Hey! Disclaimer: I did not write the Vampire Academy series or affiliated characters.


Lissa watches Rose hold Katya with a grin. "She's only getting cuter, you know."

"Believe me, I do know. She's been crawling recently and it's scared the shit out of Dimitri quite a few times."

"Not you?" Lissa teases.


"What's it like?"

Rose doesn't need to ask what her best friend is talking about and takes a few minutes to consider the question. "I was furious at first. I never really wanted to have kids, even after we found out that it was possible, and to get pregnant while I was-am-at the top of my game pissed me off. Then I was scared for what would happen over the course of the pregnancy and the actual process of giving birth. I'm still scared, but for different reasons. More than anything though, it's amazing. I created this little girl with Dimitri and she's so perfect and beautiful and I swear, Liss, I love her more than anything...why? Are you thinking about having a baby?"

"No...maybe. I don't know. Chris and I already decided we don't want kids yet, but seeing you and Dimitri with Katya almost makes me want to reconsider."

"Ah. Well, you can babysit for three days and then tell me how you feel."

Lissa laughs. "Like you would ever let her out of your sight for three whole days."

Rose shrugs with a grin. "Maybe not."