs with her mind when Asher scared her and without thinking she made a small black force field. It wasn't strong like mine or the twin's of course, but it was noticeable enough for us all to see.

So, this brings us to the present. The twins are now fifteen and Esmeralda is six. They've all made strides when it comes to their powers. Even little Esme who got her powers a year ago has great control over her abilities.

"Hey Rae" I heard my husband's annoyed voice as he entered my library.

"Yeah Gar?" I sighed, too tired to deal with whatever he was too annoyed to deal with.

"Your kids are fighting." He said as he plopped down on one of the seats next to some of my many books.

"Why are they only mine when they're being unpleasant?" I grumbled as I floated in the direction Gar came from.

"Esmeralda, how many times have I told you to stay out of my room? Oh yeah, plenty." I heard my eldest daughter complain.

"But Asher comes in here all the time!" Esmeralda was whining. Again.

"Asher doesn't steal my stuff and bug me to no end."

I heard a new voice enter the conversation.

"You guys are giving me a headache. Honestly, Azura, stop being mean, she's just a kid and she wants to hang out with her big sister. Esmeralda, stop coming in without being asked and you know Azura hates video games so if you want to play just ask me or dad. Okay? Okay, problem solved. I'm going to go back to bed and you two are going to shut up. Goodnight."

"Asher, it's 3:00 in the afternoon." Azura reminded him.

"GOODNIGHT" Asher repeated, a few notches louder. I heard the door connecting his and Azura's rooms slam closed.

I had to giggle at my son's annoyance with his sisters. He hated confrontation almost as much as he hated noise. "Well, guess that's settled" I sighed as I floated back to the library. When I let myself in I was surprised to see Gar, now sprawled out on two seats instead of one. His head was thrown straight back and his mouth was wide open. He had fallen asleep. That fast.

"Like father like son." I sighed as I picked up one of my books and sat down next to Gar.


"Hey, Gar, wake up, it's time to figure out dinner."

"W-what do you mean Rae?"

"I mean we have 3 mouths to feed."

"Eh, they can go a while without food you know." Gar said, only half joking.

I had forgotten that the kids had strong stomachs, similar to the ones of animals. They could survive on only water for quite a while compared to just ordinary children. Of course I only know this because I've seen Gar do it in times of need, like if we ran out of tofu during a hurricane or something. I've never brought it up, but I have wondered some about how much stronger Gar would be if he actually ate meat. Don't get me wrong, Gar has buffed up since our years as teen titans. He's gotten huge actually. He now towers over me, being that I stand at 5'5 and he now stands at 6'2. Even his muscles have begun to rival Nightwing's. I'm happy with Gar's size, I loved him even when he was skinny and short, I just wonder what he would be capable of if his body got what it so desperately needed and was made to digest.

"Hey, Raven, I was just kidding!" Gar's concerned voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, yeah, I know. I was just thinking. Let's just go ask what the little demons want to eat."

"I'd love it if you'd stop calling our kids demons, they aren't even half demon Rae." Gar complained. He hated that I joked about our kids ending the world some day like I did. I guess I'm just more at peace with the past than he is.

"You're right, I'll try to stop. Promise."

"Thanks." Gar then let out a low whistle. Before my normal ears could register the sound, I could see all three of my kids rushing down to us. Well, two were rushing.

Esmeralda was in the form of a small green raven. She usually took that form whenever she wanted to fly somewhere. At first I thought it was because Gar had only taught her so many animals, but one day she told me that ravens were just simply her favorite kind of bird. She quickly popped back into her normal self as she landed right in front of Gar. I couldn't help but notice she was wearing one of the many sun dresses Gar would shower her with during the warmer months. Anything for his little girl. She gave us a cheeky smile as she pulled on her thick high ponytail.

"Are we eating soon? I'm really hungry and I haven't eaten since lunch and I kind of really want pizza." Esmeralda spewed out her words quickly, knowing usually pizza was saved for special occasions.

"Ugh, do we really need to discuss this? I'm fine with anything." I heard my oldest daughter sigh. I assumed she had been doing something important, like meditating or homework, because she usually isn't this annoyed when it comes to discussing dinner, considering she was the pickiest eater in the family. Azura was dressed in an over sized black sweatshirt and light blue skinny jeans. Her purple hair was carelessly thrown into a bun. This was her usual look. Normally she'd be wearing black eyeliner, or her trademark jewelry, consisting of a nose ring, numerous earrings in her ears, including her gauges, and her 3 necklaces she loved so much. One was a choker, the other was a short necklace, and the last was a long necklace. Considering we didn't go out today, Azura was clear of any jewelry.

Asher dragged himself over to us last, looking tired and disheveled as usual. He was wearing grey sweatpants and an old shirt that used to belong to Gar. His purple hair was in all directions. It always amused me how much Asher behaved like a cat, even though he couldn't turn into one. He merely grunted as a form of saying hello, then took his usual laying down position on the couch.

"Alright. What do you guys want for dinner?" Gar asked.


"I don't care."

Asher mumbled something last, but I couldn't make out the words considering he was face down into the couch. Apparently Gar had heard him loud and clear.

"Asher you always want waffles." He sighed.

"OOH OOH! Let's put sauce and cheese... ON WAFFLES! Like pizza bagels! But with waffles!" Esme shouted her idea with so much excitement, like she was some kind of genius. Her arms were flailing for emphasis. Just the thought of mixing pizza and waffles made my stomach turn.

"Esmeralda that's a horrible idea." Azura mumbled from next to her brother. Asher simply nodded his head in agreement. Thankfully I wasn't the only one with some sense in this house. I looked at Gar, but regretted my decision greatly.

My husband, who is more like a five year old, was making puppy eyes at me. Literally. Him and Esme had formed into dogs while I wasn't looking, and I had to admit, they were adorable. I tried putting on my best stern glare. Our staring match only lasted a few seconds before I gave in.

"Okay, you two can have all the pizza waffles you want. Meanwhile the twins and I are going to have a normal meal." They both morphed back and gave each other high-fives while laughing. I knew Gar wasn't all that into the whole pizza waffles thing, but he'd try anything just to make Esmeralda smile. He spoils her too much in my opinion.

"How about spaghetti?" I asked, turning to face the twins.


"Sounds good mom."

I let a small smile grace my lips as I made my way with Gar to the kitchen, my little Esmeralda bounding behind us and leaving the twins to mumble back and forth to each other on the couch in the living room. This was my family. My beautiful, annoying, confusing, amazingly wonderful family.

Well, I hope this chapter wasn't too painful to read. This chapter feels a little short to me, so hopefully the next one will be a little longer. Maybe. I don't know. I also hope to update very soon. Oh and I would love to hear your opinions! Should I continue this story? Please review and let me know! Thanks so much for taking the time to read my first chapter!