Author's note: We have arrived at the last chapter - which is admittedly shorter than the previous ones, but it couldn't be really helped. Also, yes, I still can't write decent ending *sweatdrops*

Once again thank you all for your support! It really makes me happy to see so many people commenting and favouriting!

Thanks to the following reviewers: Padfootette; CieLavi; onetree; superjunior101315; TheBeauty; fahaar; SimbaRella; sakura307; Avid Reader0907; Ern Estine 13624; purpledragon6; Diverging Patronus; MirrorFlower and DarkWind; babyvfan; kirsty21; Hikory; delia cerrano; Drarry-Merome-BBRae; letthefanrageon; Leenaren; Katlovesboyxboy; Anonymous Syd; Yukino76; Saranki Mahira

Warnings: mentions of past miscarriages - I think that's the main warning for this one. Oh and a small time skip

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter - J.K. Rowling owns it.

I hope you'll enjoy this epilogue!

Chapter 7: Epilogue

Harry looked up from watching Scorpius feed when the door of the nursery softly opened. Draco entered the room, still clad in his Auror robes; his eyes displaying his exhaustion and at the same time relief. His eyes lightened up when they caught sight of his husband and son.

"Where is Teddy?" he asked, looking around the room as if he expected the young boy to pop out from his hiding place.

Adjusting Scorpius slightly in his arms, Harry replied, "He's gone back to his room to sleep. I think the baby kept him awake last night." A rueful smile coloured his lips when he recalled the loud screams that Scorpius had produced in the late hours of the night to alert them to the fact that he was hungry and needed his diaper changed.

"I knew we had forgotten something," Draco murmured and shook his head. "I'll put up some Muffle charms around his room. Severus will have my head if Teddy falls asleep during his lessons."

The dark haired wizard winced, recalling the scolding he had got from the severe looking, older man when he had got wind of the fact that Harry had fought the killer on his own at first. Although the scolding had not been as bad as seeing Teddy's anguished face when Harry finally returned home, limping and bloodied. His godson had thought he would never see Harry again and it broke the man's heart to see the young boy so frightened. The past couple of days had been hard on them, because Teddy had nightmares and refused to leave Harry out of his sight, preferring to clutch to his shirt with one hand while he helped take care of his younger brother. It was nothing short of a miracle actually that Teddy had agreed to go back to sleep a few hours ago.

It would definitely be a while yet before Teddy would be comfortable having Harry out of his sight, but the dark haired man couldn't really blame him for his reaction.

Glancing at his blond husband, he recalled the reason why Draco had to leave urgently this morning.

"How did it go?" Harry asked and hushed Scorpius, who had started to protest when the bottle wasn't tilted enough for his liking. "You're a greedy, little thing, aren't you?" the dark haired man whispered, but smiled tenderly at the small, blond haired baby lying against his chest.

Sleepy, emerald green eyes stared back at him, clearly unimpressed, making him hold back a chuckle. Yeah, he was definitely a Malfoy, all right.

"She finally admitted to killing all those men," Draco informed him; his eyes fixated at their son. He leant against the wall and sighed. "It took the Aurors interrogating her quite some time, though."

"What was her reason?" Harry frowned and pulled the bottle away once he noticed that it was empty. Placing the bottle on the table, he put a kitchen towel on his shoulder and patted Scorpius' back softly, until he heard him burp and felt the kitchen towel being soaked. "Good boy," he praised Scorpius and pressed a kiss on his soft, blond hair, making the baby gurgle in happiness.

The dirty kitchen towel and the empty bottle were swiftly taken away by Mimmy, who smiled at Scorpius gently before popping away again.

"She suffered four miscarriages, during either the sixth or the seventh month," Draco answered; the corners of his mouth pulled down in a grimace. "After those four failed pregnancies, the Healer told her she would never be able to carry a baby to term. Apparently she had been bit by a stray curse during the war and that damaged her body too much for her to handle a pregnancy to term. She got mad with grief and according to her, she thought that if she wasn't allowed to have children, then none of the men should have them either, because it wouldn't be fair if a man was able to carry a child to term and a woman wasn't."

"So she had gone mad with grief and jealousy," Harry murmured and shook his head. One small part in him felt sorry for O Conn. It must have been hard to constantly try to get pregnant and every time lose her baby, no matter what she did. But her grief didn't excuse her from what she had done. She had ripped families apart by taking their loved ones away from them, had pregnant men punished for being able to do what she couldn't. No matter how strong her grief was, nothing excused her murdering innocent people.

"She's been taken to Azkaban while she awaits her trial," Draco informed him and removed his Auror robes.

"Are they going to go for the insanity angle?" Harry questioned and softly rocked Scorpius back and forth to get him to sleep.

"Her lawyer will most likely try to play that angle, but I doubt he'll succeed," Draco snorted. "Her killings combined with her use of Dark Arts to keep her magic from destroying her will be enough to send her to prison for the rest of her life." His eyes darkened slightly. "If you ask me, lifelong imprisonment is still too good for her."

"Are you going to be put on trial?" Harry asked apprehensively and bit his lip. He had been mostly out of it when Luna had started working on getting their baby out of his stomach before he died, but he could vaguely remember hearing Draco using very Dark curses during his fight with O Conn. There was no way to hide his use of them, considering how O Conn's body looked like after the fight.

Draco breathed out slowly, raked a hand through his hair and shook his head. "No, Shacklebolt has decided to put a little twist on the story. I only started using Dark curses to defend myself after she had started attacking me. I won't be questioned. According to him, the Wizengamot is just far too happy that the killer is caught to care about how she looked like."

"Well, I'm glad to hear you're not going to face any repercussions," Harry sighed relieved. He didn't think he could handle it if Draco had to go to prison for attacking O Conn. Yes, he hadn't exactly done it in defence, but Harry could hardly blame him for acting like he had done. A dark part inside of him admitted that he would have done the same if the roles had been reversed.

Casting a look down, he smiled when he saw that Scorpius had fallen asleep and he slowly stood up, careful not to make any sudden moves while he made his way to the bed. He lowered their son on the mattress and covered him with the blanket. Caressing his soft hair, he pressed a light kiss on his forehead.

"Sweet dreams, darling," he whispered and straightened up with a smile. He thanked Merlin every day that his son had survived the awful attack. He was aware of the fact that it had been a very close call. Shuddering at the memory, he turned around, blinking when he saw the odd look in Draco's eyes.

"What's wrong?" he asked confused and walked over to the blond.

"You're not afraid of me?" Grey eyes deepened; his jaw was clenched.

"What? No, of course not." Harry shook his head, feeling quite bewildered. "Why would I be afraid of you?"

"Because I used very Dark curses? Because I could have killed O Conn? Because I wanted to kill her?" Draco spoke harshly, but softly, aware of the sleeping baby not even seven feet away from them. "The only reason I stopped is because I heard Scorpius cry. But even then I wanted to make her suffer. If Scorpius hadn't made a sound, I would have killed her, no matter what the consequences would have been."

"Draco, I'm not scared of you," Harry spoke forcefully and placed his hands on Draco's cheeks. "You're not evil. You're not a Dark Wizard. You did what you did, because you wanted to protect me. If I had been in your place, I would have done the exact same thing."

Draco still looked uncertain, as if he expected Harry to jump back in disgust at any second now.

"Do you want to hurt me?" Harry tried a different tactic. "Do you want to attack me with Dark Curses?"

"What? Of course not!" Draco exclaimed in disgust and stared at him horrified. "How could you even think I would ever want to do that?"

"Do you want to attack Hermione? Ron? Our friends? Your mother? Teddy?" Harry continued, ignoring his outrage. He had a point to make.

"Of course not! I would never hurt them!" Draco hissed and his eyes lit up in anger.

"Then you're not an evil person. A Dark Wizard would never have cared about whom he hurt," Harry spoke softly. "He would never have cared whether the one he hurt was his lover or his family or his friends. You're not evil, Draco. Never have been, never will be. You did what you did to protect me. To protect our son." He placed a soft kiss on pale rose lips. "You will never scare me. What I saw that day was a man who was furious about what had been done to me; a man who did his best to protect me. Not a Dark Wizard. Not an evil person."

"You don't know how scared I was when I saw you lying there," Draco murmured; a misty sheen covering his eyes. His arms came around Harry, hugging him tightly. "How afraid I was when I got your message. How panicked when I arrived home and didn't find you. I was scared that I would be too late; that by the time I found you, you would already be dead."

"But you did find me on time, you weren't too late," Harry whispered and kissed him again. "I knew I could trust you to find me on time. You never failed me, Draco. Not once."

"I'm just glad that I still have you," Draco whispered into his ear, dropping a kiss on his ear shell. "I don't know what I would have done if you had died."

Harry didn't say anything and instead chose to hug Draco tighter, resting his head against his shoulder.

They needed to go downstairs soon, to meet with McGonagall who was going to raise wards of her own around their house. One of the ward specialists at the Ministry had admitted yesterday that he had told O Conn how to disable the wards when she had flirted with him at a pub. He hadn't recognised her and in a haze of booze and promises of sex, he had told her everything she needed to know in order to bring down the wards.

Needless to say that particular specialist had lost his job immediately, after compromising it in such a dangerous way.

But before they met up with the Headmistress, Harry was content to bask in Draco's reassuring presence, with the soft breathing of their baby acting as soothing background noise.

It had been one hell of a year, but they had come out on top of it again. They had triumphed and beaten the odds; something not many had been able to do.

And, Harry raised his head to accept the tender kiss Draco bestowed upon him, they would do it again and again. They would always triumph and survive. They were fighters and they would never back down.

Their love for each other was their building stone, that which made them stronger and made them able to beat the odds over and over again.

Yes, this year had been one of close calls, but they had survived. Like they always would.

"I love you," Draco whispered; grey eyes gazing at him lovingly.

Emerald green eyes glittered in the weak December sunlight when Harry replied, "I love you too."

Then together, hand in hand, they made their way downstairs to talk to McGonagall. It was a whole new day again.

AN2: I swear, one of these days I'll write an ending that'll actually make sense. So what do you think of it? Please leave your thoughts behind in a review! If you spot any mistakes, please let me know as well!

The next story I'm planning on posting is almost finished and I'm aiming to post it in a couple of weeks. *crosses fingers* More details about it can be found on my profile :)

I hope to see you all back in my future stories!



P.S. For more information about my upcoming and posted stories, please visit my profile.