Hello! This popped into my head randomly on the way home from ballet today, so I decided to write it up to see what happened. Disclaimer: I did not write the Vampire Academy series or affiliated characters.


Rose's ears prick as she hears a set of keys turning in the lock of the front door. Standing, she charges down the stairs in enough time to catch Dimitri as he walks in the door. "Son of a bitch!" The sound of skin hitting skin can be heard through the house.

Dimitri stares down at his wife of three years bewildered. "What did I do?"

"This!" A grainy black and white picture is thrust out from Rose's body. Dimitri's eyes widen as he recognizes the shape. It isn't until the image tremors slightly does he realize that Rose herself is shaking.

"Roza." He takes in her appearance for the first time since the whole exchange started. She's clothed in a baggy sweater, a pair of Dimitri's boxers, and her hair has been tossed up in a messy bun. "Roza, come here."

She goes willingly into his arms after dropping the picture on the coffee table, her hands clenching his shirt in fists. Dimitri rubs her back gently and sighs. "What?" Rose's voice is blocked slightly by Dimitri's chest.

"This is your fault too, I distinctly remember–"

Rose pulls away slightly. "Dimitri Belikov, if you finish that sentence you will be sleeping on the couch for a week!"

"Oh?" Dimitri just raises a brow.


Dimitri kisses her forehead and reaches behind Rose to grab the picture. It's mostly blurred grey lines, but there's a distinct black oval with a white dot in the center of the image. He hums softly and Rose sits on the table while Dimitri looks over the picture. "When did you get this?"

"Earlier. Remember? You told me to go to the doctor's office."

Dimitri eyes her over the top of the photograph. "You've been vomiting for weeks and Dhampirs don't get sick."

"Yeah…this is going to cause a lot of problems Dimitri."

"I know."

"I know."

"How is it not already?"–Dimitri's eyebrows spear downward suddenly.–"You didn't knock the doctor out did you?"

"NO! I politely informed her that if she told anyone that I'd sic Lissa on her. No big deal."

"Rose." Her name comes out as a groan, causing her attitude to lift slightly. "How long?"

"Six weeks. That's a month and a half."

"I know how long six weeks is, Rose."

"I'm freaking out here, sorry if I state the obvious."

Dimitri softens. "I know, how are you?"

Rose wraps her arms around her middle. "I don't know. Mad at first."

"Clearly." Dimitri murmurs wryly.

"How are you?"

"I like kids."

"That doesn't answer my question."

"It's…sooner than I think either of us would have preferred, but I really do like kids."

"I remember. I suppose I'm going to have to go on leave."



"I'm serious Rose, I know you aren't, or at least weren't, big on being a mother."

"Tell me about it, we've talked though, I'm ok."

"Okay. I love you Roza."

"Love you to Comrade."

A bit more emotional than I usually write, but yeah. In case it wasn't obvious toward the end, Rose is pregnant. Don't know if I should make this a two-shot, PM me if you want me to write another chapter. If it is a two-shot, the second chapter will probably be right after the kid is born with Dimitri and Rose discussing names.